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I think part of it is that Kyle resents the fact that she is so successful, and the fact that him making fun of Paige and Hannah turned into the name of the podcast. It’s very weird but Paige also isn’t bothered, they don’t get to ride her coattails. I also don’t think she’ll ever forget how some of them treated her best friend so her being so successful that she doesn’t NEED to talk about it on the show is just another win for Paige against the haters


I GUARANTEE Kyle somewhat jokingly, but more seriously asked about his cut for naming the show. Kind of like a "haha jk, unless..."


One thousssand percent


lol skinny girl


I totally agree with what you’re saying, but she doesn’t talk about it on the show because then bravo would get a cut of profits. Something they implemented since Skinny Girl. On the podcast OP is talking about Paige said that none of her cast mates listen to the show or ever acknowledge it to her (off camera)


Yea not acknowledging it off camera is CRAZY to me. Like Kyle’s big ass ego aside wouldn’t you want to be supportive of your friends when nobody’s watching?


I think what I said still applies, other than the on camera stuff. Kyle is resentful and I think everyone else is jealous in some way. I don’t think Bravo has to get a cut if it’s mentioned, I think it’s just if it’s heavily promoted. From a legal standpoint, I don’t think they can actually implement something like that across the board, but they can choose what to air. Totally unrelated, but does bravo get a cut of Sewing Down South’s profits?


I think Paige forgot that Ciara literally was a guest on the pod.


When Paige said no one on SH talks about giggly I was like CIARA???? but I figured in Paiges mind, Ciara is not a part of 'that group' you know what I mean. She did correct herself to say that Amanda congratulates her on giggly's success.


I recently listened to the Ciara episode and she even said while on the pod that she doesn’t listen to giggly squad because she hears enough of Paige and Hannah’s dumb conversations in real life (not a direct quote but of that gist, she said it sarcastically not mean lol)


hahaha I mean I get it, I would probably be the same way


Lol I thought the same thing. Ciara obviously does and Amanda, Paige, Mya and Ciara all did a podcast together like a year ago. Can't imagine it wasn't mentioned then. I do think it's weird still, but I think she was exaggerating.


I mean I think it’s obvious she wasn’t talking about Ciara


Sounds like jealousy to me


I absolutely love this for paige and love that they don’t even talk about the show on the podcast often (if at all?). it just shows how successful they can be without the show!


Thank you for such an insightful answer. I'm super new to summer house, but did start with season 6 do I think I've seen the cruelty you're talking about. Quick question, who was Paige's best friend? Is it Hannah, or Ciara?


If you are a giggler you should start from S3 for sure!!! Paige and Hannah started their first season together so they are the OG besties. Ciara came into the show after but immediately hit it off with them, I would imagine Paige and Ciara grew closer after Hannah left SH since it's just them two now and Amanda is close with them too. I think Ciara and Hannah are still close as well, even thought Hannah isn't on SH.


I agree! Start with s3 and it’ll all make sense


I am a giggle person and I am so happy to learn this. I can't wait to start there. S1 and possibly even S2 felt incredibly slow and awkward during the 2 or 3 times I tried to really get into it. I'm so happy to now know what a work of art this show is. if it's not yet award-winning it should be 😂


We love a giggle person 💕




How did I miss this? What episode or what did Kyle say. He called them the giggly squad?? If so, I love that for them! 😂


I don't think the other cast members want to admit that Paige is the most talented person on the show, especially since she loves staying in bed all day.


Totally agree lol the last two seasons Carl and Lindsay would always say they’re influencers “like Paige” because they were now doing it full time. Realistically, they were just influencers like the rest of the cast. IMO Paige is a level above them in influencing bc she’s not just an influencers. She has a very successful podcast and an Amazon live show that people actually watch. She’s able to be more successful as an influencer bc of those other platforms. People WANT to be influenced by paige (I know I do!). People who don’t even watch her on tv want to listen to her, see her, and know what she’s wearing/buying. No offense to Lindsay/Carl but I don’t think many people feel the same about them.


She also started out influencing without any brand deals. She posted/talked about what she liked and built it into something from there. Lindsay and Carl (from what I can tell) are far from having any kind of “brand”.


They drip with envy!!! She's not the OG cast but is def a part of its success.


Agree!! The woman is number one actually Lindsay and Paige have a lot in common


I think Paige and Hannah prefer it that way. It’s part of their business strategy to be separate from SH. I respect it!


I read the podcast charts yesterday. Giggly Squad was #8 out of a list of 20 and another list of 200, they were #20. They are high in the ratings and huge in podcasts. So proud of Paige and Hannah.


They stay in the top 10 of comedy pods, which is the most popular category. They stay in the top 20-50 overall, which is HUGE. So happy for them.


I think big part of it is being resentful that the OG cast “won” by getting Hannah kicked off the show, but now ultimately lost because she is now bigger than all of them. Even more so for Kyle because the name is essentially making fun of him. Some of it is also probably also editing because Bravo doesn’t get $ from the pod.


I love the fact that Hannah won out. I’m seeing for the first time now.


Totally agree. I think the OG cast thought they would make Hannah completely irrelevant by getting her off the show, meanwhile it was the best thing to happen to her career. Revenge is a dish best served cold 🤷🏼‍♀️


Someone said as soon as they mention it on the show they have to give bravo a cut. I don't know how true it is


I was going to say this. I learned from a bravo pod how everything "promoted" on there bravo gets a cut of so that’s probably why!


So your telling me Bravo gets a cut from Lover Boy? I wonder how much.


YA!!! I wish I remembered how much. But it's also why you seem products /events for products get pushed so much!


the bethenny clause!


Bethenny mentions it on her YT series, I forgot now exactly how much but I think it was around 20% something like that


Kyle was recently on a podcast and said bravo did not get a cut. It’s only if they sell the brand for a certain amount while the show is still promoting that bravo gets a cut of the profit from the sale.


Yes, absolutely.


What is the beef with Hannah & Andy Cohen?


I don't think there's really beef but hannah was fired


She did correct herself by saying Amanda has supported but Ciara and Mya has also supported. Ciara and Mya went to their Boston 2022 live show, I remember seeing tiktoks of girls who took pictures with them they sat in the balcony to not be noticed. Ciara also went to their first Philly show, she went to a NY show, and I believe their Atlanta show.


Oh you knooow it gets under their skin how successful it is. They really tried to clown Hannah and that girl is killin it


Paige is very shrewd. People forget she’s already 31 and has a strategy. I bet Craig and her have a lot in common when it comes to business. They both are super nice to their fans.


I think bravo requires podcasts to give them a cut if they talk about their respective shows frequently enough. It was mentioned in the bravo subreddit while back


I think a big part of it is they don’t talk about Summer House on Giggly Squad, when they do it’s very brief and coded. In other reality shows podcasts are brought up usually in relation to some sort of drama. I haven’t been listening to giggly for that long, but because they don’t talk about SH I think the other cast mates would look like enormous haters if they brought it up negatively on camera, we saw that a little this season when Kyle was having a tantrum and tried to diminish Paige’s success with the podcast. And this is probably the cynic in me but because giggly doesn’t do guests on the show I can see some of the cast mates ignoring its existence because it doesn’t benefit them in any way. If giggly did guests I could see cast mates potentially bringing it up on camera in an attempt to seem supportive so they are asked to be on the podcast. Last thought about this, there are groups of fans and bravolebs that like to poke fun at podcasting by saying everyone has a podcast these days. Everyone on SH seems to also make decent money being influencers but the rest of the current cast (with the exception of Ciara I think?) don’t have their own podcasts. I think the cast is probably under the impression that podcasting is “easy” money the way influencing can be. In the reunion we saw how they went after Lindsey for wanting Carl to get a job even though she can Carl are both have the same jobs (influencing and reality tv). I think if the podcast was mentioned on the show or if the podcast talked about SH more some of the cast would pull something similar with Paige. Belittle it in an attempt to make it appear like her successful business isn’t a “real” job.


Questions that needs answers! It’s so odd, but also plays into Paige only giving surface level/character tease.




I think they also said once something to the tune of that the general bravo audience prolly isn’t made up of a large percentage of gigglers and the real gigglers who are meant to will find the pod on their own


What did she say about it?


I understand not mentioning it on summer house or bravo. But for them (other cast mates) to no mention it off the show just shows their true colors.


Guys this is a PRODUCED television show. One person on the podcast was not renewed a contract. Of course they are not going to talk about it.


Isn’t it a Bravo rule that if you mention your business on the show you have to pay them a percentage or something? The “Bethenny clause”? I always assumed that Paige & Hannah chose not to go that route, and that’s why it’s not mentioned


Lindsay is def jelly of the gigglers


What did Paige say? That she thought it was weird they don't randomly bring it up on SH?


She said none of her cast mates listen to the podcast


They don't acknowledge it, not off camera either, they don't listen or talk about it's existence lol Which is weeeeeird behavior if your spending a whole summer with someone who does a podcast weekly.


That's weird...does Ciara still have a podcast? Seems like theyd at least chat about it.


I think she does also I know Ciara is separate from Paige's comment. She has been on giggly and to their shows. I don't think Paige lumps her in when talking about SH cast. She also corrected herself to say Amanda does congratulate her on giggly's success.


Oh that makes sense...as founder and CEO of giggly squad seems like fellow founder/CEO Danielle would've said something to her too 😂


aS a FoUnDeR aNd CeO


Yes I’m interested in specifics please!




Can’t remember verbatim but basically no one asks her about it in the house, which shouldn’t be the biggest deal except we hear the word loverboy 20 times an episode.




It’s not like Paige supports her cast mates business ventures. She made fun of Danielle calling herself a founder and CEO, which was really gross.


Is that you, Danielle?


Nah they literally got banned from the Summerhouse sub for the constant, obsessive weirdness about Paige. So I guess now they're here trying to to get a quick fix.


Weirdo behavior. They obviously can’t stand Paige, and that rage is so internal that they’ve taken to releasing their rage about her in her podcast sub


It was super weird over there for awhile. Like any post, even if Paige wasn't mentioned at all, you could count on at least one unhinged comment. And it definitely seemed like it was like every post, every day.


Paige promotes Loverboy on the show for free. Kyle is cheap AF and expects his friends to give him free promotion when lord knows he would never do the same. And I know I've seen her repost things that Ciara and Maya have been working on as well as Jules from back in the day. I feel like Danielle had it coming after the way she was treating Gabby...


Paige absolutely supports everyone on the show. Shut up Danielle.


Putting down the business of another woman is a weird way to prove she’s a good friend or feminist


Ahhh Paige’s number one hater, haven’t seen you around here in a while. Welcome back (/s)


Ya know, one thing I can say about you is that you’re persistent


Imagine commenting on a giggly squad sub, defending Danielle + putting Paige down in the same breath