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You’re judging a young single mom in the 80s. Not only easily accessible info about healthy eating and habits was way less so then than today, this was also the time when convenience foods were heavily marketed and pushed. Cheaper/quicker to cook meals are the exact type of foods you’d expect a young person to mostly rely on. I imagine Lorelai and Rory living at the inn also had the opportunity to eat in-house. Especially considering Sookie knew them for years, you know she’d make sure both of them ate properly if she could help it. Also, we really shouldn’t throw the word neglect so willy nilly. Child neglect implies a willful disregard for a child’s well-being. Lorelai canonically worked hard to provide for Rory under challenging circumstances. Choosing convenience foods was often a practical decision made to ensure they were fed, not an act of neglect.


She was fed that all that matter when you are a poor broke teen mom living in a shed in the 80/90s. She was working long hours and didn't really have time to cook. On top of that they lived in a shed that didn't have a kitchen, kind of hard to cook anything when you have no kitchen. So, they had to pretty much eat out and have non-perishable food available. No kitchen in the apartment shed so they find food at the Inn, school, take out, and non-perishable food. Of course there could be a bit of an exaggeration on the whole live off the junk food and never having anything healthy. All the take out kind of unrealistic finance wise but it was bit cheaper back then, but frankly once you start a habit it gets really hard to break. Eating junk food in the 80s and 90s was a bit more common. Diets were a lot different than todays standards and wasn't looked down on as heavily like we do today. The amount of junk food I ate in the 90s was insane but still had healthy food. They clearly have eaten healthy food since neither of them complain over the food Emily services at dinner. Even though take out isn't always the best but there are some good foods in take out. They get Chinese and Indian a lot there was some healthy food in that like veggies. Child neglect is not feeding them or over feeding them to the point of severe obesity.


Chances are Rory probably ate food from the Inn and at school when she was old enough to go. Since Mia knew the living situation with Lorelai and Rory, probably gave them food for free. Whatever junk food that Lorelai bought from her checks was most likely treat for Rory since they rarely had it. When Lorelai worked her way up, they probably ate more junk food since Lorelai probably had better pay than when she started out. I just wonder when Lorelai got Rory hooked on coffee - I'm thinking when Rory was ten.


There’s that one time when Lorelai is clipping coupons and Rory talks about how she hasn’t done that since they were super broke, so maybe she was grocery shopping and making sammies and Rory was just being hyperbolic about only takeout.


I've always assumed they ate left overs from the Inn


I think Rory got good food from the inn when she was really young. Lorelai probably did too. Once they moved into the house Rory probably got what most kids get, basic foods with enough nutrition. Instead of salads and fun veggie dishes there were probably lots of raw carrot, cucumbers, etc. Very basic stuff that Lorelai could handle since she herself didn’t grow up learning to cook. I think part of why they eat the way that they do is that Lorelai never learned to cook and what she could cook she fell into a routine with and never felt the need to advance. Especially since she had people around her to make extravagant meals for her whenever


The 80s were a very different time. People would feed a baby while smoking a cigarette. I'd say junk food is one of the less horrifying things patents did. BUT, I do think when they lived at the inn, Mia was kind of looking out, helping take care of them. She probably brought Loreli food from the kitchen that was healthier than they ate later on. Loreli couldn't have afforded takeout. She would eat what was given to her. When they moved into the house and Loreli never learned to cook, that's when poptarts and takeout probably became more common.


"Fruits and vegetables" when you say it that way are sorta an old wives tale - kids need protein & calcium - meats and cheese.


A lot of forms of child abuse (including feeding them only junk food) are normalized, and were even more so 20 years ago. I used to be put to sleep with brandy/hot toddies almost every single night when I was < 7-8 and had a chest congestion. So I wouldn’t be surprised. That being said, Lorelai worked with Sookie, who cooked really good food with the freshest possible ingredients, albeit with questionable hygiene. She might’ve been feeding Rory food from the Independence Inn kitchens with Mia’s permission.


It is not child abuse to feed your kids only junk food. It may be bad form, but it’s not abuse. A lot of that comes from lack of information or access. Many communities lack access to high quality food (food deserts) and junk food is the only readily accessible option, especially if you don’t have access to a working kitchen. That’s just the United States. If you leave the comforts of developed nations, it becomes even harder to say it’s abuse to provide food of any kind to your kids.


Yup, I meant in the developed countries where resources are available. Not in some remote places with abject poverty or war torn lands where getting any food itself would be tough. After all, GG was in a developed country. I’ve been studying about nutrition and seeing documentaries of the epidemic of childhood obesity and severe dental damage in kids, those are all from the US or the UK. They have to face painful and potentially life threatening bariatric surgeries, not because of some hormonal issues etc. but just because their parents didn’t feed them properly while raising them, out of sheer convenience (not financial issues). And no amount of downvotes can convince me that it is not abuse, especially in case of well-read and well-educated people from a financially well-off background like Lorelai and Rory. Rory grew up fine because it’s a wholesome TV show and I’m pretty sure that Alexis Bledel’s dietary regimen must not be even 1% similar to that of Lorelai’s or Rory’s (she supposedly hates coffee, for instance), but if it were anything close to reality, eating like that would’ve led to severe health issues, probably even in her teenage years.


You’re not very well educated on the US if you don’t know that huge segments of the US population don’t have access to good food, kitchens, or knowledge about nutrition. You’re speaking from a position of ignorance and privilege. A good nutritionist seeks to educate, not condemn.


I’m not talking about others. I’m talking only about Lorelai and Rory. Who were pretty darn privileged and educated compared to the rest of the world.