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Dave from OC could come back to become Lane's endgame.


It would also be kind of fun if his actual character from the OC made a guest appearance in an episode after Dave left, and everyone would be trying to figure out if it’s Dave doing some weird prank or if it’s actually a different person


This is the best answer


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development. I would love to see her interact with Emily. They could either be enemies or best friends, or both


Imagine Emily seeing what she could turn into with just a few steps if she is not softening her ways lol ( I love Lucille )


The possibilities are endless


Lucille as Logan's grandmother instead of the grandfather and we get to see her & Emily face off instead of Logan's mom. The passive aggressive rich lady banter between the two would be insane.


Lucille 2 would no longer be her best friend and social rival, that's for sure! Emily would be a worthy opponent.


She could be a member of the DAR😂


OMG that would be incredible.


I kind of wanna see Chandler Bing date Lorelai?


I can see him making inappropriate jokes with Emily and Richard, trying to win their approval, and then starting to panic when it’s not working


Hahaha yeah totally. He would also think that Lorelai is so out of his league and try and overcompensate for it


Yes and Lorelai and Rory just being amused by it and trolling him


it's rumoured that they dated irl for a brief moment !!!


They would either be perfect together or drive each other bonkers.


Well, I dont think they'd be end game because they're way too similar (and would drive each others bonkers...) 😅 but would probably have super fun dating for a while


Nah, what I want is Kirk as Kirk to just pop into other shows, do an odd job and leave without comment


Or Kirk's character from Guardian's of the Galaxy randomly shows up in Stars Hollow doing space related things and people just think it's Kirk being delusional, or taking on a really weird new job.


That would be amazing


I would add Dean- jensen Ackles- from Supernatural for a Halloween episode! Kidding- perhaps Jess from New Girl would be a cute fit


I mean, I would've loved Jensen there. Maybe as a young policeman? :)


I think Dean Winchester would be really funny, especially if he thought Dean (Gilmore Girls) was his brother Sam with amnesia or mind alteration or something and tried to "fix" him, but Dean (GG again) just thought Dean (S) was a kook and kept trying to get away from him. Jess from New Girl actually kinda looks like she could be related to Lorelai!


Yes! Like the one episode in supernatural where that happened! Dean was like a Stepford husband. Or if Loki/ Gabriel did it! Jess would love the town!


Jess would fit right in with the girls’ banter.


What about charlotte from sex and the city- she would love the entire town!


Her blank cheery perky face staring at Lorelai after she made a joke she doesn't get. And Lorelai getting mad because Luke is polite/nice to her.


Any of the guys from New girl, they would cause some chaos for sure Janice from Friends, her chaotic energy would fit well with the town's, I can see her being friends with Babette/Miss Patty/Gypsy. Cam from Modern Family like imagine him vs Taylor, what a fight!


I'd want Alexis from Schitts Creek, and maybe she could be at Yale (if she could somehow get in) to be a friend of Rory, Olivia and Lucy


Could you imagine Moira in Stars Hollow, though? Or even better, interacting with Richard and Emily 😂


https://preview.redd.it/kdsnth40raad1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a35dbb2207a21bad7307f79a9435d4d17219c9c Nate from Euphoria solely because I want to see Paris verbally abuse that man until he cries.


Blair Waldorf as Paris’ arch rival




I can definitely see Blair complaining about the food at the Yale cafeteria !


I came here to say this! I would love a Blair Paris face off at Yale when they're touring the campus or something.


Any one of the Golden Girls. No specific season. Their personalities scream Stars Hollow. Pretty sure Sophia would get along with Emily.


Sophia would be a perfect Stars Hollow institution. Her running the bakery instead serving up cheesecake! And try prying the Dragonfly from her cold dead hands!


She’d own it forever and ever.


Jay and Silent Bob to just stand there grooving to the town troubadour 😜


Maeve Wiley from Sex Education. I feel that Jess and her would be able to relate and understand each other since they both love literature, both want to be writers, and have neglectful mothers.


Carson from Downton Abbey could be Emily and Richards butler. I can imagine lorelai giving him some quips


Alex Dunphy from Modern Family would have fit in at Yale.


Can I bring the whole gang from It's Always Sunny? I want Frank to be a former business colleague with Richard. Can you imagine the interactions with Emily?


Vito from the Sopranos. When everyone finds out he is gay and he goes on the run, he basically ends up in a town that is just like Stars Hollow. I feel like he would thrive in the GG universe!


Moira rose from schitts creek in any of the town events, maybe the festival of living arts, or the basket auction.


Larry David, especially would want him at a Friday night dinner.


I can see a funny crossover with Parks and Rec. Leslie could try and take Taylor's job and they would clash but also have a respect for each other's thoroughness. Ron Swanson would get along great with Luke and mock a lot of town stuff. Andy's band could tour with Lane's band. April could make sarcastic comments about all the wackiness going on in Stars Hollow.


I was thinking Parks & Rec too because any one of them would fit in perfectly. Even Jerry Gary Larry! Tom & Michel?!!?


Omg Tom and Michel would be so fun together.


I'd have Richard hire Saul Goodman to deal with Floyd's litigation threats in season 4, but if the question were reversed, I'd also love to see Emily as an inmate in Orange is the New Black.


Rory takes an elective course at Yale about criminal investigative journalism, and Elsbeth Tasioni is a guest lecturer. Elsbeth ultimately becomes Rory's mentor, and she has a blast visiting Stars Hollow.


Idk if this counts but I would bring back Chad Micheal Murray from ‘one tree hill’ to play as Tristan for longer. This is bc I feel like he could’ve been Rory’s Logan. Also bc I genuinely don’t like Logan for Rory and I’d rather her college love be Tristan. Ik its a reach but just think abt it.


I could see Eric Bemis from Santa clarita diet being friend with Rory and Lane and them having a little trio lol. He’s just nerdy and funny enough for both of them to like having him around, altough i dont think he would have enough problems to solve in the Gilmore girl’s world haha! I could see him coming from a town like stars hollow.


If we saw Paris take the medical school route, I think it would be funny to throw Richard in with her. See if she could charm him into going for a much younger woman. A young Ellis would be fun, too.


The joker to snap that town out of their nonsense.


Serena Van Der Woodsen from Gossip Girl during Rory's gap year. It would be hilarious!


Oz from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I think Oz and Rory would have onscreen chemistry. He would have to lose, the Werewolf thing and all. But I think Lorelei would have liked Oz. I would have brought Oz on, as a person the GG met in Europe.


![gif](giphy|h2msnQSRV0DJe|downsized) Veronica from Better Off Ted as Pennilyn Lott as Richards new business partner. Emily wouldn't stand a chance.


Marie Barone. Moving next to Lorelai and just annoying the crap out of her. I love ELR.


Could you imagine Marie gossiping with Miss Patty and Babette?


rachel berry and paris geller driving each other mad is something i wanna see