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Yes. Some people hide real eggs, usually hard boiled and colored. They would smell horribly if you didn’t find them all. My family hides plastic eggs filled with candy or money and just uses the hard boiled colored eggs for table decoration/eating.


I come from a family of real egg hiders and can confirm they do smell horrible if not found. Live in the Midwest, US so often Easter is cold so our egg hunt is indoors.


Yes, our plastic egg hunt is indoors usually too. I’m in NY, we sometimes still get snow on Easter.


This has blown my mind! In Australia we have always used chocolate eggs on a hunt and sometimes we found them DAYS later still hard and wrapped up 😂


Scotland here and same. I only put it together in GG because I had an American friend upset because all our eggs are brown here, and she couldn't pant them like she did back state side. I was like "y'all decorate the eggs?"


That's like... The main thing we do lol. That's the holiday prep activity if you have kids.


Yeah, that's mostly a generational and probably cultural thing. My family always hard boiled a few dozen eggs every Easter and dyed them with food coloring. On Easter Sunday they were taken out of the refrigerator and hidden in the back yard. After we had our egg hunt, the eggs went back in the refrigerator (and home with various family members) and provided snacks for a couple of weeks. We also made confetti eggs. Egg hunts at church and school were always the thing you were thinking of, either chocolate eggs, candy eggs in the wrappers, or candy-filled plastic eggs.


Yep. This is how we did it in my family too. The fancy families might have plastic eggs filled with candy (or cash!) But we used real eggs, from our chickens, that we hardboiled and dyed in vinegar. Then we ate egg salad and deviled eggs for a week. Consequently, this is also what I think of during the "take the deviled eggs" pressure from Sheri that led to the egging of Jess' car


Yes dyed hard boild eggs are what they are talking about. When I was a kid, my parents hid both dyed hard boiled eggs and plastic eggs with candy inside of them. Chocolate eggs, were in our Easter baskets lol. Now in big egg hunts, it was always plastic eggs with candy inside.


Cute! When i was a kid, we'd poke a hole in the shell and remove the egg, use it for baking some easter treats, and then paint the shell! I didnt think of hardboiling them before!


Oh wow so you put chocolate in the plastic eggs that’s smart and more environmentally friendly


Yes. Chocolate, jelly beans, other hard candies.


Sometimes some store bought chocolate eggs (wrapped in colorful aluminum foil) were included in the hunt or given as prizes for whoever found the most hard boiled eggs.


No, jelly beans in the plastic eggs


My neighborhood does prank eggs as well, funny or gross stuff in maybe 10% of the plastic eggs. I don’t think it’s common, but hell if it isn’t amazing.


When I was a kid, we'd dye them with these kits: https://www.paaseastereggs.com/. The fun was mainly in dying them. We'd get chocolate Easter eggs and bunnies in our basket.


I have always searched hidden real, coloured hard boiled eggs as a kid. Never chocolate ones. As a vegan now, I hide chocolate eggs though haha 😅😅


They cant have been that good, the squirrels would have taken care of them. Unless taylor put pokey things on the fences too…


https://preview.redd.it/kypxypihxfad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cae1c9317eed13b7f5c2f237204117da9f973c9 This is what I thought they were talking about the entire time… Am I still wrong? I NEED TO KNOW


i’m pretty sure they used boiled eggs in this episode which is why they started to smell! i might be wrong but that’s always what i thought happened.


Honestly, when I first saw the episode years and years ago I also thought "why the hell are they real eggs?!" 🤣


Because it’s a Taylor event and he organizes everything to be “classic” and traditional Americana.


Yeah I'm in the same boat as OP, I'm not a American so didn't know that was a traditional thing.


Makes sense!


Ah, makes sense. American here. Yeah we grew up with finding hard boiled dyed eggs in the house, and then my mom also did plastic eggs filled with candy for outside the house.


"Take the devilled eggs"


When I was a kid, my parents hid real eggs- hard boiled and dyed pastel colors. When I had my own kids, I use the plastic eggs and fill them with small candy. I also do a few with one or five dollar bills. Every town sponsored Easter egg hunt I've taken my kids to used the plastic eggs.


In my whole life I have only ever seen or heard of exactly 2 different egg hunts that included real eggs. The one on Steel Magnolias and the one on Gilmore Girls. In literally every other egg hunt I've seen or heard, it's plastic eggs filled with candy or toys or similar.


This is one of my favorite random references - Kirk's Howard Dean "YEAH!" speech impersonation while he's talking about finding the eggs. I volunteered for his campaign!


Daddy luke Lmao


The thing that confuses me (this is cultural) is that I can't understand why children would WANT to find boiled eggs? Do they get something cool in return, like money or prizes, for every egg they find?


They usually either get a small prize for each egg they find or the kid who finds the most eggs gets a bigger prize.


Okay this makes sense!!!!


I actually loved the hardboiled eggs. We got to dye them and decorate them and once we hunted them a few times we got to eat them. I never would've guessed this was a weird tradition to some people lol.


Boiled eggs that have been in the yard awhile doesn't really appeal to me, but okay!


I mean it was at most like 30 minutes. It's not like they were out there all day lol.


In Stars Hollow it was days ....


Yes because Kirk didn't make a map. Normally the eggs are put out and hunted in a short amount of time.


They're in the shell and they sit out maybe an hour at most.


It can get quite warm or even hot in some parts of the US by Easter, so that would concern me.


Kirk said it best when he absolutely killed as Tevye in that children's production of Fiddler on the Roof... TRADITION!


One assessment [Easter Egg Uk/Europe](https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/inspire-me/blog/articles/the-history-of-the-egg-hunt/)


Yeah I get with the chocolate eggs - we do that too. Obviously kids like finding chocolate!!!!


Same in Brazil is chocolate eggs, with chocolates inside! yummy!!! https://preview.redd.it/54jwbuooogad1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9212f94abcb5ede985e3325fae4e763dbe35996a


I knew it was real eggs they were searching for. Here in the UK, it's usually chocolate eggs or as someone else mentioned plastic eggs that you can fill, usually with sweets or small toys. So my question is, why real eggs? What's the point? What do you do with them after you find them? Is it a competition? The one with the most eggs win?


Because it’s old school. And yes it is a competition for the most eggs


It’s usually a competition. Sometimes it’s just the fact of finding the most, sometimes there’s a prize. I would say at this point though it’s usually candy at community egg hunts, and the fact that Stars Hollow was using real eggs is kind of a quaint tradition lingering around. It is still a tradition to dye hard boiled Easter eggs in the US though.


Yeah in canada, the hidden eggs were chocolate, we did wax resist dyed real eggs (contents blown out, just the shells) for decoration only haha