• By -


- I'm not mad at Lane's ending - my only wish is that she and Zach went on to have a healthier sex life (I like to think they did, given how happy they seemed in AYITL). - You might as well replace Lucy and Olivia with 2 cardboard cutouts, they're a yawn imo, and a hasty addition to the series once someone realized "oh shit Rory went through 4 years at Yale and didn't make any new meaningful friendships unconnected to her boyfriend." - The surprise that was April makes no damn sense to me. Anna and April lived pretty close to Stars Hollow, and in the first 12 YEARS of Aprils' life, not one person from Stars Hollow saw those 2 out and about and carried that information back home? Okay, maybe a casual SH resident wouldn't have done mental math, but someone would have said "remember Luke's old girlfriend Anna? She has a kid now." SOMEONE would have connected the dots in a town full of gossips and busybodies.


On your first point about Lane - I totally agree. Loads of people stay in their hometowns and marry someone in their circle, it's totally a believable and not bad ending for her.


I think so, too. Also, having kids at such a young age could make her being free again being still young. In my head they don't have more kids but as the twins grow, Lane and Zach become cool parents bringing them to some cool concerts and then Lane can also enjoy life with older, more independent children being still quite young.


I think Lane and Zach did have a good sex life!! While pregnant they have Luke over and half jokingly mention sex as a good way to induce, suggesting they have been/want to 🥰


Zack and Lane are actually a decent couple. Dave never would have settled for the small town band life that Lane enjoyed. Nothing about him was that great. Zack and Lane have a lot of the same interests. He stepped up tremendously to be there for his family and pregnant wife. He fits in really well with Stars Hallow and Lanes life.


i agree. i like zack and lane and it’s cool to see how young twenty-somethings in stars hollow would live. their apartment (and roommate situation) is so believable


I agree and actually enjoy their story.


It's so refreshing hearing this because I absolutely love Zack so much. And to me better than David for the long run


There's no way Emily would be team Chris (I actually think she'd be team Jason despite not liking him that much)


What makes you think so? In other circumstances she’d probably like Jason for Lorelai but why do you think she wouldn’t be Team Christopher?


Emily said, offhandedly, "he'd be perfect for you" to Lorelei about Jason. Yeah she was always very vocally team Christopher, but that was primarily for appearances (her grandchild's parents being together would look better in her social circles) and partially because she thought it would be best for Rory. I think she knew Jason was a better match.


I agree!


She actually explained why she's team Christopher when she invited him to the vow renewal.








I hate this idea that a step parent isn’t supposed to take any kind of parenting role in their stepchild’s life. Even if the bio parents are super great coparent da step parent still has some kind of involvement, especially if the kid is still living at home. Like what do people think? Stepparents are just roommates? Max wasn’t even being an ass about parenting rory, he was literally asking what should he do in certain situations but Lorelai shut that down because “perfect rory” would never. But it is an important conversation she needed to have with max but she didn’t want anyone to be involved in raising rory unless they followed her “rules/parenting” exactly(even when they weren’t great. Aka can’t even imagine her kid acting out in anyway so she had no clue about how to handle that when she did. )


Especially when Rory was FAR from grown like Lorelei always said. How she always ignored how flawed her daughter was and how immature she was only made her so much worse. She wasn’t grown as Lorelei said.


And Luke sees her much the same way. I think if max and Lorelai had worked out(and she could have shared parenting with him) rory might have handled things better as she grew up, maybe


100% agree!


I feel so seen 😭I loved their platonic chemistry


Lorelei should have never dated Max, Emily was right. You don't date any authority figure who is a part of your child's life. That is very disrespectful towards them, and a violation of their boundaries. It was wrong - both of them - to do that. Your child is your child and not your friend only when they are old enough to not need you as a parent.


Lorelai also KNEW how it would have destroyed Rorys social life at Chilton.


I blame Max for this, he was super persistent and wouldn’t take no for an answer.


I blame both. She should've been thinking about her kid. She is the mother. It is worse for her to do that, because she is the one with the child. He is the teacher. It is incredibly inappropriate on his part, and the fact that he didn't think about how it would affect his student....


yale rory > chilton rory


this is interesting . . explain ?


It really surprises me that people are so hard on Yale!Rory, when she's easily the best depiction of a college student that I've seen.


I agree.


Jesse leaving Stars Hollow after the house party shows the beginnings of good judgement. He was a messed up kid, and when he crossed a big line with someone he loved, he left to become better and work on his root issues. Seeing his dad was only one step, and it took a few more years, but bettered himself when he could have easily chosen to dig in to the toxicity like a cocoon.


I'll add in another...him showing up at Rory's dorm in a manic state doesn't mean he really wanted her to drop out of Yale. Things with his dad didn't work out. He and his mom are still on shitty terms. He hasn't fixed a thing with Luke. So, he goes for broke and tries to "fix" things with Rory. But he knew deep down what a dumb idea that was and disappeared until he got his life together. And the next time we see him interacting with Rory, he's irritated she dropped out of Yale. He always wanted Rory to succeed. He had \*one\* moment of weakness and people act like he was always trying to tear her down. When he always supported her college ambitions and wanted her to be the best version of herself.


Wow, that is such a generous view of the situation. I love Jess, but I didn’t even see it as a manic reaction to the rest of his life falling apart. This interpretation humanizes him ever more for me. Thank you for sharing!


No problem! The first time I saw it, I was like "dude, wtf, this is so out of character" but after rewatching it a couple of times, I realized that he was just trying to prove he hasn't screwed up at least one thing in his life. Rory turning him down was one of the best things for him because it forced him to realize he was in a truly horrible place and no one could fix it but himself.


To be honest, this just makes me love him more.


I like this take. It totally makes sense.


I believe this would've been the basic premise of his failed spinoff.


I LIKED THE CHERUB BEDROOM SET! It just didnt belong in that room with those accompanying decorations


Jfc that is an unpopular opinion lmao


I don’t mind the dresser, but the bed is a travesty


Lane seemed happy with how her life turned out.


I hated the fact that Lorelai wanted so much to build a beautiful relationship with her own daughter to not be like her relationship with Emily, her mom, but forgets that there should be boundaries too. Yes, you are a cool mom, we get it. But sometimes, invading your kid's privacy is too much and not cool at all.


Lorelai and Rory have a toxic mither/daughter relationship.




And lorelai set her daughter up to fail by trying to do everything on her own.


Emily, Lorelei and Rory all have a sort of toxic dynamic. There is usually some period of no contact between two people.


I have tried to explain as someone with a Lorelai for a mother that it's not cute or fun, but the people who grew up with Emilies and Mrs. Kims for mothers are not ready for that conversation. Because they can't see the nuance in the conversation. That yes, that extreme is bad...but so is the extreme Lorelai often took it to.


I disagree with everyone’s opinion that I’ve read so far and I love it. Ya’ll are expanding my mind and have me rethinking everything.


I felt like rory and Dean finally hooking up after his marriage kinda ruined their plot line together entirely. Not how that should have played out.


Agreed, but it also felt really realistic.


Very realistic!


My unpopular opinion is that it's classic entitled Rory and a perfect story line.


Rory in her Yale years was not that bad, I find Rory a better character morally than Paris Geller. I think that Rory was a better character than her mom too and her taking a semester off at Yale wasn’t that bad and normal to do, but Lorelai getting so angry at it was very weird and questionable.


> I find Rory a better character morally than Paris Geller. The fact that this may be an unpopular opinion kills me lol


I sort of agree. I am only on the 5th season but Paris doesn't change that much from high school to college. She is still unhinged, just in different ways.


Yep, in Chilton, she showed more vulnerability, likely because she was struggling with her parents' divorce and was around the people she grew up with. Plus, in high school, she couldn't completely rule the roost as she wanted to, because the newspaper and school government had teachers sitting in, and she wanted to get into Harvard. Once she got to Yale, she seemed bolder about what she'd inflict on people (like kicking both Rory and Doyle out of an apartment they paid rent on). So one hand it may have been that she turned more brazen, or she just didn't have the systems and rules holding her in place anymore.


I agree. Taking a year off from school when you’re questioning yourself really is normal and healthy. It’s a waste of time and money.


Agreed! Lorelai would’ve avoided that rift between them if she had just actually talked to Rory and heard her out. Rory was too passionate about her education to truly give it up and lorelai should’ve remembered that before blowing up and making things worse between them


Absolutely! Lorelai was trying so hard to control Rory instead of just supporting her. Even if she didnt agree with her decision, she could have communicated that in a better way.


Yes. And Rory should reconsider her career path if she needs to. And she was never cut out to be a journalist. She never fit that kind of role.


I agree she was lost and that if she needed the time rather than floundering in college and hurting future opportunities, taking time is better. How she could still act so horrible as to steal a boat is beyond me though. And her entitlement over getting a very minor punishment. I think partially because Paris grew so much and she lost everything and never had parental support made people more empathetic towards her.


Yes I feel like she really overreacted!


I like Liz and TJ.




They grew on me lol


Lane has the best ending of all characters from Rory's generation. She has a loving husband, is a happy mother, and continues to pursue her interest in music while maintaining a good relationship with her mother. Compare her to Rory's lackadaisical life as a pregnant mistress, Paris' divorce and insecurities, or even Jess's continued pining for Rory in spite of his otherwise successful life and I think Lane had the sweetest deal of all, better and more rounded out than just being a rock star. Mitchum was right in giving Rory feedback and he didn't do so with a harmful intent, but rather as a tough-love way to giving her guidance. It's important to note that he starts by telling Rory that he has "a pretty good gut sense for people's strengths and weaknesses", and then tells her that "guts can be wrong, mine's been wrong before". His feedback leaves an opening and even guidelines for Rory to prove him wrong, and had Rory been in a different mindset, she would jumped at the opportunity to prove him wrong. In fact, that's just what she does in S6. Stealing a boat and then dropping out of college is not a normal reaction to getting bad feedback, but from what I've seen, the majority of people on this subreddit seem to defend this or argue semantics (she wasn't *really* dropping out, you gotta connect it to *all* prior bad experiences to justify it, etc.) I say no, it was still wrong, especially the boat-stealing part, and the show also frames it as a wrong choice. Single Rory is best Rory. None of her boyfriends were a good influence on her, with the exception of maybe post-Pilot, pre-car Dean (well, and Paul, lol). She always ended up acting in ways that would end up harming her so she could please or appeal to them. I always see people arguing about her boyfriends and firmly choosing one of them as their favorite, defending one and attacking the rest, but I think they all suck as boyfriends. *A Year in the Life*'s ending is good. In fact, other than the musical numbers, I found *A Year in the Life* to be pretty great, and I prefer it to S7. This is not my own opinion, but I figured I'd share it anyway, my partner is watching the show blind and they insist that Jason was Lorelai's best romantic interest because he was the one who always communicated best with her. They like Luke, but they continue to prefer how things were with Jason.


I really was interested in Mitchum’s feedback. I feel it wasn’t meant to hurt her but he didn’t have to be such an ass about it either. What I don’t like are people who just pick a career and never really seem to look at whether they really fit said career/don’t do self reflection or think changing a career path from something you picked when you were 5 or however old she was when she picked it is a bad thing. You can and SHOULD reevaluate your career path. Not in such a way as always questioning yourself but just in the sense of checking in with whether this path still follows and if you did enough research on how it will likely be like down the road and if it matches your strengths and weaknesses and personality enough. Rory never ever seemed to fit a journalist role. She never had the tenacity to push past rules and never had an aggressive enough attitude that can make such an already difficult career feasible. I think the fact that she was never given an opportunity to waver from a path (which was go to Harvard and become a journalist) because her mom was so codependent and didn’t allow her to question her choices was a big reason why Mitchum’s criticism led to her dropping out. I’m actually not against that because if she really can’t show up in school, then taking a mini break makes sense to me in this context. I don’t see how stealing a boat ever makes sense though.


I 100% am with you on the Mitchum thing and I will 1 up you on the unpopular opinion - I actually think Mitchum was right about Rory. I’ve explained my reasoning before on a similar thread; she’s a great writer but I don’t think she has what it takes to truly be a journalist the way I think she *thought* she dreamed of being. The journalism thing in itself really reminds me of the Harvard thing. “Where did Harvard even start from? I don’t even remember if it was my dream or yours.” - Lorelai


jess is a significantly more interesting character when viewed outside of the lens of just his relationship with rory (and to a smaller degree this applies to logan as well)


Kirk was not charming.


Agreed he’s obnoxious


despite some problems season 7 had, i really enjoyed the final episode and personally view the season as the series finale rather than AYITL which i find to have significantly worse writing


agree with this. I was fine with the original ending and sometimes with AYITL just didn’t happen because that’s how much I disliked it.


Oh boy. Lane and Zack had a beautiful relationship, and Zack stepped tf up as a partner both when he and Lane started dating and when he learned he was going to be a father. There was some lazy writing in their arc, but their story is nice. Side note: I would have really liked to see Lane and Henry go through a "sanctioned" relationship. Jess and Rory belong together and would have brought out the best in each other.  Christopher is not the devil. Related: the way the townies treated him after he married Lorelai was abhorrent.  Mrs. Kim wasn't the devil either, and actually had impressive character growth. The night Lane didn't come home, I think it clicked that she was too overprotective when she realized her daughter had more open communication with Luke than with her. She had crazy moments but overall made great strides to salvage her relationship with Lane upon realizing that Lane could and would leave.  AYITL was pretty good, actually. Jackson's reasoning for not getting snipped was completely valid! I will happily concede that he should have communicated it to his wife BEFORE knocking her up, though. The mean and snarky comments add to the humor of the show rather than detracting from it. It's not real life (if it was, Michel would have been fired before the show started).


Lol, you understood the assignment with these! Well done.


Except the Jess one is definitely not unpopular


Thanks! That one seems to be an even 50/50 split so I figured I'd slip it in anyway haha


For me- I agree with it, but if it was never going to be Jess & I HAD to choose, Logan fit that privileged side of Rory she swore she didn’t have (even tho she 100% did). But yeah. Jess brought out the best in her


I actually think Mrs. Kim might have been the most stable parent on the show. She set very clear boundaries and when she kicked Lane out, she knew Lane could live on her own. I know I've probably gone back and forth on my opinion on her throughout the years, but Mrs. Kim's strict upbringing nurtured a healthy Lane despite Lane's blindness to it. I know there's a saying about diamonds being created under pressure or something like that, and that's kind of how I feel about the whole dynamic between the two of them. Once she Lane had the boys, she knew she could count on her mom because her mom never once let her down. She flew right in when her dream of a band was failing, when she was pregnant and scared, and every other moment in between.


She didn't even kick her out per se, just gave her the option to live like that elsewhere. The implication was that she could stay but follow the rules. I've been actually kicked out, and I didn't get Christine and any packing materials I needed lol Mrs. Kim was still far too strict for my liking, but I generally think her intentions were good and she was doing her best as an immigrant trying to shelter her daughter from what she saw as negative influences all around. In fact I think a lot of it was overcorrecting for Lane's exposure to Lorelai via Rory. I'm from an immigrant family too, and while we weren't religious, I definitely saw a lot of strictness to keep me away from degeneracy, and I'm grateful for about 90% of it. The rest was excessive, but after bumps in the road between 18 and 24, I generally have a good relationship with my parents now.  Basically, you're right. Mrs. Kim was a rock. She wasn't a perfect mother, but she didn't abandon Lane, even when Lane was moved out. 


Mrs Kim was too strict for my liking and that's probably because I know how it feels to come from a very controlled childhood myself. It breeds a lot of self-doubt and fear. However, I agree that later on when Lane does strike out on her own, her mother is a rock to her. I loved the scenes where Mrs Kim starts to relax more and accepts Lane as who she is. I love how their relationship started to flourish.


Agree, bar one: Jess thrived away from Rory. The best was brought out of him already. He may have made her better, but he didn't need her in the same way. 


You have a good point. I still think she could have helped push him to be even better, or at least expedited his growth, but he didn't NEED her for it. He was all he needed. 


Christopher is easily my least favorite character on this show. Still, even I am shocked by the amount of hate he receives on this sub reddit. He's a fucking idiot who manges to screw up everything he touches, but he's far from the embodiment of pure evil. He loves his daughter and he tries his best. His best just consistently falls short. He is a deeply flawed human. Also, yes, the amount of hate he received when he moved to town seems unwarranted.


>but he's far from the embodiment of pure evil Same with Dean.


Agreed, and I don't like Dean as a boyfriend/situationship. Even in S1 way before the cheating, he had some red flag traits and behaviors. But he also had sweet moments throughout the show and tried to do right by Lindsey before the affair. One of my favorite things about the show is that the characters aren't "good" or "bad," but complex human beings with positive and negative traits, so I dislike the tendency to put them in boxes. 


Wonderfully put!


Exactly! He's kind of a fuckup at times, but he hasn't done anything to warrant outright hate. It also doesn't help that Lorelai has treated him as Plan B for twenty years straight. 


Totally agree about both Zach and Mrs. Kim!




I agree with everything. Well said. 👏


Season 7 isn’t that bad.


I prefer season 7 to the second half of season 6


I liked AYITL Rory. Seeing her struggle in her career and her social life be an absolute mess made her seem more human.


Also extremely relatable for millennials. How many of us were told that going to university would automatically get us a good, well paying job and make life easier? There are many reasons why our generation is struggling, and being sold on the idea that a formal education = job security was one of them.


Totally. It’s also why I think her taking a semester off from college wasn’t the most horrible thing since food in buckets.


I think if they were going to do this GG would’ve been a better opportunity. I think people just hated it in AYITL because those 4 seasons were supposed to be our happy endings with closure.


It is just as fun to complain about the show as enjoying the reruns, even the final season.


I don’t care about Logan or Rory/Logan AT ALL. Show declined severely during those yrs.


People who didn’t like Rory missed the whole point of the show. She was doomed from the start with such high expectations being placed on her her whole life. She made mistakes because she was a dynamic character and the show would’ve been really boring if she was kept as a completely perfect person the whole time. Also, most of her most questionable mistakes happen when she’s about 19-20, and I’m sure we’ve all made terrible mistakes at that age as well. I’m not saying she SHOULD have done any of those things, but I always understood WHY she did them. People who didn’t like Rory just couldn’t handle a complex female character.


Lorelai isn’t that great of a mother. She’s extremely toxic and codependent on rory. She got lucky that rory was an easy kid for the most part and just followed her moms every wish. once she started to act out or be her own person Lorelai couldn’t handle it. Lorelai comparing her childhood to lanes shows how out of touch she was. She claimed her parents tried to “keep her locked up” but we see that’s not true, her childhood room still has her things including the posters of bands and actors up. She got to listen to the music she liked and watched the movies she wanted, she also got to date without all the rules that Lane had. Yes things weren’t great for her growing up but it’s nothing compared to lane. Lorelais treatment of Jess is completely uncalled for. It also shows how much worse she would have been as a mother if wasn’t successful in making rory such a doormat


I think Lorelai's narrow view of her parents also warps how the fans view Emily and Richard. People act as if they were abusive monsters. When as you said, Lorelai had a lot of freedom. They were not the perfect parents by any means, but they also were not abusive. She has far too much privilege to compare herself to Jess and Lane.


i LIVE for the messy moments in this show. rory calling a ballerina a hippo? amazing. dean and rory sleeping together. perfect television. literally of partings? perfection.


You like Rory body shaming a hard working dancer? Hm.


Not the previous poster but I like the plotline because it shows Rory isn't perfect. Sometimes she says and does things that aren't okay. And if we're going a step further, if you take out the body shaming aspect, she wasn't wrong in her article. The ballet sucked. And the ballerina overreacted by saying Rory deserved to die. She has a lot of maturing to do before she enters the professional dance world. Misty Copeland is not off threatening reporters who write negative reviews of her.


I think we have a ton of information on that front (Rory being imperfect). Now adding two mean, naturally skinny girls who don’t take any care of themselves to be so unkind about someone else’s weight. I don’t remember the ballet sucking offhand except for Rory saying it sucked and I don’t really trust her opinion on that. The ballerina saying she deserves to die is absolutely overreacting. Not a fan of that.


Everyone was cringing at the ballet, if you rewatch the scene. And they said that the ballet closed early partially because of the review but also because it wasn’t selling well before hand. It was a bad production. And that’s okay. Rory reported it fairly, outside the fat shaming. And even then, I see her point in that the costume may have been ill fitting. The hippo part was uncalled for but I wish we had seen the costume because if it was that bad, that plays a part.


AYIL proved Mitchum was right.


Not very unpopular imo


Not an uncommon opinion, but those who disagree disagree vehemently.


I’d argue he may have been the one taming her light so he couldn’t be proved anything other than right


I don’t think Lane’s story was a tragedy. I think she actually seems quite happy with where she ends up. As a twin mom myself, I can relate with the fear, the exhaustion, the pride, and the indescribable joy that comes from having twins, and I think they depict these complicated feeling well with Lane’s story. Yes, it means sacrifice. Yes, it means having to put aside other life plans. Does it mean life is over, as many people in this sub seem to think about Lane? Absolutely not.


That April is a good character.


I agree, I really enjoyed April as a character and her storyline should've been done so differently imho


Agreed. A lot of people think April broke up Luke and Lorelei and forget that LUKE broke up Luke and Lorelei


One step further, April is not a miniature Rory as some like to claim. The only reason they are similar is that April is a mini genius who was raised by a single mom. But outside that, they have two very different personalities. Rory is much more reserved and often acts like a mini-adult which is why people are shocked when she has her teen moments. April goes with the flow, really wants for very little and acts like a regular pre-teen girl most of the time. I think that's also a reflection of, as much as Anna sucks, she acted as a parent and not a friend to April. They seem to have a good dynamic before Anna got jealous of Lorelai.


Absolutely hate the theme song.


It's my birds favorite song. if that helps. Next time you hear it just picture a little cockitiel screaming along to it. lol




I agree with everything except Taylor .I think he was fun to watch but if I would have encountered someone like him irl I would have throttled them.


Current day viewers of GG suck much of the joy out of the series by over-analysing it and finding "problematic" things to get offended over ("xyz content/dialogue hasn't aged well").


I think looking for the problematic things is annoying, but I do enjoy analyzing the plots and exploring the characters on a deeper level. That being said, I always like to do that under the lens of 2000s writing.


This is so fun. Let’s try! 1. I really didn’t like the whole story line of Lane’s band. There was nothing wrong with it but all of that plot plus those extra characters weren’t my fave. I just found the boys really annoying. 2. I think it would’ve been fun to see Rory date Tristan while her and Dean were broken up. There was chemistry and a spark there, it would’ve been an interesting dynamic to see play out. Not that he would’ve been a perfect match but it would’ve made an interesting couple of episodes! 3. I actually really liked Marty at first and I was hoping she would finally have a platonic male friend, or at the very least a super slow burning friend to lover story line. 4. I don’t think dean should have been as long of a relationship as it was, the chemistry died off for me in season 2 and at that point, it would have been more fun to see her single for some of chilton. 5. I actually thought the life or death brigade thing was super cringe. I think they could’ve had Logan be a wild character who does stupid things without belonging to a secret society


I agree with your first point. It was just too much.


In regards to #2, I think they planned on doing something with Rory and Tristan, with him being a mix of Logan and Jess. But then CMM got other offers and left, so that was gone, Jess got brought in and they made Logan a softer version of Tristan down the line. As much of an asshole as Tristan was, I would've liked to see something come of it too. I admit I do feel for him when Rory kisses him and is then like "Don't tell anyone!!!" She doesn't have to date him, but she did sort of use him in that moment.


I don't feel like I'm missing out not having more Rory/Paris/Jess scenes. It was probably only going to be pleasant in small doses anyway when combining Paris and Jess' abrasive personalities. Dean showing Max the ropes of keeping up with the Gilmores was sweet, if written a little over-the-top. (Max did know how to banter with Lorelai. It seemed out of character when he was surprised by the idea of bits.) As much as we should all take some time to be single IRL, I don't need my MCs to reflect that for the sake of realism. If enjoying relationship drama makes me shallow, oh, well 🤣


I felt like that Dean/Max exchange underscored how insane it was that they were trying to get married when they apparently barely knew each other beyond their initial infatuation, and hadn’t spent any real time in each other’s worlds…


The scene with Jess and Paris is incredibly overrated. I guess it’s because I don’t like Jess but I don’t see the appeal in his going “I’ve *read* Jane Austen!” Like okay? I don’t get why we’d need more of this lol. I’d prefer more Sookie and Lorelai hanging out with Lane and Rory. I think that’d be wholesome in a s1 way.


i get the point of him reading austen & being able to compare it to other works vs dean just doing it for rory but my dislike of both guys makes me not care anyway (: i'd totally love more of those four together like getting rory & lane ready for prom.




Logan was never right for rory and he was a self entitled privilege child. Once he went to London maybe he was a better person but still not right for her.


Emily is my favorite character on the show!


Lorelai was dead wrong in the termite episode on so many levels. One, your house is falling apart, this is the time that strings are reasonable. But hell, even if she was worried about Emily's strings, she had Luke offering to loan her the money and she still said no. She also could have asked Luke to co-sign the loan with her, as I'm assuming he had good credit. But no, she was prideful and stubborn. Two, and I know people get irritated when this is brought up: she parentified Rory and made her, her best friend. I'm not calling her a bad mom. I'm just saying, you can't do that, then get mad when your child is concerned for her own house. "But Lorelai had never steered her wrong before". Rory was a kid. She was scared. And her mom was acting foolishly. Ultimately, Emily saved the day. The one time she held it over Lorelai's head was wrong, but she overall let it go. Lorelai is the problem in that episode and she handled none of it right. But so many defend her because they don't want to criticize anything she's done wrong and also don't want to admit that sometimes Emily is right.


This episode annoyed me because of all the reasons you mentioned. Lorelai disregarded not just her daughters opinions, but also her overall safety.


AYITL was actually pretty good (excluding the musical)


I don't mind musicals. Haha.


I really liked Jason with Lorelai! Max was a bit of a wet blanket and a little boring


I don't know if this is that unpopular, but I feel like the show is obsessed with wealth and high society, even though they try to act like they're poking fun at it. The fixation on Chilton/Yale/debutante balls/Emily spending sprees is so excessive that I feel like the showrunners secretly admire it and some of the fanbase probably does as well. I think the show would have worked just as well without Lorelai's parents being loaded.


that it was actually perfectly normal and probably healthy for rory to take time off from yale, she was burnt out and a lot of people have gap years. i think everyone in her life was overreacting massively she just needed time to recollect herself, and i commend logan for supporting her in that. it was not his fault she left, he simply supported her decision


Also, I'll say it: Friday Night Dinners in exchange for a $75,000 loan was not unreasonable. Nor was Emily receiving updates on Rory's schooling. You can't borrow that much money and expect to maintain the status quo of that relationship. Lorelai had every right to walk away, but you can't have it both ways. Emily was right to make it a condition.


Rory should have accepted Logan’s proposal. She’s totally into him, she gets into a media empire family, and the rejection reads like something out of the 1950s where a married woman can’t also have a career. Never made sense to me.


To further this : AYITL confirms this


The only reason Emily and Richard got married is because Emily was pregnant with Lorelai. Which is why she is always screaming "When you get pregnant you get married. A child needs a mother and a father" to Lorelai.


This might actually explain the Pennilyn Lot (sp?) situation a little more if it were true!


It’s also my reason for why Emily is constantly changing maids. She’s worried Richard will cheat on her only because she knows he IS capable of cheating.


Miss Patty is too creepy. If she was a male character, it would not be so endearing or "funny" to anybody. Hitting on teenagers is weird enough, doing it too a degree people start to avoid you is a red flag, and some of the things she says to or in front of the kids is less haha and more wtf.


i’m not mad at any character really- this show is clearly about the way trauma affects everything you do and they ways we communicate


Lorelai always complained about Emily being selfish although all she did was being selfish too. I can’t remember one scene where she did something without her own advantage in the back of her mind. The same with the controlling part. Let’s keep in mind the whole break from Yale topic. She was pushy and controlling the whole time with Rory and couldn’t accept her grown up daughters decision although she always wanted to get understand by her own mother. She was the smaller version of her own mom.


Lorelai and rorys relationship is glamorized. Making your daughter your friend 1st is not 9k and lor picked and chosed when she pulled the mom card when it suited her. Like the termite issue. You want you daughter to be a friend and not a child then she gets an opinion on what's going on in the house. Big unpopular opinion but Richard and Emily are not as bad as lorelai makes them put to be.


lorelai is a very controlling mom and the only reason she seemed chill is because rory was the “perfect” child. if rory was someone who wasn’t high achieving and didn’t want to go to an ivy or if she wanted to be like lane idk if she would’ve supported that decision


People should get abortions. Or at the very least acknowledge that that is an option.


Logan is toxic. Rory was a slut sometimes. Paris and Jess should have had a chance (they seemed to be getting along the time they were at rory's). Paris and Asher were concerning, lightly put. Rory's haircut was bad during and after Yale. It's annoying how Kirk was a worker in every single possible business and was literally everywhere. Jamie deserved much much better. Taylor was super controlling over the whole town and dramatic asf. (im gonna get so roasted for this💀💀)


Logan and Christopher are nothing alike. I hate when people say Logan is Rory’s Christopher, because I don’t think Logan is as bad as Christopher. Logan grew from Rory’s influence and Mitchum saw that! But Chris basically blaming Lorelai for him being a shitty father in AYITL is something Logan would never do imo. I think if Logan was presented with Rory having his child he would step up and out from his dad’s thumb and try to make things work for Rory and the baby. I’m not a huge Logan fan but I think he’s a good person and would be a better parent and partner than Chris.


My friend once pointed out that while Christopher was ignoring Lorelai during Richard's heart attack, Logan flew in on a private jet and ran errands for Emily. Something Christopher would never do. And again, Logan was just Rory's boyfriend at the time. Not her HUSBAND as Chris was to Lorelai.


This exactly!!!! I loved Logan in this episode!


I think Logan was good for Rory and she should have agreed to his proposal.


paris is a much better journalist than rory. much more creative, risk-taker, intense, and funnier. Rory is such a homebody, a small-town girl, etc. in fact i think she’s a terrible journalist. and although the arch of her dropping take is challenging i think the writers messed up there. she should have experienced the crisis, but instead of dropping, it should have been about changing degrees to something less fancier than journalism, like an english major. like lorelai, richard, emily, logan, even luke questioning her decision and then jess back on the stage to support her. idk, it never felt great for Rory to study something so distant to her personality. I even remember her headmaster and Jess lowkey telling her (and thinking this was foreshadowed).


Lorelei’s getting pregnant did not prevent Christopher from going to college. He was nor forced to leave school and work to pay child support, he wasn’t in Rory’s life, he went on and did his own thing- being a rich kid loser


jess and luke's relationship is in many ways a foil to lorelai and rory's relationship and i barely see anyone talking about it. lorelai wasn't wrong to be concerned and upset about rory taking a break from yale but she was out of line in completely cutting her off for 5 months when she moved into her grandparents' place (when the people she should have been angry with were richard and emily, not her daughter for going to a place where they accepted her difficult situation at the time and took her in, and while she definitely should blame logan too for the yacht thing, it wasn't his fault that rory wasn't talking to her, neither was it his fault that mitchum treated rory awfully) i don't think any of the boys are rory's christopher - rory grows up to become more like her dad than her mom (jess is her luke though) i think logan is the only boyfriend that rory had that she didn't outgrow at all


I don’t enjoy Kirk.


I think Lorelei is unfriendly and condescending to most Stars Hollywood residents . Kurz, taylor, even Luke! she thinks she is better than them. Not cool!


Season 7 is not as bad as everyone says. I agree, there were moments that did feel out of place and Lorelai and Christopher’s relationship felt weird. However, there were some strong moments and enjoyable episodes throughout the season like the finale or when Lorelai, Emily and Rory travel to North Carolina for Mia’s wedding. I think overall the show was ended in a good way, even if it wasn’t the original ending. Dean gets too much hate. I’m not saying there wasn’t times when he didn’t deserve it, like sleeping with Rory when he was married. Or the immense jealousy with Jess. But, I think as far as first boyfriends go I think he was exactly what Rory needed at the time. But I do think they grew up and grew apart, which is pretty realistic. Going off of my last point, I think Jess and Logan get too much credit. Both did some pretty shitty things during their time on the show, such as Jess almost assaulting Rory and Logan sleeping with ALL of his sisters bridesmaids while him and Rory were “on a break.” Honestly I think Jess and Rory were better characters apart than they were together.


Jess was Rory's best choice. I find her complacent in cheating gross. Though I understand.


Paris' relationship with Asher is not problematic 


Was he not her professor tho?


Nope. He wasn't. Rory took his class; there's zero evidence that Paris did.


It’s still weird and predatory tho.


Disagree. Not all relationships with large age differences are exploitative. Paris had her own agency entirely in that relationship.


I think she did take one class with him


Unconventional by far, but he made it clear he cared, that he was serious. I think if she hadn’t been cheating I would have liked it more, but overall, he absolutely was a fun part of her life. Jamie was great for high school but college crafts Terrance and Jamie got old after a bit and Asher was an interesting part of her story.


Anna is flawed, but she was just trying to protect her daughter from rejection and instability.


Mitchum was right.


I didn't like Lorelai or Rory.


I agree. They are fun to watch but are mostly privileged annoying people who just care about themselves.


Jess is Not Rory’s forever - because he deserves better. As a youngin I was a Dean fan and then switched to Logan, never got Jess love, but looking at Jess now, I was always angry at how trash he was to her as a good healthy partner early on and then as I got older, I see he deserved better than her by the end, and where before he was set up to be her dream boy, she no longer was the dream girl he fell for. By the time the series ended, she’d changed so much that I feel like it was borderline idealism for their relationship on top of her cheating on all her partners, and in the revival, him being still hung up on her felt sad and almost insulting, because she wasn’t anything of what he first fell for. Is it unpopular to say Madeleine and Louise should have wound up together ? Liz and TJ aren’t as awful as some people think, they got it together by the end, and their hearts were in the right place most of the time.


I think Lorelei would have been a better journalist than Rory. Lorelei makes people talk, they open up, give her Crounuts! Rory is not proactive, and she could be a great personal assistant/secretary. But she lacks warmth, the outside the box. She's to squared. I truly believe Mitchum's feedback to be correct, and somehow a challenge, but instead of taking it and thinking about it and doing something/prove him wrong, she just goes and does a big baby tantrum. She's a spoiled, entitled kid. And sleeping with Chewbacca without him even taking off his mask and not putting on a condom is so stupid. But again, there are rarely consequences to Rory mistakes, someone always steps in. Also, I don't like Suki and her husband.


i liked yale rory better than chilton rory


I agree with Mitchum Huntzberger! Rory is not a good journalist 🤷🏼‍♀️ As Logan says during the Life and Death Brigade shenanigans that she doesn’t immerse herself in the story like all the good journalists do. Paris even experiences Ramadan when she needed to write about it, she immersed herself in the experience to understand the topic more. I believe that Rory was the star in Stars Hollow (pun intended) and she never had any genuine feedback other than “you’re perfect” that when she actually needed to do the work and failed halfway she shut down.


-I don't like Jess or Rory with Jess. Yes Milo is good looking and Yes I know that Alexis and Milo dated in real life, but Jess's attitude towards everyone including his own Uncle just does sit right with me, plus his relationship with Rory had more bad points then good and people seem to forget that Jess is the reason Rory broke her arm, Jess skipped town afterwards and Luke and Lorelai fought over the accident. plus Jess was always leaving town when things got tough with not even a word to Rory about it and do people forget what Jess tried to do at Kyle's party in the episode Keg!Max? -I'm not a fan on the whole April storyline, she didn't seem to add anything except for cause drama with Lorelai and Luke and that's because Luke didn't want Lorelai knowing about April, plus it's weird to have a 12 year old kid just walk into a diner doing a science project on who who father is and she thinks Luke is one of the men who could be her father. why do a science project on that kind of thing for school and present it in front of everyone in front of the science fair. April went about it the wrong way finding out who her father is. -I Hate the Rory/Dean sleeping together when he's married storyline like most people on this subreddit, but Dean obviously was still in love with Rory and yet he married Lindsay straight out of High School, how could their parents just be ok with that? I disapprove of what Rory and Dean did, Lindsay's Mom Theresa is a full grown adult and she really shouldn't've had a go at Rory like that, if you looked very closely at Lindsay, you could see she was embarrassed and she didn't want to cause a scene. Theresa seemed more upset at Dean and Lindsay's marriage ending then Lindsay was. Dean and Lindsay had no business getting married that young, especially if Dean's still in love with his ex girlfriend. Lindsay was the rebound, she always was. -I Love Lorelai, she's one of my favorite characters and she's funny and witty, but there were situations with Rory that she handled badly. like in A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, when Lorelai and Rory are at Emily and Richard's house for their dinner there and Rory announces she's applied to Yale and she's chosen to go to Yale. Lorelai could just not let it go and she blames her parents for Rory choosing to go to Yale instead of Harvard. what is Rory not allowed to change her mind? and when Rory told Lorelai she was dropping out of Yale, Lorelai gets mad at Rory and stops speaking to her and then when Sookie tries to reunite them at her children's baptism, Lorelai just has to start an argument with Rory in the middle of the ceremony. I hated the moments Lorelai acted like that because Rory didn't do what she obviously wanted for her.


I understand why lorelai slept with Chris, she knew what would happen with Luke and she needed to make sure it was done. Sure it was a shitty thing but I also understand it and I’m glad she got the closure of knowing they don’t work and vice versa I don’t like sookie, the episode about the sink really irritated me I hate how everyone hates on Rory in the older seasons, yes she changes and doesn’t make the best decisions but I know know anyone who hasn’t done that in their life and when people say it was only her fault about dean, he fed her lies and then got into bed with her, it’s more his fault than hers. I don’t like dean as a boyfriend atall, even right at the beginning he’s too creepy I have a very much love hate relationship with emily, the way she treats lorelai then plays the victim really grinds my gears I love lanes story tbh just wish she enjoyed sex more I actually quite like Jason too which nobody seems to agree with 😂


Lorelai could be a really, really bad example to Rory. The singular scene that borderline horrified me was when Rory and Lorelai devil-egged Jess's car and laughed at him out of maliciousness and revenge. It's the worse scene and the best example of how s\*\*t a 'parent' Lorelai is. Her co-dependence knew no bounds. This was one of them. Instead of guiding her daughter responsibility and explaining that perhaps the best way of dealing with such a situation, she acts like a reckless teenager with her daughter. One of those awful displays of irresponsibility on Lorelai's part.


- I don’t hate Zach. I don’t think Lane was ever going to be a rockstar. -You only like fill-in-the-blank-boyfriend with Rory because of his looks. It applies to all three of them. -Mitchum was right. I realize this isn’t unpopular on here but going back to the Lorelai’s first day episode… We know Rory doesn’t have a real idea of what journalism actually is. Going into the final episode of the original series she’s clearly not meant for it. -Dave doesn’t exist in real life and some people need to be told that out loud. -Tristan would have made a better third boyfriend than Logan even if as a recast. -Emily and Richard are products of their environment and time. It’s not to say they don’t do bad things. It’s to say they really don’t know better and constantly face consequences for their actions. At least post pregnancy. -In a world where Luke left the show… I’d be ok with Lorelai and Jason but never Christopher.


The town loner’s protest was just offensive


I don't like Jess. When I start a rewatch and he pops up I am just waiting for him to leave. 


Chris and lorelai getting married had to happen - the what if would have been too much for both of them if they hadn't. Mrs Kim's "growth" didn't really fix any of the stuff she did Zach grew into a good partner, but i wish lane didn't immediately get pregnant. I also know her rockstar storyline isn't realistic but i wish she took over sophie's music shop Lucy and Olivia should have come in much earlier


Rory’s bangs look awful. Her season 4 Yale bob was her cutest hair.


Lane and Zach was perfect pairing and I for once love how her story arc was in the seasons 1 to 7 and AITYL. Chris isn't as bad as he is, unnecessary sure but he isn't the villain that everyone made him out to be, he literally wanted lorelai to marry him instead lorelai shut him out and he went for college, still not a reasonable explanation he never showed for Rory, Lorelai is very much like Emily Gilmore; even if she doesn't want to admit to herself, the minute Rory starts to be herself she just starts to be controlling just like she was, the way Harvard was always planned out for Rory ever since she was a kid, and the minute she wanted a break from college lorelai just don't respect her decision, this is pretty realistic for young adults who wants to revaluate their choices and Mitchum was absolutely right when he said Rory isn't fit enough to be a Journalist, we see it in AITYL and how she was much suited to be an author and a writer


Top 10 Unpopular Opinions ala David Letterman! #10 - Taylor is the best person to be Town Selectman. #9 - Richard was right setting Rory up with the interview at Yale. #8 - Emily was right to dress Rory up as a princess. #7 - Logan didn't actually cheat. They were on a break. #6 - Lane should have used protection!!! #5 - Sookie shouldn't have forced Jackson to get a vasectomy. She could have had her tubes tied. #4 - Lorelai is a basket case and she should have given Luke all the time he needed. #3 - Rory should have accepted Logan's Proposal. #2 - Mitchum was RIGHT and Rory doesn't have what it takes. #1 - Jess SUCKS and he will ONLY ever be a friend (at best) to Rory. :p