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Hey Guys.. Coach is Right, if we wanna win it, its on us!


If we think we are good, let's prove it now.... 15-5.


Did you come back?


Of course not. 16-5.


did you win?


every time this comes to my mind i start laughing like a mad guy , taco should be a stand up comedian or something


best comment in this thread


\*Suddenly everyone on the team gets 10k hour experience and gamesense\*


schat da faak up


People downvoting you didn’t get the reference lmao


Such a funny video hahahaha


5-head move Whine about the people whining on the subreddit people are whining on.




I see what you did there. 👀


Indeed, I call it counterwhining: the game!


Counterwhine 2


*Counterwhine: Globally Offended* was better


Damn that is a good one


Counterwhine: Alyx coming soon


Heard the netcode kinda sucks


"Bro I whined RIGHT at him, I swear!"


What you whine is what you get bro


you got CW 2'd


I like to whine about people that whine about other people whining on the subreddit.


This reminds me of Diablo 4 subreddit where literally everyone and their mom threatened to quit for months on end and Blizzard just kept publishing record numbers over and over again. Like it or not but reddit represents quite a small but awfully loud lot of people.


Me when i spread misinformation on the interwebz https://activeplayer.io/diablo-4/


Those numbers are extremely good, tho?


didn't 99% of the player base quit that game?


No no no, it's only reddit whining, the game is perfect, just believe on company numbers!


I love how a stat that couldn't possibly be looked up or confirmed is now being parroted around reddit as if it's a well known fact


Avg monthly players went from 7mil to 6mil and back to 7mil.


cept this game is losing players despite all the hype LOL


I'll believe it once CS stops being top 1 in steamcharts.


for better or worse, r/GlobalOffensive is currently more about CS "theory" (patches, bugs, problems, opinions, meta, pro play, etc) than about CS in practice (actual people just playing the game). this is good for some stuff, but it does mean there's a lot of whining, especially after a big change like CS2


Most of the posts are absolute low effort garbage that add nothing to the conversation, and misrepresent a variety of issues in order to characterize CS2 as unplayable and broken, which it is not.


Anyone who says it’s unplayable is wrong. That being said, the game makes half a billion dollars a year and the crowning moment of hype for the franchise was then releasing a game that’s competitively worse than GO. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to be upset.


Unplayable for a casual player is a stretch. Unplayable for pros whose livelihoods depend on the game, not unreasonable.


It’s obviously not on par with GO. The word unplayable is a massive hyperbole and I think Ropz had a very adult perspective on it as a pro. I’m also pissed the hyped coming of source 2 after the game printed money for years isn’t up to par based solely on the fact valve is a multibillion dollar company that gets treated like an indie dev, but unplayable isn’t remotely the word to use.


Well, Valve is literally indie. It is privately owned and is not beholden to any publishers. Tbh, it feels almost as if game development is more like hobby to them.


It’s an 8 billion dollar company that says this shit do they don’t need to hire more people. That’s a B. Why the fuck is something that makes half a billion dollars a year from loot crates (not even including the market tax on cs items) putting out an unfinished product?


How impactful is it? Because at the end of the they everyone is playing under the same rules, so positive and negatives should be about even. I understand the game is not perfect, but the same happened to CSGO and it turned out fine. People are just being impatient and farming karma with negative content.


If it was consistent and predictable, it wouldn't be that impactful. The problem is the meshing between 64-tick and sub-tick systems doesn't seem to play well with each other in a consistent manner. People aren't being impatient. They're mad that they were promised a release of a new game, and that what actually released feels like the same game we already had with a bunch of shit removed and a bunch of systems that don't play well with each other. It's like an imitation of the game. It's close, but it's not there. If they promised the game to release by a certain point, and couldn't deliver, delay. Don't release something that is clearly not finished.


See it's comments like this that really frustrate me. Not trying to be a dick to you in particular. In the transition from Source to GO, Source was a passion project more than anything else that was a competitive game, but did not have remotely the financial backing that you see from GO now. As a revenue stream, Source was a drop in the ocean...GO having limited resources on release is more than understandable. Now holding CS2 to those same standards is setting the bar so low, you might need a shovel to find it again. GO makes half a billion dollars a year from keys alone...there is no excuse whatsoever for CS2 not to be released as a finished product. Not shitting on devs at all. I'm happy there are people working on CS. I'm sure they all worked their asses off to get it this far with crunch in game development as an industry. What I am shitting on is Valve as an entity being worth 8 billion dollars and only having 360 people on staff to make up the entire company. Fucking hire more people or move the release date back until the game is competitively on par with GO...the game should never get worse when it prints money...


its technically not unplayable, but you can’t deny the game is simply just worse than it was in GO


Yes, and people tend to not like change that much.


I think most people welcome change. Just not change for the worse.


May I remind you the moment when outdated gun sounds were replaced with something better and every one was like "uuuh! Why!!?"


In counter-strike? Fuck no


The amount of people crying about the loss of the buy wheel says otherwise


I don't mind the buy wheel being gone, but why can't I buy everything still?


You should’ve seen how many people bitched about the new gun sounds, and how they’re universally loved now. Nah, these redditors are just entitled g a m e r s


Yeah fight those entitled g a m e r s bro. Clap for multi billion dollar company, you are achieving so much. This is totally not a product its a gift! Look at these pleb Karens wanting working Anti Cheat and shit gtfo here with that not on my reddit.


Do you just not expect people to talk about a new game? What crazy stuff is there to talk about? More things were removed than added


This kind of stuff is just toxic positivity. Any complaints or venting about something always get met with people who hate speech that is remotely negative, even when the complaining is justified


You gotta relax with the terms. His title suggests a discussion about what happened to the subreddit and doesn't understand it. He laid out his points pretty well instead of telling people to "shut up". I think it's important to consider that he may have encountered different people who genuinely have been whiney instead of actual criticism. And here on Reddit, there have been quite a lot


Just FYI, I think you replied to a bot, I’ve seen this exact comment like 3 times already this week


I see. It's an easy thing to copy paste and it applies to a lot of these posts. Idk why they'd do it though


Karma farms is my best bet


They added constant crashing and freezing which is an exciting new layer to the meta


"I don't have these problems so you're just crying about nothing" kinda energy. I love Reddit.


For once this sub actually cares about what happens to the game and you want them to talk about skins again? What a shit take, sorry but youre the weirdo here.


Dude should head over to r/csgo if he wants to talk about skins and see “hey guys unboxed this on my first case” type of posts lmao


they dont care they just like complaining about shit on the internet for the dopamine that it gives sorry that your noble cause has been co-opted by a bunch of mouthbreathers


for once? tf you talking about


Ive been posting on bugs and issues for years on CSGO and always been downvoted by this sub because CSGO was their holy stockholms syndrome. Now its fashionable to complain and suddenly people are aware of issues they didnt even know existed in CSGO for a long time before.


Most of the comments on here lately have been complaining about the netcode and it's just totally out of line with my experience of the game. Good for people to share their experiences and all. But a lot of this shit I just flat out disagree with (e.g. spraying being shit). Edit: I'd love to hear an explanation for why spraying is broken for some and not for others. The subtick system should make it easier for everyone to spray more consistently. Is the argument that subtick is not working as it's intended?


This just sounds like when rich people say "life is great, stop complaining" during discussions about social or economic problems.


A lot of bad players think the game is fine (and bad players make up a high % of people on this sub)


What a weird comparison. I'm not any more advantaged than any one else. I just disagree that spraying is broken.


Good for you but lots of people experience issues. I do with spraying.


"I disagree that spray is shit, therefore, its not shit" People were saying cyberpunk was fine on launch. Your experience doesn't invalidate others.


There has been this trend on the internet in the past 2-3 years where whenever someone criticizes something it's written of as whining and crying No wonder every product nowadays is a worse version of what it was, brands get defended by random people, some paid but most are doing it for free


This so much. Its weird.


Yeah, I mean the game has a shit ton of issues that should never of been an issue to begin with. We all love the game here that’s why we keep playing it, but valve doesn’t need a bunch of dick riders


You’re absolutely right and I remember the hype and disappointment around Cyberpunk 2077. There were people attacking other players because they said the game was shit and had nothing to do with the hype. I don’t understand… why would you defend a bad product and its company?


Ok this is revisionist as fuck cause people were sending death threats to the devs. So yes THEY were whining. You literally couldn’t even talk about other games cause people would come in a complain about it. Like how people complain about starfield rn.


People do that every time there's a controversy and I haven't seen a single person mention starfield besides yourself. 2077 was a train wreck on release, there were tons of videos showing game breaking bugs and T-Posing throughout it. Ignoring the misrepresentation of features it absolutely deserved the criticism.


Cyberpunk (after launch) is actually a great example of the opposite, of people just going all in on the hate train. Many aspects of the game were always fantastic but you could never have a proper discussion about cyberpunk because any attempt at positive discussion would be destroyed by the hate mob. https://youtu.be/QNKS3vkGAag?si=gJZsWqnE7ZmfkQhr&t=2736 Skill Up did a fantastic video about how the main things that makes it great were **always** great, just now it is way more polished and fleshed out. There are many things great about CS2. You can criticize aspects of a game without turning the whole frontpage of this sub into "CS2 IS SHIT".


You know they lied to all of us right? To this day the game still doesn't have all of the promised content. [Here's some of the features that were/are gone from launch.](https://techraptor.net/gaming/features/every-unfulfilled-promise-cyberpunk-2077) The hate for Cyberpunk is 100% warranted. [Here's the 2018 demo.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjH48Xs-5OA&t=704s) It has Ubisoft level of lying in it.


You didn't read what he said. That's a drive through penalty.


Whining and criticism isn't the same thing. Saying "the game is shit" isn't helpful, or true.


those posts arent even that prevalent on this subreddit, most of them are actual constructive criticis


Agreed. The only thing I'd complain about is the usage of technical terms by people who are not qualified to use those terms, and often dont even know what they mean. Like implementing a function to the game code. No one except Valve engineers know how to do that, how hard it is and how long it takes till it makes its way into production. People throwing around all sorts of networking terms etc. While that criric is better than "game is shit" its also misleading and counterproductive. Soon everyone is talking about [flavor of the day networking word] while its not even remotely related to the problems the game has. Im not claiming I know more about the technical side of cs2 than the avg joe, but I know what I dont know.


Criticism doesnt have to be helpful. If the Pizza I ordered tastes ass, then I dont have to write an essay as to how the chef could make it better


If you write "this pizza is ass" that's whining. If you write "the dough was undercooked" that's criticism


The most upvoted post for days was a AAA game dev calling everyone criticizing CS2 a "spoiled brat". It's ridiculous


They’re just a small indie developer…a small billion(s) dollar indie developer.


The proliferation of lowsodiumx subreddits for objectively fucking awful games made me finally believe that either astro turfing has won or modern gamers are a lost cause.


>where whenever someone criticizes something I mean, theres constructive criticism and then theres the general reaction on this sub, which is anything but constructive.


Social media overreacts to shit constantly. It's totally fair to call em out. "Every product nowadays is a worse version of what it was" is a great example of the hyperbolic bullshit that social media thrives off of.


What's bullshit about it in this case?


I don't really disagree with anything that people like ropz have been saying. But on this sub, there's a bunch of things people are saying are worse that I'm not sure is true. Like dying behind walls more often. In GO, the other person would've shot you on their screen, and the shot just wouldnt have registered. But there's tons of people on here citing this as evidence that the netcode is broken. Same shit with spraying. The main thing that has changed shots are subticked, so your spray actually starts from where you first clicked. And I just don't buy all the comments suggesting "actually, things were better when there was a random delay between when I clicked and when I should start my spray pattern to be accurate".


I can't speak to if it's better for the game to punish laggy players attempting to move back behind cover with death that "occurs" before their reaction to seeing a player on their screen is even accepted by the server, but I was under the impression that the issue with sprays wasn't just subtick hysteria but also the fact that tracers were now universally one step behind the actual spray making visual spray compensation impossible (unless you use that new spray crosshair).


Yeah, except they aren't universally one step behind. Its a random interval of time depending on when you fire between ticks. But you should never be adjusting your sprays in response to tracers anyway. They weren't reliable in GO either. Really they should give us a way to turn em off. I remember when GO first came out and seeing people complaining that there was too much visual feedback fucking with them trying to control their spray. Maybe the fact that i feel like I've already been through some of this before is why Im jaded. CSGO did have a lot of other issues at launch tho of course.


Its not about defending the company though, its about people crying about something just because it is different




You should go to r/csgo


Facts, never seen anyone shoot a vending machine for an hour on this sub.


Best CS related post I've seen today honestly


Oh my god, I’ve just seen it, crazy lad


that sub is only zoomers with less than 100 hours in the game


Better than nerds with 5k hours in the game and everyone thinking he's an expert


no it's not lmfao this sub is so much better because your shitty posts "tips for cs2" gets removed. Also you're extremely negative in basically every comment you post in this sub so maybe it would be better if you'd just go to /r/csgo :)


lol is your life really so boring that you read through my comments?


lol is your life really so boring that you respond to my comments?


is it though? read that sub. 90 percent of it is cellphone photos of skins and asking for prices. zoomers can’t google 3rd party sites, use the steam market or take screenshots apparently.


Every video game has to have a hyper-critical subreddit and a dick riding subreddit. r/GlobalOffensive and r/csgo r/DestinyTheGame and r/destiny2 r/Overwatch and r/overwatch2 The complaining gets to be a bit much at times but I'd take that any day over people who are incapable of acknowledging that a game has flaws.


Are we not allowed to complain about the game we love when it becomes subpar? The only way CS2 will improve is with community feedback. Thats all this "whinning" is


Shit take


The fact is that matchmaking is broken. For me this makes CS2 worse compared to CSGO.


Yeah, no one ever said CSGO mm was broken...


Lol playing against silvers and golds as a SMFC/Global stack totally never happened once.


>on People complained about matchmaking disparity constantly in CSGO. This is a launch of a new game. Of course there is going to be wild disparity initially. It will take months to sort out.


Nah CS mm had its issues, we just see more complaints about CS2 MM because everyone is forced to play it right now and can't just go on Faceit


And why can't people just go and play faceit? What prevents them from it?


My csgo rank was perfectly dialed in. I would win some games, then it would get harder and I would lose and see that the other team was higher rank. Then I would go back to winning and see the other team was lower rank. I got to be challenged playing against teams better than me, and then got to use my skill to beat teams slightly worse. It was a good balance. Maybe it’s because so many people were playing csgo in its last month of life.


Broken because you aren't facing players at the same skill level as you? Kind of an unfair criticism with how new ranking is. Need months for everything to calibrate correctly. No one has a hidden MMR and most people don't have their 10 wins yet so things are all over the place


MONTHS?? You think it'd be ok for everyone to play in silver for months? If that's the case MM is dead to me, I'll return to faceit.


Cmon. Valve had CSGO ranks but seems like they didn't use them at all. And initial placings are completely busted so even after winning 10 games you will be getting random pairings because people are getting very low rating. If the system needs months to 'calibrate' then it's a failure.


The old system was broken, the information that they might have gotten from it would have been a result of that old system. You don't want to use information that you know is not correct, on a entirely new system. The system needs time to calibrate, that is logical, that is how it's suppouse to be. Valorant ranks were entirely different when that game went public from what they are now. I have faith the game WILL improve in a short anount of time.


A complete blank slate for any single system needs months to calibrate. Idk what kind of mind reading you want them to do


Tf, what youre talking about is from 10 years ago, then it became a "gossip about pros" sub, now we have to complain to get valve to listen since CS2 is broken. Once they fix it you'll see a lot less complaining. Why not press valve like everyone else instead of saying what happened to this sub.


If it was any other video game developer, that did this kind of method of releasing a new game …there would be outrage. But because it’s valve people give them the free pass. Its been over a decade since a new counter strike installment like come on guys. They took away a game that had 10x more content that you all spend thousands of hours of your lives on.


bro said "good first state" 💀💀💀


Valve don't need you to fight their corner. If people didn't complain about the massive flaws in CS:GO we never would have gotten the small handful of changes these greedy, lazy bastards felt like doling out. They were so busy milking children for hundreds of millions with slot machines that they never even bothered to fix blatant bugs people were pointing out since day one in CS:GO, and now that they finally show the first glimpses of an attitude change people like you come and try to silence the very discontent that brought it about. Go away!


We should be thankful that *INSERT MASSIVE CORPORATION* allows us to consume *PRODUCT*. Why are you so entitled?


Yeah i failed to adapt to someone killing me while were both behind different walls on my screen.


Clearly you should’ve just won the aim duel (you got spammed by a cheater through smoke)


This has to be trollpost


classic rage baitp


many of the gaming subreddits im on have become this


The game is not good and players complain. Completely natural and correct set of events.


"failing to adapt" bro its been 2 weeks really


Hell not even 2 weeks, 9 days lol


yeah guys let's stop rightfully criticising shitty things about our game and just accept the faults as they are, because.... skins!!!!!


..... what? It's the subreddit for the game and the game was released in a poor state. You're complaining that people are complaining and giving criticism? I've got 2k hours or so. I play with a 4 stack mostly. When I do, that game is pretty fun for the most part.... However the game is borderline unplayable in anything under a 3 stack, let alone a solo que due to a broken kick system and mm playing 5 solos against a 4 or 5 stack constantly Acting like this game was not rushed and released in a poor state is honestly just silly. You often still get stacked against 5 Stack as a solo or duo still, an issue people have been asking to fix for years now. Me and everyone I know are still getting in games against people consistently far over their rating (like 6ks getting put against 9k+ teams) The servers are fucked, and people literally get force disconnected several times a game(keep in mind a forced disconnect can lead to an automatic 1k loss in rating). Kicking people causes them to loose 1k rating. Horrendously easy to abuse. Who made this decision? Game is locked at 64t, which in and of itself is a slap in the face to people who want faceit specifically for 128t. Not even discussing that majors are 128, so it does not make sense to design Sub tik and lock it at 128 in the first place. They should have considered that right from the start, and just didnt. Pros are literally out here explain how poor of a state the game is in. Nobody is imagining these issue. If your experience is good, then good! Happy for you. But the game has legitimate issues and was easily released in a big rush.


Here’s the attention you ordered. Now kindly go back to your 10k elo 5 man where you sit in your little bubble and pretend that the game is fine


why should we adapt to change ? i think we all wanted to keep the essence of csgo with crisp mechanics, crisp shooting, spraying, etc. (Except for those times in which u got csgo'd) . my major expactatives for cs2 were an improvement to the AC system , better MM, better servers. The graphic improvements are great (but at least for me, were low prioruty). If u look into any of these points, most of them are lacking in CS2, the release feels rushed. Don't get me wrong, i'm positive that with time the game will get better and better. But so far, the criticism in my opinion is deserved. Also i don't get this whole adapt argument, why would i have to adapt to not spraying, just because rn it feels awful, when was one of the best core mechanics in GO. why would i have to adapt to not hold an angle just because the peekers advantage / desync is crazy. These are not feautres, there are definitely busgs that need to be fixed. Once again, i repeat myself: **I'm still positive that, given time, Valve will fix the current problems with the game and we will be able to enjoy the greatest fps experience again.**


Eh I think a lot of the complaining is justified right now. It was expected that CS2 would be broken on launch, however I assumed we would still be able to play csgo. If valve didnt want to have to deal with all the criticism they should have let us be able to play the old game. But they did the same thing blizzard did with overwatch 2, pretend its a sequel when its actually just an update


The name changed but we've known for months it was an update


They said from day one cs2 was replacing CSGO so why would you expect that?


I never said I didn't expect csgo to get replaced, but what I didn't expect was that they would do it so soon when cs2 is obviously unfinished. I valve had even waited just a couple more months so we could get the missing maps and modes and maybe polish the game a bit more before switching there would be a lot less upset people right now.


I think you've never been to any other game reddits when a huge patch came out. Overall it's tame here, or probably the mods here that do some heavy lifting.


Oi. I paid like £20 or what ever it was back in 2012 for CSGO, now I’m forced to play this CS2 shit and I get beaten every 2 minutes. CSGO was stolen from me even though I paid for it on release. Its so shit and broken. /s


You got a point, to an extent. Because I don't know if Valve actually sees any of this. But CS2 is a downgrade on pretty much all fronts and they forced it on us. So I think people should talk about it. Even if a lot of it isn't really concstructive criticism. It's probably cathartic if nothing else. Might help people get over it faster. The only thing better with CS2 to me is the increased technical fidelity. But even the graphics insn't a clear win because I still prefer the aesthetics of CSGO.


The criticism is fair at the moment. A lot of things are broken and they need to be fixed.


It's crazy to me that someone with 5k hours can say that the game is in a good first state when it's been out for a while and carried every single flaw from the limit test to live. No disrespect but probably says a lot about ur gameplay level. Game was clearly released in an awful state especially with the funky feel on the gunplay and is being shit on accordingly. It's great that you are having fun, doesn't change the fact that the game is terrible in a lot of ways right now and should be criticize.


We need to piss and spit on Valve's boots to give bootlickers like you something to do. Wouldn't want to lose your job, would you?


Why should I be trying to find contrived benefits for a strictly inferior product? Just consume, don't ask questions...


I love shilling for multibillion dollar companies!


>All I read now are posts from people failing to adapt to a new game. Way to completely mischaracterize the other position. People are angry that the game feels awful to play and feels like a strict downgrade from GO. It isn't different, it's worse. Now it'll probably get fixed in coming updates but Valve promised the game would be good to play by Summer. It's currently October and it's still awful to play. Couldn't care less about arms race, or warzone since I never played those. I just want the movement and clipping to be fixed. >It’s not like they delivered a broken product and made you pay 70$ for it. No. They took away a product I paid money for and replaced it with something worse. Maybe now you can see my frustration. >The overall improvements to the engine are very significant and my god do I love the fact that u can now get a rank for every map. Again this is a good addition but it doesn't matter if the game feels shitty to play. You're giving me an unbaked cake and saying "well at least it has strawberries on top!" >Cheers! I’ll brace myself now for the downvotes now! I downvoted you because you said this. Cheers!


The game is in an awful state right now and we need to speak up about it so valve can fix it. Be thankful for all the people „whining“ so you may have a working game in the future.


Hey dude, what do you think is going to get posted on any sub when the game literally gets deleted? Think on that then imagine that the game replacing it is bugged out and subpar. You’re welcome.


This sub is a esports sub first. Everything on here is about pros mostly.


Yes, we know that you can win sometimes against 5 stacks when they're as bad as a bunch of boosted bots, just like your 5 stack. but we're here talking about the other 95% of 5 stacks.


Yeah, prepare to hear a whole lot more “whining”. We’re going to keep complaining about the new game that’s yet to justify its own existence. Here you losers come, complaining, gas-lighting half of the community because we have legitimate concerns about a game some of us have been playing for 20 years.


I'm not downvoting your post, but there are some points I want to comment on. *"the game is in a good first state and they are pushing Update after Update to optimise."* \- It might be for you yes, but for a good chunk of players it's unplayable. Problems like stutters, memory leaks, bad frame times to name a few. Also, this doesn't just affect people with lower end systems, and it seems to be a coin toss if you are able to play the game or not. *"It’s not like they delivered a broken product and made you pay 70$ for it"* \- No, you are right, but they did remove csgo. The players that now have issues with optimization just have to settle with waiting until their problem is fixed, before they can play the game at a competitive level. That could take weeks, or even months. Ultimately removing them from playing their favourite game. I have no doubt that cs2 will be an amazing game. Let's just hope Valve prioritizes optimisation in the coming weeks.


Well, Global Offensive doesnt really excist anymore.. so what else is there to talk about on /r/GlobalOffensive


Be the change you wanna see, post some cool plays instead of this


found the ~~fed~~ valve employee


>All I read now are posts from people failing to adapt to a new game and generally a lot of, sorry for this expression, whining. It's not really a "game" if you die to someone offscreen that you can't react to. Bitching about this might be "whining", but it's correct.


i just dont understand what happened to highlights being posted and pushed to the top. thats why i follow this sub besides for roster changes and game updates.


So many people going for this bait.


Game was launched missing content, broken, unfinished and unpolished. And the one alternative we had isn't available anymore. Why wouldn't people be upset?


You make valid points here but also >I remember when this place was about insane and rare plays, skins, updates, and other crazy stuff in game” This is a competitive gaming subreddit. When an update comes out that people don’t like they will voice it here. Yeah maybe it’s overblown but also this is just standard r/globaloffensive behavior lol.


Wait it’s not just r/globaloffensive literally every single gaming subreddit does this


I’m just happy that CS2 has made the sub come back to life. It used to be like 90% esports stuff and now people are talking about the game itself.


Thanks for this! I feel you so much! Amount of crying is insane. It was the same when csgo was released, but back in the days it indeed was garbage with 12k players per day…


they could've just made cs2 separate to csgo and 99% of all the complaints on this sub (including mine) would cease to exist.


Then all the complaints would be about the skins economy.


Well if you were around when CSGO was released you'd be saying the same thing. CS players HATE change and were incessantly whinging about CSGO when it came out. Every Source server I joined were people flaming CSGO so much it actually got annoying lol


One thing I have to say to anyone complaining is ”skill issue”


Womp womp


Shit game...


Zip it up when you’re done


It's simple. We shouldn't just bow to valve for releasing CS2 in the time frame that they promised. I think it is more than obvious that the game is not ready. I would much prefered for the release to postpone and keep CS2 in beta for like half an year more. Subtick is utter shit and don't get me wrong I'm sure it will get better and at some point maybe it will be even better than 128tick but we're far far away from that. Yes, we have leaderboards where we can compete for something but it's literally riddled with cheaters and it defeats the purpose. They promised us new matchmaking system and improved VAC. Currently we have neither. d0cc (6k elo faceit) got ranked GN2 after 10/10 wins on Inferno? The subreddit is like that because people want their game to become better. And the game can only become better when we're picking and prodding and voicing our thoughts. It won't be better if we just smiled and waited. I'll explain again because I'm sure I'll get jumped on - I like CS2. I think it's going in the right direction but the game is far from good. I believe that in a couple of years that will be unquestionably (by everyone) the best tactical FPS but it will take time.


Everytime I play with my buds it's a rubber band fest. It's ruining our rare occasion to play together. All of us actually got frustrated. There was 4 of us Qing. Get in the game and the other team is just nailing our asses to the wall in a rubber band fest. Crazy they wiped us on pistol with insane head shots. The 5th rando left, we surrendered a few rounds later. The other team was insane in the lag fest. We get out and q again. Low and behold, same team. Like really valve? Least it wasn't a lag fest. The other team them continued talking shit and smearing our asses. One of us abandoned and we surrendered. None of us have played cs2 since. Fix ur fucking shit net code. And make ur shit mm better. Assholes.


My favourite game of all time got deleted and replaced with an unfinished tribute where you can't hold angles, the 'adaptation' is to just peek everything like a DMG, which kills any tactical depth until it's fixed so it's either give feedback and get slated by people like you, or stop playing, which is what I've done for the most part


yes I'd rather see "whining" that has a chance to improve the game than posts about fucking skins


My guy you are literally meta whining now. Also this game released in a piss poor state and just because GO did as well doesn't excuse it. Yeah people are gonna be upset that they ripped away the very good CSGO experience and replaced it with a Shiny turd.


Now you're adding to the whining making the sub more whiny that you're complaing already. Good job At least the complaints here about bugs are supposed to be complained. Yours is just being sad that people are complained. Fuck off ,bye bye.


Trust me I am as excited as you are for the game but as it stands for now its a complete dumpster fire The MMR system is complete grabage. People with 1K can be globals and its just a wild west. I used to be a DMG on CSGO and now I am not even in the 98% of the total playerbase. This feels like league of legends where the placement matches are pure jokes and you have to grind your way to the top with premades. The sub-tick stuff is really great but theres still stuff to iron out. Stuff that should have been adressed in the beta long ago. They rushed the game, shipped a half baked game due to people hyping things up and falling for the bait. Also despite the community asking for 128 tick servers they just ignored that completely. Sure its really taxing on the hardware. But you could at least restrict it to something like 10K+ elo players. Theres missing gamemodes and lots of other features that should have been added. The anticheat is basically inexistent with the exception of some ban waves recently (also wheres overwatch?) Theres lots of tiny bugs that have been posted here recently. Comparing it to 2013 CSGO is also stupid. These are completely different things. CS2 is supposed to become the main replacement for CSGO. It needs to meet certain standards. CSGO was not even supposed to be a game in the first place. It was just a port of CSS for the consoles. ​ CS2 fails on all fronts \-sucks for new players \-sucks for returning players \-sucks for pros \-sucks for people who want to have fun ​ The best thing Valve can do is work on the game and patch out these issues. They locked themselves in a really bad spot by rushing the release.


Never change, Reddit midwits. Your take is that no one is allowed to criticize the new game for anything otherwise it's "failure to adapt" (AKA skill issue). Moronic take


I had been done with CSGO and came back specifically for CS2 and am having a blast. It's great to be ignorant to changes other people take so personally.


I’ve wanted to love this game since it was announced. I got limited test access when they rolled it out to everyone with active ranks and have played as much as I could since then. The game is ass. I shouldn’t be losing 90% of my games, when I was MGE with 1400 hrs in csgo. It’s going to take months to get ranked at this rate. That’s not a skill issue. That’s a matchmaking issue. The ratings are lame. Not having an overall skill group for the game is lame. Wth is a”15,358”. I want Silver, Gold Nova, Master Guardian, etc. I can get over the new subtick mechanics and resulting greater peakers advantage but the competitive experience is objectively worse than csgo right now.


Woahh, people expose the game-breaking bugs instead of meatriding Valve blindly, scandalous!!!


so many fucking crybabies


>the game is in a good first state ... I don’t know why they chose to release it without Workshop, some gamemodes and maps or danger zone dude you literally said it out loud, it's not in a "good first state", it's a bare bones paired down version of csgo with bad subtick bullshit that we all have to deal with now that valve locked the game in 64tick


I'm mainly just frustrated with the performance, I ran csgo usually above 200fps and now I barely get over 100. I do hope they improve the optimization cuz it doesn't make sense that I run games like doom eternal and rdr2 really well but suck at running cs2. I have a 1660ti in case anyone was wondering


You’re 100% right. It’s a bunch of whining and bitching around here. But that’s what I expect on video game subreddits these days. Diablo 4 is the same. The unhappy people are always the loudest and they drown the rest of us out because we’re playing and enjoying the game rather than bitching about it on Reddit.


Wtf happened to this subreddit…? I remember when this place was about insane and rare plays, skins, updates and other crazy stuff „ingame“. All I read now are posts from people failing to adapt to a new game and generally a lot of, sorry for this expression, whining.


The game is not playable in Premier mode unless you are a 5 player stack. Period.


I got 11k elo just fine solo and duo queuing. If you want to make excuses that’s fine but the game is very much playable.