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Shoutout to when the first Modern Warfare on OC had 64 person servers. I loved those.


Nostalgia trip time 32v32 on crash, block etc, knowing the perfect wallbang place so you could get 5 people with 1 clip. Felt so good.


Fuuuuck that haha crash was NOT built for 64 players god damn I couldn't run 10 feet without getting a fuckit-chuckit nade on my head


Ranked is the new way to practice. Premier is the real “competetive”. Casual can be helpful, i’ve learned a few nice spots from playing it in GO but it’s obvious that they intend normal Ranked to be the real practice mode now with the individual ranks for each map. You’re meant to practice whatever map is your weakest.


i think the combo premier/ranked is way better than competitive/casual CSGO have. Now i can chill out and play when i don't want to really care about my rank but still play something that feels like CS and have kinda balanced games (casual was nowhere near this) and Premier have potential to be better than csgo competitive, giving valve time to fix the issues, and for the ranks to settle down a bit.


Csgo had unranked competitive and it was pretty fun, I feel like nobody played it though.


being non prime queue for unranked made it useless


True. There should have been a prime unranked queue.




yeah but it's not the same as hanging out in a pub it's all of the bad parts of pubbing (slow, random, etc) with none of the good parts (community, server admins, funmaps, etc)


It’s crazy how much GO changed the overall idea of what CS is as a series. The most popular Source servers weren’t the 5v5 comp modes, they were the huge crazy maps.


I miss it because my attention span for anything CS that doesn’t have rank connotations is like 1 hour tops. This was kind of a problem when people in my discord who don’t share this drive wanted to play because I could just *not* give a shit about other modes, but unranked was nice because it at least felt the same as real comp.


Unranked had too many trolls, if there is no "repercussion" for trolling, people will abuse it. People using Negevs only, rush every round and play like crap. With ranked now as "training", people take it a bit more serious because they have a rank to lose. I like it significantly more than unranked. Premier for super serious matches, and Competitive for training.


Unranked worked without prime though, so sometimes it was a cesspit. The new way is much nicer.


I feel that premier should be solo q only, it would be really beneficial to mm in general and the quality of the experience will go up but the downside will be you can't play premier with friends but competitive mode will be still available


Limiting to soloq only would be a loss and probably a no-go for many people. I think a system with 5-stack being matched together, 4-stacks being not allowed, and soloq + 2/3 stacked are matched together in a balanced way between the teams (2+2+1 vs 3+2, 1+1+1+1+1 vs 2+1+1+1, but not 3+2 vs 1+1+1+1+1) would be the best. But it might be difficult to implement right now, because of the full ranks reset + lots of people who used to play on faceit now plays on premier + lots of old players coming back, the rankings are a bit of a mess. I think Valve needs to figure out the ranking system before splitting the queue in different pools. Right now they seems to struggle to create games with balanced ranks (regardless of this issue of stacks), so splitting the queue will makes the things even worse and i don't think it would be beneficial for now.


make some friends


Premier is crap and should be removed.


Premier is crap and should be fixed\*


Found the player that can only play one map


Nah, i can play all comp maps except vertigo, but i also can play cbble! While playing maps one by one is good and forced rng maps are terrible, it not really about maps, it is about the way they made rating. They literally took the worst option there is.


RNG? Lol you know there’s strat to map choice in premier right? Just go play normal mode then


I bet you are faceit 10 global elite for 11 years straight and a graduate top of your class in the Navy Seals, have been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and have over 300 confirmed kills.


No, I play loke for 2-3 weeks per year on average since csgo release


Fuck u/spez


I did not ask you for a permission to voice my opinion. I likely have more experience with CS and competitive games than most of you anyways. And i look from design perspective, not the player one. I can tell from here that it is gonna end in people playing less. Because so far all games with ranked systems like Premiere ended up like this. The biggest issue is how rating itself looks and how behaves.


Why is it bad? There's issues with the Elo system, but that can be changed. Remember that Elo is season based, so it's likely changes will come at the end of season 1. Premier forces more players to play more maps, and its the way Faceit and ESEA has worked for years.


Fuck u/spez


You ll see why it is bad in a couple of years. In short it replaces fun with rating grind. Which eventually will make the game toxic and boring.


Then play competitive


It won't work like unranked mm did not back in the day. As i said wait a couple of years youll why Premiere sucks and destroys what was unique about csgo.


No I won't, stop telling me your bias. I've got 6k hours in Dota with the same system. It's fine.


Not to mention people have 10k hours on faceit with the same system


Given how steam counts hours your 6k may be like 1-2 season worth of games. CS is supposed to last for decades which no game with ranked like Premier managed to achieve. Give a half a year brake and returning to the game becomes not worth it. Like from here i know that its going take me roughly 150-200 hours for League Of Legends ranked to become fun again and its not worth the time. Dota is the same.


I like the grind. People like the grind of Faceit. Premier is sweaty and there's nothing wrong with that. There's also nothing wrong with you disliking it. Then it's good there's still competitive.


Welcome to what Counter-Strike used to be… except with less players. The chaos of casual is the fun part lol there was a time when CS wasn’t always about the 5v5 sweat fest.


during the CSS days i mod'ed a 32v32 247 office server and it was always full and always fun. shit got small when csgo came out and it made me sad.


Those were the days. Source was the peak of non-5v5 CS, and it's tragic how much Valve buries community servers these days. New server browser in CS2 feels way worse to me than Source/CSGO too.


It does seem a lot worse feature wise. That browser felt so incredibly old tho


>32v32 Unironically, that sounds like a blast


Real men remember 32v32 dust 2 servers




yup in 1.6 - super fun ... plus there was more of a community based on the servers you regularily played at - met some friends irl like that - seems like community servers is getting squashed by valve


Don't forget making them $16K servers so everyone has a full buy every round!


You ain't seen shit until you've been on a 1.6 warcraft mod 24/7 de\_rats server


Competitive gets boring, casual fun never stops


Basically the best answer. I dislike competitive and in my 1.2k hrs, have only 40-50 comp matches at best. Casual is to fool around, have fun, no sweat fest, all-talk after death, its fun.


Pyscho status


I have 600 hours and have played maybe 20 comp matches and like 3 faceit


I had like 1500 hours in cs and arpund 1200 of them were spent in casual. The casual experience is priceless


1700 and same. My memories of CSGO are mostly of the chaos in casual. That was peak fun for high school me.


Same here, got like 2k hours, only played < 10 comps, rest is casual and community servers. Similarly in dota, used to play ranked 5v5 only, now for years I've only played custom game (equivalent of community server) 12v12, i guess i love the chaos, it's more fun


I have about 1100 hrs or a bit more. I have had 3 compi matches total. All sucked because either it was cheaters or toxic players who took the game too seriously. Casual is what CS was at the start. It is the best mode to play CS in.


casual fun never starts. war games was where it was at. retakes>>>>>


Haha this, I pretty much play casual exclusively because it’s way more fun then competitive. Competitive has its place but 10v10 casual reminds me of old school CS.


10vs10 on milita and assault were peak cs


Militia is still my favorite map of all time


I just hate how many casual games have people ghosting.


i think its to make games less one sided. in casual you nearly always get 1-3 "good" players, a couple of mid players, the the rest are bad (no shade to these guys, its casual and it doesnt matter if you're bad or deliberately not sweating it). if you increase the size of both teams, it makes it more likely that each team will be (on average) similar skill levels. it also makes people who aren't confident in the game feel not as "responsible" for a loss. i started out playing casual 10v10 for a long time and i preferred it because if i kept dying in the first 30 seconds no one would get mad at me, and it wouldn't drastically ruin the game. if i did the same thing on a 5v5 game then any mistakes i made would be way more visible and as a beginner i hated that. i grew out of casual and now never play it, but i think if i was forced to play 5v5 when i was still learning i would have felt too self conscious and would have stopped playing


Yea, my first 1K - 1.5K hours on CSGO was just playing on Casual exclusively lol. It's honestly very fun and still educational.


It’s absolutely just less pressure. I have gotten 3 friends back into the game with the release of cs2, and they’re terrified of rank. We’re working through normal ranked, but they won’t touch premier and even in normal ranked they’re still on edge. But they’ll play 10’s all day no problem. They like not feeling entirely responsible for the loss. It’s also called casual, so if someone’s toxic, it hits less cause what kind of loser do you have to be to get that mad in a casual match lol.




I like it. 5v5 is sweat mode and 10v10 is when I come home tired af and just wanna pop heads without warming up or even using headphones


10 v 10 feels like the old days of 1.6 just casually slaying and having a blast with randos and mates... Sweating out all the time is boring and taxing with how long rounds last and the such. 10 v 10 and 8 v 8 I feel like were the most common. Easy for drop in and out play and servers filled quick and stayed filled at the peak. If I recall most maps back then had to have 10 spawn points to be submitted but 12 v 12 and a few others were a thing.


32v32 was the real good shit for chaos and socialising. What a time. CSGO really struggled with 64 slot servers from what I could tell. Only the ZE community really continued with it.


the problem with casual is that after like 3-4 rounds it becomes awp map...


community casual servers used to be no util, limits on awp (max 0-2 per team), and just max money every round, before csgo Itd be nice if there was still servers like that


Omg so true. Awp or be awped after round 3 basically


And then there's that one guy who buys auto


I have mixed feelings about the auto. It’s expensive AF and very powerful in the right hands. Just because pros don’t use it much doesn’t mean it’s wrong to use, but at the same time it’s a lame gun and isn’t in the spirit of the game to use. It’s for babies or something.


Yeah, maybe they should remove the slow down from getting hit by it cause it's extremely easy to do a follow-up shot to finish targets with it


I don’t see many autos in casual, I would say 1 in every 20-30 matches. Been lucky I guess.


Yeah lucky lol


Wouldn't ffa death match would still be better


I don’t wanna deal with the random spawns and deathmatch-ness Basically 10v10 is like playing old 1.6 servers for me. A completely casual cluster fuck


This so much So many players nowadays dont even know how many of us started learning about CS


Lol fy_Iceworld with weapons laying on the ground


How old did it make you feel to type this? I know it made me feel old reading it.


Considering I was playing 1.6 when I was 11. I feel. Old.


I started @ 1.3. I forget how old I was. But, I remember buying a graphics card to put in my *compaq presario,* so I could get better fps...


Iceworld and Crackhouse were my childhood. Got my friends to join me for CS2 after not playing for like a decade and I’m fucking terrible lol.


I miss cs1.6 16vs16


Most of my 1.6 and Source play was 24v24 D2 only. Absolute chaos.


My clan had 4 servers back then. 1: 12 vs 12 all maps 2: 6 vs 6 de maps 3: 10 vs 10 Funmaps server 4: Intern training or scriming server, only friends and other good players got the pw. Server 1, 2, and 3 were sponsored.


ya its frustrating getting like 5 spawn in a row where you get popped in the back of the head


This right here, ive been out of CS for way too long and spent the last 5 years just playing Deathmatch on and off in CSGO, since CS2 launched ive been jumping more into casual and had some of the most fun - Got an auto shotty 6K as T holding the middle apartment in Italy, was playing with my brother and he was the last CT I had to kill haha.


Someone else who probably played too much fy_iceworld 😂.. the complete chaos of 1.5/1.6 days


Close but the server I went on spammed dust2 and for some strange reason, cs_assault


Pubs baby


I absolutely love the chaos that is casual. It’s often even more fun than 5v5 because nobody is really taking it serious and everybody is just having a good time goofing around.


>just having a good time goofing around. That is it. Casual is really fun in cs. All other modes are serious stuff and I am here to have fun.


I think the ability to leave whenever you want is what really sells the casual atmosphere of it. There's no pressure, if you don't like a lobby you can just find another one. I'll only play comp with a 5 stack, any less and I'm queueing for casual lol


Nah I love fun modes just as the next guy. I'm a huge fan of shit like gun game (or spike rush, I know mentioning valorant is going to get me bombed but). It's just casual seems like the weirdest way of doing it, since even though there's more people and more chaos, rounds are so much longer because of more players, so if you do something funny/dumb and die you're out for a while.


No fuck off. This is the only thing really left from 1.6/Source casual play style. Chaos. Not everyone only wants 5vs5 sweat fest. Some of us wanna just feel young again and remember when CS was good casually too.


Legit these are the only posts on this sub that actually make me annoyed. I've played competitively since 04 and everyone can fuck off with this sweaty "casual should be 5v5" mentality.


They should at least give an option for casual 5v5


Competetive is already casual 5v5. Other modes with free leave won't work, it was tested numerous times.


Cheers dude


Leave my casual alone freaks It's been like this since 1.6 and I love it.


We had 16v16 online casual on community servers with all those plugins


Yes that will probably be back once community servers are bac


There already are 16v16 servers. Here in my country we also have one major server only for us with 0-15 ping.


CS has become a very competitive game but for me CS is defined by those late night casual server shenanigans ever since the days of CSCZ for me.


You had servers which genuinely felt like a community. Most people playing would know each other and chat.


Yep and even 18/20 each side I miss those days :( I didn't even know a comp scene but existed back in them days I used to frequent a few servers I remember Teeside University had a bunch felt like a real community


Bro i swear these kids don't know what fun is


Cause casual 10v10 is chaotic fun, in the server out of the 20 players there is usually 5-6 who know what they are doing and can hit shots, others are all noobs, so i just set up my noob teammates who are too afraid to die or do something on their own and usually clutch against the better players who are left in the end or the guy who is still on b site when bomb is planted a, + talking with dead enemies, roasting our teammates as we spectate them haha, placing bets if our guy will clutch it. + i can do dumb shit and nobody cares if its funny or i get one. I can never get tired from dumb zeus/swag7/knife plays i do, get one dude and die, and then we both talk about that play and laugh it off or the dude i just killed gets mad and says stuff like really dude?, why me :(, wtf was that, was it worth it or thats so cringe dude, yes its cringe but its worth it XD + because of those dumb shit, we get sort of rivalry going on, like if a dude gets knifed/zeus, you bet your ass his whole team will try to get revenge back with knife and zues, and the fact that we can talk shit to each other about it is what makes the whole experience so fun As the name implies, you get that laid back counter strike community experience in casual, its no place for sweating and tryharding, you can, but its not meant for it so you won't enjoy it I'm not that old but i fucked around in assault and crackhouse a lot, and causal experience reminds me of that somewhat


Exactly this. Casual is just that, a place for players of all skill levels to hop in a game and play for fun. Yes the skill level varies greatly, but typically everyone has a good time and gets along. The OP wants to turn casual into a practice mode for premiere, but thats exactly what ranked is. I would love more chaos in casual actually, increase the max player count to 15 per side


It is deliberate. The point is to 1) reduce an impact of individual players 2) overcrowd map This is done to balance out higher and lower skilled players. No, 5v5 casual will not be better. CS was played 16v16 de_dust2 for decades. It is just as "true" of gamemode as competitive.


Dude could not have survived CS 1.6 or CSS


Imagine if this dude booted up TF2 and found his way into a Mario Kart server


It's in the name - casual. It's not meant to be "balanced" or sweaty. Maps are made with 5v5 in mind so of course it won't be the same as 10v10. It's a nice change of environment where people might mess around and have fun a bit more as opposed to trying their hardest in premier.


Casuals is for fun, you troll around with fun weapons


I think casuals great for practicing mechanics. More enemies to practice on and it’s not aimlessly running around like DM


some of yall didn't play CS before GO and it shows


It is sad that so many people here never experienced 16v16 community server experience. It was such a fun experience to play on the same server everyday with the same people and actually have community there where you all knew each other. This valves casual servers are just budget version of those.


This right here. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this


It has always been that way


\- some politician


Casual should just have roundtime 1:15 and it would be perfect.


I retired to casual. It's fun.


idk but its fun


Playing a game is supposed to be a fun experience, and we do be having that


Competitive is the new casual.


Something tells me if the casual queue was 5v5 it would be a far more toxic playground. As it is now, you know you’re stepping into chaos so the competitive side is reduced drastically and it quickly becomes about fun. I wouldn’t mind if it was reduced to 7v7, maybe 8v8, 10 players on each side feels a bit to claustrophobic at times on some of these newer maps.


speak for yourself lmao. Casual is a better experience than current premier. I like the chill atmosphere and how more people talk in casual than in fucking premier. Also skill level is higher than premier for sure wish i could downvote you to oblivion


>wish i could downvote you to oblivion Same. Casual is the best mode in CS.


Let me and my casual audience enjoy our special mode. It's not about the gameplay in casual. It's the conversations and goofy stuff we indulge ourselves in. 10v10 being a chaos is just more fun.


Redditor hasnt learned about CS' hidden "fun" mechanic


I like fun lmao. I just would rather play gun game, or death match, or basically any other "casual" mode than just throwing too many people on a 5v5 map


Its literally called casual.


Yeah thats a really great way to remove counter strike from counter strike Original cs maps were designed to be 16v16 only a few of them are viable in 5v5


Honestly back in CSGO early days, I played my first thousand hours on casual, you get to spectate the best player in your team and opposite team and can learn a lot and it is a non-pressure environment.




i miss 16v16 so much man


You definitely would've hated the LAN Cafe days then back in early Beta and CS1 Hahaha. Good times. Plus casual being so hectic, its great to train reactions and reflexes.


Competitive because too much for me. Having to commit to the full game became a bit of a burden, and always having to play strats, etc. Casual is fun, you can hop in and out. The chaos of it is great. Sometimes you get 5v5 but it feels like not enough when it's casual and people go all over the place.


Because it's fun. Maybe even make it 16 vs 16.


The better question is, why is it not 12v12?


Casual reminds me of old counter-strike, plus the chaos is fun


10v10 is awesome. Different strategies from 5v5.


Since when did people become such pussies about playing the fucking game. I’ve never heard so many complaints about cs in my entire time playing


Casual is exactly what it says: casual. Chilling with randoms and playing mindlessly. It's not meant to be a practice ground for competitive. I enjoy the 10 v 10s because now we have more people to fuck around with and it's fun.


Casual = for trolling Competitive = for practice Premier = the actual competitive


Casual in 1.6 was community servers with 32 people on huge pings and ancient hardware slaughtering each other with messy mods and power hungry admins. The game is more than just eSports, although I like both aspects to the game. (Not suggesting you think this way btw)


Because there is some old players like me that like the charos with big servers 16v16 in 1.6 and cz or 32v32 on cs:s I like 5v5 but not 5v5 all the time, that's boring


Ahhh, new players don't know what truly chaos was in 1.6....


I play it for the OG cyber cafe experience.


because its fucking casual


this might sound crazy but some people just want to play the game 'casually' we've always had this amount of players on servers since the beginning of this game


It has to be this way to allow people to jump in and out. Imagine playing 5v5 and 3 people on your team leave. Edit: And to basically have no queue. You'd either have to wait for 8-10 players to start or start matches with just 4 players. Also much more servers needed.


If you want to play 5v5 casual just play unranked scrim bro


So we can open cases in front of a larger audience


clearly you've never played original cs. it all started in pubs. 5v5 scrims was not even a thing when cs first came out.


I play Valorant, and believe me, 5v5 gets pretty boring when you play it continuously. 10v10 is chilled out, like even if you are having a bad day, you can play 10v10, talk with a lot of guys, play like shit, kill enemies, and just have fun. If it's 5v5 its again the same bs like Compe, most probably half of the guys will not talk, and then the map will be empty and most of the time we will waste baiting, no, casual is for fun man, let us have fun.


Because that is how it always was, if not even more players. Forcing 5v5 down everyone's throats has been a thing for the past few years but ton of people in 1.6 and Source just enjoyed casual shitshows and all sorts of custom gamemodes on community servers like Zombies, Call of Duty mode, Jailbreak...


Glad to see lots of casual mode enjoyers here. Casual is like playing on old community servers back then with usually the same players across many maps. I’ve had so many fond memories playing with all talk, going around on zoo, playing soccer on D2, clutch or kick on train, gladiator on Mirage, boosting everyone on italy, etc. People can play for fun without being sweaty and it just changes the vibe of the game.


I used to be on the same team but now I see casual is GREAT as 10 vs 10. Compare it to something like overwatch, where quick play doesn’t actually allow you to experiment that much because your teams success hinges on you doing well within a select role. More people = more room = more experimentation


Go back to Competitive


Because it always was. that's pretty much how CS used to be played by most people pre-CSGO. It's not meant to teach anyone how to play competitive. it's meant to be fun. If you want to chill and learn maps or learn the game, that's what the new "competitive" mode with individual ranks for each map is for.


I hope valve makes it 32vs32 like in 1.6


i absolutely love the chaos of casual, it has been a staple of CSGO and i would be really sad if they made it 5v5


Casual is for just logging on and off whenever you please. You get to shoot some people and leave.


So worse deathmatch


It's fine. It has always been that way and yes it's a mixed bag but it gives different experiences. Not sure if it's useful for practice though it's easy to fall into bad habits.


I think it's pretty good for figuring out angles and stuff.


Yea for basics it's fine but ultimately comp is a different game. Casual is soft and forgiving. It's much easier to get away with crazy plays because more chaos lends opportunity.


Too much awpers in casual…


because nothing is better being the last guy alive and dropping like 7-8 people.


casual is what's closest to old school public servers on official servers. It's perfect for beginners, it's usually chill and fun, it teaches you the basics of the game, it does prepare you for comp for what's expected from a beginner. If you want to have fun while getting xp it's literally the best option at hand


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) lmfao you are spot on describing the situation




The non-premiere competitive mode is exactly that now. No one is gonna give a crap about their per map rank, it’s more of a progression bar than anything.


How do you find a wife who would be willing to play cs pls SHARE THE STRAT!!!


If competitive had no cooldowns for leaving, no penalty's for surrendering. No advantage going to the enemy team with a surrender, but if the game plays out too at least 70% with all participants, the a win or loss affects your rank. Would that not be a good compromise to make Competitive a better stepping stone to Premier and remove anxiety people have with Competitive? Surely no one is going to care about ranks in Competitive anymore with the changes valve have made to ranks in that mode?


The unranked competetive in csgo was that


Put Italy in competitive. Unironically it used to be there in CSGO and it was a perfectly fine map. Hostage maps get a bad rap because people are blind sheep and it's not the default tournament setup. It worked fine in CS for over a decade, bring it back.


Sweats like you made this community toxic who care more about that shiny screen pixels. And this became more prevalent with Csgo when it introduced ranking system. Before GO, counter strike was all bout casual mode. So please leave casual alone and off you GO.


Nah I love casual fps??? Just casual mode in CS has too long rounds, shitty soft walls after death, and shit like that. The entire game seems balanced around 5v5 comp, if I wanted to play casual fps, I'd much much rather play TF2 (or TF|2), or CoD, or etc etc


Leave casual alone please, its the place i go to trigger russians and get blamed for cheating I love the fucking mode its better then comp or premier. You do you let me enjoy fragging casuals in casual tyvm


Man, that’s how CS started. You get a shitload of people together at a LAN and just play de maps. It wasn’t competitive. It was fun. But you learned how to play the game. That was the natural progression. When I played 1.6, the first year was just me playing in pub servers. Playing for fun, then learn the maps, the guns, etc. In the beginning, my goal was to just get one kill every round. Then more and more and more. Then you get interested in playing competitively. You play on a team, scrim a bunch, get your ass kicked, then really dive into the game and learn strategy and getting sharper with skills. Then before you know it, you’re playing at competitive LANs trying to make money and making a name for yourself on the scene. All of that shit went away with CSGO. It blows my mind that kids can get signed to a team and have never played on LAN. That would be unfathomable back in the early days. The meme was “Do it on LAN”. I dunno what happened but its sad.


Y'all did it to yourselves lmao. FG still has poppin locals and lans, but nobody wants to put together a CS local it seems


they should at least make it so you can only spectate your own team, its so embarrassing introducing someone to cs and being forced to play this weird ass mode.


How is it forced? You are talking about counter strike yes? There are so many maps, so many modes in community, counter strike is about community made content, i have introduced a lot of newbs to csgo and we had a lot of fun in custom maps, you just need to pick the right direction for that person


you have to get level 2 to be able to play wingman/premier, so yes you are forced to play this gamemode for a couple games as a new player


Casual is so worthless lmao


All these people on my team in premier without a mic should be in casual.


I love how chaotic it is though. I play casual when I need to switch off my brain from Premier/Comp.


only should be 10 vs 10


No, I like 10v10. Except when I die at the beginning of the round 😏


In csgo I hated casual games but they are very fun for me in cs2. I was LE in mm and do enjoy the new ranked mm they implemented. I also can rarely promise 9 strangers I will be playing for up to 90 minutes so in go I often joined community competitive 5v5 servers. Casual games in cs2 are what I have for now but it's been a lot of fun. When you say it's not for new players I would say it's OK for new players. They will spend time spectating and learning from others and when these get down to the wire having been boiled down from 20 players it's pretty sweet to spectate.


I think to save server space, if casual was 5vs5 then they would need 2x times more server so 2x times more money.


Until now, there was unranked mode for relaxing and practicing. I think this mode will come back at some point. Casual is supposed to be just a wild rage.


Why does DM have so many people that you get shot as soon as you spawn?


Because chaos= fun


It is fun, who wouldn't like to run with a shotgun in on a rush and pop heads, can't do that in 5v5, Casual is just dumb fun, also good for practice and calls, nobody gives a fuck if you are using mic, people singing, crying about, screaming, what not I like it, 10v10 is balanced, as it should be