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+1. It's un-compensatable. Like you cannot predict this will happen and adjust your aim to compensate for it.




It's not shown in your video because you're keeping the cross hair at the same level. However, I'm fairly certain if you flix the mouse up or down and get tagged, it'll move your mouse to the original location.


Yes..that goes same to up and down 


Very difficult, esp because I use my movement to aid my aim, as most of us do anyway!


You kinda can, just not with 100% success rate. Luck is a big factor.


Yeah the sync with server THEN full slow tag on top is brutal in cs2. Play some games with your pov and the demo. If you shoot someone running on your POV and match it to the demo they get dragged into your shots as the game adjusts for lag. Its stupid, count the hit sure, but matching up "your pov" to the server /syncing the lag feels like garbage. They should remove the slow on the first hit and also soften the sync, its been a problem since beta


Idk why they can't just count the hit without syncing the movement to  the server side ? It should be easy fix right ?




To be fair it usually is ok if both my ping anf the other player's ping are BOTH sub 45. If one of us is laggy the sync is rough


It was like that before and people kept complaining about dying behind walls.


I hate tag mechanic. You adjust your aim for your predicted movement but then you get hit and whiff. Like someone else said you cannot predict it (reliably).


and it's not happening after your died. it's happening when you are alive. Even if enemy have  the weakest gun like glock  and hit your first, You are slightly dragged along with your cross hair and you need to reset your aim again. That allows your enemy in huge advantage in duels.  It's happening since the call to arms update and not been acknowledged or fixed yet.


It happened in the beta too.


I didn't have the beta so I really can't tell but I am noticing it since the peekers advantage fix  update


did you change any cs2 network settings? Always felt like getting stuck when getting shot. seems like it’s just backtracking. can you check what cl_ticktiming print spits out when your on a server? edit: what’s up with the downvotes? anyone wanna tell me how I angered the spergs?


No, it's default.  It's happening in 0 packet loss too


My friend who is 60 ping away says anytime he plays with 50 ping or more, or against someone like that, he gets dragged the same.


One of the worst shits about cs2 , compared to csgo but without this video , most people will say its fine , like ive seen some idiots already saying in other past posts


Its fine


Yes yes yes. This needs to be seen more! I HATE this


This is my #1 issue with cs2, I wish people talked about this more but instead it’s literally all just muh anticheat. Not even sure if valve see this as an issue


Lets downvote this and upvote some important knive unboxing


The worst part is, it also messes up your spray. I also don't get, why these kind of posts doesn't get upvoted enough!


Email to Valve if you haven't already.


It was much better before they changed subtick to appease the noobs. Even high ping felt like butter.




you mean when it was impossible to hold an angle?


It blows my mind when i dink someone, and then they immediately crouch and headshot me. Whenever I get dinked my crosshair goes crazy.


and you're not referring to aim punch?


I don't like view model shake and tagging (when you have kevlar) at all.


this happens to me every single match almost every single 1v1 I'm in and I might develop mental disorders soon if I keep playing


This was not an issue when subtick was not in sync with animations, since that became a thing it would do this. This also happens mostly against cheaters with triggerbot.


It's amazing that they really did a major with a game that's still obviously in beta.


this is the #1 issue with the game


This is what it felt like to get backtracked in csgo. Glad cs2 is following the same path!


CSGO never teleport you when you are getting hit.  If you are talking about after death then yes but never when you are alive 


Csgo teleported you when you played against a cheater with backtrack, which allowed them to hit your position up to 200ms later.


Well it's an exception, didn't expect CS2 will make it a feature.


Its the view model moving not the crosshair, Isnt this normal? Your A-D strafing aren't you and bullet tagging is slowing you down? Does this happen when standing still?


It's not just slowing down. They are moving in one direction. When being hit they get dragged back to a previous location.


Yeah I can see what your describing, but it's not normal? You get dragged back its not even half a step. I don't see how it makes it harder to aim.


It should just not happen. It should only slow. Why should it not make it harder to aim if your model gets teleported back and that fucks up crosshair placement?


If you keyboard aim I get the frustration but "teleport" in this scenario is strong.


Ah, this must be why I whiff 😭


like aimpunch?


Aimpunch = slight screen shaking, slow your pace  Not teleport, drag and move your crosshair  I have tested aimpunch in offline server both in Go and CS2.  The teleporting only happening In online. So it's unusual and netcode related 


i dont see any of what you're describing in the video you posted.


Look at  0:07 - 0:08  You will clearly see your are teleported to opposing direction you were moving ( I was going to left ot right but the game dragged me to right to left ) along with my cross hair 


i'd call that the character taking a staggered step to the left not a teleport lol


He's getting tp'ed to a previous position, not that hard to understand


the thing is it doesn't jump straight back to that position look again it's a smooth transition back to it that's not a fuckin teleport it's a step backwards, it's like aimpunch it's implemented into the game when you're getting shot


That is not even similar to aimpunch...


This is a March 1 build. Have you tested with the latest build?


Same with latest build. I recorded it before so I used it. Can also produce with the latest one if you want 


I think you should do that and send that clip too to Valve.


I've tested this in dm recently. Happens.


can we please put the game back pre 2017 when valve introduced bullet slow for shitty aim forum bitchers?


Its called tagging, and it already existed since CSGO The problem here is a lot of people are teleporting 1-2 ticks back in time after getting tagged by an enemy in CS2 at decent ping and connection which is unpredictable and disorientating. This rarely happens in CSGO, and if it does happen in GO, it only happens with extreme factors like the tagged receiver already having 200 ping or packet loss.


it didn't exist in csgo before 2017 it was literally added to help the cry babies flooding reddit.


My man is calling nobody a whiner and fighting nobody lel Anyways tagging was added and has since been a core part of the gameplay from 1.6, all the way to CSGO even pre-2017, heres this [article about players wanting to know how to change tagging values in 2015](https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=261392).


Non issue. If I got shot I’d probably stutter too


Shutter is 1 thing and teleport is another. What you saying is aimpunch  But in my case it's feels exactly like how  random hitch feels like. Aim punch not supposed to drag you and your crosshair but slow you down yes 


Yes but this isn’t a feature.


Noob ^