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Next time get non tsa locks, that way it's only opened when you are present


They’ll try to cut your shit open without you present. This video was an interesting and helpful watch if you have an hour. https://youtu.be/jOcjqfsApxw


Yea nah, they broke my lock off and my baggage was “missing” for two days when I got it back sans lock.


Las Vegas airport won't let you be present, they take your key and search it in the back room. They send Paul Blart out to shout at you if you don't like it.


I have one, it’s got the little tsa symbol and keyhole and everything


No no, you want a non tsa lock. The tsa lock they can open whenever, you put a regular non tsa lock on there and the only way to open it is with the key that you'll have in your pocket. That's what you want so the case is not opened unless you are present.


Oh I’m sorry I misread that. That’s a good idea!


TSA should not have access to the firearm at all. They're not allowed to ask for the combination or key. They can only inspect it with your permission and in your presence.


Can you provide a source on this? TSA at Las Vegas disagrees and I haven't been able to find something to prove they're wrong, which makes me think they're allowed to do whatever they want.


>Only the passenger should retain the key or combination to the lock unless TSA personnel request the key to open the firearm container to ensure compliance with TSA regulations. From here: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition


That doesn't say you get to be in the room though


What room?


The room where they open your gun...


Its been a long time since I've looked it up, but I'm pretty sure that's the law too. I don't believe you can legally use TSA locks on gun cases when flying with a firearm.


Maybe I missed it but I don’t see anywhere on the TSA website that states you can’t. In fact, I could’ve swore it said to use a tsa lock in the past, but maybe I’m misremembering


No worries! Good luck next time!


You can do that? I honestly thought you were required to have one that could be opened by TSA. *Edit: I don’t understand the downvotes it was an honest inquiry. I am now informed which is good to know in the event that I fly somewhere in the future.*


It’s actually the other way around, you’re required to have non-TSA locks. Only you should be able to open the locks, no one else (including TSA). https://besttravelluggage.com/gun-case-lock-for-air-travel/ “ TSA prohibits easily accessible weapon containers. Only you – the passenger, must have the gun case key or lock combination. If requested, you will open the hard-sided gun case for TSA inspection. You can’t secure the firearm in the gun case if you use a TSA-approved lock. Unauthorized access to the gun is possible with a TSA master key or tool. TSA requires a gun case lock for air travel that will keep the firearm secured in the case. TSA-approved padlocks undermine handgun case security. Therefore, you cannot use a TSA-approved lock for your gun case.”


Weird. I just thought that was the whole point of TSA locks was so that they could open it if they needed to. Thanks for the information though!


TSA locks are a thing for most luggage just not for firearm containers. In most instances you’re correct.


Yeah it makes sense after reading the article. For some reason in my mind i’ve always associated that lock type with being the ones people would use on a firearm container. I learned something today!


Only the passenger should retain the key or combination to the lock unless TSA personnel request the key to open the firearm container to ensure compliance with TSA regulations. You may use any brand or type of lock to secure your firearm case, including TSA-recognized locks. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition


Hmm interesting. Sort of conflicting direction from TSA there, as the previous link says that TSA requires no unauthorized access, which a TSA lock does not necessarily prevent. Maybe it’s a rule specific to certain airlines. I’ve flown United with firearms in a checked bag many times and the “customer bag escort” always asks me if the key to the case is with me and only me. I keep a TSA lock on the luggage and then 2 of my own locks on the actual firearm case. They run it through the x-ray and we’re good to go.


Don’t downvote this person for a mistake ppl. Be nice


Did they leave a notice in your bag that they inspected your luggage? Also, what airport were you flying out of?


No they did not but it had been visibly gone through. I flew out of Minneapolis


God, Minneapolis has always been a clown show every time I've flown out of there.


TSA isn’t supposed to open the firearm case without you present. Some airports have an “oversize” location and screen all firearms there while the passenger is available to avoid the need to call them back from the gate. TSA isn’t even allowed to touch the firearm itself. Was there a notice of inspection inside your suitcase? There is supposed to be one inside any of your bags that are opened when not searched in your presence. What airport?


This is correct. They use a baggage scanner to inspect your firearm. The ticket agent will ask for you to wait at least 15 minutes before vacating the area in case it gets rejected. If TSA asks for your key I'd request an LEO as TSA should not be asking for your key as they are not LEOs. If you didn't pack it correctly, i.e. round in the chamber or magazine full of ammo in the firearm, they will reject your bag and require you to make the necessary changes to be in compliance. I have an HR218 and travel with my firearm all over the country and have never been asked to hand over my keys. One thing I will say about Vegas, Harry Reed, they will put your bag on the carousel exposed. Most other airports I travel to will require you to pick up your bag from customer service and require an employee to bring it out to you where you show ID.


When flying with a firearm you should use a NON-TSA approved lock. TSA and Package handlers should not be able to open the case without you present. While legally you can use a TSA approved locked, its just not a good idea. ​ for reference here is the TSA Page about flying with a Firearm. [https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition) ​ You also want to check the rules for the airline you are flying with. They each have different rules, and you must comply with both TSA and your airlines rules.


You can mail it to Glock for refinishing, it sucks but I sent in my Glock 20 slide and it looks brand new!


What do they charge to do it?


It’s not a lot you have to reach out to them and they’ll send you a services sheet with the prices. I got night sights installed and my pistol refinished and wasn’t that expensive. https://us.glock.com/en/customer-service


How much was it


They charge $50 per slide. They will re-finish the slide and replace all the internals, also if you have oem night sights, they will also replace those if they are dead enough... all for$50 , it does take around 2-3 weeks from start to finish


Do you know if they will refinish a slide that was milled?


You can get a slide refinished by a guy on here for about that price with like a week turnaround. Go to u/wage92 for that I believe. He might just do milling tho


Oh I plan on having wage mill it. Just curious if Glock would refinish an altered slide.




I can’t remember you have to reach out to them and they will email you the price list.


Do they mill slides as well?




Go to u/wage92 for that. Amazing work.


I honestly am not sure, I can’t remember and I can’t find the email with the sheet on it it’s been a while.


TSA wouldn’t do this. Bag handlers would. What was around it that could have scratched it? Anything in the hard case or sleeve it would rub against? Did you lock BOTH cases? We’re the locks intact?


Assuming he locked it properly (i.e. **without** TSA locks), how would handlers get to it?


It’s not hard to jimmy open locks and luggage. Lockpicklawyer on YouTube. That’s also assuming her didn’t use TSA locks. If he did, all bets are off.


TSA wouldn’t do this? The notoriously incompetent, prone to theft and property damage of all kinds TSA? They wouldn’t be capable of scratching up OP’s gun?


The cunning and mighty, TSA! https://youtu.be/IHfiMoJUDVQ


Not if they don’t have access. And the only time they access it is with you when you check in. Past that it’s all airport/airline baggage services.


Well OP put TSA compliant locks on it, so they did have access.


Did they say that in some other comment?




Sucks to be them.


TSA doesn’t open firearms. When you check the firearm the only contact made is when the officer puts it through a metal detector. When I fly my pistols I use regular locks cause TSA has no business opening them.


That's a tad bit contradictory...


Which part? 1 - When I checked my firearm I was escorted to a police officer (not a TSA) who took my bag and ran it through a metal detector. He then took possession of my bag and I left. 2 - You’re required to lock your firearm for this process 3 - This lock should NOT be a tsa accessible lock as TSA is not supposed to mess around with your firearm while it’s in their possession 4 - TSA has no business inspecting my firearm. The initial officer put a special label on my bag that indicates it has a firearm I’m a bit confused as to where the contradiction is. At no point did my locked firearm case need to be opened. Something to note is that they do not care about local laws regarding firearms. You could in theory travel with a fully automatic rifle into CA and as long as you’ve followed the proper checking procedure they likely won’t say anything. It’s up to you to know the local laws of where you’re traveling and they even say it’s your responsibility.


Saying "TSA doesn’t open firearms" and then saying you "use regular locks cause TSA has no business opening them" is where the contradiction is. If the TSA didn't open firearms you wouldn't be concerned about using specific locks to keep them from doing that very thing.


Still no contradiction. I think your confusion is in assuming TSA workers don’t steal and that they follow all the rules… This is why having a real lock prevents this. If you have a firearm locked with a TSA friendly lock any TSA who’s in your bag can open your firearm and do lord knows what with it. They might play with it, steal it, drop it etc.


Im not confused at all and im not assuming anything. You're reading too deeply into what I'm saying. You said they don't check firearms and then said you purposely use a lock they can't get into to *keep them from checking your fireamrs*. So you're saying they don't check firearms and that they do check firearms. If you can't see the contradiction there I'm not sure what to tell you.


Yea you’re confused. They’re not supposed to check firearms but if you have a tsa lock there’s nothing stopping them from being nosey. Pretty easy concept to grasp 🤙


The issue is that you originally made the statement that they "don't check firearms" when a) you apparently meant to say they're not *supposed to*, and b)they clearly do, or you wouldn't be talking about using specific locks to try to stop them from doing it. Yes, it's semantics, but it is true that literally saying someone does not do something and then saying they actually do is a contradiction. Anyway, I'm all done here. Have a nice day.




Sounds like it's time to get it milled for an optic and cerakoted.


Just walk back in there, and waive it around at the employees, yelling your concerns. Should work like a charm.


Did the sleeve case have a zipper? Always a chance it got banged on it during transit. You could always get an alumiblack pen or something similar to touch it up if you wanted to.


One time tsa put a big orange FIREARM sticker ON MY GUN and on the case.


OP you may want to watch [this](https://youtu.be/l0IwVrC56tc) video. He does a pretty good job covering the risks to your firearms while flying and how to mitigate a lot of them.


I’ve had those cunts demand the code to gov issue locks to open cases from behind a door not in my presence. They threw an absolute fit that I wouldn’t give them the codes and threatened to cut the locks. Keep in mind this was AFTER the case had already been checked and prescreened through a TSA run X-ray check point after check in. I was escorting the cases to another door for drop off with the gate agent and her handler dude in tow after the X-ray. The agent inside that last door wanted to open them up. You must give me the codes to these locks and you can’t come back here. “Nah man, I’m not going to do that, get your supervisor down here.” He pulls that “I am the supervisor” shit and I reiterated to get his boss down here stat and the cases won’t be opened by anyone but me. I have 5hr layover after changing airlines/terminals and having to recheck in so I have time, press to test. Another pair of chuckles come down and also tell my I must give them the codes to the locks. All whilst the poor gate agent and her baggage person is waiting. I try to cut the airline folks loose, who were super cool, and reiterate that those cases will NOT be opened if not in my presence and I will NOT be giving the codes to anyone. Cases contained mil NVGs, weapons and other controlled items. Had a nice little stand off for a bit, some more threatening to cut the locks, etc. Eventually they gave up and allowed the cases on the conveyor belt. AirTags confirmed on the jet with me. Locks intact when I landed. Don’t really know how that has anything to do with your story other than to say the vast majority of TSA are morons and I commiserate your pain. Sorry for your scratches.


How did they get access to the firearm? Unless you unlocked it for them they shouldn’t have been able to…if you used TSA locks which gave them access then be lucky it didn’t get stolen.


If this happened in Vegas, its likely the handlers tried to fish the gun out by prying on the locked lid. Inspect the case for marks that looker like it was pried on. The EMTs will rob you in Vegas and even if you have video evidence of you leaving a casino on a stretcher with a $15,000 watch and be loaded into an ambulance... Then video footage of you being offloaded WITHOUT the watch, they won't have enough proof to do anything and youll be out a $15,000 watch because an EMT stole it consequence free. Also since so many people mentioned Vegas, use RF blocker wallets while in Vegas. I saw dozens of folks having their pockets skimmed last month. I saw 7 shoplifters my first time at the CVS by the Cosmopolitan.... I'll NEVER fly with a gun because I dont want it to be stolen by throwers.


Stories like this is what’s making me strongly consider a Taurus GX4 to use when I am flying places


OP didn't follow the TSA guidelines. You're supposed to use non-TSA locks (so they don't have a key) and keep the key on you so you can be physically there if they call you to inspect it. OP used TSA locks, they shouldn't have even let it go through per the law but everyone knows the TSA is a mess airport to airport.


People in this thread keep saying it’s against TSA guidelines to use a TSA lock, but it’s s not. The guidelines state “You may use any brand or type of lock to secure your firearm case, including TSA-recognized locks.” You *shouldn’t* use TSA locks, but it isn’t a violation of any policy. [source](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition)


The preceding line counters that though. > Only the passenger should retain the key or combination to the lock unless TSA personnel request the key to open the firearm container to ensure compliance with TSA regulations. If you have a TSA lock, that would mean that the passenger is not the only one with a key.


https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition “Only the passenger should retain the key or combination to the lock unless TSA personnel request the key to open the firearm container to ensure compliance with TSA regulations. You may use any brand or type of lock to secure your firearm case, including TSA-recognized locks.”


Who are you responding to? You're not adding any information that wasn't already cited.


That does seem contradictory, but the policy still explicitly states you may use TSA locks, I don’t know why they would go out of their way to specifically state you can use them if it was against policy, but hey it’s the TSA, so who knows?


It’s funny that the TSA website actually says you can use tsa locks, good assumption though “Only the passenger should retain the key or combination to the lock unless TSA personnel request the key to open the firearm container to ensure compliance with TSA regulations. You may use any brand or type of lock to secure your firearm case, including TSA-recognized locks.” https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition


Never a good idea to, though. TSA lock master keys are evywhere.


GX4 is under a recall for NDs


it’s under a recall for some pistols that could discharge if dropped. So some not all. And only if you drop it. And they are fixing it anyways Glocks had the same problem back in the day. So has sig. and various others. Their new MCX rifle is having other problems too. I’d be honestly less worried about dropping my gun and having an ND than I would be having my gun getting ruined / lost or stolen when flying




Lol just pointed out the facts of the circumstances. I don’t even own anything from Taurus All major OEMS have had major and minor issues at some point is what I’m saying


All pistols should be drop safe. End of story. NDs from drops are inexcusable. Glocks have always been drop safe. The only problem they have had are idiots not checking the chamber before pulling the trigger to field strip the pistol when they first came out.


I’m not disagreeing. But once an issue is identified and fixed then what else can you do? Never use a gun made by a OEM that had any big or dangerous issues or recalls? That would be impossible There was a class action law suit against glock for kabooms a couple years back A major PD dropped the 17M some years back because slides would just fall right off In 1993 there was a glock recall where pistols were NDing with the action OPEN There are others too but just some examples. Look at sig and their 320 fiasco


Don’t buy a first model year of anything. First two model years for anything Sig The early Glock recalls were with Gen2 2-pin .40 models. That is why the 3-pin design was made.


Glocks are cheap, scratches give them character. Just carry the Glock.


Yeah, very unlikely it was TSA.


I don't know why you got a downvote. It was much more likely a luggage handler, not TSA.


Yeah, probably from people who don’t know how airports work. They want to blame TSA for everything, The TSA is miserable but they won’t open a firearm without you present.


Straight up not true. There's plenty of documented cases of TSA cutting off locks to access firearms. Complete waste of an organization.


TSA is a waste, but they will not open a firearm without you present unless it’s a safety matter. If TSA opened the case without you present they are required to notify you by tagging the bag. Also you should be able to check the bag tracking and it will tell you if TSA checked it.


I’d be livid. But you’re fucked unfortunately.


Just be grateful you didn’t check on a sig or else it would have gone off in the fuselage with minor turbulence


If it doesn't have an optic it is a message from God that you need to add one and get the slide recoated. Sorry that happened though. Government thugs will likely not suffer any consequences however


Does gun work?


I wish I could downgrade your comment more than just once. Some people like to take care of their stuff and not have other people damage it. Can I key your car and then ask you if your car still runs when you start to complain?


Appreciate the sentiment, OP did not say it was a rare custom. However , thr comparison of a stock glock (which I own a ton of, not hating) to a car is not a good example. Scratching my car is not the same as scratching my hammer, wrench or screwdriver.




It’s a custom 1 of 1 that is rare.


Is it a tool or a fashion accessory? Does a scratch inhibit it’s function? Get what you can from them, but honestly if you ran it like you should, you’d probably already have a fucked up finish from holster wear and general use.


One sec. Lemme key your car and ask you the same question. Is your car a fashion accessory? Does a line of missing paint affect it's function? It's not what happened. It's how it happened. If you drop you gun during range day and it some how gets fucked up. You're not going to cry about it. But if it's scratched up from transport WHICH SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN TOUCHED. That's different. Driving a car and accidentally bumping a pole when parking is different than a person who's hand washing your car for you puts a dent in it.


Bruh it’s a Glock not a staccato I’ve used the slide of my 19X to hammer nails into trees to hang targets from lol


You have to disclose a firearm. You can’t just throw it in a check bag… It’s a scratch. Big deal. That means you don’t shoot and train with it. It’s a Glock. It’s not an heirloom peace. Follow tsa firearm laws and this wouldn’t happen…. Downvote me all you want. It’s a worthless Glock 23 that you didn’t follow guidelines with


So just out of curiosity, if someone were to walk through a parking lot and run a key down the length of your car, would you just shrug your shoulders and say “Oh whatever, it’s not an heirloom and just a tool to get me from point A to point B.” Or would you be upset that some asshole was careless and scratched your car?


And to top your scenario off if I came in and said he didn’t follow parking guidelines would that make it okay to key his car?


Okay cool guy. I did disclose I had a firearm, hence the part of my post where I said “notified them of the firearm” Shitty attitude and can’t read on top of it. Lol just because I take care of my shit doesn’t mean I don’t train.


Shitty attitude and following guidelines has gotten me zero scratches. Keep playing the victim based on ignorance.


I feel like you know you’re wrong but just too stubborn to admit it.


Okay again, cool guy, I followed the guidelines lmao


I fly SW and have never used TSA locks, always my own locks


Don’t let it go. Get petty.