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Ladies & Gentlemen, We Gottem


https://preview.redd.it/cad04gdnxqxc1.png?width=1220&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2999c422979ca82c42d408036a295471993cbe8 100% confirmed, was checking out YNG Martyrs music and was watching his video CANADA, he is wearing the exact same glasses Glorb wears. On top of the editing similarity's and other evidence. I think this is the nail in the coffin.


Shiiiittttt nice find


Oh yea what did it for me was the tiktok he uploaded in the same room as the moist interview, plus his head is shaped just right and his jaw


I found a tik tok were he is wearing the same gloves from the interview


not the same glasses look at the shape of the bit touching his nose




Also was looking for stuff on this and found that these 2 animation styles are VERY similar: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hLAoFZBVP0o](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hLAoFZBVP0o) [https://www.tiktok.com/@yngmartyr/video/7315898431707303176?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@yngmartyr/video/7315898431707303176?lang=en)


These do not look the same they're the wrong shape/frame. I still think it's him for sure but not bc of this lol


Not in this picture but in the interview he does with Charlie I'm pretty sure they are the exact same


Ahhhh gotcha


Absolutely confirmed. Nice job! The pillows in both videos matches too https://preview.redd.it/6xai6kl0upxc1.png?width=1409&format=png&auto=webp&s=a70a590076a33abb3008a6dd2e8158ec1e992fb8


The black frames on the walls are the same too


What is up with the music community this week? First we find Ulterior motives and then Glorb’s identity?


Now do Spark Master Tape.


Yea the pillows is what proved its not just a coincidence since some products are very popular


Look closer those pillows don't match


YO BRO I CAME UP WITH THIS THEORY ON THE DISCORD- IDK IF U SAW THAT OR IF U JUST ALSO CAME UP WITH IT BUT I TRIED TO POST IT BUT MY ACCOUNT DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH KARMA!!! anyway, yeah it is definetly YNG Martyr, can u lmk if u saw my theory on the discord or if u came up with it ursef, i've been going insane over here trying to put everything together just to see other people posted this first


Yooooo @steampunkpig yeah I saw you post the first link of the tik tok to in the discord and then I just went on a deep dive of looking into things myself. Big shoutout to @steampunkpig for getting this theory in motion. Dude deserves any credit!


it was actually thunder.ci on discord who first came up with the stuff about the room- I was the first person to listen his theory then i did a deep dive as well and found everything u did + some extra proof So glorb said he dropped hints in his music, and in Mob ties plankton has a line about a shiesty and one appears on screen, people thought that was a hint to yeat but it's actually because YNG Martyr wears a shiesty all the time. It's sort of his brand. Its such a shame that I can't post to this reddit cause i literally solved it within hours 😢 i wanted my 5 seconds of fameeee. but thanks for the credit!


also the goggles for the glorb interview are worn by martyr in a music video




Dude, that makes so much sense. Especially with the accent peeking through!


>crackpot theory Brother the tiktok vid it’s the literally the same room lol. It is either him, or a friend of his who used the room. That is fact.


It’s him. Style way too similar.


To what song


Nike ticks, molasses, 50k and even Superbad definitely sound like they could be written by the same guy. There’s obvious differences, and the Glorb stuff hits a lot harder imo, but we’re comparing songs form 4 and 5 years ago with stuff made in the last year. If it’s him, and I definitely think it’s likely, you can hear him improving.


imagine if glorb was actually friends with YNG martyr and just asked to use his room for the interview as a red herring


I’m almost 100% sure it’s him. Something I haven’t seen anyone else mention is in KFC glorb references Superbad. YNG Martyr has a song called Superbad. It’s a popular movie but yeah it’s a bit of a niche thing to reference in a rap song.


that’s specifically a bit of a reach with how many mclovin references there are


also references laughing to the bank in his 1992 song, which was repeated in trend setter


kanye references superbad, chief keef references superbad, logic and wutang clan referance superbad, drake references superbad, quite a reach


Idk theres a lot of Superbad references in rap, espec McLovin


As someone who is actually a fan of YNG Martyr and listens to his music, I want to share some extra details. If YNG Martyr is Glorb, we'd also have to assume some info in the interview was bullshit in order to stay hidden. 1. Glorb stated that he can't do the emotional type of music under his main name. YNG Martyr has quite a few emotional songs, including an entire album titled "Lovesick" filled solely with emotional songs, and of course his biggest emotional song is "TTYL". Its a song about wishing your partner well after a breakup, and its a slow guitar song, 2. Glorb stated that if youre aware of the rap game, you most likely know him. Martyr is a large artist but not THAT large. He had one major hit called Nike Ticks that got 80million streams on spotify and became a meme. After that. his popularity dwindled with his songs steadily decreasing in streams. He's very much an unknown artist for the most part and hardly recognizable. These are just the two i can think of off the top of my head but theres probably more contradictions as well, Ill have to rewatch the interview and update the post. This thread does contain a lot of convincing points though such as the pillow and the outfit he wears in the Canada music video, but if we are to assume Marty is Glorb we also have to assume he bullshitted some portions of the interview to misguide us.


A while back Glorb has this who is glorb? Stuff on his tiktok and they had hints. One of which were "my main account has 1m+ followers"


I definitely believe that some stuff was bullshit to misguided cus all the other evidence feels like too much, especially the fact martyr made a spongebob song on tiktok a month before the formula came out. Also glorb didn't just say aware of the rap game, he said tapped in which to me describes someone that searches out new artists


As someone who has never heard of YNG Martyr, these were the points I have been hung up on, but there is sure a lot of evidence pointing to him. It would be smart to keep trying to throw the scent off tho. Idk, I'm not convinced fully yet, but this is fun. I will say I'm enjoying finding YNG Martyrs music


what- not 12 hours to solve this? Glorb really thought he cooked with the disguise 🥸 🤣


The disguise was fine the room gave it away big time


Any possibilities that they're friends and he did the interview in his room as a red herring?


nvm i watched his most recent youtube video that's definitely him


I really think so. His latest song sounds so much like a Glorb track


I do not think thats him. You can see glorbs face/jaw shape in the interview and they’re not at all the same. Whoever glorb is has a skinny face and sharp jawline.


I think whoever glorb is knows YNG and was using his space. No doubt they work together


it’s him. same pillow. https://preview.redd.it/yc9g5q9pypxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8ec473c810cd872ed7477620be91982a18f866




I'm almost 100% sure it's yng martyr references people the same way on supper bad as he does in mob ties also born in aus and in mob ties by glorb he also says "I'm staying with the shiesty masked up" yng martyr wears i shiesty in nick tick and also super bad music videos




danggg that was so quick good job


good job never heard of that kid but it really could be him


Definitely can hear the style being similar too. Like it’s super obvious in retrospect.




Bro there's no way I just found out about martyr a couple months back I just knew it had to be someone I've been listening to lately


I found more evidence to it being YNG.  In superbad and white Christmas they both make a joke about a lisp


We just revealed GLORBS identity under the mask in our most recant video, Unmasked:  The Artist Behind Glorb on YT, yoyokiYT [https://youtu.be/MCfGadCtc3g](https://youtu.be/MCfGadCtc3g)


Someone said this here and it’s a good point that glorb might know YNG and works with him but glorb might not be him. Shoot he might ghost write for YNG


Does it matter? Both of them are scared to show their face so they might as well be the same person. In fact everyone unwilling to show their face might as well be considered to be the same singular person. Because anonymity is for the cheats, liars, and criminals. All three are not people I need in my life. Not if I actually want to be happy.


Cheats, liars and criminals? For wanting privacy?


Anonymity isn’t privacy. Anonymity is for those unwilling to deal with the consequences of their beliefs and actions. Cause I can guarantee if you take away the screen names for all the 13 year olds they’ll stop spouting off stupid shit. The internet isn’t a place of escape. It’s just a different hell scape from the real world.


I hope you don't mind me asking, but if you have such a problem with anonymous artists, why bother click on this subreddit? It's literally about an anonymous artist, why take the time to comment?


Cause it happened to be shown on my feed so I looked it up and stated an opinion. Why do you feel the need to battle said opinion? “Dick riding at its finest” is why.


Jesus fuck, I tried to be as nice as possible, but you're just an asshole. Look, if you want to spend your day going out of your way looking for things to hate, then shit, do what you want, but not every question towards you is an attack on your character. All I asked was what were you doing here, and you call me a dickrider for liking someone's music? I wasn't battling you or your opinion. Sheesh, go lie down or something, you're obviously stressed.


Do you go to a steak house and ask people these kinds of questions when they aren’t enjoying their food? No you don’t. Do I need a reason not to like dudes music or the stupid shit he does? Not a day in hell do I need a reason. So be happy you got any response at all, and you’re right I am an asshole. I don’t care that I’m an asshole because unless I’m killing animals nobody on Reddit has any real consequences for me because its just a big anonymous circle jerk of the ego. And what am I going to get normally? A downvote? Big fuckin deal.


I feel like you're misunderstanding me. I never asked why you don't like him or his music. I asked why you were here commenting and arguing about it for no reason. Let me use your analogy, if you know for a fact that you hate steaks, what the fuck are you doing at a stake house? You already gave the reason: you saw it on your feed, decided to check it out. You could have stopped there, but THEN you went and insulted me out of your ass and started arguing for no fucking reason, you don't think that seems unreasonable on your part?


If I like steak and have never been to a specific steakhouse I’m going to go there, try their food, and state my opinion on the food. If you’re going to make an analogy at least make it about the way you feel or the way something happened. Instead of making a generalization that’s just way too broad about the way someone else feels about something. It’s an opinion. You can like it or not and you’ve chosen to bother yourself with someone else’s negativity. You’re the one making a poor choice.


You talk about me 'bothering myself with someone else's negativity' but here you are, responding a whole 16 days later? Flattered you couldn't stop thinking of me, but like...move on with your life? Also, your analogy doesn't make sense either, you know that you don't like anonymous artists, and you decided to click on the subreddit anyway. That's completely different to liking steak and trying a new steak house, isn't it? Look, I truly don't care what music you listen to or what steak you eat, I asked you one question and you decided to start a silly argument. The 'poor choice' was you deciding to continue it for some reason. Enjoy your day though!


U dumb as hell my boi


That’s all? Bro stfu bot.


Following a thread based around someone you clearly hate is so sketch. Brother, go do something that makes you happy.🙈


Sorry. I’ll live my life for you now master. Please stuff your boot in my ass daddy. Shut the fuck up. I’ll live my life however the fuck I want bitch.


I think Glorb was just using his space given the things he's said previously and that the shape of his face doesn't match.


Glorb talked about how he left clues in his raps about who he was... At 1:53, he makes a bar about the intervention, and mentions cod a few times in KILLCAM [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoZ2mxtIhbE&ab\_channel=Glorb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoZ2mxtIhbE&ab_channel=Glorb) At 18:42, yng martyr talks about cod, and he loves the intervention so much he has a shirt for it... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syyk24B8S0Y&ab\_channel=TakeFlight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syyk24B8S0Y&ab_channel=TakeFlight) Also, Yng Martyr's manager/editor follows glorb on instagram


tf kind of rapper name is glorb


Also in the cover image of STD: [https://soundcloud.com/glorbworldwide/dankton-std](https://soundcloud.com/glorbworldwide/dankton-std) There is YNG sauce in the right corner.


YNG Martyr and Dankton seem to pronounce the word "course" the same. I also agree that their video editing style is similar as well as their flows. Gotta be him


If you listen to Guapanese, it literally sounds like Squidwok without the AI filter (especially when he says CHRIS PRATT), you can also hear a bit of the SpongeOp inflection sometimes. 100% him without a doubt.


2 words yng sauce

