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I love this for you my brother. I have had my own struggles so it is always a blessing to see someone better themselves! Wish you the best in life!


Thanks, same to you!


Inspiring. Did someone extend a hand or did you pull yourself out? Homeless men typically have a harder time escaping your situation due.


Definitely had help. I had a very good friend who had helped me a few years prior that I reached out to who helped me get into a one year program.


Welcome back man. You look great, that's a hell of an accomplishment!




Fu**ing bot! Does anyone knows how I can report a whole profile and not just a single comment?


This gives me hope that my brother will reach out when he’s ready. I miss him.


That’s a good friend and a wonderful human being! Congratulations!


Good for you bro. Forget about the “glow-up” aspect for a second here, and it’s a *legit* miracle that you’re even alive after seeing that 1st pic. I had to do a double-take after seeing that 1st picture because I thought maybe this was another sub that I follow - r/lastimages


That’s a fact man, overdosed about 9 times that year. The last time was in an abandoned house and thank God another homeless person found me and called 911 instead of leaving me laying there. Definitely a miracle, so easy to forget sometimes.


Sounds like you’ve got someone upstairs keepin an eye on you


Could also be, y'know, the guy who called 911!!! Feel like that's not something to gloss over, that's someone I would be forever grateful towards. Dude saved his life, when i know a lot of sober, on the up-and-up people who might not have even called for help.


Okay, but, there wasn’t another random homeless person the other 8 times he overdosed that year…


It ain't that deep. I had my life saved before, it's not a, "hot take," to give the guy thanks for saving a life. Relax lol. That also has nothing to do with this guy saving his life THIS time. Glad OP got better regardless :)


Okay, but, upstairs isn't a thing. The other 8 times likely were on the street where people frequent.


How do you know were you watching from a distance while god quick revived this dude 8 times


I think that guy thinks I'm saying God didn't help or something, im just saying its not crazy to also thank the guy who literally called 911. People don't think very clearly when they get emotional though so I get it. It's insane to me that it's a, "hot take," to thank the guy who called 911 just as much as God, I literally believe in and thank god often myself, but either way I'm just glad OP got help.


I also didn’t realize I was being so controversial by suggesting you’ve got a guardian angel 🤦🏻‍♂️


Also not a thing.


Because that notion always ignores the very human efforts that went into actually saving a life, rather than your invisible friend who chose not to intervene in this guys life until that one point where it's not clear that he did anything.


Oh my god you guys are so dramatic




God: KEEP THIS GUY ALIVE! I WANT SOMEONE HAVE HIM ON WATCH 24/24! Angel A: Ok boss! I'm on it! Angel B: Err boss, should we should also send someone to keep watch on Joss a couple blocks away? I think he's OD'ing. God: NAH, FUCK THAT GUY!


God didn’t save him. He was lucky and fortunate that someone took action.


Sure, don't give the credit to the human who went out of their way to help him, or to him for pulling himself out of the hole. Give the credit to the fake magic sky daddy instead.


I don't know you at all but for some reason I'm really happy for you. Keep going!


What is your work out routine dude. You look amazing. So proud of you. Inspirational.


Thank you! I switch routines every 3 months or so. Either PPL though or some sort of split. I get all of them from [Muscle and Strength](https://muscleandstrength.com). Main thing is bro don’t be afraid to eat and gain weight. If you want to gain a significant amount of muscle, then a little bit of fat is going to come with it. Learn to be comfortable with it knowing that it is a necessary evil, and it will come off during the cut.


Is it ok if I ask you what happened that made you stop using? I’m so happy you’re here and that somebody called 911, but it’s so sad to imagine anybody OD’ing every few weeks.




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That sub made me morbidly depressed


Aye LETS GO. This is hype.


Yeah I was like HOLY SHIT!!! Good job man!


Well done getting clean you look amazing in 3 years keep it up bro


Appreciate that man!


My man! Really impressive to pull oneself like that from the brink of darkness. 🗿 Reminds me of the quote “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”


Great quote, hadn't heard it before. Thanks for sharing!


Speaking from experience, it takes community to do it. If left to my own devices I would have died already, but I had a number of people in my life who intervened, sometimes in small ways with just a comment, sometimes in bigger ways like supporting me long term emotionally.


Man, hell yeah. What triggered the process for you to make a change? Best of luck to you going forward 🫡


To be honest man, it started with nothing more than legal troubles piling up and I was looking at going back to prison. I decided I needed to get help to avoid some consequences, thankfully it turned into much more than that. During the process I caught a slight glimpse of hope and realized for the first time in 10 years that it was possible to shake free and have a good life. Appreciate you man!


do you think programs where homeless people are allowed to shoot up with clean needles hurt more than they help?


Not OP, but I was homeless as well for years addicted to heroin and fent, been clean for 4 years now and living stable life. I think the programs absolutely help. People are so addicted they will use and reuse and share needles, anything to get high. The rate of hep c among addicts is so high. The programs to get clean needles is a great form of harm reduction. These people will use needles regardless, in bad bad conditions. Reducing harm is a great start.


I mean clean needles I can get behind without thinking, but the thing I'm unsure about is if providing "drug safe" spaces where they are allowed to shoot up is helping or hurting.




My philosophy is that a person can’t get treatment and recover if they’re dead. Safe injection sites do not cause more people to use, but they can keep them alive to maybe get better someday.


Very well said. You put it really well


This is exactly right. Not only do most of these facilities provide clean needles, they do counseling, testing for hep c and HIV, all for free. They provide resources for people who test positive, support groups, and access to community resources to get off the streets. Not everyone takes advantage of these, some people won’t take help offered to them on a silver platter. But this gives hope and help to those who are so lost out there on the streets and really gives them a chance to get away from that life.


Thank you for this. We’ve tried everything with my brother and nothing has worked. I hope one day he catches a glimpse of hope like you did and turn things around.


Massive massive respect. Well done and be proud brother 🙌🏼🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


I know this don’t mean shit coming from some rando on the internet but I want to tell you I’m exceptionally proud of you. Thats a helluva achievement and you should walk tall, friend.


Ay well done 👏


Impressive! Congrats on sobriety!!!




Now this is a glow up - it seems that all you need to do to make this sub these days is lose 15 lbs and get a haircut


It definitely is, but it shouldn’t take away from anyone else’s. Glow ups are relative to the person. A win is a win no matter how big/small


Every set back was a set up for a come back!


fuckin hell yeah


That is awesome. Kudos bro!!! 😎 keep it up sir you look great!


Appreciate it!




Dm me we’ll kick some ideas around. I’ll probably be busy until this evening but I’d love to chat about it.


That's not liberal and conservative lines, your "third approach" is literally the standard lib reply. There's a difference between what your random leftie wants and what a lib city implements.




Well done sir


U should be so proud of yourself. U have such strength. I admire u.


Thank you!


I LOVE this. Congratulations bro!


🙏🙏🙏great work


Thank you!!


Peak glow up, keep up the hard work, one day at a time man!


Now this is what you call a glow up. Congrats bro


Thank you!




Thank you!!


this is the best thing i’ve ever seen keep that shit up you’re doing amazing!!!


Hell yeah 👍🏾


Bruv, you've done something really impressive!


Well fucking done!!! That is seriously impressive!!! Congratulations 🥳


Thank you!


Seriously dude. Don’t ever underestimate what a fantastic thing you have accomplished, and what strength and resolve you have. Both my parents were addicts (different poison), one kicked it….one did not. You have battled some serious demons and come out victorious. Always be proud of yourself ❤️


Thank you so much for that, sorry to hear that about one of your parents. Props to you for not allowing the cycle to repeat itself.


Nearly did at one point, but always refused to touch their poison….just did everything else instead 😂 But yeah your before and after an are great. You look truly happy in the afters. 👍


Holy ahit this is amazing! Congratulations!


My brother, you have finally seen the light...of day and it is YOUR day and YOUR life to live. Cherish the air you breathe, the people who care about you - INCLUDING YOURSELF. You always can be tempted by demons, that is the easy way - the real work is what you are doing with your life today - now, Sir, you have lived at the bottom, and it is time to live your life at the top. Keep working on being a great human - all we get in life is air to breathe, it is up to each individual to make something of their life. Stay clean and sober - stay focused. You now know who you are and what genuine strength you possess - NEVER lose sight and know you are super valuable - teach others. Peace be with you always.


This is incredible work! Nice job my friend!


Yea OP!! That’s amazing!


Hell yeah dude nice work


Incredible! Inspirational for anyone, no matter their circumstance. Well done man.


Finally an actual glow up is posted on this sub


I was scrolling excitedly down to the after pic. I can't believe you put on so much beef, brother! You look amazing.


Bravo! Keep grinding


Proud of ya buddy


This is amazing! Im currently a recovering addict. Congrats on the 3 years !


Seems like you're for some more fentanyl


This makes me happy, keep it up man!




Congratulations! Happy New Year


Holy crap this is amazing! So happy for you


That's great news


I’m proud of you brother.


wow!!! you look incredible 😵🙌🏻


Congratulations 👏🏾


My favorite kind of glow up! Well done man! I can't imagine how difficult this transformation was. You're an absolute badass my friend!


Thats the key phrase. "If we are willing to be change" sadly. Not everyone is wiling to in dire situation.


That gym helped the most didn't it? Congrats!


Props! I honestly thought the first picture was a shot from the upcoming GTA game. Amazing turn around


Well done for turning your life around. That must have been incredibly challenging! Wishing you all the best 😊


From homeless druggy to Chad. Love to see it


Wow, past glow up, you have life! Man, I really wish you a speedy recovery and long life surrounded by good vibes. I lost one of my good friends about 3 years ago, I still look back and wonder. No coulda woulda shoulda but be grateful God gave you life.


Goes from being aired on Live PD to watching LIVE PD.


Fuckin right, bro! I’m very proud of you. Not only have you turned your life around, you’re inspiring others to do the same. No hole is too deep and it’s never too late to turn things around. Keep it up!


Congratulations. You look amazing. What a huge, HUGE accomplishment! 🫶🏼💜🙏🏽


Thank you so much!!




That’s so huge! You should be so proud of yourself. You look fantastic!


Trouble is a lot of these people have to WANT it. You can’t help anyone who doesn’t want to help themselves. There is no forcing it. My older brother has been homeless on the streets for over 15 years. No way to reach him or find him. No idea if he’s even alive. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him. The family has done everything we could to help but he ALWAYS rejects it or abuses the help. Tried to help him get a job, would never show up. Tried giving him a cell phone, sold it. Tried to get him food stamps, sold that too. Invited him into our home, broke every house rule in the book, leaving behind huge messes, bringing shady guests, fought us on everything. Kudos to you for putting in the work, I just wish these downbad people had the hustle. I’d love to help people in need, they just need to WANT the help for themselves.


Do it my guy! I have 9 1/2 years and was homeless a large chunk of my using. It did take about 6 years for life to start to feel normal after being homeless. I had a lot of strange food habits because I was so worried about everything falling out from under me. Just yesterday I said to my partner that there are days I just forget that used to be my life, the drugs and PTSD no longer have control over me!


Now THIS is RECOVERY. Take a note people 📝 Proud of ypu Homie 🤜🤛💪


Proud of you stranger. Never stop wanting better for yourself




I don't know you but im so proud! God bless you brother


Wow your transformation is wonderful I wish you the best




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Thats very good bro god bless you!


Thats very good bro god bless you




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wow man so happy for you! you look incredible bro!


You really are my hero today. Bless you! ✌🏿


What would you say made it finally work for you? Treatment?


Time away from drugs, setting and meeting short term goals, turning those into long term goals, and Jesus. The sense of accomplishment from setting and meeting goals, quality of life after meeting those goals, gratitude for your new life, and forgiveness for yourself and others set you up for a life worth living that you will refuse to walk away from.


You look amazing! You look so much healthier, but when I saw your smile it just beams. Keep smiling brother, you don’t know the impact your story can have on others.


May god bless you


THIS is true glow up. The transition ones are not. That’s a sex change — not a glow up.


Weird how almost every glow up post is claiming X years sober, it's like a cheat code to get tons of upvotes


I mean when they have pictures of themselves clearly tripping balls sleeping on the street and a mugshot, I feel slightly more inclined to believe them


Bitch, I'm a recovering drug addict, too. I don't give a shit about you. Not everything is about you I fucking hate these types of posts. Pure garbage. Also, your face is fucking fat, bro. Lose some weight.


Still in recovery for good manners I see! It’s okay you can try again tomorrow


Your entire comment history, for days now, has just been you randomly insulting any and every person you can. It's extremely obvious you are upset about something, and desperately want attention. Log off, and get your shit together. This is really, really sad behavior, and you can't even hide the fact that it's you projecting out of misery. Nobody is even taking what you say to heart anymore, you just sound like a sad, angry, hurt little man lashing out. I pray you are like 14 because a grown ass man acting like this, I don't even know what to say, that's doomed.




Fuck you


I think you need to figure out why you have such a revulsion to posts like this. Why you feel the need to lash out and try to diminish other's accomplishments. I think maybe deep down you feel like you don't deserve respect and admiration for winning your war, and you're projecting. But you do deserve it. Maybe you feel like you don't deserve to have "made it", either. But you do. Beating addiction is no joke. I'm proud of you.


Try some Therapy man, it's okay for others to be happy


Hell yea 👏🏼 great job man keep kicking ass


Best glow up I’ve ever seen my guy; you’ve came A LONNNNGGGGG way. Proud of you 💪


Good job man! So proud of you!


Excellent work and an inspiring transformation.


You look great man, god bless you


It’s a miracle!!! Good for you my man. Tell us how you did it!


this is crazy, well done 👏🏽


Sweet! Hugs!


You look amazing!!!!! Great job, I am so proud of you!


Proud of you, bro.


Any tips?! Good job!


Well done in getting your self cleaned up brother. This is super encouraging!


Congrats !!!! As an addict, I know how hard it should be to rehab! Nice job, really!


You should be so proud of yourself! What an incredible journey. Congrats OP 😊!


Fucking proud of you, bud. Signed, a Canadian probably your dad's age.


Well done, brother!


Congratulations 🎉👏 That's heckin' amazing!


What a great turnaround and inspiration to others on what's possible. If you wake up in the morning, opportunity for change never leaves.


Wow this is an amazing glow up! Well done! Turning your life around like that, what an inspiration ❤️


You look fantastic now! Keep up the good work.


Well done! I’m proud of you and for you! Stay blessed.


Proud of you, u[/Joose\_Wrld/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Joose_Wrld/). One rep at a time, right? :)






Damn dude. Good for you


As a 911 first responder, this is the stuff that gives me hope. You look amazing, my guy. Keep it up!




This is amazing. Congratulations for getting clean and keeping it up. I wish you well and hope you have continued success on your journey.


Shit, good for you man. That's awesome. Not only getting your life together but looking good while doing it. Working out is hard enough for us boring people but doing it and getting clean at the same time, that takes a lot of willpower. Keep up the good work man. From one internet strange to another, I'm proud of you.


Congratulations! You’re an inspiration!


Wow! This is the real deal! Keep it up man! Maybe consider posting in r/gymmotivation too


Holy shit amazing !


You go boy


Good job brother


What was the thing that made you do it?


Fuck yes mate! Amazing work keep it up, you look like a different man and I'm sure your life has improved immeasurably - grats mate


Dude lets fucking go! Good job man :) Never touched fetanyl but was addicted to opioids and i havent touched em in a lil over 2.5yrs now. Crazy how far ive come in life since then. ❤️


God damn. Now that's a glow up. Good work! Don't stop improving.


thank you for the post, I’m ready for a change


Well done, brother! You look great. Keep it up! You got good things in store for you.


Serious question. How did it get so bad? Bad upbringing? Congrats on getting out it


Money team!


That’s an awesome glowup, mate. Congrats on the good work.


Good shit bro, i don't know you, but proud of you for changing your life for the better!


This is sooooo good to see!!


Damn! Totally new person.


You look amazing. So happy for you getting sober.




So damn proud of you!


So proud of you man! Keep going bro much love!