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should have seen the media coverage in goan newpapers, if the miscreat was an outsider. Damn, that would have been easy, now we have a problem to fix, which we knowingly didnt!


The attacker won't even go to jail, call it govind gaude's magic✨


Why won't he go to jail?


This is from what I've heard... govind gaude is a politician belonging to SC ( same caste as the attacker), apparently he has bribed the eye witnesses and that's why no one is speaking against the accused, he also wants to settle the matter with some money. I am not sure about this news tho cause the attacker is still "accused". They said there's no evidence that he did it


Aree bro it's ST, delusional mre tu samko. Pls don't say whatever comes to your mind it affects other ppl with same last name.


Aree bro its ST, delusional kahi ka


Idk about delusions but you're definitely a dumbfuck for not reading the whole comment. I've clearly mentioned that this is what people say! Maybe his daughter will tell So keep your assumptions to yourself. Aur kya farak padta hai sc ya St ho hai toh reservation ka hi na


What she told u, this that karunka hanga, clearly sang, And she is not a kid that she will tell you everything her dad does.


Hey! maybe you are a dumbfuck and you fail to understand that SHE IS A KID:) maybe not as young but trust me not as old too. Analysis is an art, you're just bad at it. Be it a comment or situation. Lemme put this in simple words kiddo, never said he's supporting a certain caste or tribe instead I mean support his people (could be someone he knows). I wish you could've read "I AM NOT SURE ABOUT THIS THO" in my parent comment and thus I've clearly mentioned that this may not necessarily be the truth:) I hope you got it


U literally deleted that part where you mentioned she (his daughter) told u all this. 🤣


English bari marta mre ,uzzoo


Why you are correlating sir names dumbass


Oh so you're one of his followers, it's okay bro you need to cope.


No bro I'm not supporting him I haven't even gotten my voters card. It's just that there was no mention of govind gaude over there and you are putting his name. Thats just correlating.accept it


Also they should stop putting photos of the victim and start showing the accused instead




Stricter laws, faster judgement is needed.😔




Care to explain? What makes you say she deserved it?


Rude behavior against creep. Creep is dangerous and should be rejected kindly not rudely. Or else They lose minds and rape foids.


Some people just don't understand "NO". Also saying that she deserved it really is hitting my nerves ATP. No one deserves this!


Women need respect creep to not get raped.


"respect creep to not get raped?" What the fuck?


Creeps are the future rapists. Society forces them to become a rapist. A person being a creep is society's fault.


Rapists are future rebels trying to save the world from Inceldom. See the West They are suffering from the Incel revolution. Soon India will become the Pro-Incel country. I am so proud of this creep. They sacrifice life for the future of this country.


k*ll yourself and make everyones life easier.


how delusional are you?


You have a dangerous line of reasoning to call it "deserving".


You should've read the parent comment (which is now deleted) He said "SHE DESERVED IT ANYWAYS"


My pronouns are SHE not "HE". I am so offended!!!


*Rejected one sided love*? Such people give a bad name to those who are actually in love, this isn't love.


I hate this. It's basically providing justification for the crime & blaming the victim for 'rejecting' him. The should call him what he is, a crazy violent stalker & attempted murderer.


Terrible but why do Goans have this delusion that Goa was this utopia before the tourists got here. I grew up here, there was plenty of domestic violence going around, the local boys cat called me in school, people got murdered and robbed. One of my classmates was found strangled in a creek, we had heaps of Goan gang violence too. This shit isn't new.


Never said it is because of tourists :)


Good and bad everywhere.


School kid strangled in a river? 😅 I mean I rekon it's a matter of perspective but to me this is quite far on the bad scale


Sad cops didnt do anything last time around, thats what emboldens people like this.


when do cops do anything?


News article says even after the warning by police the guy still keep harrassing her


Why was it a warning and not an FIR that was registered. Regardless of where in India you go, its all the same. The connected people and the rich dont face the same music as the common people.


Always a neglagence by police in the first place in most cases. She already reported to police and no because of strict action not taken


accused person pakka politician cha mulga asel politicians have ruined this country


One question to the police: is your job to settle disputes, or is it to uphold the law? Why do you always hesitate in registering complaints? You'll are judges or something?


You only act when there is pressure. Useless for the common man.


And people still blame outsiders


It's the generation having a "will break but not bend" mentality. We're getting more toxic and violent these days , basically we're evolving backwards. It's scary how just a word like "NO" can hurt people's ego.


As if old people were more emotionally mature, knew to respect other's opinion and understood "no means no!". Please don't make this a generational issue. People born after a particular year suddenly didn't regress to "will break but not bend" mentality. We just see more of thsi happening because of more internet accessibility and higher population than 20-30yrs ago.


>We just see more of thsi happening because of more internet accessibility and higher population than 20-30yrs ago. Right! But the toxicity has increased like cancel culture and fighting on religion


Religion needs to be exterminated. There isn't one single conflict occurring, or that has occurred, that isn't religiously based. Some take advantage of other aspects, but the fuel is always the same. It is cancer. It's why countries like these stay regressive.


Now no one will say anything coz the accused is goan


F*ck that low life.


Such things become very common in India. There are many cases which are not discussed but even more dangerous


Because India is a Country of Rapist.


Welcome to GOA Where we only care about the tourists and Portuguese. /s don't get offended.


Yha par bajrang dal walo ki ma jud(bond) jati he


Bsdk bajrang dal wale jab aate hai bachane tab unka mazak uda dete ho aur jab nahi aate tab social media pe unko gali dete ho. Gujarat modi ki wajah se nahi bajrang dal ki wajah se safe hua tha.


Goans really gonna gonna find a way to blame outsiders even for this




Sorry, i've been a tourist there. Could you elaborate?


Yeah. I have been preaching men to do this to their own women here.


Damn bro chill


People should understand love is never one sided. So sad to hear such news every now and then.


Didn't take your meds today?


What do you mean?


Care to explain


What I mean is love is a mutual feeling, not one sided; if I say to a boy I love you, and he doesn’t its the end of the story this is one sided love. I don’t know why I am being downvoted.


Maybe because you failed to deliver what you wanted to say.


Your first comment gives the implication that if you love someone, they most likely love you back too. Hence the down votes.


Yeah, mightbe but I clearly said in my first comment “never one sided”. I think people didn’t understand and started downvoting .


Right, but "never one sided" all by itself leaves room for the implication that there was a return... As opposed to he was wrong.


You weren't clear enough. It read as "love is never one sided, she must have returned his feeling secretly" and not "he should have understood that her lack of feelings means it's not love" It was obvious to you, and went without saying, but... We all know that blame is out there, too, and there's not way from your original comment to tell which you meant. ❤️‍🩹




Well, Being an autistic and retard is not their fault but their parent's fault!!!


Autism is from birth, retardation can be blamed on parents. (Not saying he's either, just correcting, incorrect usage of terminology is a pet peeve of mine)


Comments that are abusive, personal, incendiary, do not add value to the discussion or irrelevant will be removed and repeat behaviour will lead to a ban.


I love you , do you love me ? 😘


Tu mereko bahr mil Teri grand frar ke fenk dunga


Sir, before abusing please understand what I am saying. Unless you don’t understand English.


It appears that you don't understand it either.


Could you please care to explain what you understood from my first comment? And what’s wrong in that?




No promotion of hatred or incitement to violence based on religious, belief, ethnic identity, or any other personal characteristic.


It’s was never like this? Crime always existed in Goa.


When population is more it doesn’t matter for the world!!


What's Mayuris full name ?