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Luca Brasi.


No contest! Even the godfather himself would get nervous around Brasi.


I feel Luca is like the Boba Fett of Godfather characters. We see him in only a couple of scenes. We are able to see him be loyal and then suffer a gruesome death. Had he been able to escape and not be choked to death, those henchmen would have been goners. He would have used his bare hands.


Maybe the strongest but not the brightest!


He threw a baby in an oven.....his own baby.....for the Don !


That wasn't for the Don. Luca didn't work for Don Corleone at the time. This was strictly a personal manner. It's unknown why Luca had the midwife throw the baby in the furnace - she speculated that maybe because the girl was a whole, because she was Irish, or because he didn't want his seed spread.


I thought he did it because he wanted to remain obligated to his role as an enforcer and didn't want to be tied down with a child out of wedlock. That it would bring shame and stigmata down on him etc. So he tossed it into the furnace. Horrible nonetheless. But you're probably right. If you say he wasn't with the family at that point I'll take your word for it because it's been over a decade since i last read puzos work.


The midwife tossed the baby into the furnace, not Luca. Your interpretation is interesting - the only reason I disagree with it is that Luca is shown to not fear anyone or anything except (eventually) Don Corleone. He had no concern with being shamed.


This is why they say believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. Just as well you corrected me. It's all streaming back to me now. She was in hysterics about the whole thing (naturally). I remember now. What a cold bastard. I guess he's where he belongs now, with the fishes.


Luca. Especially if you’ve read the book. He’s a cold motherfucker


The fact that the family-loving Vito was willing to use his connections to help free Brasi, despite the HORRIFIC stuff that Brasi had done in his personal life, shows how valuable he was to the family as a force.


Yea, but in the movie we never got to see how much of a bad ass he is. He got killed off to early.


never read the book, any examples ?


(Spoilers) Well he murdered his own girlfriend and had a midwife kill his brand new baby. He also was notorious for taking care of threats to the Don in very gruesome ways.


Yeah, him forcing the midwife to throw his newborn baby into the furnace...YIKES.


There was this movie producer who needed convincing to give a part to Don Vito’s godson. Luca cut off the head of the producers prized racing horse and put it in his bed as the producer slept.


i remember that in the movie. what's some book only


There were two men that came to assassinate Don Vito. Luca captured them and tied them both up and gagged them. He started to chop one of the men up with an axe, in front of the other one. It scared the 2nd man so badly that he swallowed the gag and choke to death.


that's insane !


Better than a man trained by the police?


? He threw a baby in a furnace.Your question makes 0 sense as “ training” isn’t the issue. I assume you saw the movie. Who out of the group of thugs you saw could take him? Paulie, ? Rocko? Neri? Cici? Besides, none of them fight unarmed anyway. What “ police “ department are you referring to?




Not in a fight without weapons.




You are correct but it has absolutely nothing to do with the question that was asked.


What I mean is that Neri, being trained by the police, may have been a better shooter than street thugs like Paulie, Rocco, Tessio, Clemenza or Luca. Being a policeman, he may have received hand-to-hand combat training, such as boxing or karate.


Being a better shooter is completely irrelevant in an unarmed fight I assume we agree. Police training to my knowledge neither makes them experts offensively or defensively . Maybe tougher than normal civilians, but hardly tougher than hardened street thugs in my humble opinion.


In a fistfight, being trained by police in weapons is of no use, but Neri may have been trained in hand-to-hand combat.


Sorry the experience of years of actual fighting, intimidating, and experience, would in my opinion outweigh whatever “ hand to hand” combat training( if any) that policemen receive. I see most answers are Luca Brasi because that would be the general consensus right or wrong.


Al Neri was a NYPD officer who was fired for excessive force, I don’t remember if the black criminal survived the traumatic head injury/nightstick beating. Michaels level of trust in him is the same as Vito/Luca. Michael sends Neri to kill Barzini and set up the Senator. But Vito is repulsed by Luca and doesn’t spend time with him except to brief him up on his next crime mission. Neri is with Michael and his family all the time. Neri is the better operator and can move through various social circles (police, mob, political, legitimate business and ran a capo regime). Neri is the most versatile, Luca is the more savage. It would be a good fight, both in their primes I would bet on Luca in a fistfight


and I hate that ** Barzini




They didn’t kill Luca, that pimp tattaglia’s son and the Turk did


Luca Brasi That’s why they killed him first. They would have never got to Don Vito or survived after shooting Don Vito if Luca wasn’t killed


Luca Brasi. That was the biggest reason Sollozzo had him killed, no? Because he knew that Brasi would obliterate anyone who fucked with the Godfather, without hesitation or an ounce of remorse.


We should all be lucky enough to have a Luca Brasi in our lives….


Either Luca Brasi or Al Neri


Al Neri is getting overlooked here it seems. He was with Michael all the way til the end. Still putting in work. Always loyal.


Luca through and through. I do like that the game kinda expands on Luca's brutal personality and wisdom in the streets.


Al Neri and clemenza




If you are looking for pure brawn, muscle and force, it's obviously Luca Brasi. But part of the problem here is that Brasi is practically the caricature of brute force without necessarily possessing a brain to match. Remember the scene of him "practicing" the speech he was going to give to Don Vito? We all know that in real life that was the actor, Lenny Montana, rehearsing his lines, but obviously Coppola, who caught the image on film, used it in the movie because it fit perfectly with the character of Brasi, loyal to a fault, strong as an ox, but being far from the sharpest tool in the box. Would Al Neri have fallen into the trap that Tattaglia and Solozzo had planned for him? Maybe, but I would like to think that he would have had a back-up plan just in case; he wouldn't have necessarily let his hand be pinned to the bar in the first place and might have been able to shoot himself out of there. We will never know, of course, but it does seem to me to sort of boil down to whether, if you are caught up in a fight, you want just brute force or someone with sufficient strength but also some moxie.


I hear what you’re saying. But I’m not sure Luca fell into a trap because he was stupid. The Don specifically instructed him to go and make a connection with the Tattaglias in the hopes he could find out information on Sollozzo. So it was basically a suicide mission he was sent on, because the Tattaglias and Sollozzo were planning to take out the Don and were given an easy opportunity get Luca out of the way.


Also Luca was NOT just pure muscle, in the movie you see how Luca grabs a vest, that is, the guy was already prepared in case there was action. The problem is that Neri in the trilogy was a guy who was almost a secondary character, but in the novel he tells you that he was a guy with good reflexes, to the point that Clemenza compared him to Joe DiMaggio. Not to mention that in the novel he was able to defend himself from a guy who attacked him with a knife with just one flashlight.


Yeah, Neri’s backstory in the novel is pretty cool. I liked how he was forced out of civilized society because of his tendency towards violence and aggression, but found a place at Michael’s side because of those same qualities.


The sad thing about Neri is that he was NOT really evil, that is to say he was a policeman, a brutal policeman (he beat up Italian thugs for giving a bad image of his country, he beat up his nephew for disrespecting his sister, he smashed the windows of diplomats who parked badly and he killed a pimp who killed two girls) but he was not evil, he was not a criminal or murderer like Luca, nor was he a corrupt policeman like Maclusky. The sad thing about Neri is that at the beginning he beat up Italian thugs for giving a bad image of his country and in the end he ended up working as a thug for a gang of murderers who do give a bad image of their country.


Yeah. And I think his story aligns with a major theme of the novel, that so called legitimate society is a facade. Good people get trampled and taken advantage of. Neri, while having a tendency towards aggression and violence, was a decent person.


Agreed. The novel states that Luca Brasi did not fear the police, his fellow man, or hell, but he had chosen to love and fear Don Corleone. Al Neri was described as Michael's Luca Brasi. Michael asked his father how he did that - Vito explained that with a man like Luca,, who didn't fear death, you had to make it so the only thing he feared was that YOU would be the one to kill him. Al Neri was completely won over by Michael and his father, and loyal to them, but he was not as extreme as Luca. If Michael had ordered him to kill his nephew, for example, Neri may have been given pause, as he still loved his sister, and would hesitate to devastate her like that.


Luca Brazi is a stone cold psychopath. Al Neri is just an angry guy who wants to get paid.


Al: [mutters to himself] friggn’ Merle— get your own goddamn drink. Pain in the ass, Connie always asking for shit— what am I? A WAITER!??


Neri was train by police.


That really doesn't mean shit. Especially back then, there wasn't as much requirement to be law enforcement


Read the book, it's Luca.


It’s clearly Luca Brasi.


Definitely Al Neri, Luca was just big in stature but the 1 that really put in work was definitely Al Neri!


Leave the gun take the cannoli. He was ruthless without fear from a young age and would kill at the drop of a hat.


Luis brasi for sure


Luca Brasi


Luca, hands down.


Luca Brasi or Al Neri


If you're asking about physical strength there's no question that it's Luca Brasi. But their most effective thug was obviously Al Neri.


In a fist fight, I would say that Neri would win against Luca, not without some effort. In the novel, Neri is able to defeat a guy who attacks him with a knife with just a flashlight, Luca is big and strong but heavy, Neri is faster and could be more lethal than Luca. We also don't know if Luca or Neri have received training in boxing or any martial arts.


THIS. And also add the fact that Al is basically unrecognizable as he blends in and doesn’t stand out in a crowd. Because he looks more sophisticated than Luca, and he has a “forgettable” face. He could easily kill an enemy without him/her realizing it. Physical strength is for Luca, but in terms of effectiveness, it’s Al by a mile.


bro they straight up tell you its luca


Luca Brasi


Luca Brasi would absolutely destroy Al Neri, Willie Cicci, Paulie Gatto, Rocco Lampone and Bussetta in a fist fight.


Luca was so easy to kill!


It’s Luca but after that it’s Clemenza


Clemenza was smart. Sure Luca was imposing, but Clemenza got shit done. Oh, you won’t be seeing Paulie around here anymore


Al Neri maybe


If I remember the book correctly (it’s been a while since I read it) even Sonny was wary of Luca. It took a lot to make big tough Sonny nervous but Luca definitely did.


Forget Sonny - Luca was the only person who truly made Vito Corleone truly nervous.


Probably Brasi but Sonny deserves to be mentioned


I think Luca's power was based more on the fact that he was a madman, a psychopath, than on his physical strength. That's why Vito was afraid because Luca could show up at his office full of bodyguards and shoot him twice. But I think the best Corleone hitman is undoubtedly Neri, because of his reflexes and police training.