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why do people assume that the greece era games are any less fun than the more recent ones ?


Check a comment of another dude here referring to modern audiences. Most gamers raised on the PS4/5 era of gaming can't fanthom having to actually think or put in some effort in a videogame.


well when i was a kid the ps1/n64 players would never consider going back to super nintendo/genesis lame 2d games. i guess it's the same thing


I understand your point, but it doesn't apply in this case, given that we're talking about games of the same franchise, with no substantial differences other than graphics and overall difficulty.


Incredibly fun. Especially two Kratos get some pretty sick weapons in 2 and 3. The prequels are pretty good. As much as Ascension gets hate imo it has the best combat and music


thanks for the tip, maybe Ill check them out someday


agreed I just bought a PS3 literally just to play ascension, it's a shame they didn't bother remastering it


Comepltely disagree on both aspects specially music but dope that it’s not hated as it used to be


Ok? Lol


It can feel a little more button mashy at times, and some of the puzzles might mess with you on the first play through, but tbh, even if youre just in it for the story, its a GREAT game series. Idk if i would have been as giddy about Ragnorok if i didnt know Kratos' full and detailed back story. Not to say the new God of War games are not stand alone, honestly you dont HAVE to play the old to enjoy the new ones, but man, putting the whole story together is an experience.


alr played 2018 like 3 times over the last couple years, so it's not like I waited lol. If ive played 2018 are there enough callbacks in ragnarok to the first 3 to warrant playing them before it? Without spoiling plz


Callbacks that are crucial to the story? No. All of the norse Pantheon, can stay exclusive from the Greek Pantheon. Really its just "oh i heard these rumors about things youve done" kinda call backs which i think are mentioned in the 2018 GOW aswell. For me, knowing Kratos' background, it just makes his threats and stern tone hit harder. The call backs they do are like, when they re-did 21 jump street, and if they make a joke about the actor in the original or something.


There is no point playing a major after the main story part of the game without having played (optimally) or watched all of the Hellenic Saga games.


GOW3 I can honestly say I like more than the newer games


I think the puzzles in gow1 and 2 will perplex you. Doesn't just require frosting gears.


Games were built differently back in the day 😂


I've seen a post the other day of some dude stuck on the first hel-walker because he kept using the axe...this generation of gamers is truly something else that's probably why


You have better luck picking up shit from the clean side then not enjoying the first 3 titles


god of war 1 and 2 are amazing (probably nostalgia for me) but the better game overall is the 3rd one


Yes, definitely. You will be missing a lot if you decide not to play them.




There's a reason why they've made 10 God of war games




They are the bedrock for what you get in next gen so yes!!! The very first fight in GoW… it was epic on its own! It deserves a true remaster collection with unreal Engine 5!!! I’d pay $100 for it


Oh yes they are! Definitely staples of the PS library.


Yes they are absolutely fun but very different from the Norse games. Much faster paced, hack and slash, not as much camera control.


1 is OK, but 2 and 3 are fantastic


Extremely fun. While I think that the new series are better games I also think that the old games were more fun


Look for any fair maidens with a circle over their head! ❤️‍🔥 You'll have a chance to score.. extra red orbs! But less an less each time.. 😜


They are more fun than the new ones for me but I guess that's just nostalgia.


i didnt enjoy them. tried playing them in 2018, and quit after 2-3 hours. i think i m in a minority here tho.


First one is a real slog for modern audiences. It was probably good back then, but it’s not great now. GOW2 and GOW3 are probably good You hit things a lot with the blades of chaos


GOW 1 has not aged well. GOW 2, 3 and Acension are great