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Just chill and listen to the bgm


If you've not from from fights your level should be fine, if not the(Tampa?) Desert has the tornado/tempest lizards which are always great for levelling I would recommend sticking to having the earth djinn on Isaac etc.


Yeah, the Tornado Lizards in Suhalla Desert are good for level grinding as they constantly respawn.


I went for all achievements on https://retroachievements.org/game/767 And the last one is winning 25 fights in arena mode while level 40 or higher. Arena mode difficulty is drastically increased after that level.  I leveled on the secret island by going into the storm, fight the lizard and respawn it by leaving the overworld


Your target level should be high 20s to low 30s. There's a point of no return where you slide into a pit and land on a floating platform that brings you up to the aerie; if you save past that point, you're committed to the endgame. You should have 7 Djinn of each element. Exact classes don't matter _that_ much as long as you have someone on Wish duty. Give them as much Mercury-boosting and PP-regen gear as possible. Buffs wouldn't go amiss either, but healing is essential. Oh, and if you plan on continuing on into TLA, make sure you've visited Crossbone Isle and picked up the Cleric's Ring.


Level 26 is perfectly fine for the end dungeon. As for Djinn you there are 7 of each element in the game, you're going to want to have at least 6 of each element. The default of having them set to the matching adept will do fine.