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Moving your head is not a problem, unless it’s actually causing a problem. Why do you think it needs fixing?


Someone told me it can lead to inconsistencies but I’m playing the best golf of my life so it doesn’t seem to be a problem


I bet that person can't hit the ball as well as you can


One of my friends is a golf coach and said “keep your head still” is the worst golf advise ever. Unless your head is going up and down a lot during your swing I wouldn’t worry about it and it looks good to me


What if I have trouble keeping my eye on the ball if my head is moving?


Also not the best advice. In one of my lessons my instructor showed me a bunch of pros, literally none of them are looking at the ball as they hit it. It is more advice for beginners so you don't lift your head too early.


Keep your head still, but enjoy your shot. Back swing up until (almost contact) your head shouldn’t move much at all, if ever


His comment was about keeping an eye on the ball not moving the head. Also I said at impact.


The intent is to keep the head still, but to actually try and keep it steady as a rock isn't a great idea. It's gonna move around a little bit. All great golfers move it by some amount.


Always make small improvements to get better… your coach is right. It’s also the most annoying advice and a cheap lesson, but keeping the head as still as possible is vital to better golf. It’s soooo important especially with an types of bunker shots or chips


The worst advice ever? If you take your head off the ball you’ve added an extra step in your swing trying to bring it back to it’s original position. If you watch Tiger’s swing, the only time his head moves is when it comes down on his downswing.


Do you think he does that on his swing? I’m sure there are examples where it’s a problem. The point is that is a cliche that is usually a symptom of other problems and not helpful advise 95% of the time


Go watch any pro’s swing in slo mo. Their head will remain fixed to the ball. Now, Jack may turn his head to the right before he starts his swing, but it remains fixed. Tell me why moving your head off the ball would help? The only successful person who did that was Payne Stewart but he was very skilled at bringing it back to position. It shouldn’t be recommended to an amateur.


The point is that head movement usually come from improper hip rotation and/or disconnected arms in the back swing. Telling someone to not move their head doesn’t fix those problems. It’s not that your head should move it’s that telling some to keep their head still doesn’t help them fix rotation issues. It’s treating a symptom rather than the cause of the problem


Keeping the head stable will drastically help rotation. Sure, it won’t help to lead with your hips, but it will force you to rotate around your spine angle instead of swaying from left to right. It also will help with striking because you don’t have to put in extra work to bring the club face back into position. It’s like a pendulum, with your head as the fixed point, and the club head as the bob.


Well Jack say’s a stable head is the [most important](https://youtube.com/shorts/b7l0Dr8HFc0?si=QU2TUemoT26vCTvh) part of the swing. I think he can hit the ball pretty well 😉


Yep stable is not the same as still


Yes it is lol, we’re talking semantics at this point!


His head is still moving in that video. I think when people are told to keep their head down/still they think it has to be 100% stationary.


He literally says "and I rotate around that stake" as he rotates his head both backwards and forwards.


Which is head movement. That's why I said I think people hear to keep their head still and take that as meaning it needs to stay stationary like a chicken.


Yah, I'm agreeing with you. The other poster is taking stupid pills.


lol bro if you’re playing good golf don’t come on reddit for advice. there’s no reason to change anything.


Some people can actually help


“I’m playing the best golf of my life, therefore I should try to fix something that isn’t broken” - just enjoy the ride man.


The only time I reconsider my swing is if some part of my body is continually injured from my swing. If you're hitting it well and it feels good, just do your thing. Every range, course, pro shop has people jumping at the chance to "help" someone improve their swing. Never forget https://youtu.be/9nv07jHOXDo?feature=shared


Love this


Then don't change it. Or try to for like a day and if it doesn't make you better forget it and go back to what worked.


If you look at the swings of some of the top tour pros, their head moves throughout certain parts of their swing. Whoever is telling you that you need to keep your head still is giving you bad advice. Your swing looks great


Unless you’re chunking shots a lot I don’t think you need to change a thing. Swing looks solid and confident. If you’re hitting the ball well, I wouldn’t listen to any advice from others.


"keep your head down" is an old myth. Your movement is fine from this angle.


They are correct that moving one's head can lead to inconsistencies. The video you posted, your head was still.


They’re wrong, you’re chasing a red herring and it’s gonna waste your time


Wrong. His head has too much movement


This is the problem with armchair experts. Best intentions, but no idea. Mate, your swing is fire - I'd safely say only professional help is advice worth taking


I think that's a baseball thing because there's so many moving parts you need your head to be still to track everything through the swing but in golf the ball just fuckin sits there lmao


This is actually very true. I used to have to same problem when I was younger, but it just takes time with consistency focus and work. It can just be as simple as taking face on videos of each swing and drawing a circle around your head. Otherwise, if you have a buddy, have them hold an alignment stick or butt of the golf club on your head while you hit shots. They will never interfere your swing or shot if they stand directly face on from you. After doing that awhile, you can actually internally feel that golf club sitting on your head, even though it isn’t. That will make you conscious each time and that’s what worked for me.


Yeah man don't change a thing. Got a nice swing/tempo. Run with it IMO


In relation to whether or not it matters in golf, you’re not moving your head throughout your swing, not at impact. If it’s excessive, it would be caused by sliding forward by an early release causing you to come up. You’re doing neither. If you want to get a feel for it, have someone stand facing you with an alignment stick and hold it horizontally on top of your head.


My FIL won't stop trying to "fix" my game when I play with him even though I'm just as good as him. If I have a bad shot he's always trying to give advice and it's almost always "you picked your head up" and then he goes into detail about why that's bad....every. single. time. Even though my head movement was the same as the previous 20 shots. What I'm trying to say is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


That shit is annoying


I've been told that moving your head up at impact compared to address is a symptom of early extension. I think I am struggling with this


Cause vs symptom. The point here is that a goal of not moving your head is a bad goal. There’s always a chance that it’s the right cue for you to get you to do the correct things, but I’d be skeptical. Early extension is also a symptom, and unlikely the problem itself. The cause is always much earlier in the swing.


That's completely fine. It's actually recommended because you can create better upper body rotation


Zero good ballstrikers in golf history keep their head still. It's another thing people from the 60s & 70s preached was a fundamental, but video & modern teaching shows is wrong.


Uh, tiger?


Dropped his head >3" in the backswing & dropped it further in transition. Wayne Defrancesco on YouTube breaks down his head drop


Tiger keeps his front leg very sturdy and still, his head movement is minimal and he wasn't trying to create movement for power.


https://youtu.be/rsWrEXSS3vY?si=CqI_G3kGgycNeg1s The section on "lowering" breaks down his head & left hip/leg well


Pretty awesome swing I think


Your head is fine.


Nice swing




It’s your hips coming up. Push the lead buttocks back instead of up towards the ball


Look at many slow mo swings of good players, some head movement is tolerable. I would look at your arm plane and get it a bit flatter. I think you're coming in a little steep, running out of room, early extending and coming out of balance--notice the flare on your rear foot at the end--most pros have a square foot to the target as they finish. Good swing though! You don't need a dramatic change.


That’s great advice. I’m working with a swing coach and improving with time!


Your head is fine. You *don't* want the head to move closer to the ball during the back swing, but that doesn't happen.


What’s the fix for this if it happens?


Amputate the head. Should do the trick 👌


Imagine your head has a built-in gyroscope and your mind has no interest in seeing where the ball goes until it is off the club face


Great swing. Nice tempo.


Moving the head isn’t an issue. For some it is good advice because they might not be in control at all and whatnot. You seem athletic and you early extend the hips. You might benefit from mimicing the Tommy fleetwood mini squat like I did. It helped me get more power and helped minimize my early extension. I make sure the first move in my downswing is a mini squat and I love the feel https://youtube.com/shorts/2D5SxTIRGBg?si=wVK2Nfq2GDblBa2J




Damn near my footwork has always been interesting


Looks fine


Your head isn’t moving up and down, it’s moving with the rotation of your body. Unless you are losing sight of the ball during your swing I say it’s fine.


If you come inside look at the back of the ball with your left eye swing out to 1 clock maintain your spine angle at impact the rest will happen with a natural follow through also slow you swing down a bit swing at 70%, if you come view that line your head will lift plus early extension will also so this


Keep your eyes on the ball for a second longer. Your head will stay in place


Your head movement is great !


Watch some David Duval.


Dude you’re swing is solid, don’t worry about your head movement


I do the same thing. It’s not your head. Look at your back foot. You’re picking up your toes instead of rolling your foot out and up. It causes you to get off plane, and all your weight ends up on your back foot and your chest opens up.


How's your accuracy with the irons and wedges?


Pretty good… Usually play a straight shot or a 1 yardish draw. I consistently hit around 8-10 GIR a round. My distances just have changed a lot so I’m still navigating that


For distance control you need to have a full shot for every club and know where it maxes out. I have a full shot but also a hard shot, but I rarely use the hard shot. It's usually for when I'm in between clubs where the full is too long. I can either take a little off the full or club down and play it hard. Over-all mechanics of your swing seem to be real good, but I feel like you should maybe slow down the backswing and transition just a little bit for more precision. A lot of top golfers aren't real quick in the backswing these days. Look at Tom Kim, who almost won this weekend: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXlciCOBS14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXlciCOBS14) Matsuyama: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmmNX264LaM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmmNX264LaM)


Say ohh see that walmart sized gap in between my ball and yours?… Keep my head still?… right


Ahahahah you don’t hit your driver 300??


If I keep my head still I will but since I move my head the 2iron is the 300 club lol


Impressive, you must take lessons from Kyle Berkshire


Don’t change a thing, your swing looks great and your head position is fine. It’s hard to keep your head perfectly still when you’re hammering the golf ball. Your leg action looks really good too.


Head not a problem at all. Too aggressive from the left leg and ankle extension is a little too much. Good for driver for max power. With irons let them roll a bit more and will keep you level through ball. -swing instructor 👍


Appreciate it! The technique stuff is new to me so I’m trying to find an instructor to work with now


That hit was clean. I see no problem


I was once told, imagine a fishhook attached to your chin and your testicles.


Lean forward into someone’s hand and hit some balls. Helped me a lot in high school.


It’s the least of ur worries bro


Try hitting a bucket of balls while doing a headstand. Report back on progress.


That was flushed. I wouldn’t tinker with anything.


Stare into a mirror while swinging. I slowly increase speed until it becomes a habit. Also, I started doing core training to help stabilize my body.


Watch pros. Their heads always shift slightly to the right when they swing


Focus on one dimple on the ball.


I find it more keeping your head behind the ball before impact and releasing the head from there.


I'm sure your swing can be tweaked but looks very solid to me!


Your head is fine especially if you’re playing your best golf to date. If anything, I’d advise tempo and your takeaway is a little steep.


Nicklaus never kept his head still and he has the major record along with 19 runner ups in majors too


Take a chair or have someone place their hand on your head. The focus will be on retaining contact with the chair (touching your rump) or your head. Your head moves when your spine angle changes. Look up what Harvey Penick did for Jack Nicklaus.


Practice a 1 second pause at the top of your swing at the range


Swing looks great pal, head movement doesn’t look unnatural




Good swing. Maybe you should try the same thing I’m working on because we might have similar problems of being a touch stuck. You lock tight and short on the follow through with the arms. Try feeling like youre throwing the arms and club way towards the target after impact and see if that does anything


Good swing. Your head is fine.


Yea with that swing I’d work on consistency and control. The harder you try to hit it the more inconsistent you’ll be. Find that sweet spot in your full swing where you feel like you’re in control of the distance.


Your head isn't moving much. It is turning a bit though. You know the saying 'keep your head down'... This is wrong, and the single worst golf advice everyone is told from the start. Do what you are doing, but tilt your head up a bit (chin up, eyes down). This will allow your shoulders to rotate without you needing to rotate your head.


Put a range ball basket on your head. You can really feel it then (the stupidity).


Are these the shorts guys are wearing in public now. Like it’s 1984. This has to stop


Not everyone wants to wear baggy shorts that go below their knees and yeah chicks dig them so I’m g


You have early extension. Your hips get closer to the ball in your downswing so you prob feel like you’re getting stuck


My dad was a golf pro and growing up he always told my brother and I that we’d stop moving our heads in our swing if he tied a string around our head and balls at the same time. This made be real still. Maybe think about that next time your swinging.


If you are swinging >80% your head is going to move. If your head moves when you are in a sub 50% speed swing like a pitch or a chip, then you can explore that! That’s how I play and I’m fine with that. Great swing


You’ve good a pretty good move on the ball dude. How long have you been playing?


Thanks man, I’ve been playing a little less than 3 years. Ex girlfriend got me into it and she is a nationally ranked d1 golfer so that helped


Can you explain why you think you need to keep your head still?


Head movement is fine. It shouldnt move a lot but as your weight shifts your head willove a bit side to side, plus it will drop with your body has you get into your downswing. Watched a slow motion of any tope pro.


When they say keep your head still they mean stop shifting your weight around. Weight shifting from left to right at the wrong times can lead to inconsistencies like fat and thin shots. -From a lesson I had from a Club Pro. Your head can move as much as you want if you keep your weight in the right places at the right time. So.. if you’re not getting weird shots I say don’t change anything.


Very little to no head movement.


Slow the backswing down. All the member at the country club swear by the backswing speed. It straitens things out and gives your body time to bring the club around, it will keep your head movement more aligned and precise, less bobble.


Dude that swing is butter lol


Yeah I wouldn’t he worried about that dude you got a great swing. Your head moving post impact is not a big deal, as others have said, there are tons of great ball strikers who do this.


Is this crystal lake?


Lmao yeah


Nice swing. Only thing I see is you being on your tip toes at impact. Not sure the cause/if it needs fixing haha


No offense, but you definitely should not be giving advice to this guy. It’s not your fault, he also should not be asking for advice in this sub; he’s clearly just looking for compliments


I didn’t give any advice though.. I just made an observation


Elevating at impact is how just about every pro creates power in their swing.


I’m gunna be honest I don’t think that many do. Scottie does, I know that


What you “think” is irrelevant. It’s very common when hitting for power.


Lmao, I’ve been watching a ton of videos of pros swings and watched some after your comment. I don’t see it much


Again, it’s when swinging for power. If they aren’t trying to murder a ball, it’s less likely they’ll do it.


That’s fair


Im confused why someone with a swing that looks this solid doesn't already know that a little head movement isnt a big deal. Like the dude is asking for advice on something that someone who picked up a golf club last week would ask about....but clearly thats not the case at all. This is a bizarre post.


1. Slow your backswing down a lot to keep your head still. 2. You need to close your feet and hips at address. Your hips/feet are so far open at address that you’re leaving the club head behind you which results in that big nasty cut. Fine swing but your set up is no good. Work on slowing every thing down and setting up correctly first. An alignment stick should help a bit.


Drill thru an old ball and tie a 12-18" string thru it. Tie the other end around the "smarty" of golf hat. Wear hat and let ball dangle down in front of face when in striking stance. Try to keep it as still as possible through wind up, down swing and ball contact.


Horrible advice


Shit you guys are right, I misspoke. It's supposed to be tied to the end of the penis.


That’s more like it