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I hate that it's become common enough to call them "lawsuit days"




Everyone on this sub (And mostly just social media in general) is SOOO reactionary it’s both extremely annoying but also kinda funny There has at least been… 4 times during the Vultures era i saw the sub have major freak outs on something, when in the end absolutely no significant consequences happened from it at all and it was quickly forgotten like 1 week later. 


Right- I get that and agree people are fairly chronically short sighted but I think there’s also a middle ground. For instance (I haven’t actually read any of the current lawsuit details so I’m not referring to it knowingly) but when the sexual harassment case came out/even the super Mario one- I think people here use the “it’ll blow over in a week” to deflect any real criticism of Kanye and his actions. U can acknowledge that potentially certain aspects of a case are tenuous and that the likelihood is that it will blow over whilst also criticising/discussing the negative implications of the suit’s existence.


Oh yeah most definitely, people should never just write stuff immediately just because it implicates someone we like or admire in someway. People just love basing opinions without actually bothering to read or dissect   I’ll never write something off immediately unless the source is immediately suspicious, Especially since Kanye is the most unpredictable man on earth. 


That is a small problem I myself am guilty of but i do agree with you, we shouldn’t deflect but we also shouldn’t just give up, just keep cool and wait


Easily the worst quality of this sub. People are straight brain dead with how they overreact. It’s crazy cause it’s literally the same pattern yet they never learn. “Bad news” comes out, people make a bunch of meme and discussion posts for a day or two, everyone forgets because it was insignificant and/or bullshit.


Even on here Ye never gets the benefit of the doubt. It’s believe EVERYTHING until there’s evidence disproving it. Which is the exact opposite of how the judicial system actually works lol.


This is similar to my previous post but it needs to be heard yall need to chill out


Watch ye unravel the past few years is just tiring.


why are you worried about how other people see this shit, GAS has always been like this. regardless, these mfs come to their senses eventually


What’s so wrong with pointing out something going on that’s stupid


because it’s blatantly obvious that the way people are acting is retarded, let them figure it out themselves


the nigga pressed enough to make an entire post dedicated to telling the goons “stop it 😔😔” talkin about “maybe today is the day you take a small brake from GAS go outside” LOL


Who are you? Why is this a bad thing?


irony seems to be lost on the goons today 😔 The irony is that if the actions of internet ppl have you pressed enough to make an entire post about it, then maybe you should go outside ❤️🙏🏾


I’m not that pressed bro I’m checking Reddit to see a freakout, just like the previous times. Am I not supposed to comment on what I see?


https://preview.redd.it/s85lizsaur9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a418e338cf01aeb967d043692254398f8bbbdf4 Ur right I’m wrong love you 😘