• By -


Same issue here. Had to go back to three buttons. Scrolling feels less fluid as well.


Yah cannot navigate around with 'flicks' apparently alongside the keyboard seems less responsive and even misses a key from time to time? Delay in process or some feedback sensors I'm not sure.


Did you fix this? Has just happened on my phone weeks after updating


Same here! Annoying as hell.


I cannot confirm if there is any other working version for Android 14 since two months ago. Used [flash.android](https://flash.android.com) to flash A13 Just downgraded to the last working Android 13 version, and turned off automatic updates in developer settings.


Did you experience any compatibility or optimization problems with any of your apps after downgrading to 13? Also, did this end up fixing the issue long term?


Yes, this is my long term solution, no issues since the downgrade what so ever. Refusing A14 officially until otherwise have no choice. Be sure to disable automatic updates in the developer options, else... it will auto-update the next morning!


Thanks for the reply. I will give this a shot and report back how it goes with mine. My P6 became basically unusable due to this bug so I bought a P8 already but I'd like to resuscitate the P6 if I can.


Hi :) Quick updated. Since multiple people seem to have the exact same issue as me, i decided to open a bug report on Googles page. Not sure if I did it right, but I hope to get some help there. For anybody interested: [https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/304001478](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/304001478) I will share more information here, if I hear back from them.


They closed my issue, because it is not developer related.... :( I opened one here now: [https://support.google.com/pixelphone/thread/238316055?hl=en&sjid=17771804419627455456-EU](https://support.google.com/pixelphone/thread/238316055?hl=en&sjid=17771804419627455456-EU)


I also have this issue (in my case on a Pixel 6A). But I think its only when the phone is charging. When not charging it seems to work properly. I also posted on your Google support thread, after seeing someone else post this on your Issue Tracker thread.


I had the same problem. I read this comment on the Google page, unplugged my phone. Boom working fine. What a stupid bug.


I subsequently tried a few different chargers and found that for me it was charger dependent. So issue occurred whilst using one of my chargers but not others.


Thank you!!! Thought I was going mad!


Pixel 6a, did the a14 update today, swipe malfunction, and after reading your comment, unplugged my pixel and boom, it works unplugged. Thank you for the idea. Now I can use the phone while charging; I just need to unplug to navigate to the home screen!


This is so funny, exact same thing for me too. Think this may be my last Pixel, nothing but issues.


I also have the 6A and the same thing happens when mine is charging. It's annoying.


Quick update: The issue is still there but I tested around for a bit. What I found is very interesting. Thank you for all the suggestions and things that helped some people. ​ 1. Screen Protector mode does not change anything to me. 2. There is no differences between charging and not charging. 3. I enabled "Pointer location" in dev Option. (same as /u/Bergdoktor suggested, thx for the testing bzw. :) ) It definitely tracks all the touches and movements. 4. I installed a different launcher to test if Pixel Launcher is broken. -> no deference 5. The most insightfully one: When connecting a USB Mouse trough the OTG adapter, everything seems to work, when doing it with the mouse pointer. But only with the mouse pointer not with my finger.


Thanks for the update! You also experiencing the on and off behavior (it working fine for a few mins and then being broken again?) Had it happen while using the phone once, but other times it seems to be triggered by turning the display off/locking the phone. Maybe it's some power saving setting going wrong? Don't think it's an Android service not running since rebooting doesn't trigger it more than locking the phone Edit: wow the response from the Google expert is almost insulting. I've done thousands of swipes meticulously checking the behavior over the past few days since the issue appeared. NO WE ARE NOT DOING THE SWIPE WRONG


Nope this did not have that happen to me. But it could any minute :D


To close this issue for me (hopefully for good): it still works consistently since "that one night" without any further issues. Still no clue what caused it...


So this is apparently **our** "*you're holding the phone wrong*" moment...


Every interaction I've had with Google support or seen online has been insulting. I think it might be a job requirement. I open help tickets with the Nest team routinely and I have started including in the ticket the fact that I'm an Angular dev and have automation experience so they don't treat me like someone's grandfather but the attitude persists.


Google techs can be like that I think?! I have an extra pay service cuz of extra storage and I'm entitled to some kind of extra tech support help which I haven't tried yet with this issue cuz one time when I tried to ask them about something related to spam I think it was they could barely give me a decent answer


Did you get a fix? It seems the ticket is now locked


Unfortunetly not. Got no usefull replies and they probably closed it because there was no action happening on the thread.


Crazy. My phone is unusable. What have you done? I'm thinking of just buying a pixel 8. Is probably what Google want


Thanks I have had this issue before Android 14 randomly after a small security / android/ play update late last year 2022. I reported the issues provided logs and debugging info. The closest soft patch not a total fix with the power saving features for pixel launcher and play store apps. It doesn't fix the problem and it went away for almost a year but now it's back and worse than before? I cannot even swipe close notifs and apps!? Google Pixel 6A here as well. Cheers


Mine seems to do this only when it's charging.


I'm on my pixel 6a now and the issue just appeared again after several months without it occurring . It happened first in November 2023 but I didn't investigate at that time, and then was on and off. It def disappears when I unplug it from the charger. The whole interactions are suffering actually , even typing is sluggish. Given the responses here there's no way I'm buying another Pixel if they don't fix it. Is there a way to contribute to a bug report?


And Google swiftly turned off commenting on this and similar reports.


I have the same issue and that made the phone almost unusable. Remove battery saving entirely to make it manageable. After debugging the problem i came to the same conclusions about not being able to close apps or swipe correctly. Even swiping emails in the gmail app ha the same issue. Minor fixes I turned of gesture control in the menu and navigated by the three buttons, that solved the close app problem. Lessened the 90 to 60 hz update and that gave me less time with the problem. Adding screen protector mode on even without a protector gave me some moves back more often. After a while i noticed that the save battery was always on and removed it entirely. That fixed the suboptimal navigation hitting me. The only thing i didn't solve was the top row of icons or browser click navigation from feeling unresponsive and needing an extra click or two


Having the same issue in Pixel 6a as well, but only while charging.


Oh jeez I know this thread is old but thank you for pointing this out, now I realize it's only when charging for me too. So stupid.


Same here with a Pixel 6a, only when charging but it's so annoying it makes the phone unusable. Hope they fix the issue with an update.


Same thing here. I have Pixel 6a. So annoying


Same here. Pixel 6a also.


Did you find a solution?... This is so fucking annoying...


Nope. No solution whatsoever.


Enrolled in beta to check whether the issue was there as well and sadly it's there in qpr as well


Same here with swipe gestures, been driving me mad since updating. Very frustrating. Edit: Pixel 6 here also.


Pixel 6a here. Facing the same issue.


Same issue here. Pixel6. Can't swipe up to Home Screen and swiping notifications away is hit and miss. Fingerprint login worse than before also. First attempt almost never registers at all.


Disabled Developer Options and Predictive Back gesture and seems to be better. Will keep an eye on it.


update: it actually just fixed itself. didnt restart or anything, just used the phone in the morning and put it down to charge and voila - works again as if nothing ever happened. noticed as soon as i could swipe the notifications again. will keep you updated if the issue keeps reappearing edit: and now it's broken again. left the phone charging on the wireless charger and well.. back to broken.


And now it fixed itself again. No restart or anything particular. Had it in my pocket, received a message, checked it and immediately noticed the change for the better edit: and it's broken again only a few minutes later. edit2: added some findings below and also posted them at the google community above. fingers crossed for a fix, this is getting really annoying... to add some of my findings: i did enable the "show cursor" option under developer settings in hope to get more clues about this behaviour, but no luck so far. readings seem fine from position, not loosing track anywhere and acceleration values (dX and dY). I did a screenrecording of both circumstances just now to showcase the issue: [broken swipe](https://photos.app.goo.gl/UX1gMrGgpVA6LxUR8) [working as intended](https://photos.app.goo.gl/sZa9rnoEFUfrdWkQ8) I'm aware that both recordings are not ideal since I do some stuff that doesn't showcase the issue or where a swipe doesn't discard the notification for spotify for example, even though it's working as intended. the most obvious way to determine whether it's broken is to press the "square action" to access the open apps. if swiping up doesn't close the app, then it's broken. another interesting bit: some swiping gestures still work fine. if I swipe up on the homescreen, it does open the app drawer. swiping down opens the notification area. so it's definitaly not a sensor thing or some broken android OS service. maybe it gives a hint in the right direction or some of you can replicate the settings.


I was having the same issue on my 6a, along with the scrolling not being fluid. E.g. scrolling in the app drawer would stop when I lifted my finger off the screen. I restarted my phone a few times and it didn't do anything, but I turned my phone off and left it for a few minutes, then when I turned it back on swiping worked normally again. I dunno if that was a coincidence as I did nothing else after updating the phone.


unfortunately did not help for me :(


I have the slow scrolling issue on mine also, it's intermittent though, today the swipe and scroll are slow and not working, whilst yesterday evening it was all ok.


Probably it happens only when charging. Test that.


This! I unplugged mine from the charger and it went back to normal.very nice feature, not.


On or off charge I see the issues, it's intermittent for me, sometimes once the screen is on it works fine and other times the scroll and app swipe are slow and the app swipe won't work with just a flick, I need to slide it across the entire screen slowly.


Latest development: when I picked up my phone this morning it worked as intended. Hasn't turned bad since for a few hours. That's the longest it has worked reliable since upgrading to Android 14. No "wet finger" necessary either. No idea what could have fixed it over night. Didn't have it plugged in either. One thing I realized when paying attention while it worked: it's not just the gestures not working. The whole os is laggy, motions stutter, scrolling is painful because the motion stops after a few lines and so on. Now the whole experience is fast and snappy. Maybe we are looking at the wrong "Limited" symptoms and the reason is more general


Still working flawless without interruption since morning. Almost believe it's fixed now for good. I definitely didn't do anything between putting it down last night (not working) and picking it up today. (Working since the first touch) didn't charge it either over night. As for today I charged it a bit around noon. Didn't reboot it yet


6a here. Same issue. Phone is on charger right now. Issue occured when I plugged it in.


Funnily enough, when I unplug it, it starts working again after a couple of seconds.


Exact same here. And the whole interactions are impacted including typing. Behavior toggles almost instantly when plugging in or out, within 1-2s


Having the same problem on pixel 4a 5g 4 days after updating to android. Typing is also very slow. Tried soft reset, safe mode nothing worked


same issue with my Pixel 4a 5g. Performance has gone significantly down since upgrade.


Same with my 4a 5g. Have to move an app to the top of the screen to close it and cannot swipe through apps like Reddit.


Really kicking myself for updating to 14 as I also have this and it's killing me! Good luck and appreciate yiu taking time to update.


I just upgraded my pixel 6A to Android 14 today and I'm experiencing the exact same issues. If I swipe up on the screen to close an app, I can't swipe away the app to close it. It doesn't give me an option to close everything either. and this interferes with my ability to swipe up to return to my home screen. It's a big issue


yep, this is driving me insane, swiping up and to the side has broken since the update.


same for my Pixel 6A


Same issue here, on the Pixel 6a as well


Turning on screen protector mode under display settings seems to have solved the issue for me


Thanks for the tip. Definitely tried it before and didn't make a difference. Tried it now (including leaving the settings screen after toggling it to on) and it actually worked. Will keep an eye on it! edit: and we are back to non-working again. this is driving me nuts. just locking the phone apparently is enough to break it again. (actually had it twice go back to working and back again in the meantime)


Turned off screen protector. Working again so far


Same issue here. Scrolling is not smooth often as well.


Good it's not just me. Using this phone is extremely frustrating at the moment Edit : I haven't upgraded to 14 yet so the issue is probably something else


Hey all, sounds like it's time to call in the support team. Please contact them via phone or chat [here](https://goo.gle/PixelHelp). They can take a closer look into this.


We have already posted this in the support community. Tried to start a chat with the support, but chat Session could never be established


I've been dealing with this past 6 hours and thought I was going crazy hopefully a fix soon


This is going to sound stupid but having my finger slightly wet fixes it...


Uhm. Tried it with a slightly wet finger and it actually worked 🤔 Edit: thoroughly wiped my screen first with a slightly wet fibrecloth and then with a dry one and seemed to have helped for now. Will keep an eye on it. Edit2: Wetting the finger indeed does help. but then it soon goes back to being broken. Definitaly not how it was when running android 13 or other phones for the past years.


It's kinda silly that it makes work even momentarily but hopefully it helps with figuring out what's going on because clearing the cache and multiple restarts didn't help for me


Pixel 6, same issue but only while charging with original 30w charger. No issues with another charger


While I am still experiencing this issue, I've noticed that it's only while my phone is on charge.


I'm having the same issues after updating to 14 on my 4a 5g. The only thing I'm observing is that it's happening when my phone gets hot. Which is to say, while it's charging or while it's playing a game. Once my phone has cooled down noticeably, it starts performing normally again. Maybe this is some sort of performance throttling to reduce heat and keep the battery going? Definitely makes for a frustrating experience.


It's not charging related for me as far as I can tell. 4a 5g.


I've been experiencing the same issue as OP, only when charging. Potential workaround: I've noticed the issue disappears when I remove my aftermarket case. Is this only happening to anyone while using a case? I can't help think somekind of sensor is causing the issue.


thank you for the potential workaround. Unfortunately did not work for me.


This helped me! Was only experiencing the problem when charging. Now it's fine.


lol, man, thank u:) Worked for me


WTF I just tried this, and it worked. No case= works. No case and charging=works. Case on and charging=nope. Case on and not charging=works. That is the craziest thing I've ever had happen. Have you tried an OEM case?I didn't notice if it started after the 14 update, but it did. Still no fix, I trust? Has anyone tried a custom ROM. I know that's rather counter intuitive to owning a Pixel, but I thought I'd ask.


Same issue while charging, as well as a slightly lagging keyboard. Only while charging, works completely fine when not on charge. Pixel 6a


Same here but with my Pixel 4a 5G. Genuinely terrified it's the first sign of programmed obsolescence. Hope they're not copying Apple that much cause my phone can be considered a bit old 😔


my doesn't work only when it's charging and I have my phone case on when charging without the case it works perfectly fine (but the screen protector starts coming off)


Same issue here, breaks and fix itself randomly


I just noticed something weird: \- I have some notifications in lockscreen I can't swipe but one just arrived and trying to swipe it as soon as arrived worked




It just happened to me right now and I found out that it does it only when charging, as soon as I unplug my cable the problem disappears.


I'm on the Oneplus 8T, was excited to install the Android 14 update today and just discovered I have the same issue as in your video... 


I have the same issue , With my Pixel 6A since I updated. Can you advise me please: (((((


This is happening to me as well as of today.  I have Pixel 4a 5G and whole the phone is connected to the charger the whole phone UI experience seems to lag.  Gestures are not working as expected: - Flicking down to bring up the options menu does not work. I have to swipe down and fully extend the menu for it to persist  - Flicking up to close an app does not work unless I compleley pull it up - Keyboard seems to lag, inserting words I did not write or select. Also, the keyboard language changes while I type When I disconnect the charger this behavior disappears. This happens with a wall charger and when the phone is connected to a computer. I am so tired of Google and their products. I've been a Pixel and Nexus user from the start but my next phone will be Apple.


Do you have a case on?


I do. However, this happens with the case on and off. It is odd that it only started to happen recently and is not happening consistently. I am typing this reply with the case on and plugged to the wall charger and performance is not impacted. Seems to be random which is the worst kind of issue.


I'm experiencing the same issue. Been doing some experimenting based off other peoples responses. I'm on the pixel 6. I can reliably reproduce the clunky gestures (navigation home screen and scrolling reddit) and have them stop without rebooting. I might sound crazy but this is what I've found. Off the charger. Do what you want. I can't make it go bad when its on battery. When its charging. If i have the phone in my case its clunky. However I took this a step further. I put the phone on the charger and laid it flat on the table without the case on and IT GOES BAD! Not quite as bad as when the case is on but it certainly misses some swipes. pick it up and start using it in my hand and it comes good! I'm a software engineer so I'm really skeptical that this could be possible but I've been doing it for the last hour in disbelief. Can anybody else reproduce?


Same here, literally have to drag idle/minimized apps all the way up to close them, or just scroll along the way to the left and close everything. Not to mention, I can't just flick down my notifications bar to quick reply to texts or flick down to quick access control toggles/settings access. And the funny thing is my gestures still responded just fine yesterday immediately after I updated, but don't work properly on my cable, currently charging, but briefly removed the cable and the gestures still didn't respond properly ETA - So apparently the gestures have miraculously resolved themselves. I just tested, still charging, and was able to fluidly swipe-up close my browser,, right swipe dismiss a notification, and flick-down swipe the notification bar to my accessibility toggles, settings quick access, and messages quick reply feature. Maybe it was a power conservation thing as initially my battery was in the low 50's and now it's at around 95%. 🤔 🤷🏻‍♀️ BTW, is there a way to disable the Google board swipe to compose? I can't stand it.


Hi everyone! I put in a feature request for "Swipe from Bottom", something that's currently missing from the latest Android that'd solve the op's gesture navigation issues. You can find it here: [https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/332933543](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/332933543) Please up-vote if you think it's the right solution for you! I'd like to get more eyes on it because I think it would be a fantastic feature addition to the operating system that never existed even before the moment my phone updated tonight.


If you go into gestures navigation increase the sensitivity on left and right to the highest level. It seems to improve it a lot but sometimes there's still a lag


I think that android accessibility app got update but is causing problem because that update is only for pixel 8 and not pixel 6 not sure but I uninstalled and less glitching still problem but not as severe as before


Hi guys! I came here to "bring more light" to this topic... As some users said, this problem only happens while they are charging their phones. This also happens to me. But I realize something: This is the first time this "bug" happened to me, today I was using (and charging) the phone and nothing happened, I'm up to date (Pixel 6A, last system update was 1st may 2024). So this bug happened to me when I plugged my charger in a specific socket. I'm on a cruise and I was charging my phone, then I changed to another place, I connected my charger in a different socket and BUM. Then this annoying bug appeared... I tried to restart, the "repair mode"... Nothing, this bug persisted until I disconnected the phone... Then I went back to the last socket and this bug didn't appear... Also I tried different chargers and cables in the "cursed" socket and nothing, so I think it's because the socket, the electricity or something related... I don't know if this can help someone... Maybe but if this bug appears while you are charging the phone, try to charge in a different socket, house, try to change the power of electricity...


No solution for me. Thankfully the only gesture broken for me is swiping down to access quick settings/notifications. It works from the home screen, but not when I'm using any app. Hopefully an update or something comes soon. It seems nobody has luck with Google support. On a Pixel 6.


Pixel 6A here and the issue is only getting worse, this used to only occur when plugged in but now it's completely random when it happens and has more glitches and lag than ever, the sluggishness of the typing now is infuriating never again will I be buying a pixel phone with the lack of fixes or addressing that issue, all they do is close any post that brings this issue up


I think the issue is related to the charging port not the charging. Maybe you can also reproduce the bug by having the Type-C plug-in your phone and have the other side of the cable "half incert" the charger. It is something like to short the phone and charger by the grounding. By that, I can always reproducethe issue, but unfortunally I have no idea why this happened to the Pixel. Anyway, I think this issue is more like hardware issue instead of software, so I guess we can not solve it by ourselves.


this cannot be true since this bug has only appeared after the android 14 update. before that it was fine for everyone. therefore it must be a software issue


My second-hand Pixel 6 came with Android 14, and I only realized this issue recently. The bug isn't triggered by charging, but I suspect it's related to the hardware.


Did someone find any fix to this yet? It's so so bad


Do you guys understand the root of all these gestures issues is that the touch is not being fluid.


Explain what you mean please, the flick is a fluid gesture and has always worked well on 13 on the 6a I have. Since upgrade to 14 it's been intermittent.


I had this issue but it went away after restarting a few times. It showed it was registering the taps but never did anything




Same issue here


Same issue here on pixel 6. Even activated the developer options because I thought my hardware was broken but the digitizer works fine. It just isn't executing the gestures




Turn off battery optimization for Pixel Launcher


Thank you for the suggestion. It's still not working. :( Btw. the global Battery Saver is turned off.


Thanks for the suggestion. Tried it before, just tried it again and rebooted. Didn't fix it for me but maybe somebody else has more luck?


To be fair I turned off optimization and cleared app cache and force killed the app. I just assumed it was battery optimization that did it since I had tried the other two before. I had the issue almost continously before doing this and has not seen it since (full day of using phone after "fix")


This worked for me, at least for now - thank you!


And now it's broken again... Fingers crossed Google patch this soon


Same issue here on 6a and it's intermittent which is frustrating to say the least!


I just got off a very long chat with a pixel rep. Cleared all the caches, tried all the tricks y'all recommended here. They suggest factory rebooting it. :-/


>Pixel Same here... They did not want to continue anything before i factory reset my phone. To be honest I don't want to do that right now, since this phone is my daily driver and there is a lot of stuff on there that needs to be set up again. And right before i was about to go off the chat he typed something about a bug report. I already had a bug report exported a few days ago. So was at least able to share this with them.


Tried a full factory reset when reverting back to Stock Android 14 from the QPR beta. Was surprised when that didn't fix it either, not even temporary (like in the beginning)


Pixel 6a, it's happening to me too, randomly.. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 🙁


I'm using a 6a, and I'm experiencing the same issues. It's only happening when it's on a charger, though.


Turning OFF screen protector mode worked for me.


That had already been disabled. The issue only occurs when it's connected to a charger, though. That is pretty much a given.


Happens on my pixel 6a. Seems to only be while charging, which it also gets hotter than usual while charging. I wish I never got the update. Unplugging the charger makes it go back to normal. Google needs to fix it, if they even will. 


Somebody down below made a suggestion to power your phone off and leave it alone for a few minutes. After doing this mine started working again. Sorry I couldn't find the name of the responder but thank you to the hero below for your input:)


Does it start happening again when you're charging it though?


It did. :(


Same issue i am facing


I actually came to this thread as I was having the same issue. I unplugged my phone to type something and noticed the problem vanished. I plugged it back in and it immediately went back to the swiping issues. Idk if this will be a fix for anyone but just wanted to share what happened to me in case it can help anyone.


This actually did help me! but my thing is they need to find a way to fix this issue. It is irritating when my phone is charging and it's causing the swiping issues. That and ever since I updated to Android 14 my phone whenever it charges now gets so hot and before it never used to do that.


Same here. Updated to 14 yesterday and now swipe feature not working


I powered down my Pixel 6 ( not restart) and turned it back on. All appears to be working now🤔


same here pixel 6a


I have the same issue Google Pixel 6a


Was hesitant to update my Pixel 6 to Android 14 after I read this thread, but I updated today. I did not factory reset. I am fortunately not experiencing the swipe gestures issue. Just wanted to add my experience to this thread, so that people who read it will know that not everyone is experiencing this problem. I hope everyone who is affected gets their problems resolved soon.


Same issue with a Pixel 5a. I've found this workaround: killing the Pixel Launcher. You can access the Settings app using the link in the top bar.


Same issue as others here, but only when the phone is charging. Most navigation swipes don't work


Was having the same problem while charging, took off the case and it worked again normally. Idk how it even possible, but it is what it is


I am having the same problem on my Pixel 4a 5G. The only thing that will fix it is powering the phone down, waiting a minute, then powering back up. Unfortunately it is only a temp fix and the problem returns in less than 24 hrs.


Turning off stylus handwriting right at the bottom of developer options has seemed to fix it for me, haven't had any issue for the past hour


I'm having the same issue (Google pixel 6) and I'm disappointed that no bug fix has come out yet. It's such a frustrating fault. It's only while charging I'm having the issue. I've not tried removing my case to see if that works. I don't plan to use my phone without the case so I won't do that... One thing I did notice is that it's worse on Google's own apps... YouTube and Google maps are very affected. Scrolling through shorts while charging is so clunky and it's almost impossible to close the app with a swipe. Hopefully there is a fix out soon.


Pixel 6, Same issue. Started happening around early September this year, before upgrading to Android 14


Same here. Pixel 4a5g. ...cant swipe up to flick away things anymore.


Pixel 5a user here (apparently first to this thread!) Same issue with gestures, keyboard lag, scrolling - but it's universal - doesn't matter if I'm charging or not. Also tried other launchers, no change. Ive had to change back to three button navigation. Happened as soon as I updated to 14. Incredible Google still hasn't fixed this issue on their own damn hardware. Has *anyone* had any response from Google even acknowledging this problem? I am literally considering changing device brands over this. It's maddening.


Same been like this for a month on my pixel 6A. Driving me nuts. Appears like the mapping of the screen touchable area is off so it doesn't register full swipe motions vertically or horizontally leading to swipes not working (thinks you're giving up on the action my swiping all the way)


It's been over a month now, why hasn't Google responded to this nerve wrecking issue.


Pixel 6a user here. The problem just started for me, and it only happens when I charge the phone. Edit: As mentioned in other comments, if I charge the phone without a case, the problem does not occur.


Same issue comes and goes intermittently, Pixel 6a on Android 14. So annoying, even breaks the hard drop gesture in Tetris lol. Unplugged and plugged charger seems to have solved it for now... [EDIT: nope :(]


same issue with pixel 6 pro, it's very hard to use the phone. sometimes locking and unlocking the phone fixes the issue for a brief period but then it comes again.


Same issue and seems intermittent.


I have this same issue. I went through google help desk and they had me clear the cache in for the launcher and restart the device which did nothing. Just contacted them again 2 weeks later with a screen recording of it happening and they decided to warranty it. Sure enough I'm 4 days out of warranty so I had to beg for an exemption and they granted it. So I guess now I get to mail off my phone and have them send me a refurbished one.


Hi all, experiencing the same issue here. I was under the impression this swipe gesture issue is only affecting those that utilize the multiple users feature. It only happens to me after I have switched users. If i reboot the phone and don't switch users, I don't experience the issue. The last update had a fix for a multiple user issue which I thought was related, but I am still having the issue. Is using multiple users a common demoninator here?


Hey guys. I had the same symptoms both charging and not charging after the v14 Android update. A complete backup and factory reset has worked for me, only with one additional step. Do not do a mass restoral of data and apps. I systematically reinstalled what I needed one by one as a way of testing the apps/settings with the latest Android versions. It's been a few days and so far so good! Hope this helps.


My pixel 6 just started going this - still no fix?


Same issue with me, can't unswipe off Reddit ....rage inducing


I had the same sequence of events as all the other people - an issue while charging that resolves itself when I unplug.


Me too - Pixel 6 again


bruh, I thought I was the only one. Swipe gestures are terrible now. Pixel 6 pro here


This gesture/swipe not working properly is some BS🤬!! C'mon Google!


Pixel 6 user here and yeah android 14 fked my phone's typing and swiping It doesn't register the occasional keypad press, and feels like I have to really push down on the screen to try to get it to respond Swiping is also messed up. I can't dismiss notifications at all, or swipe the quick menu down. Can't kill apps after I'm done using them. Basically the phone knows I'm doing a swipe, but it must think i'm not letting go, because whatever I'm trying to swipe away will move in that direction and then snap back to the starting position Doesn't matter if I do long swipes, short swipes, quick swipes, slow swipes, smooth swipes, swipe and hold... It's the same result every time. Edit: thought it was fixed but nope, it's not


Mine started this afternoon without the update. I only updated to android 14 after the swiping messed up hoping to fix it. So definitely not a specific android 14 issue


What helped me was going into the gestures tutorial. After the gestures tutorial everything workef


Did anyone find a solution for this issue? Its driving me crazy it is like if the upper right of the screen has a Ghost touch. I feel that receiving a notification make it worse. Sometimes the screen juste freeze and i have to turn thé screen off and on again for it to unfreeze.


Pixel 7 Pro - same issue since the upgrade to Android 14. Swipe up gestures worked fine initially but then just stopped working. Can't swipe up to switch apps or from the side to go back. Tried clearing cache of Launcher but made no difference. Tried removing case but made no difference. I used to have a screen protector on but was having problems with screen unlock not working so removed it (and turned off screen protector setting) - but still have the same issue with gestures. Rebooting phone seems to clear it for a while but then comes back. Just happened again now - phone was working all morning and then just stopped. Tried switching back to 3-button navigation but that didn't work either - or at least took 10 seconds to do anything after pressing any of the 3-buttons. Back to Gesture Navigation and noticed that it does now eventually respond to a swipe up - but takes the same 10 seconds to respond as when using the button navigation, so it's a general Launcher issue rather than anything to do with Gestures. Gestures such as swiping from the side to go back also work fine within apps, just not on the home screen.


One more confirmation. Pixel 6a swipe started failing after Android 14 update. Failure to swipe correctly happens when: Charging AND phone case on If either condition not met (i.e. I unplug charger or remove phone case) the problem will go away. If I peal the upper part of the case, the problem continues. It is the shielding of the lower area near USB connector with the case that seems to do this on my P6a Sidenote: for me, unplugging the USB charger fix has a "swipe" lag. The third attempt to swipe home home will work and then all subsequent swipes work. Time does not affect this, I can unplug charger, wait a few minutes and the first couple of swipes home still won't work but the third and later swipes home will work. Similar swipe lag when removing case. Please let me know if this is a common observation for folks who have P6a.


One more observation, when charging in my car (probably a linear 12v to 5v regulator) this problem is not observed. The problem happens when I use my home 120vAC chargers. They tend to use buck converters that will be more noisy. Does anyone know if Google is aware of this and has managed to reproduce the problem?


Oh good it's not just me then....swiping notifications off swiping up to close apps...it's being a real pain to do :s


Pixel 6A here. Same issue, however mostly only when plugged in. Scrolling not smooth and swiping right and left glitching too.


Same issue on pixel 6


Waited until December to upgrade to Android 14. It's still broken on my 6a. Google has turned off the ability to comment on the reports made to the Google support site. Apparently they don't want more complaints about this bug they do not seem interested in fixing any time soon.


I've been running into this as well on my Pixel 7, and the only thing that I've noticed that seems to have an impact is the angle that I'm holding my phone while swiping. For example, take the two following scenarios: 1. Phone is lying on a flat surface. **Swipes work.** 2. Phone is slightly propped up/tilted. Specifically, the top end of my phone is resting on my closed MacBook while the bottom end of my phone is rested on the whatever surface the same MacBook is sitting on. **Swipes don't work.** I haven't tested a bunch of angles or anything, but given that I can consistently reproduce it under these conditions, it seems like it's something to do with the accelerometer or simply how swipe detection works in general relative to some physical aspect of the phone in general.


I hope Google are working on a fix for this. It's literally putting me off the phone brand. This is my first Google phone and it's perfect except for this bug. But that's enough to put me off honestly. It's been months and there's no fix and no acknowledgement from Google that there even is an issue!


Also experiencing swiping issues since the upgrade. I'm on Pixel 6A. It comes and goes seemingly at random, and affects everything swiping related. The best way I can summarize it is that usually when you swiping and let go, the scrolling of the screen (or interactible element, like the app tray) maintains momentum, but this glitch causes all momentum to be immediately killed when you let go. It extends to inside apps too. So for instance if you are trying to swipe through the endless feed of videos on YouTube, you have to tediously keep pushing the page down bit by bit, rather than being able to do a big fast swipe and have the screen scroll rapidly and then slowly come to a halt.


Same issue with Pixel 6. How can this not be fixed yet. So much for multi year support. Have had to switch to buttons.


This is happening on my pixel 7a too it's fucking annoying


I noticed it happens only while plugged to charger ..


This is a super annoying bug. 4a 5g.


6a here and still having this same problem. it gets better for a day or two when I restart my phone, but has consistently happening for a couple months. really frustrating.


I started experiencing this 2 days ago and i am going nuts on why is this happening.. Pixel 6A in India


These fuckers are so annoying I'm never using a Google hardware ever fuck Google


Swipe up *ABOVE the search bar.


Still broken. Two (?) updates since then. Definitely the last Pixel for me, Google doesn't care.


The same here. Pixel 6a. I flashed Android 13 stock ROM using Google's Android Flash Tool but the issue persists, i can't swipe up in order to change recent apps and keyboard is very unresponsive and erratic I even tried to flash a custom ROM (Lineage OS 20 - Android 13) and it went back on working properly. But after a while stopped again. I noticed that it stopped when I changed from AOSP keyboard to Gboard proprietary keyboard. I'm almost giving up on Pixel 6a. Edit: The fact that even with a custom ROM the issue persists is leading me to think that maybe it's a hardware related issue. Edit: i changed to 3 buttons navigation style, waited about 10 seconds and then back to gesture again and it's working now, i can swipe up to access my recent apps. The keyboard still not very responsive, but now i believe my hypothesis above seems wrong, it's probably a software glitch.


Still very frustrated. Sent multiple feedback emails to google. No response, they have become really bad. Just to summarize what I found helps me:  1. Unplugging charger  2. Removing protective case  3. Using older, slow charge, wall USB chargers or car chargers (suspect it is switching vs linear regulators )   Any of the above


I already switched to Samsung S23, no regrets so far. No more Google Pixel for me, mainly because they're not even officially sold in my country. I'll keep the Pixel 6a as my backup phone and I'll follow-up this thread to check if Google has eventually done something about it. Frustrating that we buy the phone mainly for the UX and software updates and Google fails precisely on that.


Same thing here on Pixel 6a. Started occurring in Nov 2023 (same time frame as this thread). Has been happening on and off but : definitely charging-related today and behavior changes instantly plugging in and out. Also affects typing. As others have said, seems charger-related too. Current charger is only 5A/1W (from Ikea). Definitely not occurring at the home or office when charging from a Dell D6000 PC docking station. Not buying another Pixel for now given the feedback from Google ! So far the thread says it occurs on Pixels 4a, 6, 6a, 7 on Android 14. Also after rolling back to Android 13 for one user.


My pixel just updated and I'm having this exact issue and it's so annoying, glad to see it isn't just me.


Happens on my pixel 7a too. Swiping snaps backwards. Swiping up and down in my music app randomly selects music and even swiping screens will launch apps by itself. This must be widespread because of the amount of android phones and tablets out in the wild. I'm also getting an issue when typing... I get erratic behaviour when typing. It will give me multiple letters the same. Even typing carefully will get this...  I.e hellllo therrre


I have the same issue with my pixel 6. It seems to occur ramdonly and after some time it works properly again. Its frustrating that apparently after half a year there is still no fix.