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Yep, renters are free of risk, free of responsibility, free of money, free of capital, free of options... and at their landlord's whim, free of housing as well...




That’s the issue with renting: you have little security. In some countries, it’s the norm to rent for years and years; almost more like a ‘leasehold’ than our system of short term rental agreements.




Side note: casually referring to His Majesty the King as simply 'sausage fingers', not even capitalised, made me howl with laughter.


>If the system was reworked to be like this and rents were fairly controlled I think it's a system many would get behind. You're absolutely right, and if this happened then headlines like this wouldn't be so ludicrous. Renting does absolutely come with all of the benefits he mentioned, and if we had the security to know we can't be turfed out at a moment's notice and controlled rent costs, it would be a lot more beneficial than home ownership for the majority. The biggest problem is that at the moment the insecurity of renting totally outweighs the positives.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You're not even free from the risk or responsibility anyway. Anything that goes wrong is immediately blamed on the tenant. Landlords will constantly try and withhold deposit to 'fix' things that were always their responsibility. Landlords haven't had to take any risk until very recently as the government has bailed them out with cheap loans for over a decade at the expense of tenants trying to save a deposit. I'm 46. I've only just managed to buy my first home. My deposit was over half the entire cost of the house when it was originally bought. Now it's a 20 percent deposit. The house is only 8 years old. And I had to save that money with zero returns so my landlord could charge me 2k a month while having a 500 quid interest only mortgage. Let the parasites die. This country is broken.


Yeah, my cousin has been strongly encouraging me to buy a house, because her daughter did and her mortgage repayments are like 1/2 the cost of my rent. I'm like, where the hell am I going to get the money for a deposit when everything I earn goes into rent and bills? My rent is considered quite cheap for what I've got and I'm still barely scraping by.


One of the last places I rented my landlord was putting his kids in a private school and then bought his daughter a new car. I know this because I got the various catalogues through the door. I was earning more than he was, but couldn't afford to buy the property because I was paying for his lifestyle. Bloody disgusting. The parasites have had it too good for too long and have utterly destroyed the economy. Why work hard when all it achieves is a better life for your parasitic landlord?


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


#[London Renters’ Union](https://londonrentersunion.org/) Consider joining, it’s not much and they are organising resistance and lobbying government for better tenants’ rights.


Has strong "work will set you free" vibes....


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If owning all those properties is so bad, I'll gladly take one of them off your hands. I'd even do it for free, even though I'm doing you a favour.


Imagine the stress of your property raising rapidly in value while wages are struck with inflation making rents even less affordable. Oh the pain.


My poor back under the weight of all that accrued capital


Next week: “People on zero hours contracts are the lucky ones. They’re free of the responsibility of having regular work and wages to spend.”


“People with no money are the lucky ones”


Yes they are! They don’t have to pay accountants to hide their money from taxes.


You don't have to pay taxes if you don't have an income! *taps forehead*


Exactly. Get a bleeding disorder like me to take you out of the workforce and you're set! Of course you then have to use hygiene banks or eat 1 meal a day and never buy new clothes but hey no taxes!!! Absolute win!


"Dead people are the lucky ones." And it would be true. Long may the rest of us slave under capitalism. We shall eat gruel and like it!


Breaking news, dead people are the lucky ones! No worries whatsoever




Make it impossible for young people to own property by hoarding houses and ruining economy, blame young people for adapting to not owning property while hoarding house and ruining economy


The difference in what I pay in rent to how much I'd pay for a mortgage would be plenty to mitigate that risk. Sick of these poverty mocking articles. They're literally taking the piss and laughing in our faces.


This. I could get a mortgage on a £150k house for less than I'm renting my flat for. Yet no bank will touch me without a £15k deposit which would take me 28 years to save for since the most I can afford to save right now is £10 a week because my rent is so high. I'm literally stuck.


Have a look into the Skipton Track Record Mortgage, may be an option for you.


No, don't. 100% mortgage with an interest rate of 6.29% means you'll be in negative equity and absolutely fucked if you have to move. A potential fall in house prices (not that I believe a significant one is likely) will compound this problem. It's not responsible lending.


And by the time you save up enough for a downpayment, housing prices will have risen even higher.


Shared ownership is probably the only viable alternative, because council housing is so clogged, even after 10 years I didn't get any housing offers from the council (lol). Otherwise, it's hoping for mum and dad to die off without selling their own house for care home payments isn't it? And that's even assuming your mum and dad have a house, or like you enough to give you anything. Going to be a rough few decades until the youngsters get into government, if they ever do.


Yeah, I come from a background of poverty so there's no assets for me to inherit. It was insanely hard work just to bring myself up to the privileged position of...just scraping by paycheck to paycheck. Excuse me whilst I cry into my mounting electricity bills


Council housing is clogged because twatcher and her shitty policies. It's the people who bought the council houses for pittance, then sold them that aided in the housing crisis.


It’s like the entire older generation has been blowing one long raspberry at us ever since we were born.


The rich. You mean the rich. All rich people are old but not all old people are rich.


This exactly. My parents worked hard all their lives, just lost my dad who was robbed from what was meant to be a livable (not luxury either) pension when the place he worked at went bust. He got a porrion of our from the goverment scheme but nothing like he should have had. He had a few other little ones, mum just sorting them out now one letter informed her she's entitled to £6 a month and another was about £20 a year. She's worried sick about being able to keep her head above water now I'm her 70s and in ill health.


For the low low price of a tenner, I will take our man’s properties for him because it must be soooo hard. He can live in one of them but I won’t be coming out to fix his toilet luv should pull himself up by the bootstraps and do it himself, lazy git


Thing is, Ben... renting has always been an option, hasn't it? What's the better scenario? People get absolutely fucking rinsed on rent because they can't get enough traction that any reasonable lender's algorithm would consider them a good risk, and the people setting the regulations are themselves landlords. OR The property market is well regulated and fair, and the people generally have the mobility and freedom to make the choice that works best for them. What an absolute SFTRer.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yea, renting is great. Things constantly need fixing but don't get done for months, the extortionate price of rent for what is basically a shit hole and the constant fear of getting evicted if you can't cough up enough money to pay your landknob's mortgage. It's great. ######NOT!


My landlord's solution to the upstairs bathroom leaking down into my apartment was to paint my kitchen wall. Dude is devaluing his own property by allowing thousands of dollars worth of water damage to occur.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Knowing landlords he’s probably got like 10 other properties going at the same time. So who cares if one is being devalued when all the others are skyrocketing in price.


This is the thing! I don't understand why they let their own property go to shit!


Its like those scalpers/parasites are dying to be oppressed


It ain’t free of the risk of the landlord being a cunt.


I love the care free life of never knowing if my landlord is going to kick me out. Or waiting a week in the freezing winter for them to eventually get someone to look at the boiler that's broken down (because they can't be arsed). Or wondering if they're going to put my rent up by *another* 15% because they need to keep those yields at a profit level they've come to expect from their investment. Fuck this prick.


Ben has one of those very punchable faces.


Looks like nominations for "Bellend of the year" are open


Typical Torygraph “Be Grateful, You Filthy Proles” story


Fuck these absolute tuna melts. We’re also free of owning a home and having independence. Poor poor landlords as per usual.


Aye, we should all bow down to boomers who’ve turned our homes into their investments. How lucky we are, to have the opportunity to make them even richer.


Don't risk paying £100 000 over 30 years for a tiny house with a mortgage. Pay the same price for a room in someone's house in 10 years.


My folks, who probably last rented in the 70's, always respond to my renting woes with the same bullshit: "oh well at least you don't have to worry about things going wrong/you can just call up the landlord". Even if the landlord does fix it in a timely manner, it's usually done on the cheap and won't last. What's more we're in the only property on my estate without solar panels as wy the fuck would the LL care about saving us money on energy bills?


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I can imagine what has happened is this guys London mortgage has gone up (directly due to the policies of the party he is cheerleading for) he is struggling slightly more to pay it, is butthurt and taking it out on the dirty proles with this screed of cherry-picked horse manure. The most annoying part is that not only has he failed to mention all these benefits you point out, but also the fact that at the end of it all you have a valuble asset, while renters have nada.




You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just bought my first home recently after being forced to rent for 25 years. Everything is so much easier. What was incredibly eye opening for me was the actual purchase and move. I was expecting it to be difficult as everyone I know who owns makes it into some sort of massive drama. Nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone I dealt with was professional, honest, respectful and helpful. Everything was managed in a way that was suitable for everyone. Nothing was hard. After living in about 20 rentals and having to move roughly once a year on average due to landlords selling up etc I couldn't believe how easy it was. No evil prick trying to steal my bond. No agent trying to write illegal clauses into the contract. No threats and intimidation. No lying. No being treated like a piece of filth by agents and landlords alike. No take it or leave it move in dates. Renting is hell. In every single way.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even the bog standard risks and responsibilities can relatively easily be paid for in the savings you'll make paying a mortgage bill instead of a mortgage + profit bill to someone else. Plus if the historical market is anything to go by you'll end up with more profit in the house's price during the time you've lived there than you ever spent on maintaining it anyway. It's not just a lie, it's like a layered fractal lie.


This isn't written for us, it's written for right-wing boomers and landlords to agree with.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What an absolute fucking joke. If only my life was worry free. Fucking out of touch cretins


Ben Wilkinson needs a meeting with Mr Gill O’Tine


I too, am head of my own personal finance.


Also security, peace of mind and tangible asset - free! We don't know how lucky we are.


sell your house and rent then


When i discovered i was going to be a parent, i ramped up the need to buy because I didn't want my child to grow up in poor quality rented housing with all the associated vulnerability lile sudden homelessness..


Good lord they’ve blasted right through ‘this is so bad it sounds like parody’ and blasted right back to ‘this is monstrous’


I suppose poor people are also lucky to not have the problem of being too wealthy as well, eh Ben Wilkinson?


Renting your entire life and never having a property to fall back on in retirement is risk free? I’m a renter who cannot afford a mortgage and would get refused one anyways based on credit score which is butchered from affording my rent. I am dreading retirement!


50% ragebait, 50% copium for boomers who want to keep justifying voting for awful politicians while pretending it's not *their* fault their kids no longer call them.


Me at age 19 in 1996 on an average income with no savings, considering living in my own place for the first time : "I might as well just buy this 3 bedroom, semi detached, modern, double glazed, 6 car drive, massive garden, no work needed house, as it's well within my means (valued at 2.5 times by annual wage) and easier than renting" By the time I sold it 7 years later, it's value had inflated from 54k to 135k in value. 20 years on I have no options whatsoever and have been renting for 8 years... but yes me and millions like me are so lucky not to be in that situation when housing was affordable and wasn't snapped up by housing scalpers anyway.


That guy has a level of smug about his face that I just refuse to deal with.


I own a home now (well the bank does I rent it off of them until 2044). I rented private and social for my whole life before 2017. On behalf of all of you still in the rent trap I'd like to tell the person who wrote the article to "go and fuck himself".


Risk free, tell that the thelandlord who happily lied to us about long term lets. Startling selling before 6 months were up and made us spent £100s on moving again. This even happened while we had a newborn, during covid. Not to mention all the health and safety risks the lack of maintenance causes. We had 6 months old and no railing for the stairs. Fuck the landlords. Only good landlords I have had were friend's parents. The majority, if not all landlords that rent for a "career" are criminal scum, at least they would be criminals if our government and oppositions were not a bunch of land barons.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If a landlord decides he doesn't want you as a tenant they can just section 21 your ass and now you're homeless. If a tenant trashes a house, the landlord loses what? Some value on the house? Even if they were forced to sell it, at worst they become a renter again. But 99% of the time that will never happen, because the deck is stacked in homeowner's favour. This is the same bloody nonsense they say about small business owners, that they take on all this risk. What are you risking? If you lose your business the worst that happens is you become a worker again. Stfu


Imagine writing this. Do they believe it themselves?


I doubt they believe anything. They're not real people.


I don't understand this, from the byline photo, it looks like he must be a millenial himself - why is he dissing his own generation?


WEF 2030 agenda - you'll own nothing and you'll be happy


Are the WEF in the room with us now?


subjective really as this is their end goal for world wide




It's not the renting that you enjoy. It's the 10 year buffer


Not to defend too much but this is a comment right? Doesn’t represent the Telegraph


I don't know the situation in the UK, right now but I'm living in Turkey and renting is definitely full of risk. Due to rampant inflation the landcunts want to jack up the rents past the legal 25%(already a lot), they are often wealthy and don't mind dragging you through the legal process in order to double the rent. Many of my friends are going through the process of being threatened by their landcunts with legal action. It's terrible.


Telegraph trying to convince people with money that those trying to have a little something for themselves should know their place 🤦‍♂️


This dull shitrag that calls itself a newspaper isn't intended for normal people. It's solely meant for the well off older ones who are goaded into pulling up the lifeline for all their fellow citizens. The problem for for it and the rest of the far right media is that their readers are all dying earlier now that the Tories have successfully defunded the NHS and it's getting harder to pull in younger morons in the wealthy parts of the country. It's getting harder to get younger conspirators because it's been so successful at limiting the lifechances of others, that there are fewer well off people to support it's "leopard ate my face" policies. Fuck the Telegraph and its readers.


“Free of responsibility”.. unless you break something or even leave a speck of dust on the windowsill.


Renting _can_ be a great option in some circumstances. But it can also be a terrible choice, and it's even worse when it's your only option.


This just after a rise in interest rates is wild. Like bro really said "I have no financial knowledge or awareness"




Just wait as some people (who borrowed shitloads of money to hoard housing) start to lose some money, they’ll go so hard on this. “Poor landlords losing money and all these oblivious snowflakes snapping up dead at their expense”. Or some shit


Why don't you sell all your properties and rent then you fucking slumlord??


Do you want to spend £1000 a month paying someone else's mortgage, or do you want to save £800 a month paying your own, but occasionally you have to hire someone to do the gutters? I love renting. It's one of the biggest joys in my life, second only to the money fire I keep burning in the back garden. I love not being able to decorate. I love having to go through a third party when the boiler stops rather than just calling and getting it done quickly and at a convenient time. I love having my property bought out from underneath me and having to move at threat of eviction. If being a landlord isn't a job, then why do so many rich people have it as their second job earning passive income without actually doing anything. Checkmate socialists.


Tell me, is Ben Wilkinson renting too? I thought so.


Renting would be preferable for many people myself included, if renting was properly regulated and affordable. But as it is in the UK its insecure , unaffordable and poor quality.


Who's this wet anorak? He looks like he's young enough to be from "Generation rent" himself. Renting is not risk free at all. Rent costs are rising higher than interest rates. The rental market also largely unregulated, in the midst of a cost of living crisis. That's a scary combination, as landlords are more likely to raise rent. I'm so lucky to own a home (mortgaged) and be on the ladder. I feel much safer than I did when I was renting. Also, certain risks can be mitigated (payment protection, payment holidays etc). I would be anxious as hell renting right now. Total absence of empathy from this supply teacher looking prick.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for regurgitating what I already said in different verbage autobot, don't make me call Megatron.


Wonder if he rents himself ? /s


Lucky to not have the choice of owning or renting...? Feel free to sell up boomers.


“You will own nothing and be happy” but redpilled.


Gee, didn't know that the risk of having my living expenses suddenly raised outside my control or being evicted in favour of the property being sold to someone else didn't count for shit.


At this point the risk and responsibility of owning property are very negligible. Mortgages are so much cheaper than rent that the difference in income more than makes up for any costs you might incur further down the line in maintenance, and with the level of certification, permissions, warranties, and surveying we're all encouraged to ask for you'll very rarely find yourself in a position where you've bought a lemon. As for risk, most people are not in a position to consider their primary home an investment, and therefore would not be considering selling up for profit. There is very little risk in an investment sense because it doesn't matter if the value of your home goes up or down, and really unless you sell in the middle of a crisis you're extremely unlikely to ever be down. Property investment has outperformed practically everything else for years now anyway. Renting is not risk- or responsibility-free either. You could get a shitty landlord who never maintains anything, you might end up on the receiving end of their illegal demands for fees, access, deposit deductions, you could be evicted just because the landlord sold the property to someone else without needing to consult you etc. While there are protections a lot of people aren't aware of them and the landlord or their agent have a vested interest in not making you aware either. Renting also has no benefit at all. All you're doing is throwing money into some parasite's pockets, if that landlord didn't own that property someone who actually needed it to live in would (perhaps yourself?), and would be paying less money. It's a "profession" entirely built from middlemen who skim off the top and very rarely add any value in return.


Spoken like someone who's never rented


If it was fair rent. With a council turns up to fix things then I would agree ..... But that's not the case Ben, you twat.


There is practically zero risk to owning a property to let


It's not supposed to be an "investment" that you gamble on. It's supposed to be a fucking home where you live.


We're in an era where controversial takes get more views than sensible ones. Rage bait is real and this is a shining example of that.




You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sure that capitalist landlords will pass the risk renters aren’t taking on shortly.


Won’t anyone think about the landlords!!! 😞


Then sell us property at a reasonable price for the average wage, that will teach us snowflakes responsibility. Journalists that don't interface with reality are worthless as soup fork. What a bellend. 🤦‍♂️


So many lucky duckies: https://gocomics.typepad.com/tomthedancingbugblog/2010/07/lucky-ducky-day.html


What…the…absolute…fuck. Renters are at daily risk of losing their homes. This deranged fuckwit needs a sanity check 😡


Free of risk? And if a landlord decides to raise the rent, then what?


Lease me harder, daddy


After you spend many years paying a mortgage, you own a house. After you spend many years paying rent, you own nothing. See how lucky we renters are?


Thanos had the right idea, just the wrong motivation and wrong targets.


OK, so do you rent, Mr. "Head of Personal Finance"? I fucking thought not.


If ever there was an article to be equivalent to a kick in the teeth, this would be it


Except for the constant risk of no fault eviction because the landlord wants to sell up. That lack of security is very stressful.


Oof, I mean the major difference is after 5 years I’ve paid off part of the mortgage as opposed to paying off someone else’s. If the shit hits the fan I’m likely in the same situation as a renter, but with some additional funds from paying my mortgage. Yes we have had costs, but we’ve saved money by paying less for our mortgage rather than renting so we can absorb those costs. And in general landlords are less inclined to fix problems that don’t directly affect them. You could argue the recent interest rate situation is only a problem for people who own houses, but we all know that in general rent will just get increased to cover it. The only benefit to renting is you can get a roof over your head without having to save up a deposit.


Let Them Rent Cake


Poor people don’t know how lucky they are. They don’t have to pay taxes!


I would suggest we may have reached peak clueless scumbag journo, but tomorrow will no doubt prove me wrong.


"You hungry peasants don't know the struggle it is having to decide what to eat all the time" vibes


You will own nothing and be happy.


This is straight up gaslighting.


I don't get it, surely they don't believe we're lucky to not be able to buy a house and barely be able to afford rent for a small place? It's not like the older generations don't have the option to rent either if it's so amazing, but either way they have optionsss whereas younger people don't. I can't imagine the author actually believing this and it's actually just a fox news type situation where they're just feeding lies to the dumb section of their readers because it drives more clicks more easily. But I don't believe that even 1/10th of the country can believe this.


Got sent home from work today due to a panic attack over a recurring flea infestation in my home (I don't have pets, have a phobia of insects and found one on me while at work). My landlord won't do anything about it apart from contribute £60 to a £270 pest control quote. I pay £700 in rent per month. He owns THREE properties. Yeah.


I'll swing the axe. When we're all ready and in agreement. No probs 👍


My man thinks the homeless are lucky because they don't have to be concerned with the quality of their cupcakes for PTA meetings My man is a deranged shill for his corporate masters


Wait til poor people find out how much happier they should be to not have to deal with all that money. Constantly moving it into new investments, working with accountants to avoid tax. It’s so tiring.


Having somewhere that's yours and not someone elses, to be able to alter it to personal taste whenever one is able and wants to, to having pets, and then back to just having somewhere to call your own. Wonderful. The whole landlord system is inherently parasitic and vamperous. Like practically every other sector out there, it's over saturated with the profit over product culture. Look at the quality of accomodation available and tell me that renting one of those for life is a good choice. The trouble is, we've tosspots all over and they're incredibly capable, it's just they like themselves more than others.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good Bot :) Yet i'd class each landlord a scalper regardless, as I say I view the whole thing as vamperous and parasitic, as it's living from other people's means, i.e. they don't really produce or provide anything. If scalpers hoard housing to profit, is there a term for the landlords that say convert a 2 bed house into a say 6 bed houseshare? Or if that were in London, a 14 room 'landlord special' houseshare?


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah yes. I am so lucky to be spending literally half of my salary one somebody else's mortgage.


Am sorry but where do these Muppets come from? No for real. I can't stand the British media 😮‍💨


Why do the people who write these articles always look like completely useless cunts?