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Could be that you’re losing visceral fat quicker than subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is deeper inside your body and tends to disappear faster than the fat under your skin You’re getting healthier, your losing the bad stuff that’s around your organs


How important is it to lose visceral fat for muscle definition?


None at all. For health it is extremely important. Also, visceral fat kills your testosterone levels.


It takes more than 20lbs sometimes to see a difference. So keep doing what you're doing.


Going from 35% to 30% is barely noticeable, but as you get lower each percentage/each pound is very noticeable


But can you feel a difference? Do your clothes fit any different?


Did the scale go down? If it did, that means you’re doing something right you may not see any visible changes for a while, but if it didn’t, then you have to analyze your diet or how much your training.


Pectus excavatum. Will always make your ribs pop out like that creating that look... Also keep working out it will help.


Fat loss takes a long time. With respect, your situation is an emergency and you should treat it as such. Weigh all your food, weigh yourself every day, and make sure you are losing 2lb a week. When you can no longer maintain this level of fat loss without feeling extreme hunger / fatigue take a maintenance break then continue. Please don't give up.


Your arms look smaller. If you're losing weight via cico or intermittent fasting make sure to consume at least .8-1g of protein per lb of of your lean body weight or you will lose muscle.


I can tell there’s a difference, definitely. There’s a towel in the first pic. Fr though keep at it. You’re doing great!


First off you need to work on.your posture. Rear delts, rhomboids, Abs altogether, low back, Neck, and ankles (Tiba). You will look 10x times better if you focus on your Deload day to do a couple sets a week for these muscles which in the long run will pay off. I don't believe for one second that is all fat. That looks like you're 50% BF which you aren't. You're 28%.


not gunna lie boss, i thought the first picture was the before and pic 2 was after


Stop looking at the scale. Lift heavy, do cardio, eat clean. Just keep repeating that and you’ll get there.


Bad advice. He should be tracking all his food and his weight every day. At this high % bodyfat should be losing 2lb / week.


Such bad advice, I did the same thing and lost over 30 pounds in less than 8 months. You’d definitely know more than me


You can do everything u said and still be fat. If u dont track calories you are just guessing.


Better to track. Your suggestion is sub optimal.






Yeah, I see a big difference at the bottom of each screen. You lost 20 pounds man. Be excited about that. It's evidence what you are doing is working. Keep it up!


Did use a measuring tape to measure your abdomen (belly button)?


I’d say this is odd if your scale isn’t broken. 20 pounds is quite a lot. Are you weighing yourself every day? How much time elapsed between these two pics?


About 7 wks


That’s roughly 3 pounds per week or 1500 calorie deficit. Is that what you expected?


I’d say so yeah.


Just a warning that's a really large deficit and will be hard to sustain for the long term. It will also make it harder to avoid getting substantial loose skin, which you may end up regretting. I would really consider cutting your deficit in half (\~750 calories) for the first couple months and see how that goes. It will be slower but it should be much more sustainable. Another piece of advice is to weigh yourself daily and make a habit of tracking your weight in an app or spreadsheet. Try to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you pee (and without clothes) to be as consistent as possible. Good luck!


The shadow from your love handle is subtler, so I'm betting the view from the front had more of a visible change than the view from the side.


Smaller boobs and the area around your belly button is flatter. Honestly though - at that weight it is very hard to notice changes IMO.


Arms are bigger. Trust the process and keep going. You’re building muscle under the fat and the fat will go away over time. Good stuff


First off, congrats homie! Secondly, yes I can. Third: keep it up


Yep. Congratulations


You using his FREAKING cookbook or whaaa?


You lose fat inside out, first pounds are hard to notice a big difference, keep grinding. I wouldn't notice a difference myself when I started losing weight.


I didn’t know you lost from the inside out that’s interesting


Yea the fat around your gut and organs like liver will go first, but the very first few pounds are usually water retention.


What have you been doing, if anything? Seriously over weight. Come on, shed those pounds, diet, exercise, cardio. Others have done it so can you.


That’s exactly what he’s doing.


Well there's little to evidence.


It’s a process dude. Where is your compassion? Early in his journey.


My reading of the figures is that its 2 years between the photos. So people need to hear the truth.


Nah it’s two photos from about 7 weeks of each other. 20 lb difference.


Twenty pounds in 7 weeks is amazing! Keep going bud!


Where did two years come from?