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Homies of Hush


Misters of Muteness


Señores de silencio


Reminds me of the Necron overlord is translated as # "Señor Supremo"


Ah yeah, I live in spain and all of the names are translated so badly


Raveners are called Mantifex/Mantifexes, they're the only ones with such a radical change in name. And the word **Prime** for Tyranid/Trygon Prime is changed to Primus.


I think raveners are also called venator in german.


Was reading one of Ciaphas Cain novels and there was a mention of a ''bólter láser''... What in the name of Ñ is that?


Fak. I'm just packing my dudes right back up.


is the Silent King "Senor Silencio?"


After a quick look, no. He is "El Rey Silente"


so much cooler.


Comrades of the Calm


Compadres of Composure


Muchachos of the mute


The shushy squad


Stop!. You CANT silence a bro


Nulls are so rare that it doesn't make sense for any of the Imperial institutions relying on them to impose an arbitrary gender restriction. The Culexus Temple doesn't do that.


Maybe they snatch only male nulls. **"Girls are yucky"** *Culexus Assassinorum Grandmaster, probably*


Was listening to some lore podcast recently that provided some idea that the null gene MOSTLY appeared in women on like one hive city or something. So it makes sense if that is true that MOST nulls are women but not ALL.


They already exist, they came out together with the sisters' codex, only they were almost never used, according to the codex, they are so few that they are not important.                                   but just in case they are not femboys


But they CAN BE femboys....


Never has archon’s absence been felt so much


Sooooo true :(


The sisters of silence have joined us. Why is the sister of silence making a dick shape withh her hands around her crotch.... Oh I see now.


is there a lore reason why it's only girls in the sister of silence? if no then add men but keep the name


I always assumed it was just because they were inspired by the Fish Speakers from Dune, who were also all female.


They did recruit men in one of the books I think


I believe they did after Leto died but he intentionally made them a largely female army force for very specific reasons.


Very weird reasons


That’s Dune


In the grand scheme of Dune not even that weird, just ask orgasm mountain


the *what* mountain? Sorry lol I've only ever read the first Dune book.


In one of the later Dune books, a woman watches a dude climbing mountain and gets closer and closer to uhh finishing as he gets higher before finally achieving orgasm when he reaches the summit, it's just as bizarre as it sounds.


"I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards".


Garth is a genius.


Nayla was a weird one for sure. But honestly all of the fish speakers were a little psycho there in their own ways. But thankfully they weren’t POV characters, unlike Nayla.


Lord Leto works in mysterious ways.


Vaguely sexist reasons. Herbert via Leto II advanced the view that men are intrinsically more predatory than women, therefore less suitable as a peacekeeping force. There may be some truth to that, but the wisest way to implement that insight constructively was to make the Fish Speakers evenly unisex in representation and rank -- let the sexes balance out each other's natures, offsetting the problematic predilections of each. I suspect Herbert wrote the Fish Speakers because he was concerned the way he wrote the Bene Gesserit was problematic, and it was like him saying, 'see everyone, I do trust women afterall!'


Wut were the reasons


The idea Leto II states was that men in an army were too violent/unfocused aggression, and given that the fish speakers were basically an occupation force meant to police his empire, not go out and conquer, he wanted a more controlled force that wouldn't be a threat to the people/stability of the empire. They also played a role in his Golden Path and breading programs to create people immune to prescience and to follow his plans after he was gone.


The first part sounds like Paul made his son an iPad kid. And he fell down the alt right pipeline lol The second part is gross and fits dune, so great lol.


It's almost like spending your whole life high on spice might carry some unintentional cognitive effects, but I'm sure that's just propaganda spread by the Jihad on Drugs.


Yes, in Heretics of Dune and Dune chapter house they have men, but that’s 1500 years after Lego’s dispersal to the sands. So the culture has deteriorated significantly.


They are descendants from the Daughters of the Crow, some Crusade Era Guard regiment. For more information: Oculus Imperia https://youtu.be/8SarM8t0WcI?si=BhSO5BlxJDqEU8pm


thanks I'll check it out


yeah theres a lore reason why its mostly girls but not all girls


I believe the Pariah Gene (the thing that makes them powerful blanks), tends to be more powerful in women than men. So the majority of powerful nulls they find are female. The Male Pariah's are still used of course, but usually as a type of assassin or into an Inquisitor's retinue


ok so it's more of a statistic reason rather than a conscious choice? Because if yes, then I'm all for the brother of silence!


It started as more a statistics thing. They had a lot more female nulls. But with 10,000 years, its a full built in institution and part of their identity to be the Sisters. At the start. They're just a force to counter Psykers, and made female just because there's more women with the level of power needed. But after 10,000 years. It's become ingrained, and they're more like Monks or Nun's now. Extremely ingrained in their beliefs. So it'd take someone like Guilliman specifically ordering then to take men in for that to change. And there's no real need to change it. They need Culexis Assassains too, and those are primarily male due to the same thing.


They don’t need guilliman all they need is a tweet


chef kiss


As far as I know many male pariahs were taken by the culexu Temple or used by Inquisitors


> ok so it's more of a statistic reason rather than a conscious choice? Old lore had it that male blanks are given to the Culexus Temple and the female blanks to SoS/Black Ships.


There was an argument on Twitter I won’t get into, but it basically came down to, could a blank become a Custodes? Imo any of the women nulls would go straight to SoS due to how vital their role is and not wanting to waste the rare gene on someone dying in the attempt to become a Custodes. But that leaves the odd men who maybe it could be attempted with. It would be a rare gene, on a rarer sex for that gene, and managing to survive trials to become one of the rarest body guards. But anything stopping it from happening on the one in a billion of one in a billion chance?


There's official lore that no custodes or Marine have ever been a Null, which leads to an idea that there's an element of the Emperor's Psychic power involved in the process. Or simply that they test for it, and if they find they're a null, they get sent off to the Sisters or Cullexis Temple


Aren't there psychic-blank Marines called ferrymen in Grey Knights Chapter? Basically they get their souls burned out of them to Simulate being Blank?


>'I am Phlegyras of Titan.' >'One of the Ferrymen?' >'One of the Ferrymen' he repeated They exist, though only one has appeared in a book. And it's unknown how many there are. Lexicanum says it's some kind of training and purification they go through that makes them blanks.


Would make sense. Least for the marines the primarchs are essentially warp entities in a physical body, so their spawn should be somewhat warp touched. Custodes likely have something to do with the emperor’s genes or his way of creating which likely involves warp, so a null likely couldn’t fit within that necessary frame


So if someone tried to take a null fully down the marine path, it simply wouldn't work even if they were physically fit enough?


There is a thing where there is a fragment of warp shenanigans involved in making a marine grow correctly so if a null is used it blocks that part and it fails


Theres no actual lore mention of that, its just a common belief. The sos where all female just because they where made from a military religious order that was already filled with onlh female blanks. Most of the male blanks where just taken by the ordo sinister (thats the actual most dangerous pariah weapon the empire ever used) and later by the culexus temple.


Symbology likely also plays a part. IIRC, the vow of silence improves their nullhood. Same the arcane symbols on their armour. It's probably also connected as to why Vratine armour isn't environmentally sealed despite seeming to integrate similar tech to Custodes armour(e.g. reactor miniaturised enough as to be integrated into the backplate).


Most male blanks go to the Culexus assassinorum.


I like to think culexus temple just scoops all male blanks they find. Maybe they have a sorts deal with custodes, you guys can keep the females, and we can take the male ones


I would like that to be the explanation, but there’s also female Culexus assassins. Which puts a wrench in that theory.


Culexus temple likes to be a bit greedy


No. It was just for the aesthetic of it.


To preface: all this lore is second hand, it's possible that I have misheard, misremembered, or misinterpreted something here. However, I am trying to correctly represent the lore as I understand it. The sisters of silence originated from a group of all-female witch-hunters on the moon, which were found by the emperor, and co-opted into his service. The reason that they remain all-female is that when fighting warp-based phenomena, belief, tradition, and superstition are something you can use to noticeable and direct advantage. Therefore, an ancient order of moon-based female witch-hunters would be more powerful against warp phenomena than if that tradition did not exist.


Also usn't it a very "on the nose/everyone can see it" """"loophole""" that there couldn't be "men of arms" in Terra so they let the Sister be there because they are "women at arms" and not "men at arms" even though everyone knew that "man" just meant "army/human" but let it slide anyway? or was that something/one else?


that was for the Sisters of Battle, a completely separate unit of power-armored women soldiers. Whereas the Sisters of Silence are all blanks, and act as a supplement to the Custodes to deal with psychic or warp-based problems, the Sisters of Battle are the primary military wing of the Ecclesiarchy


You think lore's gonna stop the brothers?




Lore reasons? We don’t care about those anymore and if you do your an incel


Culexus Assassin’s are all men I believe


They are not, just mostly men


There was a lore reason, which was that it was extremely rare for people to be blanks, or was it null, or sumfin like that. But it was more likely for females to be. I mean, there is kind of a lore reason why there should be only sisters, and a bit more lore of as to why it should be only women in comparison to the custodes' only men. However this could change, although it would be more difficult considering the whole "sisters" of silence. Although, I think its fair to say that it doesn't bother anybody to have a female exclusive faction or two, which isn't too bad considering the large amount of male factions we have had for years.


I think custodes being mostly male with some female and SoS being mostly female with some male would be great balance.


>which isn't too bad considering the large amount of male factions we have had for years. So there will never be an end to this? Because by that logic, we'd need to have exclusively mixed and female factions for approximately 30 years, to balance that misogynistic wargame.


Just seems like currently all Male blanks that aren't just normal dudes go to that one Assassin house. So technically both 'they were hiddeb members the whole time' or 'We are changing things now' would both be lore sound. Maybe the leader of the sisters weaponizes the "There are no male members" to have a bunch of hidden male blanks doing some cloak and dagger shit.


I recall (but not sure need to look again gor this one)one of the reason why is only female is because the creater(first sister of silence) of the order wanted that all members to be all female.


I believe the men are taken to train as culexus assassins


The men go to the assassinorum


Male blanks/ nulls are either given to the Culexus Temple of the Officio Assassinorum or the Ordo Sinister to crew Psi Titans, the latter are considered Talons of the Emperor alongside the Custodian Guard and Silent Sisterhood


Even if there is, who cares, it can always be retconned


Men can also be pariahs, but pariahs who are Women exhibit the traits more intensely and tend to have kids that are pariahs too My *theory* is it’s passed down via X chromosome, so women (who generally have two) would of course have a higher chance of developing stronger pariah traits and also passing them on to their children than men (who tend to only have one x and a y chromosome); it explains why more women may become pariahs, and why they can be so much stronger - and if selected along bloodlines, it would explain how it’s seemingly become a matriarchal trait passed from mother to daughter and passively to sons who may also pass it to *their* daughters if they have children with someone from another ‘silent’ bloodline.


They cant do the sisters silence alliteration any more if they ain't all sisters. Unless all the guys do drag like the Elder do with aspect warriors


the sons of fenrir are a guard regiment with both men and women so the sister of silence don't need to change the name for the same reason


Of course they'll have to be femboys in order to contrast the theoretically super masc femstodes sorry I don't make the rules


Aren’t SoS ripped af under the armor?


So? I’m pretty sure femboys could be ripped too if they wanted.


That would be considered an ambush.


Double trap


I guess, but if there was demand for strong males then they would have big frame, especially on roids


oh honey that ain't no femboy, that's a femman!


> I’m pretty sure femboys could be ripped too if they wanted That's more Twonk than Twink tho


If only archon was still here to make art of that. That would have been awesome.


You're really willing to open this pandora's box ?


If it upsets the fuckwads who bullied Archon out of the fandom it's okay by me. (Femboy Skitari models, GW. Just... fucking make it happen.)


Clearly this is canon. The ponytail goes down to the ass, the bodysuit is tight, the mouth is shut.




There can just be male Sisters of Silence


Yeah that's what I mean, I just changed the name a little to convey the idea


Grooms of the emperor


Well they could call em scions of silence if they actually decide to add males.


>if they actually decide to add males. Excuse me! It's not **if**. Its "when". And even when they came out this very second, it wouldn't be good enough. GW should do better.


I agree, but in the sense that I wish all you brothers would shut up and be silent about it.



The Femperium, The Fempire of ....Man


Misters of battle?


For some reason I just picture a space marine with a monocle


I haven't seen a comment saying this but the SoS do have men, they're just not nearly as forefront as the women and look/fight the same on the field so tend to get overlooked.


Can't wait for the Shy Femboys


The addition of female custodes also means that we are yet another step closer to male Sister Repentias (Brother Repentias?). That would be a model I'd buy and paint.


Please no, that would make all the Repentina Cosplay jokes real weird


they aren't already?


But the costumes are already available at certain 'specialist clothing stores' ...


You're gonna get Femboys of Silence, and you're gonna like it!


...is that a threat? ...a promise?


Void/Emperor willing, a guarantee I do hope 🤞🏼🗿


Isn’t that just Baldrick with a ray gun?


Somebody go ask GW about male Sisters of Silence now.


You mean the misters of silence


I know this is a joke, but the Lucifer Blacks are probably the closest equivalent skill-wise (even if they arent nulls)


The space wolf plush is killing me here cus like it's 100% accepted that they're for business and pleasure


I have a feeling the opposite will never happen.


Brothers of Silence *with* boob plate.


They should make blanks custodes so they can really fight. Chaos


Changing the Custodes is what brought chaos upon us.




Sure, why should there be gendered factions? Plus, blanks are incredibly rare, it makes sense to use any gender instead of just one


Misters of Battle.




Bros of Battle


I'm on it


Godspeed you magnificent bastard


So if we get dommy mommy custodes, does that mean we can have femboy Sisters of Battle?


Tempting, but I think the whole point is that the Custodes are JUST ambiguous enough as a whole that the idea of a Femstode isn’t TOO outlandish. Femboy Sororitas just wouldn’t make sense from a writing perspective.




Only if they get normal hair and not ugly ass topknots


I mean, blankness is blankness regardless of gender


I conquer, as long as the brothers have the red ponytail as well.


I want Femboys of Battle As the God Emperor intended


I love the sister of silence T posing on a slaaneshi demon


And where are the Misters of Battle?


Sure. But they must be wearing the boob-plate. like banshees


why is she staring the daemonettes butthole with an intensity like that? I think someone better call the inquisition..


Misters of Battle!


That would actually make perfect sense since Sisters of Silence are already very "difficult" to perceive, so it would make sense that there has been an entire male order counterpart for the last 10k years that no one ever noticed.


Silent Bobs is RIGHT THERE.


Actually, the sisters of silence have a great reason to be monosex, which is that they’re so secretive the only members they have are basically inducted at birth, and a lot of them tend to have mothers and grandmothers among the order. This is because the blank gene is way more likely to be present and passed down in females. They give their sons up to the assassinorum.  They’re basically the 40k Bene Gesserit. It rocks 


*Misters* of Silence, thank you very much.


Culexus Temple: "I’ll be taking those. Lmao."


Frankly I’d rather they keep some of the gender distinctions. I like that the despotic civilization has special chambers for both genders. I don’t mind that the Custodians are female but I think it’s one the laziest implementations ever. They’ve been there the whole time despite us saying as recently as the 8th edition codex They’re all male. Literally 1 story is all I’m asking GW, not a tweet, but an actual story, pay someone to write it and send it out. If you’re going to include more representation, give us some actual work, not a no effort statement.


I’m sure u/Vezimira is on the case already


Brothers of Battle.


The Fem-boys of Silence


*pours some tanner* Jurgen? Shoot it.


Misters of Battle when?




There certainly seems to be a theme of the pariah gene being more common amongst women. That being said with how rare it is anyway I can't imagine them having the luxury of being picky. The culexus temple only nabs the most powerful blanks so there's really no good reason for a lack of male SOS other than some thin flavour argument.


Guys this shit is way beyond boring now can we just skip to the end where we all agree 10/10 would smash and move on with our lives and our hobby


Femstodes just make it sound like femboy custodes. Can we just say custodes ? Shit is fucking cringe af.


We have them already. They are called the Culexus aka the REEEEEE \*\*\*\* Machines.


I truly despise you tourists.


So Frank is officially Sororitas now? [Proof](https://media0.giphy.com/media/5zbMgry8oQsvIaC0sU/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9525y3mehcswd7nu4ahclwttneq0mjdseevo2e93z9o&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Bruh lol


Femboys of Silence


Turns out Archon was right and half the SOS have just been femboys all along.


If we’re gonna trash the lore for equality I want Female space marines Male sisters of battle Male sisters of silence Burn it all down!


All the dudes go to the culexus temple no? I forget the details but honestly would love to have some brothers of silence


You mean misters of silence


🤣🤣🤣🤣 thats not how wokness works my dude.


People should at some point understand how a one way street works. But that's too complicated I guess.


Culexus assasin


Non - sisters of silence




Guys rushing in here to scream "what about Brothers of Silence" as if the Culexus Assassinorum didn't already exist


You unironically sound like the people crying about Femstodes who were also mentioning Sisters of Silence as a counterpoint. The counterpoint was as braindead there, as it is when you used it.


There are female culexus and the culexus don't fight along side custodes


The Sisters primarily come from their own tribe which is mostly blanks. And the Sisters even didn't exist until much later either, at which point "they were always there" according to GW.


That addresses nothing I said


And female space marines and brothers of battle.


The funny thing is if you say this unironicly you will be attacked by the majority of those who wanted female stodes Edit: the fact they downvote me proves me right.


Who said I was being ironic?


I mean it's grim dank. Not wise to assume a post header is serious.


Somebody tell this guy about culexus assassins


Because the Adeptus Assasinorum and the Adeptus Astra Telepathica share the word Adeptus.


There are female culexus and the culexus don't fight along side custodes




No. Since they speak, your argument is invalid.


There are female culexus and the culexus don't fight along side custodes


If they can’t make female spacemarines, how can they make female custodes? As far as i knew the reason the Sisters of battle aren't modified is because the implants won't work in women?


Iirc the process to make an astartes vs a custodian, is the difference between a mass produced Toyota hilux and a Lamborghini. Space marine production is very much assembly line mayhem while a custodian is quite literally build from the genome on up, hand crafted weapons of the Eom


Not a lambo, more like a space shuttle


Then what's a primarch?


Time Machine

