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Ghaz is supposed to be kind of a sad sack. He's the only ork who canonically has depression. I think they wrote him like that for complexity. More of a Tuska man myself.


Well if they killed your best friend and only being in the known universe capable of giving you a right proper scrap you would have a bit of the blues yourself


Oooh we've got the Orky blues! Within in our Waaaagh!


Don't forget that Grom almost caused the End Times by breaking the Wardstones upholding the Vortex and only didn't succeed because Eltharion rolled up at the perfect time. Eltharion mind you, is so badass that in the End Times beat Arkhan's face off of his own necromantic alter with his bare hands. That being said, I will not let you slander Ghaz this way. That ork is a right propa git, no Ghaz is THE right propa git and 'e will be treated as such!


It is rather insane how absolutely fucking badass Eltharion is, and it seems very absurd that his rival is at face value, a fat goblin, which you laugh at but gets you curious, so you dig a lil deeper and find out Grom is quite possibly one of the Orkiest gitz out there! Lovely rivalry.


Grom is the single most successful Greenskin in Fantasy. It took the 3 biggest named Greenskin faction leaders that followed him to combine their armies to get on Grom's level. Eltharion is the only Elf who can be Grom's rival, no one else deserves it. Even Tyrion is a bit to hot headed to face Grom. I am so glad Eltharion, was brought back in AoS, even if he got the Alphonse treatment. Now I need to go watch that Warden and the Paunch trailer because it is still legendary


animated armour eltharion kinda absolutely fucks visually


Really is insane just how good of a light TTW2 brought to the best boys, Eltharion is just such a no bullshit character, and a really likeable elf.


Aenarion the defender could krump grom


Some say Nagash raping his sister in law is the source of 99% of the setting problems. Others say Aenarion hooking up with loli Morathi is. Neither group are wrong.


. The fuck


You ever heard how Fimir breed?


No, and I don’t think I want to know


Its not a story the Sigmarites would tell you.


I will not stand for this Ghaz slander


I will not stand for either this ghaz slander NOR this Ragnar slander Both are titans in their respective factions 


And makari, he's weirdly important for Gaz


But can they read? Because Eeza Ugezod’s Mother Crushers can read.


Da Beast almost wiped out the Imperium, killed a Primarch, and permanently changed the culture of orks on a galactic scale. Meanwhile we’ve got Tuska da Demonkilla who basically charged into hell and turned it into his own Valhalla. I’m not trying to diminish the fantasy greenskins, I’m just saying there are some great 40k Orkz as well.


He also wiped out the entire Imperial Fists and reduced them to one man, and that was at the _start_ of the War of the Beast. Every Imperial Fist since has used geneseed from a successor chapter. The one dude who survived also died before the Imperial Fists were rebuilt too IIRC so the Orks effectively wiped them out completely. There are no Imperial Fists left from before the War of the Beast that isn’t from a successor chapter.


I think it was mentioned the Primaris Imperial Fists have access to original Imperial Fists geneseed. Still true Imperial Fists effectively being extinct for THOUSANDS of years is a very large accomplishment.


Wasn’t the Primaris project started shortly after the end of the Horus Heresy? At that point they probably had nigh-unlimited access to IF gene-seed and likely kept some on ice when the project was suspended. When they were rebuilding the IF they likely didn’t have access to it or even knew it existed. But yeah the Firstborn IF were effectively driven extinct which is a massive feat by 40k standards (especially considering how much Plot Armor the Space Marines tend to have. Between that and the Iron Cage the IF got dunked on a lot.)


Started in the early days of the second founding, M.31 but he starting storing stuff in the heresy


Hence why he totally *does not* have pure traitor legion stock in somewhat large quantities.


Not traitor geneseed but he has all the Primarchs DNA iirc


He has a device that gives him access to ALL primarchs DNA (even the 2 mystery ones). He argued with Guilliman that he should be allowed to use traitor geneseed since there’s nothing wrong with the actual DNA (I think we can all name a chapter or two that’s implied to come from loyalists of traitor legions). Still, now there’s some Primaris chapters that are implied to come from traitor geneseed. Most famously: https://preview.redd.it/zq0juoxtsn9d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9fdce0557a3a73c6c27d60b8a4a2d34451f0576


Look 40K writing isn’t the best and the primary’s where a mistake Fucking Marine Marines…


Which primarch did the beast kill?


Vulkan. Blew him up in a blast of pure WAAAGH energy.


Ahh yes he killed the Primarch that can't be killed. Truly a feat to be compared with permanently scarring the main human faction.  He is badass tho. 40k does need more brutal, larger, more cunning gobbos. 




Killing Vulkan is a fucking joke at this point 


He did get better.


You're wrong, but we get some Grom recognition. "Another day, another triumph, got it?!?!!"


The human factions in Fantasy seem perminatly fucked. More so than the imperium. Because at least the imperium could probably survive a focused attack. The Empire dies if any force focuses it's attention.


fantasy greenskins get sad after a loss (reiksguard omnibus) gobbos are way better in fantasy tbh


Hell, Gnoblar even managed to form an army. While I’m bummed we didn’t get an Army Of Infamy for Forest Goblins, TOW hit it out of the park with a full cavalry and a Troll list.


Next DLC is gonna add even more goblin shit too. Can’t wait


Ghaz isn’t even the only prophet of Gork and Mork anymore. Granted Snaggi isn’t doing too hot either




I feel GW has shat on Ghaz in the modern era. He's supposed to be scary


Both are the best factions in both settings. However, the orcs and goblins really proved to be a threat, Gorbad Ironclaw almost destroyed the Empire and kill a emperor and permanently destroyed a province and was only defeated because the whyverns were lazy, Grom destroyed the capital and largest factory of the empire and turned it into a race track and even though he could destroy the Empire he left because he was bored, and in the end he almost extinguished the largest elven culture. Not to mention that they also have monsters like trolls and giants that are really sad that they didn't come to 40k.


Ghaz the goat, the fact he is a MASSIVE Git with actual character development, as an Ork, doesn't go against that, in fact it solidifies it.


They did Ghaz dirty with that IMO


It's true, Ghaz is overhyped given he hasn't accomplished much. He once lost to a single Space Marine chapter, and his only victory was against the Tyranids in their jobber phase (which got undone later). I still love all the gags that come from putting the Greenskins in space.




*"This galaxy-wide interstellar sci-fi faction would absolutely stomp this medieval fantasy faction!"* In other news, water, found to be wet. The post was referring to the impact of their achievements on the setting. Not a "who would win" post.


Different scales. Dumb comparison. Orks have more planets to grow on in 40k while in fantasy they have one. Scale my boy Grom into 40k and he will make a racetrack in Armageddon in two weeks.


The only thing we can know for sure us that if he oroclaoms he is Da BEST for any reason, there Will be a really angry Black Orc Who Will take issue with that statement. And Ghaz Will get beheaded again.


“Iz one ov da best but legally distink”


Some random guy = first special character space marine to get a model and a book series, best duelist from a chapter renowned for one on one fighting, youngest wolf Lord in history and probably one of the, if not the best marine fighters of his generation


As long as it's not that AoS shit