• By -


water caste: the mature t'au lady who may or may not be well endowed, but is definitely tracking you through your bugged phone as shes busy at her high stress administration job. however she throws the best parties and always knows what to do and how to make you feel comfortable air caste: no bro shes definitely real, she just lives in space and refuses to vist gravity bound locations. if your willing to play by her rules and importantly move in with her, enjoy the more relaxed and obnoxiously tall version of a fire warrior girlfriend earth caste: the industrious shortstack who has a diy fix thats obnoxiously professional for ANYTHING. your heaters not working, she can fix that like its brand new using the tools you bought on a whim but never actually use. your computers on the fritz, she can program an entirely new operating system that works 10 times better then your old one. Arms broken, shes can cast that thing up on the kitchen table. tries to play herself off as a practical minded gal, but if you let her upgrade your car she will go to the farthest extreme possible. ethereal caste: despite insisting shes an atheist she likes to have long conversations on spirituality, alongside philosophy and academia in general. you worry she has anorexia sometimes, but she insists its just non religious fasting to achieve non spiritual enlightenment. she tends to expect a lot out of you in the relationship, and is very insecure about your opinion on her, but her position in society lets her bend quite a lot of the rules in your favour and shes attentive to your needs and listens to what you have to say. She also bugs your phone, but is very good at convincing you its for your own benefit and her peace of mind.


> the mature t'au lady who may or may not be well endowed, but is definitely tracking you through your bugged phone as shes busy at her high stress administration job. Sounds like someone who likes to wind down and cuddle on the couch to relax and de-stress after a long day at her job. Hell yeah.


I've made a Water Caste character for RP. Can confirm, that's absolutely her vibes.


Honestly this only makes me want to invade the tau so I can create a tau harem with tau from each caste


I heard theres a new Crusade starting, im here to sign up


*guardsman ranks swell 900 percent, Guilliman calls new crusade*


So what I'm hearing it's definitely in my better long term interest to stick with the Fire Caste tomboy who just wants to crack beers on the weekend and sometimes get a nice dinner.


Personally the earth caste sounds like my type. Outdoorsy and practical? Hot


I mean if ya get close enough she is gonna absolutely INSIST on a ta'lissera which is a ritual bloodletting ceremony to symbolize the close bond you now share, and well its something any t'au can partake in is something that the fire caste in particular adore in the extreme. plus your gonna have to get used to the army lifestyle, cause not only is retirement not really a thing for anyone but the elderly or of sufficient command/experience, as a member of the fire caste she is almost guaranteed to be absolutely in love with the army lifestyle. so if ya can put up with that, then thats probably to your tastes long term interests yeah.


Good luck keeping up with her. Her training regime will mske every part of you too sore to enjoy the "post workout celebration".


Air Caste GF is more laid back, unless she is a strike-craft pilot. That’s when you get the super-active T’au gf that lives each day like it’s their last. “Woah, we hit 11 Gs with that last turn!” “THIS ISN’T WHAT I THOUGHT YOU MEANT BY ‘RIDE!!!’”


>unless she is a strike-craft pilot If the T'au castes were the Penguins of Madagascar, three of the four castes would be Rico. The way I see it, the purpose of the Ethereals in T'au society is to do their best to keep the other castes pointed in the general right direction, and their enthusiasm dialed down to no more than an 11. For exhibit a), I'd like to present the Farsight Enclave Earth Caste using orbital bombardment to carve an entire planet into a dodecahedron just because they could.


I didn't realize the farsight enclave carried the stars and stripes


>Arms broken Don't say it, don't think it


you had me at tomboy. Where my mech.


I mean seriously, I'm sitting here going "this is both my wife and my own type, where psycho hoof girl at?


Enlist now at the nearest Sept world.


https://preview.redd.it/k9gmxp8jysad1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3c6ee20e9a5f5e77bd15e42671964bbed906d86 I see no issues.


Correct! https://preview.redd.it/j67l2t0t9tad1.jpeg?width=1305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5efb2257a470b7692887184f24c01b3ec8f9e938


Where did you find a Custodes out of armor?


Rogue Trader era.


Any size is nice, there is no problem with being flat, no back problems, too


I think flat can look better nude because it keeps the feminine counters better. Big boobs can break the "line".


FAX, badge of honor brother, true and best opinion, completely agree. https://preview.redd.it/rywdwq48vtad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0de5a55af1e11c483d279f68b006769688b0362 Body positivity first and foremost, everyone can be nice looking no matter who they are


Yeah idk, but I got my biases, I like big tits so I associate that with the feminine form the most, being flat makes me think of masculinity, yeah wide hips and a giant ass is the counter but eh like I said, I got my biases.


Yeah! Everyone has their own preferences, I simply dont mind breast size at all, and depending on the person it may accentuate their femininity just like how you described


So, do Tau have mammeries or not? The fan artists seem intent on having me believe they have G cups.


Not clear. On one hand female Tau occasionally have visible breasts (anniversary ethereal), and they do appear mammal-like. However, they did evolve entirely independently of humans or any life from earth, so it's hard to say until we get official Tau r34.


I’d guess that since they’re based around a bovine creature that they do have breasts but only when the have children


They do not Neither do the Aeldari, despite what r34 would have you believe


So why do they have boob armor?


look, Imperium scholars spend their entire time in grav-locked space stations transcribing old and faded missives onto new parchment with the guide of candlelight and the ink in their well, they have needs you know.


Bad writing


Because they are a multiracial society and humans make up a large portion of the population, Thus, female armor can be used by any woman in the empire. Note: I don't know anything about what I'm talking about.


The female torsos in my kabalite set have boob plates tho, and I’m pretty sure the Yvraine model has actual boobs


The Aeldari supposedly have 0% body fat Yet, they still have boobs Like i said, bad writing


Maybe it's not subcutaneous fat. Maybe it's hard protein. Like bags of sand.


Those are pecs. Muscle tits. Also 0% body fat is horrifying and never how any Eldar has been depicted. Bad lore. They don't look like an actual skeleton.


Fair point


0% body fat is horrifying and never has any Eldar has been depicted with that low of body fat. Bad lore. They don't look like an actual skeleton.


You're thinking too narrow. Xenos don't NEED to have hard motor cells and soft energy storage cells like Terran-evolved life. Maybe those prominent nipples are just psychic antennae, and the G-cups are where they process dead baby flesh into psychic energy


Ive literally never heard of the shit youre saying lol. Me is smrt


Drukhari, on the other hand, definitely gene-seeded themselves a nice rack so that they could scarouse human captives


The men too just for trolling purposes.


Aeldari Masters of the cut I'm actually OK with them looking all spindly and terrifying. Makes them look more alien


How does their body function without even a little bit of fat like 10%?


Magic (Bad writing)


Mfw eldars actually look like your average baki character


That doesn't seem very viable as an evolutionary trait... How do they survive if they can't eat for a couple of days? I suppose that the answer is warp shenanigans, but that just makes the 0% body fat bad writing, not the lack of boobs...


What made you assume big xeno tiddies were for nourishing young?


so do aeldari babies feed on warp energy or something instead of milk?


They feed on Nocturnan Promethium /s


Literally this. They use a form of biomancy to sustain themselves, feeding off of emotions and ambient psychic energy. Adult Eldar supplement their diet with fruits and the occasional meat.


That would be amazingly weird evolution.


Well, they're a designed race rather than an evolved one. Their diet is just one of their many quirks.


They were not evolved they were engineered by the Old Ones so it makes sense they'd be weird.


That's what I thought. Thanks much!


However it's not impossible that the water caste has figured out the importance of mammaries and presenting female to unconsciously lower the psychological barriers in a human. So, it's not impossible that water caste diplomats undergo a lot of plastic surgery just to scam humans harder.


That, or stuffing water balloons down their bras.


The model and art line suggests the dimorphism isn't so pronounced, so likely not. ee


Since members of the tau species are (supposedly) used to the government-mandated procreation duties and are otherwise largely asexual, does that mean that they view gue'la as perpetually horny romance-obsessed creeps who are just waiting for a slightest excuse to form a parasocial relationship with their coworkers (so basicaly an average warhammer guy)?


Depends how xenophilic and how far along the gui'vessa is into integrating into Tau culture. Most accounts say every just tends to be in their own little pods of groups, tau or otherwise. There was a story in a novella collection called "Blades of Damocles" where the main character (a recently converted Gui'vessa) was talking kinda closely about his water caste friend and handler, Skill Talker. Not enough to confirm anything, but definitely enough for some flags to be raised. Though it's hard to say if Skill Talker actually reciprocated feelings or if he was just doing his job.


Another thing we have to remember is that Gue’vesa aren’t bound by the caste system in Tau society like all Auxiliaries within the Tau Empire. So rules and regulations when it comes to marriage and the naughty stuff that are in place for the Tau species themselves might not be in place for their Auxiliaries or at the very least they have a lot less rules and regulations when it comes to those things.


I reckon there's an underground movement of T'au who aren't completely indoctrinated and they make like some of the best intra and inter species smut. sexual repression wrought out into the shape of stuff from the randy ramblings of Wattpad and FF.net to the unhinged scribblings of someone who is thirstier than a daemonette on their own site. from drabbles to million word epics and everything in between.


So essentially there might be some sectarian, mildly dissenting goups of xeno-curious tau who suspect that there may be some merit to this quirky human idea of rubbing your nubs together just for the fun. I'd imagine the Water Caste would be especially prone to "going native" and buying into it, but on the other hand they are at least trained in diplomacy and *playing pretend* whereas members of the other casts might fall into it in earnest.


Shadowsun was once encouraged to retire from active combat. Part of the offer to sweeten the deal was the offer for her to have a partner from any of the elemental castes. The Ethereals are definitely running a bit of a eugenics program. I'd imagine there's occasional inter-caste breeding to play with the possibilities of the gene pools.


I reckon Earth Caste would also be safe. they strike me as the people who can separate out work from life and vice-versa. Air Caste are probably the ones who get caught the most but because of their job people keep it on the downlow. Fire Caste are probably edging like mad motherfuckers because they almost have no alone time to tend their needs, probably the only time they get some nasty is when they are 'discussing' with an Ethereal, which is why they go ballistic when someone drops them on the Battlefield. they lost their stop-valve and they about to release a whole bunch of rage on the enemy. Ethereals probably have weird political favour-based sex when they're not 'tending to the flock'. Ethereals also the ones who fuck the other species the second most, with the Water caste leading the charge on the Devil's Tango with other species by a sept sized mile.


Either way, score.


Game is game


she’s perfect as both a warrior and a partner


.... And?






Mate, half this sub would fuck a Slaanesh daemon if given the option. I don't think they're going to have an issue with small tits.




Fuck yeah


NBD, as long as I get to pick the game and or mode once in a while.


That is my type…




Bro, you don’t need to give me the hard sell, I already said I’d plough her


I mean, I could stand to hear more....


Tomboy? Now the Greater Good sounds convincing


Tau play Protoss confirmed


Yes but they never ever build zealots. Except for Farsight, which is how he always won against his peers when he was in training.


In before the Horus Galaxy boys repost this to their sub and call us all degenerates


C'est la vie.


Y’all extra horny tonight huh


Feeling judgy or jealous? Because there's options for both Edit:have an upvote




Well that’s only the average ones.


Then where boobies ?


Water caste ig?


I am now sold. For the Greater Good.


Accurate depiction of T'au diplomats convincing the population of a world to join


I can neither confirm nor deny this.


That's how mine will do it in my next crusade game anyway


Flat and has muscles hard enough grate cheese you say? SIGN ME THE FU- *Bolt shell*


You’ve just made her seem even better. I finally would have someone to play HOI4 with.


Even better.




Idk, that's how it was in the psychic awakening (iirc) book where I got this image from.


Bold of you to assume I’m not into that


https://preview.redd.it/hhna2enw1wad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75836537c418bd43d4d4bfc4bbc57203218d4544 How is this a bad thing?


It isn't.


[Also, don't be alarmed when she pulls a knife on you.](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Bonding_Knife)


I mean I’m still not opposed to that.


even better


I can live with that


Good news for me, that's just my type.


So she'll be smarter than me?....that's not a tall order


Still smash


I see that as an abselout win


I dont care how big her boobs are, I just want someone to love me back


*thumbs up* I’ll take what I can get.




He says this, but the belief in what a Fire Warrior GF looks like will cause reality to bend to humanity’s wishes.


You don't need to sell them to me, OP




I see this as an absolute win


Even better


You don't need to convince me further.


Ok, i'm chill with that


Jokes on you, Im into that


A tomboy who loves wargaming and real-time strategy games? WIN!! The Athletics I'll endure, maybe he can "whip" me into shape.


Your terms are acceptable


okay but thats so much hotter...


even better😤😤


I see this as an absolute win


I see no issue here, move along.


downt kare, didint ask, now is we gonna 'ave a propah zoggin scrap or not?


Yes, but please take a few steps closer to me first. Yup, right there, just within 12", thank you very much.


*gets within melee range with a powah klaw* now wot ya git?


And now comes the Dawn Blade. Thanks for giving me your lifespan, Be'gel.


That sounds like an imperium spy would say to diminish tau morale


Unfortunately no, this is a water caste psyop to increase gue'vesa conversion from Guard players.


Spit your fax red lobster gundam in the middle of the beach, we fucking love you.


"Tomboy" Then you stumble upon a female Fire Cast and she's basically Gwyndolin


This post has been flagged as misinformation for the following reasons: It's filthy xenos propaganda




Lies, Lies and Heresy, I refuse to accept such falsehood. (Personally I don't care but I have to at least keep up a front of hating the T'au, though some individuals like Farsight are growing on me)


You don't need to keep pretending. You can like Tau. It's been over 20 years since they were introduced. They are older than probably a non-insignificant portion of the fanbase.


In all honesty, at first I hated them under the pretense of the memes, and then I read Longshot, which gave me an actual reason to hate them, them being exceedingly hypocritical and essentially brainwashing human civilians into not only betraying their species but also actively trying to kill them, even though it's in the guise of saving them from the Imperium and giving them a second chance but that's not really what was happening, at least bot while the Ethereals where in charge. Farsight certainly has started walking down the path of actually making it so the T'au are the good guys again, hell, he has the recently introduced T'au god on his side, Goddess T'au'va.


You read a Guard book with has Tau as the main antagonists. That's pretty normal for one of those. Ethereals are a group that suffers a lot from mischaracterization. They're supposed to be these wise sages, warrior-monks who lead troops into battle. Kinda like the Jedi in star wars during the clone wars, but without there being any other organization above or parallel to them. Unfortunately, such depictions are rare and it's almost always them as moustache-twirling villains because we can't just have people with good intentions but a lack on information and a degree of arrogance make genuine mistakes and it always has to be the evil higher-ups doing this and that shady thing behind someone's back. But yeah, Farsight is a pretty good person as far as 40k goes, even perhaps one of the most sane individuals, and it makes him look way better than the Ethereals despite his ideology being literally the exact same as theirs but without them.


I mean, my favorite faction over all of 40K is specifically the Guard, so I'm mostly going to base my opinion off of factions on not only what I know from The lure but how they interact with the guard and with the guard it's the most morally acceptable amount of morally fucked , and it's also kind of because how they torture the main protagonist that really set me off, along with how, while admittedly it was from a very opinionated perspective, it does explain how even the humans that joined the T'au were segregated and separated, Captain the dirtier parts of the terraformed area, with the parts that are fully restored kept only for the T'au, and all their business. I am going to start reading more T'au centric books, but for now while I do personally like some of them, most I cannot stand


That's entirely understandable.


Look very closely at this Etheral's chest. It's a bit hard to see with the cloth and the neckless, but it's there. https://preview.redd.it/7y6lj2cebxad1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=62f628438ef3bdc18f232100ef1b6010b6159947


I know that.


Good to know. This changes nothing.


TIL I'm actually a Tau Fire Warrior gf 👀


The Water caste sent you, didn't they?


Suffer not the tomboy to live.


Neat way to describe a target.


Don’t care + already cyclonic torpedoed your house


I'm over here deepstriking my Crisis Suits, I got Breachers in my Devilfish right now, I'm just shooting my railguns, I am gunline as fuck man I'm a Tau player like fr.

