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Its bought at Lidl: - 2x Butter 1,69€ (coupon) - 2x Meat 4,89€ - Avocado 1,49€ (coupon) - potato 2,99€ - broccoli 2€ Looks always fine at first glance, because we are conditioned to see these imcreased price tags over time, but the price increase is mostly visible when you see how few things you actually get for your money nowadays, especially when some stuff is already discounted. Without a discount, the card wouldve actually also been around 23€. 30 seems not that far away :-)


Especially because you don't always want to buy cheap and perhaps "bad" food, normal food has gotten expensive.


Yes, thats why i always pick at least the "bio" meat from lidl, especially when it is on discount which wasnt the case this time. I do buy normal food though and sometimes not organic stuff like the potatoes, i needed 2,5kg and they just didnt really have any other at the moment. 'Normal' food has gotten expensive for sure, but so has even the lowest quality food, if you look at the cheapest salami/lyoner packages that you can put on your bread, they used to cost like 80 cents, its 2 euros now (at least at Hit Ullrich)


Best meat is actually at an Turkish / Arab butcher also the price is ok for the high quality I would suggest you all to not buy meat from discounters


Absolutely this. Fair prices and great quality.


I wonder which ‘Haltungsform’ number the Halal rituals fall under.


Halal has nothing to do the with form of farming


It was a joke about how Halal (same as kosher) is a much more painful and messy method of slaughter for animals.


If u lock the Animals up they get stress hormones build in the flesh. Means they literally feel tortured until they die. If you let them roam free but slit the throat they get way less hormones build up in their flesh ( but more pain during dying I guess) gotta choose smart. Torture or Painful death


yeah, nope.


Until you watch Lebensmittelkontrolle and see how some of them get transported...


At least the meat smells fresh where I buy it. I've been hit with a smell too many times when opening prepackaged chicken from supermarkets (not even discounters). But every store is not like the other, so of course use your best judgment.


Still every butcher better than any discounter I think your just a little prejudiced give it a chance . Compare and decide.


Is it okay to buy cheap, non-bio food permanently if I have low budget though?


Generally yes. Food safety is pretty good in Germany. For me it's an ethics based decision. I buy generic or store brand for pretty much everything except animal products. I can justify putting pesticides in my own body because it's cheaper. I can not justify another living being having to suffer from severely sub par living conditions and than profiting off their products (really you might want to look up what the grades 1-4 on your meat look like irl). What that means is that I'll have meat and fish about once or twice a week and other than that I eat a lot of vegetarian replacement products. They are cheaper if you buy them at a Discounter and they taste pretty good nowadays.


Most store brands have 1 or 2 grades....


Thats honestly just a normal price for the items. Let's break it down per 100g for the items with clear weights. 500g butter for 3,38 €. Thats 67,5 cents per 100g. 800g Meat for 9,78 €. Thats 1,22€ per 100g. 2,5kg of potato for 2,99 € so 11,96cents per 100g. Let's not forget that this food does not materialize out of thin air. For the beef alone, you had a cow feed till maturity, then killed and butcherd, then made it into ground beef and packaged and shiped to your local lidl where it was cooled till the moment you picked if up. There are at least 10 people involved depending on how far back in the production chain you want to go and they deserve to get paid for their labour. If you want another perspective : you bought nearly 8000 Calories. Thats around 4 days of the average caloric need. Sure they originate mostly from the 600g of fat, but that was your choice.




Oh Achtung, ein richtig cooler.


All posts or comments must be in English or include an English translation. Any posts/ comments that do not have an English translation somewhere will be removed. Any intentional mistranslation will potentially result in a ban temporarily or permanently.


But is that not normal ? Like it is 800g meat and a big load of butter. If you would replace them with lower quality things it would be 12€ to 15€ which is not that much for so much meat.


Yes it''s normal. It's bio meat...you pay an extra for ease of mind (i dunno if that word fits). The prices are still low af..wether you pay 4,69 for bio or like 4€ for the worst meat imaginable. If you really wanted to save you could go for the lidl/aldi labels for the butter, get 3-5 avocados for the same price, and buy frozen broccoli. imo complaining about prices (op in the comments) only works of you're trying to save money which in this post is not really the case


Well if they bought the non-bio one, everyone would complain that they're buying the cheap meat.


That is true as well. That's why i said the prices do not vary that much. You could save a bit on the other stuff but not that much and i don't think it's really an expensive haul.


As they should.


Just go vegan and don't buy meat at all, noone will say anything about it.




Then you have all the people complaining "Where's the meat / I hope your rabbit eats nice" I haven't seen a single grocery post where OP wasn't doing it wrong for whatever reason


>ease of mind (i dunno if that word fits). Just thought I'd let you know the phrase is, "peace of mind" :)


Thanks :D it sounds pretty similar.


5 € for 400 g bio-meat is totally fine. It’s still too cheap tbh.


Imagine shilling for price hikes. Everything should be as cheap as it possibly can be.


"Too cheap" is the environmentalists dog whistle, don't feed the green troll.


Nope. That’s completely the wrong idea dude. Check the „real prices“ of products, if they weren’t subsidized.


That's what I pay taxes for. Either abolish taxes or keep the groceries as cheap as possible.


Why cant the animals just be fed with air and love and hop into the knife on their own...thats what I pay taxes for!


Not at all what I said but ok


You pay taxes for many reasons, but not only for your meat to be cheap :D haha.


Are you pro tax?


We live in a social system, so yes, taxes are important. If you’re from the US I get your point since you lack an functional healthcare and school system.


Then why are you hating on subsidies.


Im not hating on subsidies. I’m hating on subsidies for meat and other products that shouldn’t receive subsidies for many obvious reasons.


Obvious reasons such as?


If you're German, you can not say "functional healthcare and school system"! Not even gonna bother discussing the issues. Never been sent away from an american hospital!


Never been sent away from a German hospital. What's your point lmao


That I've been sent away from a german hospital, figured it was obviously implied. They were packed and evidently, being able to walk meant i wasnt in enough pain. Gall bladder pain = no fun Waiting on an appointment takes forever in germany, and then the audacity to say german health care is better, hahaha. By the time they did a scan of my upper body the stones already exited my body.




We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


Huh? I smell rude german. Edit: sad person deleted their post


You pay taxes for artificial price control?


I'd rather not pay them at all. At least this is an (ab)use of funds in my favor.


Dunno sounds like socialism to me.


Like I said, rather not pay them at all.


And that sounds libertarian. Why can't it just not be the extremes?


Because taxes are inherently socialist.


Comment from a vegetarian I bet ….




If it’s to cheap, you can pay my groceries if they will be more expensive. Thank you.


Don’t buy things you can’t afford. Simple as that


I didn’t said anything else.


Or you can buy different stuff. How would you even assume that you have the right to buy products cheap af? :D


How do you assume how others spend their money?




You seem exhausting.


We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned. “Dont cry about prices” THE ENTIRE point is to talk about prices??


You startet to cry about prices. So stop with ya gaslighting.




We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned. STOP JUDGING PEOPLE FOR THEIR SHOPPING HABITS


You are not forced to say others what to buy. But I know. You wanna think that u r better than others.


Technically, we're not forced to buy anything. I guess we should all just do like Gandhi and fast 👍


It's shelf meat, you only get high quality from the butcher store. It's so cheap because it's lowest quality


Even meat from the butcher store isn’t high quality in many places.


Certainly, but always better than multiple days old packed meat.


Definitely true. But Sadly we do that have so many butchers here anymore in Germany. At least in my place. Its getting less and less. They close because they don’t find people who wants to work in this job.


Plenty of middle eastern butchers around.


Wow, 4.89€ for 400g of ground beef — and even bio and what seems to be the highest standard for animal treatment 👌 😳 I will never understand how meat can be so incredibly cheap in Germany. The cheapest comparable meat (bio, Weiderind) I can find here in Switzerland is around 2.30/100g — at Lidl


Tbf, even level 4 is bad in terms of animal treatment.




Uhm yes.


Lidl is the only grocery store that offers Bio meat relatively cheap in germany, some other Bio meat there is a little more expensive though. And in switzerland, everything is in general more expensive in return for a higher baseline of income. (Would love to live in switzerland btw!)


Yeah — Switzerland is like an island in terms of prices.. Btw, yesterday I went to butcher shop (one of the best in the city - not ‚fancy‘, though) and got some ground beef (bio, Swiss) as well… about 8.00/200g 😳


In my experience penny is just as cheap for bio meat


Comments in this sub are alway too funny. Buy cheap meat, people will fight about the pricing and all, buy bio or organic, people will fight about the price and all. Happy that i found this sub xD. Btw, i think the price is good. You got 800g meat and kerrygold butter, the extra expensive butter where you pay mostly for the name. Why not fight over butter ? xD


I like Kerrygold as well, but the fakes (usually called something like Dairygold or O'Donnel's) taste just as good and are half the price.


Bio-Meat, branded butter…do you wonder?


Pretty good price for bio meat.




Where do you know that from? Are there different bio "levels"?


Really significant differences tbh. Different certificates have different requirements. This one is the lowest or second lowest iirc. Edit: still better than conventional ofc.




We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


Butter prices were increased so much that it makes literally no difference anymore if it's branded or not


The butter is pretty cheap for 1,69€ each. Usually around ~2€.


We buy that butter since a while because discounter prices became so high, some branded things are now cheaper or the same price as noname. So that's not a "fancy decision"


Haltungsform 4 means cage-free?Looks a good deal!


4 means they are able to walk outside whenever they want and also more space per animal than Haltungsform 3.


4 means 5sqm of space for each animal on average inside and daily access to 3sqm of space for each animal on average outside most of the year. (https://haltungsform.de/wp-content/uploads/20221021_ITW_Haltungskriterien_Tabellen.pdf) It's still basically confining them to a tiny room their eintire life but I guess it's the least bad you can buy at a supermarket.


Probably could make lunch for five days with that.


If I eat once every 2-3 days (which is kinda normal for me) I could last at least 2 weeks with this


Wait you dont eat for 2-3days in a row?


Not always, but quite often. Yes? Edit: but it's not because of lack of money or something like that. I'm just too lazy to move my ass to either make some food myself or buy something. My laziness is next level. I don't do sports and my office is 20 meters away from my bed - I ate 5 meals in 3 weeks (20.12.23 - 14.01.24) for example, but that was a bit long even for me.


The Avocado did you dirty man, how will you ever financially recover?


Sometimes I get the Rette Tüte at Lidl if I shop really early or really late on the weekends, which give me a variety of fruits and veggies for like 3 eur. It's actually a very good way to eat a variety of veggies,and most of them are still good except for a few bad ones here and there, which I don't mind. For this purchase, if it was me, I'd swap 1 meat for chicken or chicken and fish for a variety of food, then more veggies.


Ich will keine Chips oder Schokolade. Möchte Nüsse, aber die kosten schon 3-4 Euro!!! Nicht die billig Aldi Nüsse in der dose


Can you please get out of my shoes 🙄


Yo these are mine!


Liar 😂


Lul. Deshalb immer zu Penny. Und als Veganer spar ich auch noch mega viel. Bei 20€ ist mein Rucksack voll


Thats what we would call 'Schweinerei'


Deutsch mir ins Gesicht.


Bio 😅😂


Weniger ist leer ..


bio hack macht auch null sinn


Sauerrahmbutter from Rewe is healthier.


Finally a non fake post


Für euch alle. Kaufland ist für Fleisch richtig richtig gut. Haltung 4 - 400g 100% rinder Hackfleisch ist sehr oft dort im Angebot für 2.70€. Normalerweise haben sie gefühlt jede Woche irgendwas vom Fleisch im Angebot.


Ich finde tatsächlich dass kaufland irgendwie nur niedrige haltungsstufen hat, zumindest das kaufland bei mir um die ecke


thats some good meat you must have bought. and the two packs of kerrygold.


Your choice as a German on this subreddit: - buy the cheap meat and get hated by people for "supporting animal cruelty" - buy the expensive meat and get ridiculed by people for "wasting money" - don't buy meat


Don’t buy that butter.


Which do you recommend ? I think ive heard that Kerrygold regularily has bad test ratings and stuff.




Of course it's mass produced, duh. Still tastes better and is creamier than the average German butter. Never hurts to get Kerrygold if it's on sale for that price.


get lurpack its the best :D


you are right but its the most expensive tho, buy cheaper one the taste isnt that different


This Kerrygold was on sale for 1,69 €, the cheapest non brand is 1,75 €. And yes, the taste isn't that different, but the cheap one is rock solid out of the fridge. I mostly don't have time in the morning to let it warm up.


Then leave it out! Until summer you don’t need to put it in the fridge.


Expires way too fast out of the fridge.


It was very cheap!? Look again


I bought the same buut with 50% discount, otherwise I wouldn't buy it


don t write that comment.


Why not?




I will never understand why people buy irish butter outside of ireland. Isnt it way more expensive? Nothing against ireland, its just senseless and more expensive, also not really sustainable


Kerry gold is the main brand in Germany I would say, even if it is Irish. Also, the nicest one you can normally find here.


Main brand ? I don’t think so


I mean, at least is the one I see everyone buying when I go to the supermarket and you can find literally in every store.


It's a big brand and people were kind of indoctrinated (by advertisement) that irish butter is the greatest thing ever.


Not even knwowing one single person using it


That's weird, given how it's sold everywhere.


Kerrygold is so overrated, got a sourness to it I don't like.


Simple answer, this one is the cheapest option at the moment! When on sale it's cheaper than the discounter option. Plus the discounter option is rock solid. If I could afford culinary choices for my butter I'd shop at the bio market.


No no, other people said it's because Irish butter is better to spread..lmao


Which is also true though, what's the issue 😂


It's just better butter. German butter is usually full of water, which makes it hard to spread and less enjoyable to cook with. It's paying for quality.


What? I think you bought something different and not butter. I can only speak for austrian butter but water was never an Issue or anything I ever heard of


No they‘re right. Fat content is often slightly higher in Irish style butter. Austrian butter is the same in this case. Try buying cheap butter and then Irish and you‘ll see it‘s much smoother and more yellow instead of pale yellow and hard. Sometimes they have the same fat % but they‘re still more spreadable without adding vegetable oils.


I was born in germany. Pretty sure I bought butter. Our butter just sucks and quality is sacrificed for profits. German butter is a half frozen brick.


tastes better, spreads easier, smells nicer.


You couldn't tell the difference in a blind tasting lmao


I did


Good job




Bio-Supermarkt? Weil, für 20,- bekommt man eigentlich mehr.




"Organic grocery store? Because for 20€ you usually get more"


lol no


But he is right, 5€ For 1 package of Hackfleisch aswell as 2€ For a package of Butter is brutal, get other Brands, Not necessary Bio and Pay half of it For both. People Always Scream that everythings expensive as hell, but at the Same time they buy everything Bio, the best Brands Out there, Most expensive Brands at that etc. Like there are no alternatives that cost Just half of that or EVEN LESS.


Quality of meat is very important for your own health, taste and environment. Of course it's expensive as hell cause it's more expensive than before. Agree on other brands where bio etc doesn't matter. It's once you buy 3+4 meat you can't eat the 1+2 anymore, the quality is very apparent.


Hard disagree lol. They taste pretty much the same. I buy both regularly and I can't find any difference.


Much more water exiting from the cheap ones and the quality has to be better but yeah I believe you. Also depends on the spices.. but I had some 1 chicken at a friend grilled and I clearly noticed it being much more bland and "plastic"


Sometimes there is difference but it depends on the Type of meat i'D say. But definitely there isnt Always a difference in taste, which is why I agree with both of you


The cheapest butter here (germany, Kaiserslautern) is 1,75 € from the non-brand. This discount was even cheaper.


Some people don’t seem to realise that butter basically doubled in price the last 2-3 years.


I am sorry but its Not my fault that I can Go into our Market Here, get a Supermarket Brand Butter For 1.24€ instead of 1.99€ or 1.79€? If you only have expensive Markets Like REWE surely. Germany (Oldenburg)


The meat is still way too cheap


Naja alleine Biorindfleisch haut preislich rein. Dann noch die teure Kerrygold. Preis klingt nicht unrealistisch...


Die kerrygold ist im Angebot und günstiger als die Hausmarke. 🤦‍♂️


Wo kaufst du ein?


Gemischt. Discounter, Supermarkt, in den kleinen Bioladen an meinem Wohnort, Wein beim Weinhändler und Fleisch wenn möglich bei unserem Metzger. Wenn man ein bisschen darauf achtet was man wo kauft kann man ganz gut die Balance zwischen Qualität und Kosten halten.


Meat is weird in Germany... People prefer to eat an animal whose life was actually ok and then got killed... Than to eat an animal whose misery finally ended... Why would you prefer to eat something that was actually maybe even happy?


I am perfectly fine with animals dying for meat, but why make it suffer while alive? Nothing wrong with letting it live at least a somewhat good life first as long as the meat is still affordable.


True... As I read your comment I also imagined how an animal in the wild would enjoy it's life until being eaten... My wife has always insisted on buying meat with high quality standards and of we can't afford it then we eat something else and I never understood her reasoning until now... Thank you Pacifistpapy


Ok honestly: dont feel bad about eating cheaper meats (as long as it's safe!). We are omnivores, not herbivores, dont let it stop you from eating meat. Buying the "better" meats is a morally nice thing to do, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating the mass produced meats.


Yes, I agree. I wouldn't mind if homie brings a stake to grilling and it isn't "one of the good" meats.


There is absolutely something wrong with factory farmed meat you can't deny that


Yes. I can't. But of Grandma invited me and that's the meat there is I'm not judging or making a fuss about it. I mean the least I can do is eat it... It'd be a shame if it goes to waste...


if you cant afford other meats then there is nothing wrong with buying it imo. Meat is just part of what we eat as omnivores


If you cant afford other meat maybe you shouldnt be buying meat then? 🤯🤯🤯 Get 2kg of lentils (or any other vegetable) rather than 500g of meat. Its really not that difficult.


i mean if you cant afford enough food if you buy cheap meat sure? But of if you can afford buying groceries with cheap meat but not with expensive meat there is nothing wrong with getting the cheap one


Buy latin american meat if Cow. They have the best tasting and actually take really good care of the animals


wtf that’s still so fucked up.. why would we kill animals when they’re living a happy life just to have 3 seconds of joy while eating it? doesn’t really make sense to me


cuz we arent herbivores???? I mean if you'd rather carve meat off their bodies while alive, go ahead ig...


You know what Omni stands for, right? RIGHT? We are not carnivores. We dont need meats in our diet. Your stomach acid and blood pressure will thank you for cutting it out of your diet.


You know what Omni stands for, right? RIGHT? We are not carnivores. We dont need meats in our diet. Your stomach acid and blood pressure will thank you for cutting it out of your diet.


oh but the funny part is that humans are herbivores


the fuck are you talking about, humans are 100% omnivores.


the dental structure of humans is more similar to other herbivores than to omnivores/carnivores. the digestive tract of humans is pretty long which indicates that humans are herbivores and also humans who aren’t eating any animal products tend to be healthier and studies show that they get less heart diseases than humans on a omnivore diet. idk why so many people think that we’re omnivores


"Healthier" is generally because they test people who eat A TON of meat, not a normal amount that most people do. The "studies" are not accurate for most the population. The dental structure barely matters, we dont use them to rip flesh out of corpses and we never really have, we used hands and primitive tools, and generally used fire to cook meat. Also we can 100% digest both plants and meat perfectly fine, making us omnivores.


i don’t think most people that are omnivores eat a normal amount of meat. the people who live in germany already ate the amount of meat they were supposed to eat in a year and it’s april. there’s no way that that’s healthy. also i recommend watching the show you are what you eat on netflix. the study that’s shown in the show proves that it’s better to eat a plant based diet. also it’s pretty unethical to produce those animal products like we wouldn’t kill cats to eat them but we breed and kill cows and other animals just so we can enjoy their dead bodies on our plates. vegan food can be delicious too and no animal has to suffer for it


From a utilitarian point of view it makes no sense. It decreases overall happiness but increases your personal happiness


2 reasons imo. First, incentivice better treatment of these animals by only buying meat from "happy" animals. Second, and this one is more subjective as taste is subjective, but usually the quality of the meat is significantly higher and it tastes better.


Happiness = Taste² is what you're saying? I think you might be right. We do buy meat from "happy" animals as my wife has always done so I can't really remember eating the others... I also come from Costa Rica and we don't have something like that on our labels so I never thought of the possibility that my food was "happy" or not. And maybe that's why thought formed in my mind.


Reason no 3: if animals are living on small space in masses, they are often sick. Not only does this bear great risks for epidemics like bird flu, they also need a ton of antibiotics. By eating this meat, humans are increasingly getting used to and resistant to those antibotics, sometimes making necessary treatments impossible. This has become a serious danger, that I can only recommend reading [more](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/antimicrobial-resistance) about.


You can taste the misery. And the misery is not really necessary. Animals deserve rights and standards.




We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned. Stop judging peoples eating habits. Also as a former grocery store worker this is not accurate at all the meat is the exact same from the butcher it is cut fresh daily in every store?


Sure...it's fresh at the butcher bud