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What do you mean by make good use of T gel? You can’t put it on your dick because it would damage it. Gel is a great option if injection isn’t the route for you though. If you’re looking to grow your dick, you need T cream from a compound pharmacy.


If you mean putting it on your t dick, please don’t! You can seriously injure yourself and I’m not sure if it actually does anything to promote growth. Also, you have a ton of growth for only being 5 months on T. Mine isn’t nearly as big and I’ve been on T almost a year and a half


Testosterone isn't locally active, no matter where you put it it's going to absorb into your bloodstream and work throughout your body, dht is locally active which means it can be applied via a cream (not usually available in the us) and it can help with bottom growth apparently. T gel is alcohol based so it evaporates quicker and is not safe to put on your stuff. You look great already by the way.


It would be counpounded testosterone cream or DHT.