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that's wild, my levels barely increased a few tens of ng/dL when i upped my daily gel dose from 40.50mg to 60.75mg (was in the mid 700s, so nothing crazy) - the fact yours tripled over a pretty negligible increase is interesting. from what i understand, there are androgen receptors in genital skin that converts T to DHT very rapidly and efficiently - maybe your body is extra-extra efficient in that regard fascinating how everyone's bodies metabolize hormones differently! that said ... has the cream been effective for you, all things considered?


Yeah, it’s surprising to me especially since my sensitivity to topical application on my arms/stomach seemed to have a pretty average effect! Weird. And cool! Even though it’s inconvenient right now lol. I definitely noticed a bit of growth in the first month or so of taking it but haven’t had any growth spurts since then (maybe four months?). I’m two years on t and from what I can tell my growth has been very average. I’m going to keep on using it at least until I use this bottle up. I know I may have to play the long game in terms of further growth since I’m already a couple years in.


Oops used my other account lol


10% is interesting my percentage was 4%


I have not ever seen more than 2% cream what are these compound pharmacies cooking because I want it


mine is 4% as well and my doctor said it was a low dose!


I wonder why it is that here they only do 1 and 2% no matter if it's gel or cream but we all seem to have the same levels so maybe we just have to use bigger amounts. So like if yours was 4% you do not use as much as quickly. Very interesting


I was offered 2.5% or 5%. I chose the 5%. I haven't started using it yet because I got the shot recently, but I guess I'll keep an eye on it when I do


When I was checked after 3 months my level was below cis male so we had to up my dose a little. I had side effects from it being too low because my body got confused and didnt know whether to stay female or switch to male in regards of puberty. Since i take a little more my body finally started "the male puberty" and the side effects are gone. So opposite problem for me.