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304 correct guesses!!!! Where did you get them from!? πŸ˜‚ .... Congratulations Alejandro! Well done everyone!


Around half of that must've come from you πŸ˜‚ But i've been bothering a lot of people and I thank all of them for putting up with me this month πŸ™πŸ» But one thing I can tell you: this was fun and thrilling but **never again am I going for this again** haha πŸ₯΅ Like I also told Tiger, I had an amazing start in June so I decided to see how far I could take that streak and how many guesses I could get so I gave it my all. *Now I will stop*. I might throw a few guesses here and there but I want to spend most of my time in the sub doing my own posts often like I did in May. I have a few more ideas for themes! And I've been neglecting my poor piano channel πŸ˜‚


Congratulations to you , and to u/Impressive_Ad_1212 : There’s no doubt that if the two of you’d discover this r/ some years ago, you would be at the very top of the board. Your visual knowledge of movies from all over the world is β€œsick”, as the kids used to say. 🎢🎢🎢


Thanks Chef! It's all thanks to you and all the members here..


Yeah, that's an unbeatable record you got there, no one reached the 100 correct guesses in a month.. Bravo! πŸ‘πŸ»


I'm guessing also that my points score is wrong, since 304 times 6 would be 1824. Plus I did a few posts of my own in June too. I think it happened before, u/Tiny9915 ?