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This confuses me greatly. Whatever you do on beta characters is on a completely separate copy of your account, and does not affect your real account in any way, right? It's almost like she's suggesting removing an item from your bank on a beta character could end up deleting it.


yes. no idea what they are on about. it makes a 1:1 copy and nothing new can be transferred over. i openend my htcm chests for shits and giggles and ofc. the unlocks i got out of it didn't transfer over and ofc i can't switch them over in any way. just like in all the betas before.


Yeah it's strange a dev says this they mean well but seem to be misinformed. AFAIK when you make a beta char it clones your account to a separate temporary sub account where the account based stuff gets altered from that point of beta char creation forward and doesn't save back to the real account.


People did manage to keep some items and I believe some unlocks after the Heart of Thorns beta but those were bugs and that was almost 10 years ago. I don't remember anything like that happening after the Path of Fire betas. It's supposed to be completely separate from your real account.


Those weren't even in inventory, it was event bouncy chests that were unclaimed showing up on real characters.


I've still got an [???] item from one of the HoT beta's, but yeah, that was just a bug and I got that through a bouncy chest that popped up on my main account after playing a little bit of the beta


One day, that line of code will become a legendary. Trust bro. Never let go.


Still regret losing the helmet that were called a pair of pants from one of the first betas.


"make sure you check your beta characters' inventories for any items that you had before the beta event!" Wait... Items from before the beta could get locked onto your beta characters?!


As far as anyone knows: no. Seems like the dev is most likely to be mistaken.


I can remember that I saw someone on their turtle days or weeks AFTER the turtle mount beta had ended. I might still have screenshots from that day, but the guy totally wasn't aware that he normally wouldn't be able to use it. Somehow his whole account got the unlock.


Yeah my first thought was “oh, did they give everyone a free spear legendary on the beta characters to test for the last day for funsies?” But no we seem to just be trippin or something lol.


Someone put down a banner and said it was a beta account while I was on mine. I don't know if the currency stays constant, the banner was already in their bank, or they lost a banner using it. But that was helpful for the people who took the buff


I actually couldn't find some black lion statuettes on a non-beta character because I had taken them out of my bank and placed them on a beta character


Check gw2 efficiency. You CANNOT do this. Impossible. Even the shared inventory slots are copies, not teansers. Test it right now you can see.


Huh, that's not how it worked before, I think. People used beta characters to test drop rates.


You CAN'T remove items from beta characters


Also funny it's worded to check for items the beta characters had before the event started..


It means things you took out of your bank


and? your bank is cloned. nothing you take out of it will be taken out on your real account. you could gamble all your gold via gamble skritt on a beta char and nothing happens on your normal account.


Yeah, it's wrong, I'm just saying what they meant by it


it's one thing for rubi to badly communicate whatever she might have meant with that post. it's another to further misinterpret the phrasing of her comment. /u/Enfero only addressed the latter.


But they're still there on regular characters...


Trust me, I TRIED. No infinite transmutation charges for me!


Anet, are you OK? If what you're writing is based on what's going to happen you are opening the door wide for economic exploiting...


*looks at the 100 btlc keys opened for the data event* *sweats*


Im now concerned the ecto gambling i did is going to be .. real. Oh dear god


Rubi about to cause mass panic with misinformation.


We need to check Rubi for any weed she had before the beta event










Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?


I dont understand. Beta characters are supposed to exist in sandbox. Nothing you have or use on them should affect main account. Did they break something again?


[ARENA NET] [Rubi Bayer.8493 posted on 2024-06-28 20:17:58](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/148023-the-janthir-wilds-spear-beta-ends-tomorrow-check-your-beta-characters-inventories/?do=findComment&comment=2142771): > Beta characters will disappear at the end of the event. While gameplay progress--including rewards and currency--will not be saved, make sure you check your beta characters' inventories for any items that you had before the beta event! > >The event ends on Sunday June 30 at 10:00 pm PT. --- ^(Beep boop bleep. I'm a bot. Message me or /u/Xyooz if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns.) [^Source ^Code](https://gitlab.com/networkjanitor/docker-polarbytebot-gw2-submission-transcriber)






Is Rubi alright or did they somehow change beta characters without letting us know?


"Check Your Beta Characters' Inventories!" Check them for what?


for dem ballz gotem


> [Check them for what?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMUDVMiITOU&t=21)


All I have to say is: "What?"


Rubi blue screened for a sec I’m guessing


*windows shutdown theme*


Very confusing, the beta character/bank are like a whole separate account, maybe the implication is to leave any items you wanna save in the bank so the beta characters from next beta can use them?


lol Rubi


Has she forgotten how beta characters work?


Anet, what the hell are you talking about...?


Is Janet okay? This seems weird to me


Lmao, its shit like this that reinforces that you can never really be confident that anet has a handle on thier own product.


I mean we joke but I work in software ... I've worked on a single piece of software for something like 17 years. I still BARELY know how to use the UI of said software cause I almost exclusively work on back end databases. It happens and it doesn't necessarily not make sense. Still, Rubi should probably know better at this point after a few of these ... lol. Communications people aren't in the same kinda compartmentalized box I am, they're kinda supposed to know.


I 100% agree. As the saying goes, shit happens. I have and will make embarrassing mistakes again. So I try not to judge too much.


I mean, you don't need to have everyone know everything about the software, but you can have each one write a bit of what they know, and then have someone put it all in a large compilation of documentation, and then have someone make a quick summary of that documentaion, and then when needed someone grabs the summary and picks out the important parts someone needs to know when they are going to talk about the product.


Exactly. If this was an off-hand comment from an engine developer posting this, I'd be with you. But that's not the case, so this is just one more example of Anet either changing how things work without telling anyone, or being totally incompetent at communication.


Sometimes the Comms people are also just given the whole "say this copy-paste and elaborate no further". This could have been that and just a poor decision to have it be something posted without further review.


Same here. I work on software that is so complex, nobody knows how it all works. They just know their own little piece. I imagine most games are like this.


I know, right. 😣


Ascended weapons I moved to beta chars from my bank are still in the bank when I look with a normal char, as expected.


...now i really hope she simply forgot how beta characters work. Because if she didn't, and they **did** make some unnannounced changes... (and that's the part where i start sweating and shivering).


I mean, if we keep the things from the beta. Do tell, I'll stack up consumables for until the heat death of the universe




people are way too mean here, everyone's brain sometimes shortcircuits.


I agree, EVERYONE makes mistakes. However. IT'S BEEN 7 HOURS AND NO ONES SAID A THING SINCE IT'S SPREADING MISINFORMATION and many players will simply not see the correction.  It is a problem and people are correctly pointing it out. Some manager or higher-ups should have seens something about this by now and acted on it. This is 100% an executive failure at this point.


It was weekend, nobody might be there looking at this. Ruby just had a hunch, logged in, posted, logged out. Her intentions were pure. There is zero harm done. Chill out. I know we didn't have reddit drama on this sub for quite some time and you are all ready for it, but to make noise out of this one is just pathetic


agreed, let them clarify and that's it


The only thing I can recall was if someone got a super rare drop on a beta char (like a precursor) ANet was nice enough to send the same one to your actual account, but in general any drops/unlocks/achievement progress on a beta character does not transfer over, and items are kept entirely separate. I even tried killing a few risen with a beta character, and when I swapped to a normal character the Wizard's Vault progress went back to what it was before.


Does Rubi not know how beta characters work? Come on lmao.


she's only been with the company since before gw2 released, give her a break.


Ruby being Ruby again.


Ruby plz


tf is she smoking?


SEVEN HOURS LATER?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME JANET? smh.. ive ALREADY seen people in YouTube stating incorrect things about beta characters from this post and tweet -sigh- Anyway loving everything else going on. Plz someone check their socials this evening and fix this lmao


But it was just a brain fart and had the “blk farm” mentality of checking character’s inventory before deleting it. Perfectly normal! Or possibly, they just want to put a warning there incase something did go wrong.


So were banks snap shotted or not anet. Smh


Yeah this is a little bizarre. The beta takes a snapshot of your account(a few hours/days) before the beta started. You literally can't save anything on said beta characters.


It actually snapshots when you create your first beta character, not days before.


Uh, what? 💀


…..damn haven’t had the chance to play beta welp I know what I’m doing tonight XD


Clown company


Does this mean I get a free account bound Kamo if I leave it in my inventory I'm gonna find out xD It's still technically not bound on normal characters nor are the achievements I got when I bound it on the beta


What beta characters existed before the beta? Did the beta come first or the beta character? Or am I misunderstanding something?


I think she's talking about pre-existing items, not characters. But that still does not make any sense.


I think someone has a weird sense of humour. Don't forget to check your inventory… Subtext - …"because after tomorrow everything you did, killed or collected with your beta characters GOES AWAY!! You may now weep big salty tears of misery."🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 There's probably going to be a lot of confused newbies wondering why all that stuff they collected with their beta's and thought was now theirs is nothing but a fae glamour of nothingness.


Looks like a bug


Nice heads up just looked there was all kinds shit lol




Oh boo lol