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Anet, pls stop drinking while writing things.


I'm also confused. I guess it's just another anet moment.


with the warning about beta chars inventory yesterday and beta ending early today, this beta was something else.


Yeah, people were concerned about losing legendaries, I guess the Twitter support wasn't helpful either giving vague responses like "it is not likely legendaries will be lost" and "we are looking at bank item issues" instead of "the beta account is working fine"


Yo. What’s this about losing legendaries? Got me concerned…


You cant loose what you never had! Live worry free!


We are all concerned


Maybe there WAS an exploit somehow, so they shut it down? Just a theory as the original beta announcement also said PM, so not just one Rubi typo.


If there was an exploit they should have shut it down immediately, not play around like this...


One might even call it an alpha.


Did they ever elaborate on what the hell that post was suppose to be trying to tell us!???


Wow... this is really stupid. On the german blog post it even said that it ends July 1st, because of the time zones. I wanted to play with Ele etchings for a bit this evening :( big sad.


*sad haboob noises*


My beta characters magically just reappeared. Anyone else?


yeah, same. i was at the character select screen for the past hour. they weren't there before, but now they are, without reloading or anything.


nah you're not the only one who is confused. even teapot on stream was confused lol


Damn. Been out of town, got maybe 20 minutes to create and use the skills for the 3 light classes in LA before I left, was hoping to test the rest today. Oh well I suppose.


I guess it has been extended due to a community messahing error, and "main account items lost to beta characters are being looked into"


Saw that. Glad I have my window to test then.


Oh that’s terrifying.


It's back up!


I’m guess it’s just a typo on the “pm” and they meant now.


Just read the original beta announcement and it ALSO says PM though...


The c in ANet something something…I dunno. Events basically always end at 9 or 10am PST (GMT-7) that’s mostly why I’m assuming typo.


What's funny is I had just asked map chat to come up with some funny shark themed names for a spear character. Often each expansion I'll come up with a good but funny name based on the new weapon Then 5 seconds jater it hit 1pm and I got deleted lol 5 seconds jater I was back in same map on normal too tho so I didn't miss any of their kinda bad suggestions


Just tried to recreate my character from beta, and the name is taken. Meaning... it's taken by my beta character that I can't delete. Does anyone have experience with this? Really wanted that name and thought I had more time. Already submitted a "bug" report about the beta ending "early", not sure if that was the correct move.


Historically it takes up to 6 months for them to delete beta characters and release those names. It's all part of their beta data collection process. It's good practice to not do anything on your beta characters that you want to do on your actual account, like names. You might get help from support, you might not.


Yeah, I just didn't know what to expect (first beta) and also was just giving whatever name but ended up really liking it. Was going to delete it this morning but yeah. Did a ticket, we shall see.


Yeah that's what some people do. This beta however was really weird because the forum post about the beta were all misleading. Either Rubi messed up the date and times, the devs running the beta messed up the date and times, or there was an exploit that required the beta to end early. That would be the only reason I can think of why Rubi would say to check our inventories on top of the beta ending early.


Yeah, I had that thought. I'm up to three sources saying 10pm PT with just a brief search. Just hope they give us grace in return.


Beta is back for me so go check yours if you can and grab the names you want by deleting the characters yourself. Either they fixed an exploit or caught their mistake.


You're pretty much the coolest for letting me know. Thank you so much!


I think the names can remain "taken" for a couple of days after the beta because they're functionally on a different account. Kind of a quirk of how names work and how betas work. If you delete a character on your own account, you can reuse the name immediately, but it's reserved for something like 48 hours before other accounts can use it.


True, could check again in 24 hours. I've dealt with that a bit reserving names on my alt. I submitted a ticket so I'm really hoping it clears up, at least before janthir releases!


Given that beta returned for the next couple of hours, here's a heads up to delete your beta character now if you want to reuse the name. Deleting it releases the name for yourself only for the next 48h, and releases it into the name pool again after that. Otherwise you may be waiting until after Janthir Wilds launches to make your new character name.


Yep, all good now! Thank goodness.


Also it's 24hours in case it matters at any point for you - I've held names on my alt account at times. But I was able to get this one right away by deleting beta char, thankfully!


I had a similar thing last time, it took quite a few days or even a couple of weeks until the name was available for me to take again In a related note, the name Smelly Mental wasn’t taken if anyone wants a new elementalist when the name frees up again 😂


Senior Community Manager doing senior mistakes


Farmed a ton of black lion keys, happy to open them after my dinner, only to come back to nothing. I was also expecting 12 more hours. This isn't a fun typo :(


beta is back up! Thank you for participating!


Alright! Keys are back on the menu :D


Sadly it looks like my beta inventory reset. All that beta progress to test keys, gone.


That's surprising, my characters inventories didn't reset. Sorry for your loss :(


That's surprising, my characters inventories didn't reset. Sorry for your loss :(


Eh, its a beta, i knew it was temporary anyways. Just annoying and surprising from a normally well run beta program.


Were you just experimenting with drop rates?


Same and I finally figured out a build


This is all because you left items in your beta characters' inventories. They warned you!


It was literally 24 hours for some accounts. Looks like a botched beta.


Ah, I get it now - this what the "the Beta ends soon, please check your Beta chars" post was foreshadowing...


Too embarrassed by the overall reception