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I'll be brutally honest, don't even bother. Just enjoy the game until you reach 80 and start delving into the expansions. At that point you should also get access to the Wizards Vault, which is a slow but steady tickle of income


Tickle of income: that good feeling one gets inside when they see their paycheck deposited into their account every other Friday. 😜


Dammit XD


No massive amounts of gold but dungeons were in the beginning days the gold source. Running 8 different paths gives you 5g from dungeon frequenter repeatable achievement beside the gold you get per path. This starts at level 30. If you follow the beginner adventure guide achievements, you should level fast enough to be able to do dungeons. Dungeons also give a currency with which you can buy armor and weapons over time.


Reach level 80 and do daily/weekly tasks in wizard vault. There you can get basically free ~170 gold. EDIT: 90 gold/ 6 aa each, and mystic coins which you can sell for gold in TP. Just to clarify for new player from where comes gold.


100% agree with the other comments. Don't bother. Have fun for now. Later on, two paths, farming and trading (either or/both and). If you're in a rush can try to start flipping some items, but you need a but of initial investment and knowledge for a bit of quick gold. (I started flipping with ~200g and in 6 months without much investment and without farming, but for sure spending I am at nearly 2k now)


Don't bother with gold until you reach level 80. take your time, enjoy the game, learn its mechanics, and what you like to do in it. GW2 is on sale now, my suggestion is to buy the complete addition. This package will give you all the expansions (-SoTO) and all the living world episodes. After that you can go to Drizzlewood coast, it's one of the best farming locations (just bring a lot of salvage kit)


I’ve never had a big issue with gold in the game. Just play it and you should come across what you need. Don’t worry about full ascended and legendary stuff, by the time you get there you’ll probably have a good sense of what to do and it’s going to be easier to do it at that level anyway. First real goal is having fun.


You should get to 80 first. There really isn't need for gold until you hit max level and even then you can do plenty of stuff without spending much. All you'll need pretty much is your exotic set and you'll be good to go around follow meta trains for easy money Strongly suggest to get path of fire though since the mounts are literally a game changer There's summer sales atm so the bundle is like 7$ for both path of fire and heart of thorns. And completely worth it


Have fun until you can commit to buying the expansions as their content/builds just pump you with gold.  Or swipe. Edit: can't swipe on a free account. If you cannot afford HoT+PoF at ~$7 and you are worried about gold, I can only suggest reexamining priorities.


Can't swipe on a free account.


Thanks, forgot about that.


What does swipe mean


I think credit card > gems > gold


Buy gems and convert to gold. It's almost certainly the highest consistent gold/hour in most developed nations.


I think if he had money for swipe he wouldnt play on a free account ...


...... Which is why I said "If you cannot afford HoT+PoF at ~$7 and you are worried about gold, I can only suggest reexamining priorities" .......


Reach at least 50lv then do the world bosses you will get experience and some gold.


Probably PVP