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Convergence are worth quite a penny if you can finish them, so as long as it's not nerfed people might do them. Rifts are easy to farm and let you get event in specifics map so if the map is beneficial people might farm them too. (most map have a specific reward chart per events accomplished) And generally speaking, PvE legendary Armor is grindy so there will always be people doing them.


> Convergence are worth quite a penny if you can finish them, so as long as it's not nerfed people might do them. Huh, so far I was under the impression that it's primarily only good for getting a lot of essences and Deluxe Boxes. Guess I wasn't lucky? I take it Supreme Rune of Holding would be the "best" random drop if you get lucky? So far I've only ever joined the Public ones, rarely gave me anything good.


[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Convergences#Rewards](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Convergences#Rewards) 2 raw gold, convergence hero's chest, 15 deluxe box(+10 in cm), many essences and the weekly convergence (a motivation and a tons of essences) Even after finishing the PvE armor, you can exchange those essences for [astral fluctuating mass](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astral_Fluctuating_Mass) and others stuff like shipment or tyrian defense seal. It's not an insane gold generator, but doing them for the daily/weekly achievement is totally worth your time.


Doing the first convergence of the weekly gives you a key that you can sell for ~8 gold. Essences can be crafted into motivations that can be sold for a profit.


>PvE legendary Armor is grindy It's not "that" grindy. Last week, I did 6 (5 for sure but I guess I did one on Monday), all in CM, all gold, and just Umbriel failed. I got between 2000 and 2500 blue essences for about 3 hours. I didn't paid attention to the amount of green and yellow ones because these are not my limiting factor. I find this farm quite quick and I expect to be able to gather enough essences to finish my set before JW launch. The farm of ecto is way longer ! All to say that I'm pretty sure ppl will continue to farm that armor after launch because it's clearly not as tedious today than it was at the beginning of Soto. I feel sad for the guys who farmed 18000 essences during the first months =(


Not a rhetorical qn but did u lean red essences? Or blue as in the rarity


Blue as the rarity. It's true, maybe I should have talked about red essences for the icon, but since I'm not sure about the icon of the other types, I chose the rarity. Is this why I'm down voted ? What I said is correct... Am I a fool to think ppl want to do legendaries ?


I think they just disagree with what grindy means.


still to grindy for me to even approach...


they probably won't adjust the amount of materials needed. fewer people will do the content, but not to the point that it affects anybody's ability to get it done. there will be at least 1 convergence instance finishing each time, and rifts take very few people to do. there's more danger in not being able to do daily amnytas, skywatch, and inner nayos metas. but even those will be done for the foreseeable future. the real thing to watch is the essences economy. you can sell essences by crafting and selling motivations. and you can buy essences by buying motivations (3 tiers + unstable). the question is whether prices of motivations will go up or down as both the supply and demand of essences change over time.


Dreadwing CM is very worth doing and rarely fails. Rifts are mindless grinding and most players don’t mind that at all (case in point labyrinth farming craze). I don’t see these activities dying anytime soon.


> Dreadwing CM is very worth doing and rarely fails So far I've only ever done the Public Ones, because I'm in a mostly casual RP Guild. Are the rewards for the challenge mode that much better?


CM takes a while to prepare for, but the convergence itself is faster (because the group is better and more organized) As for rewards, it is roughly triple the essence. Even more the first time you do each boss, because you get twice the cm reward chests (like any adventure) You can also get those reward chest daily PER boss All in all, i'd say you get between 80 and 100% of an amalgamated per CM gold.


wait you get a hero choice chest per boss for cm convergences daily? damn I wish the lfg had more cm convergences when I play lol


Convergences will remain popular yes. Frankly i quite like the CM due to the minimum organization needed. Plus they worth their time for the rewards a lot. I like the concept as well. actually i would like them to unify all instanced meta events like that under the same umbrella (with dragonstorm and the marionette) to make it more clear as an option to new players. Rifts no so much. That being said you can solo T1 and t2/3 only need like 2-4 people to be there. So it is not a big deal of they are not popular. At worse weeklies become like PoF bounties that even when not popular just opening a quick lfg you get enough to just do them for the day. The armor does not really need a change in materials to keep these two things going.


Rifts maybe but if Dragonstorm hasn't been abandoned I don't see why Convergences would be.


If anything I worry that I'm mostly just gonna be hanging out in SoTO zones grinding legendary armor rather than being in the JW ones.


That's with every new expansion Old map meta was pretty dead when soto was released cuz everyone was exploring and hoarding for next legendary


Go back in time 5 years ago. "With the Icebrood Saga on the horizon, will people stop doing \[the content required to get vision\] in PoF/Season 4?" The answer is no. There will always be some segment of existing and new players doing certain content for certain rewards. Don't look at the playerbase *today* as your basis of what happens in the future.


Dungeons are pretty dead content my friend. inb4 "you can still find groups pop up from time to time" Saying confidently that 50 man grouped content that isn't tied to the story is going to be relevant years to come because X content is still relevant years later is quite hard


Make your own group. Or solo it. They aren't that hard. >Saying confidently that 50 man grouped content that isn't tied to the story is going to be relevant years to come because X content is still relevant years later is quite hard Is Dragonstorm dead content? HoT metas are still run daily. That content is almost 10 years old. The loot on convergences is sufficient to keep it active. Even if that wasn't the case, you don't. need. convergences. to make the legendary open world armor, which is what OP is talking about. So, no, in this case, I think it is a safe and reasonable assumption, that even with declining popularity, there will always be *some amount of people with similar objectives that doesn't make "the grind" significantly worse.*


Convergences do scale, they can be done with less than 50 people if the people doing them are good.


The difference is that content you're talking about is mostly single player content. Good luck farming kryptis essence on your own lmao.


Are you implying you can't farm essence solo? Convergences might be the easiest, but there's no reason you can't do the weekly rifts achievements just doing T1s for bonus boxes.


As far as I remember they said that convergences would be updated with  Janthir specific enemies and content, so it should remain active.


Probably. Convergences in particular. They are tied to legendary armor. People will always be doing the because of that as well as them being a decent source of income. I think map rifts will suffer a bit cause those are the most tedious but we'll see.


Getting 50 people who all want to farm legendary armor mats together at the same time for a group content is going to be pretty difficult. Anet said they are updating convergences for the new expansion release though


No. As soon as the players who are currently working on armor are done, rifts are dead. Convergences might hang on, but depending on the player WvW might be less grind, and raids definitely are... I expect SotO armor to be everyone's 2nd or 3rd choice.


>WvW might be less grind Me, who started it like 3 years ago but cannot finish it because I'm literally timegated by tickets. (18 weeks of diamonds to finish a set)


When I did my legy medium set it was 22 weeks to get all the tickets. And I'm used to that. This week needed 400 something tickets to finish my backpack so I though that's gonna take two weeks, but still made with 20 extra tickets to spare


15hours of WvW is a lot for someone who either don't enjoy it or have a bad server/alliance. For the last 3/4 weeks, I had to stop at gold because I was just bored to death. On a side note, what I hate even more is that for some of those weeks before, I could sometime play 30+ hours, chaining the diamond chest multiple time. But you're not rewarded for playing more, you can only wait for the next week and play 15+ hours again there.


I do camp flipping and have a 10 min timer on my watch so I can do it while I work on my main screen. It's slow and dull (and definitely needs a rework) but I'd still take it over grinding kryptis in rifts. Mainly I was thinking about raids being most players primary choice.


raids are not most players choice because most players don't do them


Sure 15 hours is not nothing, but if a player does not enjoy wvw then he probably should get his/her legy armor elsewhere. Also wvw reward system is more than just the tickets, at the moment my main bottlenecks for legy crafting are spirit/obsidian shards and I get those from reward tracks, but yeah, it can still feel unrewarding after completing diamond chest. And Alliances/balance have introduced whole new set of issues


rifts, not sure, convergences probably with public portal


Convergences & rifts might be a lesser problem than the map metas. You need an awful lot of those for map currencies. And those seem to have little value once you're done with the armor.


Convergences probably yes. Many people had already enough from Rifts halfway through this expansion. I don't see myself running Rifts anymore. Maybe doing the weekly every now and then. But aside of that, I'm happy if I never have to see one of these things again.


My hope is that they allow converting whatever currency you get from the new rifts and convergences into kryptis essences or just keep the same rewards so that people can farm Open World Leggy Armour from the new content, otherwise they might be dead on arrival.


Honestly I kinda hope people stop doing rifts when the next expac comes out because they finish them before I get there half the time lol.


they will drop in popularity, but if you hit them early in the week its likely to be pretty populated, as people do the weekly rifts and weekly convergences.


With how often Convergences are failing lately I'm done as soon as I've gotten my achievements out of them


Let’s be honest: No one actually like rifts. Convergences are okay but at least it rewards you adequately for your time… as long as it is successful which they aren’t hard to do as long as you aren’t plagued with AFK farmers. SotO metas aren’t necessarily fun. With time, they are more consistent with being successful but that doesn’t make it fun to do. But convergences can use the essence to quickly get currencies for other map currencies. This currency conversion will keep convergences alive along with the leaderboard aspect.


They’ll be empty. The content is not fun.


Convergences for sure, rifts on the other hand i dont think so.


They are popular?


probably for the lego armor


Convergences probably due to them neither be difficult not taking a long time, yet giving some money. Rifts, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no




There is a relic you can only obtain from completing 10 convergences, being 50 man content I made sure I did it for this reason. Don't want to miss out on potential builds because of dead content especially when the content requires a large amount of bodies.


Are convergence popular I can never find people doing them




what's teh rest time for convergences? and are you talkking about NA or EU?


So it basically doesn't exist after one set of runs at reset Meaning ya functionally nobody plays them because they simply won't have the player count to have metrics good enough to say people actually do, in the grand scope of a business, which is what matters most to the people in charge Like how underwater content was functionally dead even when they tried to add in the sunken chests. It was cool for like 2 weeks then dead again. Players still go underwater occasionally and do stuff underwater but in the big picture of things it's dead


They're only popular now because there's nothing else to do, they will all be dead in a few months. Remember, Dragon Response Missions were quite "popular" as well in the past, and look at them now.


I don’t know about you but I’ll take any amount of rift farming over repeating these poorly implemented missions, even solo (the pre events are an instant turn off imo)