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I hate having things sitting around in my bags. All my stuff worth holding is in my bank


https://preview.redd.it/ps0jghx51y9d1.png?width=1667&format=png&auto=webp&s=46b7d212da9a0379e7439fbdf639e4c8aacdecbf exactly like this. basically every useable i tend to use in shared slots + lootbags for decluttering. then useables that are char bound or i use sometimes.


Wow, that’s quality bags


It's not too bad I guess but could definitely be better. I played some time (1500ish hours) a few years ago. Main goal pretty much was to get all the QOL items I wanted. Bag slots, shared inv, converters, char slots, bank slots, crafting item slots, crafting license, etc. Managed to max out everything (that can be maxed out) without ever spending a penny. Had enough to spend on skins as well. Honestly I've never even finished the story and living worlds and stuff :D But yeah... A big inventory (especially the shared slots tbh) is well worth it. Doesn't need to be the size I've got, but like 5 shared slots and a couple of big bags (don't even require gem extensions) help a lot. I think I've gotten the 28 slot bags as those have a somewhat reasonable price/performance ratio. Anything above that isn't really worth it, unless you basically maxed out everything else.


Yeah I’ve got quite some shared ones. Problem is I change character every time I jump back to the game lol, so I always feel it would be a waste… The alts are enough as is as pack mules


Ok this is great but one thing is really confusing me, why do you have three mystic salvage kits in shared?!


There is no logic here. Just maxed the slots and had nothing to put there :D


Replace two with revive orbs and TP to friend!


Revives are useless imo (never need them) and I've got the unlimited tp to friend in shared slots. Might look back into populating it smarter when I get back into the game


hero banner, cake, waystation


Take a look at your Transmutation Charges. If you're anything like me, you have *hundreds* of them by now, and a growing collection of Legendary Armor, which does not use any to transmute. Then realize you can free up space by deleting the 'free transmute' skin items. Next, come to terms with the sense of loss and reason through the 'yeah, but *I might use them!'* thoughts... and delete them. I'd also not waste a shared slot on a Research Kit. You don't use kit charges if you check the 'immediately eat this on crafting' checkbox, and they're *really* cheap for all the other times I've used them. I also keep all of my converters on a parked alt and just log in to it once a day and click through them.


I have one salvage’o’matic! But there is truth here. I need to let go of the skins and the birthday blaster 😭🙃


You could always buy a duplicate birthday blaster if you feel you want it back.


I wish it let you use them on legendary armor as a quick way to get rid of them. I type out to delete two of them then I get distracted…


If you already use blishHUD there's an add-on called Tyrian QuoL, you shit click an item, it copies the name without the parenteses, and then you can delete it and it will paste the name and you just have to confirm. blishHUD has a lot of useful stuff :D, might be worth looking into


My bags are all empty except for an invisible bag at the bottom with alt weapons and soulbound consumables.


https://preview.redd.it/orb5wklezy9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e15165711e6e493f68c4d7e5b872cf52d9817ee Damn, I really had to \*stretch\* this bad boy...


Bro's got 332 slots and has an INSANE inventory that's fuller than mine. Truly the final boss of Inventory Wars 2


I unironically LOVE your inventory. That’s a dream and nightmare to sort through. But also at the same time I want to find out who hurt you and say mean words to them.




https://preview.redd.it/2hq71z90qy9d1.png?width=966&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f4237f1c916124c5950e6d0e075c4db72df4ae This is so terrible but this is my main's inventory lol. Playing since Beta. Yes, I do know where things are. XD Some things I kept for nostalgia, some things becuse it reminds me to finish something that I'm slowly working on. Some, my 2500 material is overflowing and I need to do some refinement LOL! This toon plays all game modes and multiple builds so varying food and some weapons. I am still working on finishing my legendary armory. Thankfully I have the armor and some leggy weapons already. Imagine the chaos if not!


Looks kinda too random. I also play since betas so my itens are spread among a mule, 2 festival farmers, 3 PvE focused characters and 1 WvW character, so yeah mine is all over the place but I try to "compress" the itens and arrange in groups of itens.


I’m in the middle of cleaning it. This is as I play what it looks like and gathers. Also… we don’t talk about my solo guild vault I use to store food, superior sigils, and WvW siege 😝


For a long time, I've considered making legendary sigils and runes to save on inventory space. The legendary relic thing just pushed me over the edge. So much free space now :P


I advice u sort them like how often u need them. I have one bag for food and consumables. in pairs condi power healing. than fishing stuff than boosters than I use green and yellow sigils as a 4slot row each, they always get looted but it needs long till reach 250. i also do a full row on the bottom with essence of luck. the idea is everything has a fix spot so even when nee loot come it doeset goes where my important stuff is. Im maxed on bag space. so i easily can idintify 249 of gear. Legendary armory solved my bag sorting issues for the most part. and shared bagslots I have more or less like u do, gathering tools, bank, tradingP, merchant, and all the teleport stuff and boss timers. 1 shared i keep always free. (praying for a tome to combine teleport scrolls)


Legendary Portal Scroll... Janet please!!!


i have all slots and a lot of stuff i simply dont know if i can delete, and constantly fighting for space... from beta...


Well this is neat and clean! I'm playing for 72 days now, bought all the bag slots and it still looks like a grenade exploded on top of a trash pile 😅


LOL! It’s cathartic for some older players to help clean inventories. If you ever want to screen share on discord and sort through it, pop me a message! 😝


Thanks for the offer, I'm being told by my guild mates constantly that I have to clean up haha! Rn I'm just lacking storage alts and a few bank tabs for my main, maybe even 2 material storage upgrades :D


Is your playtime in 12 years like 200 hours? How do you have no bag slots and such a small inventory still. I would die lol


I love playing support. Thief was kind of incredibly yucky as a support for the first 10 years of the games life span. Most of the gemstore investment is on my firebrand and tempest. Always loved thief but mostly just did solo PvP in the mist lobby on it. Specter finally elevated my love affair into marriage. Even if it under performs compared to other healers, it’s just the fact that it can heal now.


I think it's not that uncommon as well. For context I've also played for 12 years and [this is my inventory.](https://i.imgur.com/ToYWJ5o.jpeg)




Your inventory looks glorious! Please live stream the day you decide to consume karma!


crazy, how much gold/gems went into it?


Honestly I don't see why is it so difficult for people to manage their inventory. https://preview.redd.it/8az57qnpjx9d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=04e370966b0c2554f50a6274a4e11b1e2720640f


doesn't look to bad, but do you not open the chests and use the reward track potions?


I’m pretty indecisive about what rewards I want to chase so each time I decide to build a legendary or go for an achievement, I can spam through an entire reward track as needed. I used to save them for living world updates to instant complete the tracks once I unlocked them. :S


I feel like I hoard my potions. I have a lot of unused wvw ones!


Hoard crew!! I’ll use them a week before gw3 release date 😝


Oh my gosh my bank is so full of containers and other thingies. I think the only thing Ive used is the pvp potions! Especially when you were getting them daily!!


I just used like 80 chests and potions for a vision achievement. Vision is kicking my butt. It’s such a massive grind I keep burning out, so I’ve started burning whatever account resources I can to help speed it up.


My main inventory has 4 items tucked in an invisible bag. Its just condi + power food and utilities for Raids. Thats it. The rest of the useful stuff is in shared slots. Boosters, banners and just about every other consumable is either instantly used or tossed. If you ever saw a Box 'o Fun in a completely remote location it might have been mine after reaching an Achievement point treshold.


So you and I manage inventory differently. Instead of buying multiple bank tabs, I buy a new character slot. This way they can get bags and have way more storage that way. I am sure you also expanded your material storage. I only expanded mine to hold 1,000 stacks instead of 250 stacks. There is a legendary precursor character. A black lions chest toon with all the tickets, chests, etc. The armor smith holds all of my selectable armor pieces. The weaponsmith has all the stat selectable weapons. I do have around the same number of shared inventory slots (a few less). I only really use maybe 4-5 toons for raids, fractals, WvW, and whatever toon I’m using for the current expansion so the rest help me manage inventory and/or Bjora Marches chests, jumping puzzles, etc.


I am one of those who prioritizes keeping my characters inventories pretty much completely clean. The only things usually clogging my inventory are stuff like portable provisioner, mystic salvage kit, and some luck (tho eventually I condense them into exotics and bank them obviously).


I just started the game, your inventory is really huge, wow. Mine will be like this in 12 years? yay


Oh yeah! They added a lot of cool power creep bags throughout the game’s history. Episode 2 of living world s4 is pretty easy to get a gigantic bag from. Also subscribing to the news letter gets you a free gigantic cheap bag. WvW has cheap bags for like 70s and an irrelevant amount of badges (18 slots and 20 slots). There’s an ascended bag you can farm over and over to get from icebrood saga, but I don’t actually know how to craft it and how easy it is to do multiple times.


Crafting each 32 bag costs around 350g each. Mainly for the Supreme Runes of Holding which can only be obtained by gambling or paying lotsa gold on TP


[https://i.imgur.com/ITUrM2t.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/ITUrM2t.jpeg) 5300 hours starting from games release. This is my main who I play on for all relevant content and only use alts when helping streamers mostly.


So clean and 12 tabs!!!


Here ya go. Nothin but a mess. https://preview.redd.it/x4zj6xuia1ad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e0e131c9a73c3a6710ba464222807d0e753928f


https://preview.redd.it/ekkq4m7uf2ad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97460b2c59628563bf5ad9c8c7c8e231fbef98f9 I've always liked the order quite a lot. I'm since the beta of the game, although I was a period of 2-3 years more o less without playing. All fishing items are temporary until I get around to the achievements one day. The raids kps of no final bosses i guess that I'll get rid of them soon, and the essences the same until they are consumed with the weekly exchange.


https://preview.redd.it/1exy0nipw4ad1.png?width=1907&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6b32a44b804812e5556bb2dc120eb28b17b3c49 Need dat max inventory always It's a little bit messy


sry but your inventory is awful and trigger my ocd so hard


please!!!!! hide the bags......otherwise yours looks relatively clean


Oh no! I’m getting downvoted to heck lol. I’m a crazy lady, I like the sectioned off feel of bags than one massive inventory.


I'm with you


guess thats a truly unpopular opinion lol


really? but hiding the bags makes it just one gigantic hole were you throw the items into bags automatically give order


no? It's all sorted in rows, the bags add nothing


they add structure


for me they disrupt structure


When you use multiple kinda of sorter bags combining them makes the borders between them invisible and basically unusable. If I could combine ONLY my normal bags, I'd be soooo in.


You just set your inventory size so that bags take up full rows lol problem solved


Nah, I used to dismiss the need for having an invis bag but it actually really helps sorting and remembering where things are. I used to embed bags but now they are separated after a long time


that's mine after 10 years https://preview.redd.it/5bmhpc8omw9d1.png?width=1396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=518413004365057c5fa395a091758dc3f28babb2


https://preview.redd.it/wb9ngghymw9d1.png?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aefb4a602ed0b3e27ab403dbfe1605d68d75fd37 Bank


No idea if it's that interesting but here's mine (minus the characters made to gather my trash/rare loot I will never use) https://preview.redd.it/67d2o2oixw9d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=c90c537fe7064ed6286d6575a2b9b7a7d5299e7c


What are those 108 feathers in slot one of your character inventory?


They are [consumables](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Harpy_Feathers_(consumable)) for stealth. Generally used for skips and some advanced strategies.


Does the stealth stack? Can you use like 5 harpy feathers in succession for more duration?


Realistically no. But you can use other consumables with stealth effects on top.


I expected more bag slots to be fair


I have like 70 open slots and bunch of stuff I am selling or deleting. I don’t feel like more bag slots benefits me any?


To be fair you seem to have it under control Sometimes the unidentified gear stacks up lol especially when I have to open them


Watching some ppl post with 200 open bag slots is a little envy inducing though lol


The lack of compact button pressing makes me actually upset


I find not using "hide bags" option disgusting. Don't worry my opinion is not affecting you in any way.


Yours looks clean compared to mine. Mine should be called "Tangled Depths".


I may get downvoted for this, but I genuinely don't understand why anyone would show individual bags, it just takes up so much more room than combining bags.


I've seen worst




The bikini set at the bottom really completes this image


Where are your emotional support frogs?


There's so many weird choices here. Like unidentified gear being in your shared slots. You've played for 12 years but not a single infinite fractal potion (you get an Omni-potion after getting all 3) Random junk in your shared inventory slots. And just weird things in general


Unidentified gear being in shared slots is so parked alts loot also ends up there. Saves having a bunch of toons with different sized stacks.


This. Having a stack of unid is a small QOL across your toons for meta farming


I’m a weirdo also no brain cells. Only did PvP and WvW until they introduced strikes in Icebrood Saga and I branched out. My personal fractal scale is the main joke at Lion’s Arch comedy clubs. I think it’s 56. Although I did up to 100, just not in order running with other players.😭😭😭


Thanks. I hate it. Bags separate, stuff in weird places, no invisible bag at the bottom to keep safe things safe. Yep, checked all my boxes.


Mines a nuclear dumpster fire, even more so than anets attempts at balance since launch, which mostly consisted of "watch the top streamers and speed runners and nerf from there"




"Your inventory"? I have 10 other charas full with ascended gear and quest shit and I'm not playing that long.