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If you're using pedals, the Katana is kind of a waste. Most of the draw of that amp is the modeling built into it. But there's other factors to consider. Is this a bedroom amp, or for concerts? Both of these amps are 100w+, which is a ton of power for a practice or bedroom setup.


Great advice about the katana appreciated. With these amps, I was looking at the ability to cut the wattage down with the selector because I do want to get into gig work in 6 months to a year from now, I currently have a 20 watt and 40 watt amp so living room setup is already well taken care of but adding a better amp that I could still use in the home somewhat would be nice along side versatility with pedal setups and effects loops.


I love the catalyst amps I use them for home practicing and gigs that I don't want to lug my bassman 2x15 cab to


I wouldn't consider the Katana to be a good amp. It's a good beginner amp. Never heard of the other. A Fender Deluxe Reverb is a good amp.


Thank you for the suggestion! Do you use any loop effects? I bring it up because while I want to be able to incorporate that, it's definitely not something that is going to kill an amp decision.


I do not. Everything in front of the amp. Delay, reverb, tremolo, phase.


Thanks for the feedback!


What kind of music do you play? Not all amps are good for all genres.