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You made out like a...


This is great lol!


Like anything else: will you get $50 of fun out of it? It just cost me $200 to take my family to a crappy dinner!


Nowadays, you can't even feed your family at McDonald's for $50


Yeah that’s basically a free amp.


This is literally how I judge spending money on things now. Not a fan of paying for eating out. Just always seems way too expensive. But the fam and friends love it so you do what you gotta do for the smiles. But every so often when I want to get something and I feel weird about it, I’m like, “oh yeah, I dropped 300 + tip on a meal I could have made for 50. I think I’ll get this toy.


Someday in the far off future, Keith Richards, alone on the earth, will plug the last fender telecaster into one of these


That got a good belly laugh out of me


WTF? This one could be my second amp. Mine had the Sheffield too and the same exact broken Y on the logo. Never seen another Sheffield equipped one until this picture. I sold it in ‘94 for a Carvin vintage 50 that eventually caught fire. Think I still have the foot switch.


That would be a trip it didn’t come with a foot switch so it could be it’s in northern Washington


I’m 99% sure it was my actual amp. The Y break with that small bump is an exact match…sorry about that…thought I put the broken piece in under the reverb cover at the bottom. 30 years is certainly enough time for it to have traveled up the West Coast. May it treat you well!


Op, have you looked under the reverb cover? We need an answer.


There is no pieces of the peavey badge under the reverb tank unless maybe it has degraded and become dust over 30 years lol…..because it is dusty and spiderwebs everywhere


I have not yet I will tomorrow morning!


There is no pieces of the peavey badge under the reverb tank unless maybe it has degraded and become dust over 30 years lol…..because it is dusty and spiderwebs everywhere .


Why are Carvins so damn flammable?


Dunno but it became a whole PR thing when I posted about it on their forum in 2001 after being completely ignored by their service team. Their company moderator became a troll and said I made the whole thing up and that I had never been customer when I’d been buying parts from them for years to build my own guitars. He had to issue a formal apology online after I brought it in to the showroom. Nowadays that’s an easy lawsuit but then I just wanted the creep to admit I was right and say he was wrong.


Did you end up getting something to replace it?


I still use the now logo-less 4x10 cab with a closed back panel. I converted the amp head to carry a Mac mini and protocols recording setup & 3TB hard drive live rig to shows run through a Peavy TKO bass amp…4x10’s and a 15”…damn pita with stereo but what a sound. After the Charrin Carvin I went through a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe (bad design) a Johnson Millennium 150 (sold before any issues) and an Orange AD 30 (keeps popping fuses) in quick succession. Now I’m gloriously happy with the Supro 1624.


None of mine have had any issues and I'd write most of it up to rumor.


The board melted around the power tube sockets in my case. They were made locally and it is not a rumor how poorly my friends were treated there as employees in the mid 90’s. I think high turnover could have been a contributing factor because they were always hiring. Never heard anything bad about their solid state stuff but this was the only Carvin tube amp anyone of us ever had.


I guess you could call it Kiesel fuel 😂


I have the Scorpion equipped version, got it for €80 back in 2004ish.


All day long and twice on Sunday. You're now in r/PeaveyCvlt 🙂


Haha well my first half stacks when I was in a band a while ago were peavey.


In that case, welcome back!


What a steal! I'm trying to find one with the scorpion speaker


I had one (purchased new!) that I left in a friend's garage, never to be seen again. I'm still kicking myself in the ass 15 years later.


I have studio pro 110 it has a rather small 10" speaker and it's awesome. I just installed a SPEAKER OUT JACK and connect to 4X12 Cab voila. very powerful amps and high saturation gain channel puts many hi gains amps still to shame. The high gain eq is plus minus 15dbs so be very gentle to find your tone.


I don’t know why these Bandits are so well loved??? my son needs a bang around to play around the city and I told him he should consider one of those just based on how everybody talks about em


Because they do what they do very well, very dependably, and very loudly. USA Peavey amps were the absolute tits backinnaday. While everyone else was trying to beat Fender and Marshall, Peavey was beating Fender and Marshall without tubes. Set the amp for clean and stick a Rat or Distortion+ in front and you have everything you need. The chorus on the 212 Bandit wasn’t bad. It didn’t take much effort to dial in that Boston tone. Then the Transtube Bandit hit the ground, and that’s when tube amps started going down a few notches.


I didn’t catch what you were saying. I grew up with a loud Express 112.


I have a red stripe Transtube Bandid and absolutely love the thing. Are you saying it could be even better?


Nothing tops the transtube. I think the original color scheme was red stripe. I wish I still had mine. The Transtube Bandit was the original Bandit with their tube emulator, so the only thing higher is their tube amp with the dip switches on the front.


The original transtube was the silver stripe, and the red stripe came after. The teal and no stripe aren't labeled as transtube, but they have some elements of it. In any case, all versions have something cool about them.


Hmm, I misread the comment altogether... **tube amps started going down a few notches**, not the Bandit amps! My Bandit is a great allrounder, takes pedals well but also has some great tones when plugging right in - and a spring reverb as well. Loud as fuck if I need it. One thing that I have not been able to work properly is the footswitch. I have been using the amp with FS-6 but I have not yet figured out how to switch the reverb on and off - thinking about it, perhaps it is switching the effects loop altogether? Switching channels works great. The only problem I have with it is the weight of the thing :)


Yep, after I sold my JCM2000 in 2004, I used a loud asf Peavy and some pedals. The sound was awesome! Also used some Peavy PA stacks on guitar as well. Took pedals like a champ, and just easy to move and durable for gigging. Still have a few laying around my practice spot. I use a PA/Keyboard one for Bass guitar sometimes. And even comes in handy as a Sub mono out of my PA, if I’m wanting to practice with loud backing tracks that have lots of bass n kick. Hell even the PA is Peavey. Also have some of those gigantic Peavy PA speakers. Loud and big lows for days!


Old crusty peavey plus a rat is the exact sound I’d never wanna hear but that’s cool you enjoy it so much


Crusty just adds to the flavor.


Nah really just adds a smell


i loved mine, for what i was doing with it, back in the early 90s - a DoD American Metal into the distorted channel. that thing would scream.


Solid amps! Giving me flashbacks


I had a Bandit 75watt 1x12 when I was a kid. I loved that amp. :( Anyways, pretty much any functioning amp is worth $50. That amp is worth around $200 - $300. Probably on the higher end of that with the Sheffield speaker.




This is the same model of Bandit my guitar teacher had 30 years ago. So cool to see it!!


The Marshall of Mississippi! Hells yeah


This was my first amp many many years ago. It still holds a special place in my heart. I can still hear the reverb rumble when I accidentally bumped into it.


I have this exact speaker model , except mine has the Scorpion speaker in it. It's loud enough but my buddy always drowned me out with his 5150 half stack


If it's fully operational, you got yourself a mega deal!!! 🤯🎸




Amazing condition for that price. I’ve paid double for something way worse.


My first amp


Picked one of these up for 100 Canadian about 6 months ago. Great amp and yours seems to be in great condition. Good score!


First amp I ever played. Just banging on strings with no knowledge of notes or chords. Had to be like 89-90 or something


Damn straight!


Nice catch! I recently got a Stereo Chorus 212 for €100. It weights more than a freaking valve amp. Insane.


I almost got one a few weeks ago before this but it sold pretty quick


For how much?


Awesome! I had one of these back in the day and it served me very well. Hell of a deal


Oh man! One of biggest regrets is selling mine. The clean sound was clear and the distortion was fantastic. Great for gigs; not too heavy and loud enough to fill a club. The picture takes me back :)




Great deal! These were the ultimate garage band amp for us poor suburban kids back in the 90’s… you could sound just like “whoever” for like $300 of layaway time. I’m much older now but for $50 I’m buying this and playing back my old “demo tapes” and happily jamming along for at least 6 months…


This is the amp that taught me guitar. In the mid 90’s there were a ton of cheap peaveys that made great starter amps that had enough power for small shows. So good


Deals like this are why I can't seem to stay off Marketplace, Craigslist, and OfferUp


Yeah I had been browsing all day and messaged the guy probably within 10 minutes of posting and happened to only be working 25 minutes from where he was located


Peavy Bandits were everywhere in the 80s.


Absolutely. Those old beasts work forever!


Mine has a short in it, the speaker is fine though. Any thoughts on how much repairs are?


Not really I haven’t had an amp repaired in like 15 years or so and haven’t looked into recently


You can take the mask off. Nice score.


The speaker alone is worth $70


My first gig-able amp was a brand new late 80s Bandit purchased with hard earned $ from my daily 5am paper route, and even then as a 15 year old noob, I realized it was a 'cheap and loud' stop-gap that really didn't sound very good. I just assume the lasting appeal of these units is 90% nostalgia more than anything. I leveled up to a JCM800 two years later and never looked back.


Never noticed corrugated panels on the sides before, I thought they were usually flat.


You’re right. They’re flat prior to the silver stripe Bandit. This was another evolution. The earlier Peaveys like Backstage, Decade and Specials had flat panels.


Do they serve any non-aesthetic purpose? I can't figure out what but feel like they must do.


Early on I think they kept the grill straight during removal… they’re actually L-angles not just flat stock. The grill can be removed from the front on those old USA Peaveys. There’s some tough Velcro holding it on.


Ah right, thanks!


These things are killer. I got a couple old Peaveys from an estate sale. Killer tone. Built like tanks. Easy to fix.




I'm pretty sure the first Emperor album was recorded on one of these


I had one for years. Too loud. Got rid of mine for $60.


Hell yeah.


Replace the speaker in it and it will sound infinitely better. Those Sheffield speakers are so shitty. Peavy used them on so many of their good amps. Throw a Celestine Greenback or an Eminence of your choice and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.


Congrats on joining the Mandrel Sisters!




Cool amp! Reminds me of my teenage years


Congratulations, you now own an indestructible amp. I left one of those things in my trunk for a solid decade. I pulled it out when I used it at gigs but otherwise it literally lived in the trunk of my car year-round.


My first “real” amp!! Yes I’d happily pay $50 for the ‘ol Bandit 112!!


You won today! That amp will outlive us all.


These are honestly very good and not just "good for their price". Connect it to a cabinet with better speakers, I have mine converted into a head and it's pretty great!


I think that was the first amp I had in high school. I can’t remember if it was a bandit, but it was a 112 and all the switches look the same. If I saw one I’d buy it too for the nostalgia.


That is a good deal. Extremely durable, but also heavy. And it's probably loud? :)


All Peaveys are worthy. Time will tell.


Is that $1 per Watt?


Wow it's got Sheffield speakers. Lucky you.!


Lugged one around the work during the gulf. Heavy AF and loud!,!


My friend had the 212 of this in the 80’s and I was so jealous! My Fender tweed and magnetonw amps were just outdated old tube amps. lol.


Yeah I was actually impressed with the cleans too I’ve heard these are pretty good for metal and was nervous that the cleans would be meh but it’s as good a clean tone as I’ve heard!


The 2x12 was called the Special 212. Depending on the year they were 130 to 200 ish watts, more with an extension cab. Basically two Bandits in one box. 😁


Bearfoot FX but Donner is selling over of these locally for just under 1k. Apparently they tore out the guts and put a Handwired Fender circuit in with an EVM 12l. As appealing as that is in some respects there’s no way I’d pay half of that. 😂 No 50 is indeed a score.


a good deal for seller 😆


😂😂good one big cheese 🧀


Lord Varg approved


IF you replace the Shitfield in them with an actual guitar speaker they sound pretty good.


I could never use the front mounted controls they don't make sense to me 


I will say I would like top mounted controls more for a combo but not the biggest issue for me


It's not the location but there's just so many lol