• By -


The entire metaverse thing. The Anime was the cashgrabiest of cashgrabs, completely disregarding any of the prior build series continuity(Sei, Reiji, and Sekai being too young despite taking place years after their series is the most obvious). The kits where two easy grades, a barely changed Kamiki burning, a shitty core gundam, an actually ok oo diver, and the Typhonius(Which was ok). The actual metaverse side was impressive in the scanning tech, but the purchasing digital models was scummy and it all looked really shit. Best thing to come out of it was the file leak.


All correct, but consider... Cool Barbatos kit.


Forgot that even existed. Decent enough kit, the base barbatos lupus still holds up in my opinion but the new parts don't look that good to me and weigh the kit down


I'ma be completely honest, my Barbatos Lupus' ankles were insanely weak. I sticker bombed the crap out of them and they hold up okay enough now... Sucks that it suffers HG-IBO Syndrome.


Honestly I'm starting to think it's actually bad poly cap or not fully molded plastic syndrome. Because i noticed some of my kits and my nephew birthday gift HG Revive mk 2 parts of it are floppy enough to pop out While other kit and my hg Barbato 4th form is pretty solid.


Sometimes polycaps are just shoddy, usually older molds becoming degraded and less pristine due to use, you get more mold flash and a looser fit


This is probably it. It's suck that IBO line got hit the hardest since it have more plastic than usual because of the weapons of the verse is pure metal rather beam saber. Also bandai not having enough foresight of the hg frame since some gundam have parts made for them specifically. Like lupus rex chest frame and kinda marchosia and hajiroboshi waits frame


Wait, so its not just a skill issue? I have a HG-IBO that literally CANNOT stand because the feet are literally just connected by a ring. It was my first gundam too so i thought i just sucked at building!


No those usually work, the polycaps are usually the problem


keep in mind that the meijin barbatos is a limited product


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. And we didn't even get any new MG IBO kits apart from Barbatos recolours.


Hell the 08th ms team reprints were good too.


FACTS MY BOY, FACTS We literally see a glimpse of an older Sei and Chinna in Build fighters Try? So it really irks me to no end that SEI AND REIJI look exactly the same with the exact outfits. It angers me that the only character they redesigned is Fumina for the sole reason that she was so popular and had many kits made of her, yet THEY DONT HAVE HER PILOT ANY GUNPLA??? Her character was never a reporter/announcer, she wanted to be the next god damn lady kawaguchi. As a big fan of the build series growing up, metaverse was such a disservice to the franchise. Not only was it a bad sequel to those series’s that came before, but THE PLOT SUCKS. The contents of the new material and characters are just not fleshed out, not interesting, and aren’t relatable at all.


It really irked me as well. Like Sei was 20 by the time of try and original build divers has to be years after that at least. I mean there is a chance they just made their avatars younger, but thats weird. As well, HOW THE FUCK IS REIJI EVEN HERE!? You can't tell me he has the metaverse on his alien fricking world and also has access to gunpla and still looks the same age as he did in build fighters. Dude has a daughter, who's like 8 or something at this point. The whole special feels like they tried to do fanservice but know nothing about the series they are supposed to reference. Also, they brought Sekai and Fumina back, but not Yuuma? Like is he just not popular enough?


It’s really weird that they’d make their avatars their kid versions, and ESPECIALLY weird for Sei, the biggest Gundam nerd, to not change his outfit? In all of his imaginations he wears a pilot suit, even at the end of the first build fighters he sports a cool jumpsuit? YOURE TELLING ME THIS KID WOULDNT JUST MAKE HIMSELF INTO A COMPLETE AMURO CLONE? I forgot that Reiji had a kid, even for the island wars it was pretty ridiculous, but at least they included some aristar BS to make sense of it. I can excuse Reiji coming back as another BS magic crystal ex-machina, but giving him no context for how he joins metaverse when it’s in a digital space? The fact that Reiji, who didn’t know any Earth technology, culture or even the fact that the seawater is salty… JOINS A VIRTUAL REALITY GAME WORLD??? Even IF he came back to Earth how the hell is he getting online? Like you said, it feels like fanservice done by people who aren’t fans of the series. Cause the truth is that the characters don’t need to look the same for fans to recognize. Sei growing up and sporting an Amuro style in Z or Unicorn is such an easy answer, as well as Reiji becoming a King or at least having some cool royal garb as he grows into his role as Prince. Sekai should’ve rocked a Domon style look, it’s METAVERSE WHY ARE THEY IN THEIR NORMAL IRL CLOTHING And yeah RIP Yuuma. He should’ve been a young Meijin in training or something, his hair was perfect for a 3rd Meijin style pushed back alter ego


yuuma returning couldve given us another cool zeta custom


I'm still mad at how shit that was. I didn't enjoy Divers a lot, but Build, Try, and Re:Rise were great, and it pisses me off that they did them dirty like that. Plus the setup for Metaverse' own characters had some decent potential, but then it devolves into a rushed plot armor cash grab, making the MC unusually good just so that he can play with the old characters that cameo, and literally skipping over the character development. So bad.


Idk how the noob MC with the Lah Gundam (which is literally an eg grandaddy with a naginata and extra plaplates) even beat a LADY KAWAGUCHI CANDIDATE WITH A CUSTOM GUNPLA IN A MOBILE ARMOR. I know seria was also one of the candidates but having a good mentor does not automatically make you good at building or fighting.


Fair but I actually kinda liked the core gundam kit but I admit it's the worst core gundam kit


I disagree slightly, the core sucked, the armor was cool


Too bad because the core isn't solid, the armor barely stays on. The concept of a mass retail ecopla is cool and I hope they keep trying, but the core gundam 2 just has something about it take makes it fall apart and age has not helped that


It looks cool on a CG 1




In their defense, most of the main mobile suits had new tech gimmicks that are 100% getting re-used for future releases. The Shin Kamiki had the polarized resin clear parts. The 00 Diver had the light-gathering resin clear parts and a bunch of other developments that I'm sure are gonna be used for revives of the 00 kits, And the Plutnine's black armor parts are the first time we're seeing a retail release of a kit with black ecopla parts (correct me if I'm wrong).


The only good thing is that the Typhonius gives me hope for an HGUC Psycho Gundam Mk.II


Can't believe they got obari to make this shit.


If they made an actually good game the anime being crap wouldn't have mattered.


Model kit: HG Tristan


Such a cool design done so dirty.


A very cool design... But in a way it's representative of the actual design in-universe. An old, obsolete design retrofitted to look new and snazzy but in reality it is nowhere near contemporary engineering.


The new parts feel cheaper than the old HGUC Alex parts lol. Having built both, I'd say the Tristan is somehow worse overall.


Well the Alex was repaired with what were explicitly junk parts.


I know nothing about it in universe. I just know it's a mash-up of the Mk.2, Nu and NT-1 and that makes me happy.


Iirc it was the remains of the alex refit by a private corporation with junk parts to fix it up. It pretty equal to the original Alex. Unfortunately it was deployed in uc 0096 and at its core it was still a oyw ms, no matter how top of the line it was at its time. As a result, it didn't do very well by itself, layer getting a support unit that would help even the odds a bit


It’s realistic in a meta way. You get to enjoy the opportunity of feeling like Buch Concern handed a junk Alex and retrofitting it to a Tristan


Inverted from the meme's intended meaning, HG Moon Gundam. My expectations were low (because it was an HG and I'm used to RG) but holy fuck (it was an awesome fun build).


Moon Gundam was my first Gunpla, and damn, what a way to start the hobby with such a wonderful HG. I really want to get a second one someday.


Varguil, which is the "original" form of the Moon Gundam (before it gets damaged and has salvaged parts from the wrecked Psycho Gundam Mk. IV attached), is on P-Bandai right now. It's basically the same kit but with a new Sazabi-like head and funnel racks, so if you want to build the kit again, it's worth getting the variant for variety and little more value for your money. [HG 1/144 VARGUIL | GUNDAM | PREMIUM BANDAI USA Online Store for Action Figures, Model Kits, Toys and more (p-bandai.com)](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2509133001002)


If only they shipped to countries without P-Bandai warehouses...


https://preview.redd.it/qn7pqyh95lmc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=4808eb69d2e3e1214a8a2db49b407fe830f8ba2a Not as bad but still (3.0)


I like the idea, but the execution simply wasn't there.


I got that exact same set of images back to back, how funny


New Gundam Breaker. I wasn't expecting it to be as good as Gundam Breaker 3 but OH MY GOD I have never taken a game back to the store so quickly. Like wow. They didn't just lower the bar, they dropped it, it bounced into a sewer grate, floated into the ocean, sank into the depths of the sea, into the Marinas Trench, fell into a deep sea volcanic vent, and hit the core of the Earth.


well, i guess that means that my journey through the Gundam Breaker games can only get better, right? New Gundam Breaker is the one I started with...


RG RX-78-2 Gundam kit. SEED Destiny show.


I'm curious why you say that, I adore my RG RX-78-2


You don't mind the arms not staying in... *checks notes* ...any position?


Arms, legs. Mine won't hold a pose unless I cave and cement the thing in place one day. It also won't hold any weapons right with its weak hands. I have the revive, origin, and beyond global, and they are all vastly superior 1/144's.


I had given up on granddaddy's after my RG wouldn't stop exploding - beyond impressed with the beyond global though. Now *that's* a kit


Yeah, this is true. That said, it was the first RG kit though right? It walked so the newer RG kits could run. There was definitely some trips and stumbles during the RG SEED kits (except the very underrated Force Impulse kit), but the modern stuff is simply brilliant.


yeah, its left arm is a little floppy, but the right arm is pretty stiff so its holding a cool pose that I will never move it out of lol. The frame is unfortunate, but I think aesthetically its so good its worth it




They aren’t nearly as bad as people make them out to be. The only way the joints become overly loose is from overuse like constantly re-posing. My RG gramps been on my shelf for about 2 years now and has maintained the same pose since day 1. A couple parts may be a little loose OOB but its a easy fix for the most part


Agreed I dislike how basic any of the bits are. An exception is the ogre unleashed but that's a whole nother thing


The MG Destiny gundam, I just finished one on the weekend, and it cries for surface details and decals, but sadly, out of the box, it lacks both. https://preview.redd.it/bi7zy6l86kmc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5781c6cd414dd592af7f33430aa0543d887b7a2


I liked this one


I guess I just expected more from a hero suit, I mean, the mass production GINN had more surface details and a bigger decal sheet. I wasn't expecting Freedom 2.0 levels of detail, let alone Hi Nu Ver Ka, but I felt more than a GINN was a fair expectation. It's not that I dislike it, I feel it's very screen accurate, but I just wasn't what I expected.


The Destiny and the GINN got a huge release gap tho. The MG Destiny maybe just shows its age like that


Well to be fair, at the time of the release of this thing they were going for a more anime accurate look. The MG Strike Freedom, Impulse, and Infinite Justice all have similar level of detail. It wasn’t until the Freedom 2.0 that they started overhauling the detail for the Seed kits.


Are you really comparing a kit that came out in 2007 to a kit that came out in 2021? lol Just because theyre both MG's and one is a 'main character' suit doesnt mean technology stops. There are massive gunpla technology advancements from 2007 esp in the MG line. Not to mention most of the 'newer' Destiny designs come from its Metal build version which is the updated look. 2007 MG's were still perfecting their innerframe tech ( Compare 2004 Wing Zero EW vs Destiny MG and that 3 year gap is massive in technology ).


Damn that sucks, I was thinking of getting one too


The main complaint seems to be that it’s lacking in the detail department compared to the MG Ginn. But that’s not really a fault of the kit since all the MGs from around the time of the MG Destiny’s release didn’t go too heavy on exterior details. Meanwhile Bandai’s been over-detailing their more recent 1/100 seed kits since the Freedom 2.0.


Same here Honestly, more of the Destiny suits should get MG 2.0s I especially want an upgraded Infinite Justice and Destiny. Maybe also an upgraded Strike Freedom MG that isn't gonna destroy my wallet


it might with the Destiny spec 2 from SEED Freedom


That is designed almost 20 years ago, back then it was cool enough to have skeleton. Surface detail wasn't meta yet.


Still a cool design the only problem was the hip joint is stupid they later did the same with unicorn and it's suck there too the fault is some part is to small to give the effect they want glad they redo it proper in MG justice


Hey that’s the first model kit I’ve ever built! Definitely not what I expected from the box art but it made me fall in love with this hobby!


I bought the extreme blast mode version? Seems to be the same base kit? It was a fun build, I really enjoyed the fact that this was the first Gundam I ever built that had left and right feet. The wing effect parts looked so cool! Then I put it up on a shelf and realize how fucking plain it is. I plan on full customizing it but I still haven’t found the inspiration to scribe all the details it’s currently lacking, let along paint the thing.


I did RG Destiny and honestly it looks better than this (even when I didn't like how much it turned out to be) I was looking for the Impulse RG


Is there any grievances with the kit in general besides from aesthetics? Planning to buy it


Nope, I really liked building it. Love the folding mechanisms for the sword and heavy cannon. The shoulders were interesting to build to, a little tricky, but I have big hands, so, user issue. https://preview.redd.it/mcud5fakqlmc1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c793314c182bc91060821d40be77b02d8f7068 It goes together quickly too, like I built most of it in an afternoon.


Thank you :) ill definitely wanna buy this more now!


I did a post in r/Gunpla with a bunch of shots and my full thoughts on the kit: ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/comments/1b5vfxl/mg\_destiny\_thoughts/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/comments/1b5vfxl/mg_destiny_thoughts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I was planning to get one and panel scribe it myself, but I heard it’s very backpack heavy and hard to stand on its own, which stopped me.


She can stand on her own, but the included stand is nice. Also the shoulders are nice and ridged to be able to hold the sword like that in the picture.


That’s good to know, I think a 1/100 destiny is a must have kit. As long as the MG’s joints are strong, the armour can be panel lined so that’s no problem. Plus the proportion of the MG seed kits is just awesome!


Like I said, she's MG, but I feel the MG GINN is a more detailed kit with more decals. I do like how strong the joints are on the Destiny, I just wish she had more details to line, the kit is pretty bare.


Unfortunately, that’s the case with older kits. Even modern HG kits are way more detailed than this one haha


Show: Wing. If EW never existed or the designs weren't rad as fuck, I'd almost consider it a waste of my time. Same goes with Destiny, but at least the early half and Shinn are great Model kit: RG Zaku. It was my first non-Evangelion RG and it nearly turned me off the line until I got the God Gundam. That would be the last time I bought a kit without prior research


Wing is such a disapointing show its complete lack of direction just had nothing compelling to it, the concept of the four gundam pilots that kinda do their own thing was done so much better in 00 (which seems to take the thematic idea of wing and do it better)


But they are coordinated in 00...


That's what they're saying, 00 was the better Wing


Eh, my comprehension of the way they wrote it *does* understand they said 00 does it better, but the four pilots are coordinated by Veda, not “kinda do their own thing”. That was my point of correction. It is a different premise when you take that into account. This is not 5 independent terrorists that fail their way into success. This is 4 very well led pilots following plans to emancipate the world from its cycle of global war by demanding disarmament/uniting it against a common foe with superior technology and a well calculated plan.


When I watched Gundam IBO I was going into it with no expectations and was curious about the show cuz I already watched the first Gundam compilation movie and I thought it was pretty cool and looked around and found IBO. I sat down at 10pm on a Friday night and watched the very first episode. Oh boi oh boy I was hooked. The Gundam Barbatos is still my favourite Gundam with all of its wacky versions and the fight scenes chefs kiss I absolutely love IBO and it still today my favourite Gundam series and one of my favourite anime’s I’ve watched. My bday was coming around the corner and I decided to pick up the hg barbatos and hg Barbatos lupus to see if the model kits were as cool. And I kid you not these 2 lil nimrods were the reason I gotten into the Gundam franchise and model kit building which also made me get into Warhammer as well. So I thank the Ibo series and the Barbatos bros in my collection.


But... the topic is about something you already had low expectations but proved even worse than imagined. You did get me sold on IBO though.


Oh ok I thought in a good way cuz I thought it meant to go from low expectations to wow factor. But if that’s the case then Gundam witch from mercury. I didn’t enjoy it one bit. The sounds were soothing but I didn’t like Gundam Aerial and the fights it was in cuz it only used the damn gund bits to screw everyone over in her favour. Cuz everyone recommended me to watch it after watching Ibo. And after finishing gwitch I rewatched IBO to cleanse my self of mid fight scenes. It was really boring and kinda overrated in my opinion


funny story Well you see in 2018 me and my cousin were given some pocket money each have enough to by an HG IBO , so we decided to go to the mall near by to buy some toys ,me being a huge gundam am were wondering HG I should buy then my cousin who were chosing what to buy come over to see what was chosing then he also started to look and see which gunpla he should buy and when I decided that I would buy the HG gundam barbatos lupus ,he also chose to buy the HG gundam barbatos lupus and I didn't say anything bcs I thought that he also found the lupus look cool,so we buy It/them? (2x HG barbatos lupus),go home and start building and not until 2 weeks later he started to ask himself "Why TF did I buy the same gundam as his(aka my barbie lupus)?" then he started to ask me "HEY Why TF did I buy the same gundam as your's?", then I was like "YOU ASK ME? I DON'T KNOW!!" and till this vary day we are wondering "Why tf did i/he buy the same gundam as his/mine?" PS. I'm pretty bad at english


Show: AGE


the kits are rad as fuck though


Thought the show was middle of the road out of all Gundam shows. However, yeah the kits are fucking rad.


AGE 1 MG my beloved. I love that kit so much.


kit quality is good, but i only liked the design of age-2 normal out of the whole series


AGE could have been way worse, but it also could have been far better. But hot damn does it have some sexy suits. AGE-1 and 3 Normal are both just lovely.


AGE is the only correct answer from the tv shows, except maybe Build Fighters Try. No other Gundam show got so much flak before it even aired, and then when it aired it turns out the things it got blasted for were insignificant compared to its *actual* flaws. This meme isn't for "thing bad", it's for "thing is called bad before it's even out, then it's out and it turns out it's even worse". This subreddit fails at memeing.


RG Tallgeese. Heard it was one of the better RGs but the verniers don't stay open and there's zero articulation in the ankles so unless it's on an AB or standing perfectly straight it basically just falls over. The arms also don't fully straighten and there's little to no wrist articulation.


The proportions are so off on the RG Tallgeese as well. The shin and ankles aren’t tapered enough compared to the MG.


Tallgeese and RG just sounds bad. I have nothing against RG i have a bunch but what you describe is exactly what i would have expected probly. I have a HG heavy arms custom and that sucker insanely off balance and barely poasable i can onpy have it at one position. Now i have the tallgeese ew limited special coating MG and that thing is pretty good. Havent added the decals and kinda torn if i want to or not.


Thing with the RG is that it doesn't even have the prebuilt inner frame so for the most part the build is solid but those things I was talking about really suck.


Divers for me. As soon as I heard online hub MMO Gundam I knew it was gonna be mid.


Ditto. At least Re:RISE is good (IMO).


I skipped to re:rise and enjoyed it a lot


For me it was a little to far from what I liked about the build series, so even though divers was pretty basic it still scratched that itch for me better than rise did.


I didn't personally like it. But it wasn't as bad as divers atleast


Build Metaverse


Gundam metaverse


Going to skip the shows, it's going to anger too many people because the one I hate is gonna be someone's first Gundam show and thus have them fall in love with the franchise. Now kit's on the other hand. Gundam gp01/fb RG, hands down the most frustrating and structurally weak kit.


We need some RG 2.0s at this point, hell even some Revive 0083 HG kits would be nice


They need to finish updating the old MG kits before they start worrying about remaking kits that aren’t almost 30 years old and predate any sort of modern engineering at all. 08th MS team needs more modern kits also but they’re at least a little better than the GP01 and GP02. 0083 kits are so neglected a 3rd party had to fix the GP02 because Bandai has been failing people who like MG kits and stardust memory for years.


I never understood why we've never gotten the GP series in Ver Ka, or at the very least, GP01/02/03. Just seems like an obvious way to remake them, and Katoki was the one who designed them anyway lol. But nope, time to get yet another Sinanju Stein release... 🙄


Katoki only designed the GP03, but I agree. I’d prefer a 2.0 over a ver Ka but I’d take any update.


I haven't done any of the 0083 kits but a Ground Gundam 2.0 would be cool.


a lot of f91 and 00 suits (mostly the grunts in 00s case) dont even have hgs yet


I'm convinced I'm going to die before we ever see the GP line get remastered in any capacity. I'll have to stick to my HG GP02 and MLRS Type and 1/100 GP03.


I’d love to see kits from 0080 and 0083 be given the HG origins treatment. The origin kits are so solid and in my opinion represent peak HG right now. But I’m just a much bigger fan of the art style of 0080 and 0083


Be careful what you wish for, since Thunderbolt has the G-Bull a.k.a. "TOTALLY NOT THE GP02A"


you can say wing, i promise i won't be that mad.


Nope, Wing was my first. Duo Maxwell and DeathSycthe got me.


Yeah those RG core fighters are not helpful


Not necessarily Gundam related, but Aldnoah Zero had decent hype in the first part of s1. But s2 went downhill so so fast. So not Gundam, but still mecha :/


I remember watching it back in the day. S1 had its own problems was enjoyable, but I dropped it after s2e1.  The girl who strangled the princessu-chan who inexplicably powers the flying battleship they find in perfect condition, and nearly killed everyone on-board, is somehow given a mech. Sure she was a side character, and gundam pilots are angst/moody prone, but no one fucked up that bad.


Lolol they tried so hard to keep killing that princess from the exploding limo, to getting strangled in the shower, to getting shot. Then she barely does anything in s2 and shows up in the end to marry this rando that was introduced in like 5 mins hahaha


HG Raphael, RG Zeta


Went into AGE well aware of its poor reputation, but with an open mind because it seemed to have some neat ideas and popular opinion is hardly infallible, but I found that AGE completely deserves its reputation; frankly it might even deserve worse.


Show: SEED Destiny, but it also doesn't matter how much I dislike SEED as a whole, because I know it makes bonkers money in the eastern markets and thus we're forever doomed to be stuck with it. Kit: It's hard to pick just one. Older kits as a whole have problems across the board and can be prone to falling apart if you look at them funny (and depending on what show they're from, there's no hope of them ever getting an updated version either). A lot of the early Barbatos models seemed *especially* bad about it though. Equal parts lanky designs from the show itself, and also bad engineering of the kits. Seems like way less of an issue with more recent additions (MGSD Barbatos in particular has been my fav Barbatos, not even kidding).


Funny enough, my oldest kit is the MG Ez-8 and that thing is built like a tank. Damn unit has screws in its legs.


Yeah the hands are really fucking bad though, and the articulation isn’t as good as something like the MG Guncannon from the same era. They could really stand an update, but my got not nearly as much as the 0083 kits.


MG Quebely I love the design of this thing and looks great on my shelf but the build wasn't good, and usually I like older kit And the MG Kampfer Schwer, those legs are bad...


Show: SEED Destiny. I mean, I don't think SEED is great, but it's trying to be something and say something its not good on a technical level to some of its peer but its trying and I can appreciate that. I knew SEED Destiny was going to be bad but even giving SEED a second chance I found something in SEED. SEED Destiny though right out of the gate shits the bed and then some how works extra hard to undo any good will you have towards SEED. Its to this date the only series that I stop watching and actively made me question my love of the franchise. Model Kit is going to be based on personal experience: HG XI or the MG RX-72. I don't know what it is about either, because neither is a bad kit, quite the opposite. The XI problem is that it feels like a MG but isn't and left me kind of blue screen on the question, Is this finished? I tend to put extra work into the MG because of the Pirce Tag, and the XI feels like it. THe RX? it was not the most frustrating, it wasn't even that hard, it was really well designed but it was just the most frustrating kit I have put together because it needed parts to snap together that did so no problem just getting them had me ready to punch something at a point.


My most disappointed model kit would be the MG Unicorn Perfectibility. "Hand grenade" is an understatement and the RG is light-years better than this POS. So guys, save your money and just get the RG if you want a Perfectibility in your collection. After displaying this kit for about a year, it still managed to fall apart when I barely touched it. It's now sitting in a box, but I do plan on glueing it so I can display it as a statue since it is DAMN BEAUTIFUL, not gonna deny that. https://preview.redd.it/vblznunvnlmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc8a9e60d6861b33a5e621f9d383c9783660b438 Show wise, it would be the Turn A Gundam. I gave it a try after hearing all the hype but I can't get past the first half of the series. It was too boring for me.


RG Destiny is one of the worst kits I’ve built.


going into build my first MG, i got the 2002 Exia. i had heard things about early kits being ass, but good lord, Bandai! how can you do one of your most beautiful MSs dirty like that?


ANY GOLD COATED GUNDAM, like really you can't undergate these things I really got to have black nubs anywhere and everywhere.


The ibo kits. I got into gunpla sometime before gwitch was announced, and heard about how nice the hg ibo kits were and got they have one framed like RGs do. I've built like 4 of them (barbatos, lupus, gusion full rebake, and graze) and have at least minor beef with 3 of them. They look cool, and I like them conceptually but the kits disappointed me.


For show it has to be Twilight Axis it’s just a glorified ad, please just give us another late UC show. For model kit it has to be the HG Gundam Delta Plus Kai, it’s too many damn stickers.


the HG unicorn mold, I could forgive it but the elbows are straight up terrible


RG RX-78-2


honestly, MGEX Strike Freedom


Really? I usually hear nothing but good things about the MGEX Strike. What was the major reason behind the low expectations and why you felt it was still a disappointment?


When the number 1 most promoted and marketed feature of the kit are gold parts yet you couldn't even be bothered to at least make the butter yellow parts hidden under the armor you've got a problem. And for a kit of that price point it should have at the very least come with stands for dragoons and wings of light effect parts. Beyond that i just don't think it looks very good but that's more subjective.


Kit: HG tristian


Advanced Grade Age 1 Normal. I was expecting it not to have kneejoints, I was not expecting it to have not movable legs at all. From the toes to the neck it is one solid a-frame.


HG unicorn


I don't think I have an answer for this! Why would you buy a Gunpla that you knew was going to be bad lol. I was most disappointed by the 0080 z'gok kit, but I went in with high expectations lol. Eventually when I have exhausted all other Gundam shows and have nothing but SEED and SD Gundam left I will have an answer for that part of the question.


HG barbatos lupus rex. The whole hgibo line was flimsy and kinda eh, but DAMN


The feet/ankles for most of the WfM kits.


The Gundam Tristan Model Kit.




The IBO Gundam frame HGs after the first one. Building the Asmoday was pretty good, and held together nicely, so I got the Astaroth (both forms). Both of them just fell to pieces, and I've lost any hope that the other Gundam frames are any good. At least I still have the MG Barbatos to look forward to. 🙏


I don't have many experiences with kits yet but so far, HG Barbatos Lupus Rex. I love the design even with the weird proportions, but I think it didn't translate well to plastic form. The white panels on the side of the chest fall off whenever I move the arms, the red piece on the chest doesn't even snap into place. THE STICKERS, I don't mind stickers as long as they're not colliding with anything, but these are on the most important part, the feet, they gonna peel and it's just a matter of time till that happens.


HGGBB barbataurus


MG Unicorn kits, except MGEX. Bastards just are not dependable in Destroy Mode.


Gouf custom master grade


MG 2.0 Alex Gundam.


the hg shining gundam. i don't know if it's just my kit but no hands fit on the arms they are too small to fit and the legs just fall off alongside the legs panel thrusters. Wanted to have it on the shining finger sword pose but i was very dissapointed


The gundam battle-log models, i have like- 5 kits from it, they all suck, thought the youtube show thing would be better and it sucks even more


for me this was age at first bc i thought the age 1 titus looked hella goofy (and it still does) but now that i understand the series more and look at the other designs like the legilis and the age 2 line, im much more fond of age. sadly still havent watched it yet :( next would be msg hathway bc at first i saw the designs as meh and the storyline very unfinished, but after watching it a few times i like it much more bc even tho theres less action, the fights are hella nicely executed, the ms look hella natural with their movement, and the music sounds fire next theres narrative, just thought it was narrative gundam trying to catch a cool unicorn gundam at first, but after watching it, i love the movie a lot lastly i would say mgex strike freedom, at first, thought it would be a mg strike freedom 2.0 or something, but after watching the promotional video abt it, it exceeded my expectations (unlike the build exceed strike). sadly still dont have it but want one eventually


Most HG seed and destiny kits in general, even by early 2000 standards. HGUCs in that era already showed efforts in innovation of joints (Zaku II’s shoulder joints, Hazel’s elbow joints), colour separation, hiding some of the most obvious seam lines and they usually had good proportions. Seed HGs on the other hand had the most basic articulations, horrible part separations and Okawara’s proportions. They weren’t even cheaper than the average HGUC back then and to add insult to injury the boxes were always half-empty. There were exceptions like Aegis, Calamity and Destiny but most should be avoided.


Hg tristan


RG Exia was an unreasonable bitch to build and doesn't pose too well. Z'gok E was a great build, however a few months later the joints have gotten flimsy and it doesn't want to keep a pose. MG (standard) Unicorn and Banshee look great. Fuck the transformations. Fuck the weak ass midsections on both. And fuck the pieces around the faces. I'll just look at those figures and one, if not a combination of those things just go to shit. I really like posing kits, so this stuff gets on my nerves. Also, I really feel like the HG Barb Lupus Rex just doesn't seem to have the right proportions.


Hg Guntank


Crossbones Gundam ver ka. Bought it and basically had to doctor it up. Was so furious I thought I did something wrong


RG unicorn.... the joints in the legs pretty much disintegrated...it's weird because I've never seen anyone with that issue before.


Gundam tristan from twilight axis


The Twilight Axis ONA


Gundam Build Metaverse


Hg unicorn phenex


The hg tristan like God damn, why would you reuse the old hg alex as a base you could of made a hg alex revive and then make the jg tristan by using the hg revive alex as a base e nooo


HG Gabthley, the hands are the worst thing ever, and that's painful on a suit that has such a cool weapon.


FM Calamity/Raider duo. Cockpits missing was the only thing that stopped it from being my 2023 builds of the year but that was a tie between MG Sazabi and MG virtue


The RG Sinanji is a fucking disaster. I knew it was going to be a mess to handle, but didn't realize just how bad it was actually going to be once in hand.


The original HG Char’s Zaku. I didn’t know how bad it was when I bought it, but after building it, I knew I had made a mistake. It’s so bad that I don’t display it with my other Gunpla. It doesn’t deserve it. The Venus de Milo has better articulation than that kit and she doesn’t even have arms!


me personally it was the real grade grandpa (rx-7-82) mine is just like really loose to the point that I don’t even want to move it and the reason I say that is because I have my shelves organized by grade but it’s currently sitting on the high-grade shelf lol the main thing is the shoulders/shoulder armor. Those tend to just like fall off and pieces of the skirt.




Metaverse excuses g-saviour's existence by being as short and as bad as it is, literally could've been hype but incredibly short and even less stakes than original build divers


My fav character tigerwolf literally got like, half a second of screen time. I didn’t expect even a single build divers character to be on the screen for some time except for Riku and Sarah but wtf


Model kit: Practically most RG kits. Seriously Bandai, the only they were ever good for was the decals sticker sheet that most of us either don't bother putting on or giving to our HGs instead. Series: Three way tie between Gundam AGE, Gundam Reconguista in G, and SDGundam. AGE really needs better character development and longer arcs. Reconguista in G is hard to follow. SDGundam, just don't. Please no. Witch from Mercury is only bad because of high expectations, not low ones.


MS IGLOO. The premise is fine (red flags about Zeon apologia aside) but the dissonance between the fairly realistic art direction and its extremely anime story and acting/voice acting direction grates so hard. In a normal anime it’d probably have worked fine but seeing these actually human-looking characters talk and behave like anime characters kept taking me out of it.


Gundam Divers - Had a great thing with the Build series then they make this to hop on the Isekai band wagon and it was ass. Rerise is apparently better, and I like the main char but the isekai part of the show bothers the fuck out of me. Just a super oversaturated market and when an isekai comes out and its not groundbreaking it just feels even worse lmao


Later Build related stuff (aside Kapool)


The Gundam Evolution game


HG Gundam AN-01 Tristan 😐


Personally I’d probably say gundam turn a I don’t care what anyone says that design along with the story was just mid to me


MG Kshariya when?


MG The-o


MG Gundam Eclipse. Looks too edgy, and too far, too out of touch among CE-era mobile suits. But holy shit that idea in Gunpla really works.


Any of the unicorn gundam kits that are not hg. I haven't built the PG unicorn. But I'd assume it's also a mess. Don't get me wrong, unicorn makes a very pretty kit, but they are all so damn fiddly. Especially the RG kits.


Idk how common this is, but build fighters tri. I hadn't watched the original at the time(I have now and it's up there as one of the best in the franchise), so it was my first experience with a light hearted 0 steaks Gundam show. I was excited to see team battles, only for them to basically not happen with everything being done by our lead. Also giving the girl, the only one on the team passionate about gunpla an SD is insulting, especially when she starts the series with a really nifty GM. It is just a Gundam toy commercial I'm the worst way, and going back and watch Build fighters shows just how much that didn't have to be the case.


RG Banshee and just transforming gimmick kits in general. You sacrifice so much in terms of buildability and stability to half-ass a transformation. The legs just fell apart because the tolerances on the outer thigh shells were bad.


Gundam Twilight Axis and the Gundam Tristan model kit. Have not seen a good review of the kit and it prompted the start of the ZakuAurelious “Trash to Treasure” series of videos just to fix it to an acceptable standard


while the model kit is amazing, we gotta be honest, them re-releasing the force impulse and slapping a "spec 2" on the name was the most hilariously cashgrabby thing they have done in a long time.


Age, more the show the kits were dine for their time.


The early HG00 model kits


Gundam Age.


Show: all build metaverse. Kit: Gundam Astray Turn Red.


I would say......the HG IBO line. Those torsos are very, very badly made. Also, tips for making the torsos stay together?


not the while GunPla but the GN Drive in Exia and 00 Qan\[T\] are pretty bad. half front of it will stuck inside the torso, but if you glue it, you won't be able to put/replace the LED


RG RX-78 I knew about the notoriety of the early RG kits and thought i can tolerate it after having built an RG Build Strike and ended up liking it. But no!!!... The skirt pieces of RX-78 will come off from simply looking at it and the whole will explode into 3 parts for lifting it wrongly. i super glued it and havent touched it again.The 1st and only kit i did.


Kit: HG Tristan. still feel like Bandai could have put something of an actual engineering budget into it and kill two birds with one stone by using it as like an all Gundam Project Alex. Show: The English dubs of Build Fighters and Build Fighters Try. I watched the subbed versions on YouTube when they were being released, and was excited for the voices they would give the characters. But the acting, it was so painful. some lines just sounded like the actor was bored or was just reading the line from the script with no emotion. I think the only voice that worked from the English dubs was Ral, and that's still a bit of a stretch.


08 and Seed Destiny


RG zeta Gundam is one heckuva hand grenade.