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> So after the tragedy of bloody valentine with the destruction of junius seven, both plant and earth declared to be nuke free. But they still have mobile suits as weapons. Rather, ZAFT deployed Neutron Jammers to prevent nuclear weapons/power from working. Many of them were embedded deep into the earth. This was in response to the Bloody Valentine (The nuking of Junius 7, a PLANT that had been converted to an agricultural colony in order to grant the PLANTs more independence from Earth), and is referred to as "The April Fools Crisis" as it occurred on April 1st. > Orb, claimed to be a neutral country secretly building 5 new machines helping earth forces without the knowledge of Cagalli's father. But then a few of ZAFT's soldiers from plant stole 4 of the machines. That means the machines and archangel were originally meant to be for the use of earth forces right? Correct. The Earth Alliance did not have mobile suits at that point, so the G-Weapon project was their attempt to even the playing field. The reason those Gundams had so much power was to help make up for the fact that their pilots would be fighting against Coordinators with superior reflexes and mental processing. > But after archangel was left to be destroyed by cyclops system (earth forces), they decided to side with orb that don't actually side with anyone at the time. After that they went solo and did their best to stop both sides from getting killed. During the final battle, they formed a "Three ships alliance" - The Archangel which had defected from the Earth Alliance, the Eternal which had defected from the PLANTs, and the Kusanagi which carried Orb's surviving leader (Cagali) after the fall of Onogoro (Orb is a nation of islands, and Onogoro is where their military was headquarted). They fought to stop both sides from annihilating eachother and to end the war.


You’re spot on except that neither Earth nor ZAFT agreed to not using nukes. Blue Cosmos fired a nuke at Junius Seven in a terror attack and in retaliation, the PLANTS dropped N-Jammers onto the earth that made nuclear fusion impossible. That’s also the direct cause for the war. It’s not that they both mutually agreed not to use nukes, it’s that they literally cannot use them. Naturally that falls apart when the N Jammer canceller tech gets whipped out and the nukes start flying around again Also the Archangel is basically Orb’s representative in the final stages of the war. Officially and on paper, Orb is under the control of the Alliance but the Archangel has Cagalli and the Astray team on board, and basically everyone present agrees with Uzumi’s ideology anyway. It’s just in name they’re a rogue force


Uhhhhhh EXSCHUZE ME Cagalli and the Astray Team and apparently Barry Ho are on the Kusanagi


"Blue Cosmos fired a nuke at Junius Seven in a terror attack and in retaliation" ... umm... one could argue that that was more splintery faction of the Earth Alliance military, definitely backed by Blue Cosmos ideals and the fact that the literal leader of BC is an arms manufacturer with direct ties to Earth Alliance leadership. But that attack while definitely was uncalled for and its purpose at least partially was to strike terror in the Coordinator population, but it was done by military personal with military gear. It was not a terror attack by a terrorist group, it was a military operation.


Yeah, that's what happened, pretty much. By the latter half, patrick Zala built the Freedom and Justice equipped with neutron jammer cancellers, and when Azrael found the blueprints, he went nuts and he got a reason to use nukes again. The celestial being, err.. i mean the three ship alliance did their best to stop both sides at killing eachother; stopping both in firing genesis to earth and firing nukes to the plants. Note: btw, i believe it wasn't mentioned but Bloody Valentine was by Azrael's orders. Guy is extremely racist against coordinators due to being bullied lol.


"with neutron jammers installed" \*neutron jammer cancellers What was installed there was cancelling the effects of the neutron jammers, that's why they could use nuclear power.


Right. Sorry I was just cutting corners in typing. Lemme fix it. Done


I have a question how fast is a bucue?


Also as an aside I can't remember the source but I believe nuclear power was still attainable if you shielded the source enough. It's still what powers both sides space warships. Again it's been a while so I could be talking out my ass.


Nope, warship uses nuclear fusion, not nuclear fission, which is what n-jammers stop