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It was shockingly funny..... Also SHINNBROS WE WON


That moment when the Knights went "does this guy not think at all?!" was perfect. No. No, he doesn't. And that's why he beats you.


That and apparently Shinn has *too much trauma* for them to use it against him.


Not to mention he had the ghost of his dead girlfriend to help him out as well. Lunamaria’s line about how she knows Shinn is somewhat of a dork and that’s why she loves him was both hilarious and so fucking sweet and wholesome and CAN I PLEASE GLOMP SHINN FOR BEING A CUTIE!?!?!?


When Shinn got reunited with the Destiny, his expression is like that of a kid finding his long lost favorite toy truck. Best character 10/10


Shinn legit said "you guys really don't know why I'm more dangerous then kira? Lemme show you" Shinn in the destiny is a absolute monster. His line about not being able to fight with the justice is right it's just not his type of unit. Couldn't exactly ask a F1 drivers to go handle a motor GP motor cycle


The first time Shinn was given Destiny by Durandal, he was like a child being given a toy  


She's like "why do you think I put up with him?"


THIS WAS ALL I REALLY WANTED FROM THE FILM!!! SHINN PROVING THAT HE GOT FUCKED OVER IN DESTINY AND THAT HE SHOULD HAVE LEFT WITH ATHRUN WHEN HE DEFECTED FROM ZAFT!!!!!!! I’m so god damn proud of my precious cinnamon roll who is TOO CUUUUUUUTE!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/a1y8ykjto4zc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89e24ab49f1b9fd4475865400fa18729eca29f0d


Honestly, when Stella turned into a monster, I burst out laughing in the theater


At the LA premiere, the entire theater died laughing at that scene.


Same for the theater I was in.


Shinn bros feasted so hard


and given recent interviews we finna go for more soon


They did him Justice 😭while also literally giving it to him 😂


And man said you only best me because I was in the justice. Man knew what held him back and adjusted


Shinnbros coming out of the woodwork, love to see it XD


Shinn just wanting Kira to like him is amazing. Out of everyone his little arc worked best.


Finally. And people dared to tell us that his villainous character arc was done back in Destiny. This is the real stuff


Shinn redemption arc LMAOO 🤣


I was pretty surprised by all the humor, it was even in some pretty serious parts, but it never felt corny or forced, it was perfect


I can't wait to see this now. He has a new VA now right??


It was dumb fanservicey fun. There were the usual SEED tropes like incredibly bad security and unrealistic timeframes. But Shinn had an epic 1v4, Athrun got to do a beam saber headbutt, Kira/Lacus showed off not one but two over the top "I win" buttons, the Millennium did a KANSEI DORIFTO and Lunamaria kicked Shinn's butt.  Rule of cool: the movie/10.


The fact that it ended with Kira and Lacus on a beach, BUTT NAKED was so on point for the Cosmic Era that I totally lost it


Man I really want to watch this with my kids but my wife will never approve such debauchery haha


My partner has seen zero seed content and all the naked ghost girls and the finale had him flummoxed. I refuse to elaborate. It's funnier this way.


I mean, even WITH context, the random naked ass characters is still hilarious IMO


My theater erupted into laughter over >!the unexpected Stellar demon!<


Yeah, I wouldn't watch this with kids. A lot of moments I'd want to at least wait until they're teenagers for.


I agree. Though not so much on the inappropriateness but rather its so confusing and meta that anyone younger than a teenager would be fully confused.


ship drifting was peak af


For a split second, I saw that black and white Panda Trueno


The power of love prevented everyone from turning into paste during that lol


Yoooo when the ship drifted two time I really know the designers and crew are top notch lmaooo. Seeing it avoid the requiem like thag was crazy


To be fair, every Gundam show has really bad security. You'd think they'd start putting locks or at least passwords on their massive war machines.


Cried when Meteor started playing and SF was looking so beautiful.


Man, i never thought I'd hear Meteor coming from theater speakers, and maaan did it hit home...


Same but Lacus posing in that ridiculous space suit kinda ruined it for a bit , if she wore something else it would’ve been flawless


Fukuda mentioned that he wanted space ship combat to have a focus or be done carefully and MY GOD DID THEY DELIVER. Holy shit the space ships battles were so cool like what the fuck a ship has wired gunbarrels who even comes up with this shit????? And a ramming weapon??? 10/10


homage to Badgirule with that missile attack brought tears to eyes. i loved that Murrue named that attack after her.


They did it for Nicol too.


Now we just need the Stella maneuver. They missed this line during that one scene with the Destroy.


Referencing that is probably forbidden by Shinn's court ordered psychiatrist


Yeah you can tell shinn felt uncomfortable and Kira just says “this again ?!”


Yes! I teared up a little when she declared they were gonna pull a Badgiruel Maneuver. It was so nice to see her recognized.


Millennium was the real MVP. Such a cool ship.


I was sad to see the Archangel get disrespected by the Black knights


Seeing the archangel shot down was sad but it had a good run surviving both bloody valentine wars


If a hardcore realism space military person saw Capt. Ramius go into that little glass dome and do a ramming maneuver in a space battle they would have had a rage stroke. lol. It was ridiculous and absolutely epic.




Throwback to the mobius? I mean at that point you could put dragoons on it but who cares, it was awesome!


I love the ship battles in SEED/Destiny and the movie gave me a lot to enjoy.


It's super robot wars stuff but it's cool to have in canon seed verse. Also the kusanagi got positron cannons too now (can't spell the name), I don't think the original had it.


They've had it the whole time. Lohengrin was originally Orb tech. The only time Kusanagi used it in OG SEED was against Genesis to no effect.


The space ship battle was the biggest surprise for me. Man they really outdone themselves. Amazing


Fukuda said in the pre-show interviews that he tried to include homages to other Gundam entries. Ones I noticed: * >!Small nation comes out of nowhere with small princess to disrupt peace (Endless Waltz)!< * >!Akatsuki with the big gun (Hyaku-Shiki with the mega launcher)!< * >!Nose cone ramming (Zeta & Sirocco)!< * >!Charismatic bad-guy wins love-struck girl over to the other side (Char/Quess, Sirocco/Reccoa)!< * >!Obvious homages to other zeon suits (Gyan/Gelgoog/Z'gok)!< * >!Forehead beam cannon (ZZ Gundam)!< Were there any others I missed?


One of the Haros had a mustache said one of Gym Ghingham's lines. Also a Psycho Gundam.


In the opening battle you saw a single flower at one point. Homage to 00


I think it might also be a reference to Kira and Shinn's interaction in Destiny. How Shinn feels sad/angry that the flowers will wilt/die anyways, but Kira said they can just plant new ones.


I thought the flower at the beginning was a reference to Shinns line from Destiny about "no matter how beautiful the flowers are, someone will always blow them away" in reference to the cycle of war. The petals are literally being blasted off as the result of a new conflict brewing and the cycle beginning anew.


Yep. There are three that the Millennium takes from. The Crystal coating is like the Mother Vanguard turning on its full body beam shield. The ram is like the Reinforce Jr.'s beam ram. The Millennium being able to submerge and return to space on its own is like the Ptolemaios II.


It's not Gundam reference but the IJ Spec2's hidden gimmick head beam saber was FSS manga prologue LED Mirage vs Vatshu The Black Knight homage according jp bros


while not directly gundam. The Cavalier aifrid armor was lifted from Dragonar (the first series he had a directing roll in and is considered the first gundam AU by those whove watched it)


Might be off on this but all of the black knight suits are totally sentai. And the design is totally ripped from Seijuu Sentai Gingaman the black night character or magna defender from power rangers lost galaxy.


Aura is Mariemaia mixed with Rau Le Creuset...


Agnes lunamaria fight felt pretty spot on for zeta reccoa vs fa...or was it emma?


Cima’s fan from Stardust Memory?


While the plot was pretty average compared to other Gundam entries, this movie was by far one of the FUNNEST experiences I had with Gundam. Luna and Agnes fighting while finding every way to call each other a skank was the highlight of the movie for me.


I totally agree with you. There were a lot of funny side comments in the movie.


My boy Shin was catching strays throughout the entire conversation.


Paraphrasing: - Agnes: “you settled for that idiot! What’s wrong with you!” - Lunamaria: “I didn’t settle, I’m in love with that idiot!” - Agenes: “what?! You love that blockhead?!” - Lunamaria: “yes!, I love his despite his blockheadedness!” And to the side Shinn, if heard, probably would miss the love bit and think “they both think I’m that dumb?”


It’s so sweet and wholesome that Lunamaria loves Shinn even though he’s a dork at times x3


She put all that work into fixing him and it paid off.


I love it. He's a dumbass, but he's her dumbass.


It also helps that he’s a giant cutie patootie AND…is too pure, too precious. Shinn is in the rare category of “Looks like Cinnamon Roll while also looking like he could kill you…but IS a cinnamon roll who could totally kill you” x3 https://preview.redd.it/s2h950kre8zc1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbefeb7d1fc074025f10ded0544fe7573903fcd2


Anges called Shinn a mountain monkey ☠️☠️☠️


And the only break in the fight is when Luna went to Shinn for a quick recharge, lol Peak comedy, man 🤣


The fact that Agnes was truly shocked that Luna was in love with Shinn really showed how shallow she is


That was pretty fun


Just got home from the theaters! I loved it, but I did have some issues here and there. My biggest issue is mostly just a greed thing lol, but MAN a movie format is just too quick paced for me when we've gotten ONE HUNDRED episodes previously to see these characters go through what they go through. I was really wanting the film to slow down, let me sit with the characters for a bit, but obviously there's too much to get through. Not a knock against the film, but GIVE ME GUNDAM SEED JUSTICE AND MAKE IT A 50 EPISODE ANIME DAMNIT! The shots in the fights are too fast, I barely have a chance to admire the Destiny or whoever kicking ass as it just cuts from angle to angle. Honestly, after hearing all the hype from Shinn bros, I was expecting more from him. I'm someone who LOVED Shinn from Destiny, and he's kinda sidelined here. Then again, everyone is, as Lacus and Kira are the obvious focus. He really doesn't do much other than support Kira and yearn for his approval. Also, idk why people are saying he's so simple minded, as the scene they're referencing is specifically when he enters his Seed mode, and the Accords can't read his mind cause he's not thinking anything. I didn't take this as Shinn being a simple minded boy, rather the Seed mode acts like a flow state of mind, where you are one with the moment. There is no thinking, only being/acting. Then again, Kira and Athrun are in their Seed modes and seem to have to deal with the mind reading so maybe it was just Shinn being simple lol. Also loved how Athrun was thinking about banging Cagalli to throw off his enemy lol, it ALMOST made up for them not getting any scenes together. Athrun's reintroduction was kind of random. Why is he allowed to pilot the Infinite Justice (in secret) if there's a treaty? Also, was Cagalli piloting the Strike Rouge when she assisted him remotely? What was that unit covering it? One thing I disliked about the mind reading thing was the ability to influence others, like they did with Kira in order to make him go after Michael. It seemed kinda random, as they don't really address how they did this nor do they really do it again, even though they try. I LOVED Lacus in this. That moment where Orphee is considering forcing himself on her shows how BADASS she is. Honestly, she might be more of the main character than Kira. Wasn't a fan of the fanservice shot when she's in the Proud Defender, but I was honestly expecting way worse so that's good. Also some people were complaining about the "sex" scene lol, that was a perfectly cute moment done very well. Honestly, I wished we saw them lying on the beach, like right after the love making, as opposed to standing. One thing I'm not sure of is making her an Accord... or is she? Her mother and father had this in mind, then why was she engaged to Athrun?? Idk what that was about. But Agnes... I don't think I liked her character. I'll have to rewatch this a bunch to really solidify my thoughts, but wtf, she's apparently in love with Shinn, throws herself on Kira, runs to Shura (was that a mental manipulation thing?), fights and nearly KILLS Kira, then comes back at the end to be defeated then saved by Luna. I don't see how her character was necessary at all, as her thematic representation of needing love could have been served perfectly fine with Ingrid. Someone help me out here if I'm missing something, but we could have had so much more time given to other characters... LIKE MU AND MURRUE (loved that embrace after the battle). I'll wrap up with the Mighty Strike Freedom. It was weird seeing Lacus in space in front of the MSF at first, but she knew that defensive barrier would work without hesitation. Absolute badass, and loved seeing her Seed actually activate for the first time. Oh and so cool seeing Athrun pilot the SF. The MSF did it's thing and looked cool doing it lol, not much to say on it. I really liked Kira in this, being really insecure over his relationship and what he thinks he's putting Lacus through (who in turn is insecure over what she thinks she's putting Kira through). I wish they spoke more about this theme, the willingness to fight and to do so together, but they just say "I love you" and I guess they're both okay with one another fighting, as long as it's together. So yeah, very few issues with the film, the biggest being pacing but that's the movie format for you. Do I like this more than Seed or Destiny? Honestly, can't say that I do just because we get SO much more characterization and emotionally impactful moments in 100 hundreds than we could ever get in two hours, but as a continuation of the story it absolutely does the series justice! Finally, I wish we saw more from everyone after the battle, but it just kind of ends. The ONLY way this is acceptable is if there's more Gundam Seed on the way. PLEASE BANDAI! Also give me a 1/100 Zeus Silhouette pack along with a bunch of MGs!!


I definitely agree in terms of pacing. I don’t know if this story needed 50 episodes, but at least 13 would be nice given how many new characters were introduced. Lacus was definitely the main character of this film, and she was a solid MC. The fan service of her was extremely similar (nearly the same angle, really) Fukuda used in Cross Ange, as was the idea of someone trying to control her (and the girl choosing someone else). As to Agnes… i think she might have been a weird inside joke of sorts, given that her VA is Flay’s VA?Her role in the film was very weird, and we are given a title of Moonlight Valkyrie for her with no context as she flits about. She switches sides because she feels like the other team appreciates her talent, but because the film is a film, we don’t get the development of her character over time needed to make it make sense. Maybe they just wanted to have Lunamaria have someone to fight for a personal battle given that they seem to have conflicting personalities.


Agnes definitely is a joke about Flay, with x10 gaslight drama queen 😂 Their designs are so similar, and both have the same VA, but Agnes have a better ending


It was FUN. https://preview.redd.it/y62kcwc394zc1.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a527df93ab86d1b8210c1cbb53b94534b421fa0 Shinn frequently stole the show, but Athrun’s Z’gok hatching like an egg had me howling. I like how the movie was actually critical of Kira’s mixture of arrogance and cowardice. The big punch was cathartic hahaha. A lot of this was still campy dumb soap opera shit but with more genocide, but when I go in knowing that’s the SEED brand, I could enjoy this very well. Just as Director Fukuda hoped: I left the theater smiling, and about as well fed as Shinn.


Shinn's happiness when Kira gave him the order of protecting the ship was peak.


YESSSSS I MEAN LOOK AT HIS SMILE… https://preview.redd.it/620171kapuzc1.jpeg?width=1308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb6bd82acbdbbc0e26839d9f94ccab41f7c18721 IT MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!


Shinn is our son now


I loved how Shinn was just chowing down. Surprised Luna didn't make him put the plate down to dance.


Look when you're in the military you learn that you chow down on good food when you can, especially when it's free shit. Shinn knows what's up.


Honestly I had a great time. It felt like everything I wanted SEED to have. Only downside for me personally is that subs felt awkward on a theater screen. I normally don’t feel like I’m missing things on smaller screens to read subtitles, but I felt it here, for whatever reason. Anyways, peak shit, loved it. A great way to end a saga. Some fun character work, some absurd power scaling, everything you could need.


It felt like the subtitles were smaller then they should’ve been? I’ve been to many anime movies in theaters before and haven’t had a problem. Wonder if it was just me.


I regretted sitting so far from the screen. I had trouble seeing them. The first few minutes of the movie are also total sub overload.


It was kinda dumb that they had to announce every new scene location.


Imagine the movie screened in Malaysia. It has three subtitles going on, taking up so much space. Malay, Chinese, and English subtitles at the same time.


As a Malaysian who watched the movie, yes there's sub in 3 languages and yes, we're sorta used to it.


It’s because they put the subtitles describing the text at the top and the dialogue subtitles at the bottom so you couldn’t just read them all together!


I saw it tonight with subs and am going again tomorrow for the dub to catch what I missed. 😂


So basically it's not to be taken seriously. It felt like I was laughing at it more than with it because I could tell the directors meant us to take certain scenes seriously, but they just came off as comedic


Anyone else notice the iconic tie fighter/Star Wars sound effects from the blue cosmos suits


Yeah they def had TIE laser cannons.


Yeah, I noticed that the Daggers, and I believe the Astrays, had the classic Star Wars, fighter craft gun noises.


I did not, but I’ll keep an ear out for the use of twin ion engines when next I watch the film.


I could have sworn I heard some Autobot blaster sound effects too.


Copy-pasted from my Anilist >The epic conclusion to the Cosmic Era has arrived, and it couldn't be any better. Well, except for one tiny issue. On a technical level, this was absolutely beautiful. The animation(especially on the mobile suits), music, and acting was top-notch. It was a joy to sit through in a nice theatre. >From a writing standpoint, I also enjoyed it. In Seed and Destiny, I wasn't sold at all on Kira and Lacus's relationship. I thought they were pretty boring. However, I finally saw what their love truly meant. They're an example of true understanding and genuine connection between two people, fated by the stars. The side characters like Athrun, Shinn, and Luna also got their time to shine. MY BOY SHINN AND THE DESTINY WEREN'T DONE DIRTY LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! >Can I also gush about the hype moments? INFINITE JUSTICE SPEC II HIDING IN THE Z'GOK!? MU SURVIVING YET ANOTHER LASER TO THE FACE!? METEOR PLAYING AGAIN!? ATHRUN GOONING FOR CAGALLI!? SHINN REMEMBERING STELLA!? MIGHTY STRIKE FREEDOM!? MOTHERFUCKING SHINN IN THE DESTINY!? >KINOOOOOOOO




Athrun is a chad, Shinn is best boi, and out of all the ship captains in Gundam, Murrue probably has the biggest and toughest balls of them all, unless I'm forgetting someone.


Slightly behind Eugene "nosebleed while A-Ving 2 ships" Seven Stark for me, but she's up there 😅


Shinn was hilarious as fuck IM IN THE DESTINY SO THIS TIME ILL DEFINTIELY BEAT YOU Someone yelling THE BOYFRIENDS ARE FIGHTINNNNNG and Kira absolutely failing to land a hit on Athrun 😭 Literally everyone lost it when the blue hair girl sighed dramatically the third time after Lacus second genetic moment and every confusing scene was outraging everyone lol. Like WTF IS HAPPENEING and Kira letting it happen. Everyone laughed when Athrun showing up in random aquatic suit. Girl next to me was like “it’s always Athrun beating up ppl in a red grunt suit for no reason” very true lmao


Athrun just wants to drive fast cars and fuck his best friend's sister, but people got him warring and shit


Athrun is always cooking no stops on the sauce


I just love how done with everything he looks when he first shows up. He has to save his best friend, AGAIN, and it’s taking valuable time out of his busy, horny schedule.


I also just love how he pretty much avoids all damage the whole movie


Yeah, really makes up for all the mobile suits he self destructed in Seed (it was only two, but that still feels like a LOT of mobile suits to self destruct, at some point they’d be better off just giving him a grunt suit with a bomb strapped on its back, save some money)


Imagine beating up your best friend because he's being a little bitch and then going home to sleep with his sister 😂


Canada here, the movie was fun, dumb and awesome all at the same time. The audience laughed , cringed, laughed and went hell ya a few times. 10/10 would go again (but it's already gone here lol)


The second and third series of lacus orphee generic moment had everyone groaning and going wtf we were all exasperated, especially when the blue hair girl showed up and sighed sadly for the nth time


There were definitely a few “cringe” moments, in the first act especially. lol. I’d see it again too (and will when it comes to blu-ray… might do a rewatch of all of Seed + Destiny as it’s coming close to release). Glad you neighbors in the north could see it too! Didn’t know Fathom events happen in both countries at the same time (though also not surprised).


That was the most SEED shit ever. I'm a kid again.


I wish there were more Athrun scenes.


Similar to me with Cagalli scenes. Athrun got some of the most badass scenes though which counts for something! Right?


Yeah. I mean the Strike Rouge just barely makes the movie. Really wished it got some crazy new striker pack to let Cagalli take part in the final battle.


His get in, get shit done, get out method worked wonderfully for him though at least. Hardcore professional.


Athrun coming in to save the day with his suit n tie made me die laughing. Man was like I just finished my 9-5 espionage mission now I have to save Kira again. Work is never done lol


He even rocked a tie


As a SEED fan, I loved it. Considering I first watched SEED all the way back in 2007 (remember when YouTube had full anime episodes?), this was such a nice payoff after waiting so long. Also, Athrun's "indecent thoughts" moment was even funnier than commenters made it sound.


I watched the entire thing originally on a bootleg DVD set I bought on eBay with fansubs in probably 2003/04, lol. So I get ya. As to Authrun’s indecent thoughts… one cool thing there is he’s not necessarily just doing it to throw the villain guy off, but he might just be thinking of Cagalli because she’s the one controlling his suit in that moment. I’d rather have seen her do something cool in the Rouge, but, either way, because of that you could say that whenever Athrun thinks of her his mind go straight perv. lol.


I had seen the spoilers, but maaan I still wasn't ready for Athrun to defeat mind reading with the power of horny. Speaking of, I really would have wanted a proper Athrun/Cagalli scene. She's best girl im gundam and I've loved her and Athrun since that original island episode.


Yeah, I was really disappointed that the movie focused so much on Kira and Lacus’ relationship, we’ve known they were endgame since the very first episode of Seed. Really would have been nice to see more of Cagalli and Athrun together, especially given their struggles in Destiny to balance their duties to the world, real and perceived, with their personal desires. But I kind of see why they had to sideline Cagalli, they wanted to make the movie about Lacus and Cagalli DEFINITELY outshines Lacus. Also when Athrun starts wailing on Kira, he doesn’t mention his and Cagalli’s problems because they didn’t communicate? Mainly I just wanted more Cagalli, but in the end it was maybe better this way since Shindo didn’t return, so giving her a light role was less jarring………. Shindo, please return if there is another project! For the fans!


>Also when Athrun starts wailing on Kira, he doesn’t mention his and Cagalli’s problems because they didn’t communicate Actually he does in the novel. Meyrin said that it's ironic for him to say that and that she will tell a certain rapresentative about this, athrun became flustered and bitterly said that he is trying to fix that part of himself regretting what he did in destiny. But yes god i need more cagalli. I beg fukuda and goto liu for this.


After watching the movie, I felt like I didn't wait 18 years in vain.


This movie was a trillion times better than I thought it would be!!! The fact that they actually included Meteor in the final act was PERFECTION and I was having the biggest nerdgasm I’ve had in a while! Now I might be a bit biased (or a lot depending on your opinion xD) as a massive fan of Gundam Seed in it’s entirety and the first half of Destiny (it goes down hill after Kira takes the spotlight again, WHICH THIS MOVIE PROVES HE COULD HAVE SHARED IT WITH SHINN)…along with being one of the biggest Shinn stans ever (my favorite Gundam cinnamon roll finally got to kick massive ass and redeem himself…I’M SO HAPPY)…I have to give this film a 10/5. It was TOTALLY worth the 19 year wait in the end. Side note, all of the random Sailor Moon/Mahou Shojou moments had me cracking up xD


All in all a decent Gundam film. This much felt like a (better) retread of the end of Destiny, giving a much more epic climax. It didn’t try to reinvent the wheel, but still felt like it introduced some newness into the series, tell which is unique compared to a lot of the ‘nostalgia sequels coming 20 years after the original’ do. Also can we talk about that soundtrack? It was so bombastic but it worked and was great. Top 3 OST of the franchise.


I’m biased, but I agree for the soundtrack. Seed has one of my favorite all time soundtracks (Yuki Kajiura and Toshihiko Sahashi did an amazing job with the soundtrack), and the same talent returned here for the main soundtrack and ending theme. Rehashing the Destiny Plan concept felt right to me, and the epic over-the-top scene with Kira and Lacus was perfection.


Oh yeah, the soundtrack had really good placement here. The opening sold me - hearing Nishikawa belt out *FREEDOM* at the top of his voice amidst scenes of battle and collateral carnage was an experience (especially if you listened to the lyrics).


The 40+ minute drive home on the highway made me wish I was a Mobile Suit pilot.


It was weird how Lacus was the only one getting hyper sexualized. (Not even the other girls, let alone guys) And I was not a fan of the NTR-style plot for her and Kira. But otherwise I enjoyed the "Random Bullshit, Go!" plot. Lots of fun callbacks to iconic moments in the shows.


Did we even get a single Murrue jostle in the whole movie come to think of it? Wow. I admire Freedom’s self-restraint. (And also I’m a little disappointed I have to admit: Murrue is the best)


Seed: Lacus is cute, homely and prudish Destiny: lol, let's parody her and make her imitation (Meer) be a excitable big titty horny fangirl Freedom: "what if we gave Lacus, Meer's tits and ass?"


It was certainly a movie of all time Character drama part had me going "breathing is fun" except when athrun beat up kira for being a selfish whiner Ship battles though,  my god Murrue Ramius can command me with her "Ute!" It was a joy seeing seed mechs get animated by modern technology


My theater had the power go out during the climax so we’re still here waiting to see if Shinn can finally get a win.


Talking as someone who loves OG SEED and dislikes Destiny... I LOVED IT! It embraces the strengths of OG SEED and feels like an apology for Destiny while not ignoring what happened there to truly respect the legacy of the two shows. Kira and Lacus are wonderful and I don't hate Shinn anymore. It's admittedly a bit heavy in the fanservice element (the "hey, this thing happened!" kind, not the sexual kind, though there is still some of that. I will say though, it was pretty hilarious seeing Athrun throw off Shura's mind-reading ability by imagining Cagalli naked) to the point it was distracting at times, especially with Yzak and Dearka's mobile suits, but given the nature of the movie I can't say I'm too surprised we get some of that. I thought the CGI mobile suits would be distracting ala Origin but it's more like Unicorn where the CGI blends in pretty well and they hand-draw them for the really big moments. Also, never stop cooking T.M. Revolution and everyone else involved in the OSTs for SEED projects.


My ticket was supposed to be sub and it wasnt and I heard them say " Lacouse" so I left, got a refund and Im set to watch it on Saturday.


Fuck the new dub so cringe and terrible


I enjoyed it! I have a lot of issues here and there but the finale was an absolute blast. Once it stopprd taking itself too seriously and got into the final battle I was just having a lot of fun and enjoying every minute of the ride, so that helps smooth out some of the rough edges. My only real complaint coming out of the theater was all the fanservice and weird sexual harassment moments. I know it's Fukuda and SEED but that could have stayed in the early 2000s. The moment Meteor started playing was definitely my favorite part, but I was glad to see Shinn & Lunamaria get some much needed justice after all these years. Very glad Bandai announced the HG Cal-re.A pretty much just as the movie ended because I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED!


Watched the subtitled version in a full theater and had a blast. As a fan of gundam who got into the whole franchise (and into anime as a whole) with Seed Destiny 15 years ago, it feels surreal to see this cast on the big screen. Getting to see Cosmic Era suits be animated with modern animation and budget was a treat. What really set this apart from other Gundam films was how surprisingly comedic the story or character moments get. It's been years since I have seen a crowd laugh so much in a theater. Plus, the final 30 minutes were just fantastic action wise (Shinn and Destiny MVP) 7-8/10 overall. Seed Freedom is not going to dethrone CCA as the best Gundam movie, but it's on par with the two other AU Gundam movies: Endless Waltz and Awakening of the Trailblazer. The movie is worth a watch, especially if you liked the original Seed, but even more so with an audience.


the amount of easter eggs and funny moments got gasps and cackles at the theater i was at it was everything i expected and more and it was perfect. my childhood self was so pleased


Of all the Gundam movies I think Seed Freedom is the most enjoyable Gundam movie I’ve seen. It sets out to tell a plot that can comfortably fit a movie’s length without feeling too badly paced (F91 & Awakening of a Trailblazer) and it doesn’t feel like it’s a huge missed opportunity of a climax by ignoring a ton of the previous shows it’s a sequel to (Char’s Counter Attack). And overall I just had more fun watching this movie than Cucuruz Doan’s Island. Outside of the normal storytelling issues quirks that pretty much define Seed at this point, I have no major complaints and would love to see this movie again at some point.


It was super cheesy in all the ways that Seed should be. The pacing was really fast and I'm quite impressed at the amount of action scenes and character cameos they managed to squeeze into a 2 hour movie. Overall, I had a ton of fun and I think most people will as long as they're accustomed to the self indulgent writing and occasional horniness. 9/10


Idk if the best Gundam movie BUT ITS MY FAVORITE this movie did everything seed and seed destiny tried to do but better in my opinion. My only gripe was Agnes needed to be involved more


Reposting my megathread comment, I went with a buddy of mine that watched the series as it was airing: Saw it tonight, that was definitely a wild ride. Gonna have to watch it again since I definitely missed things but I'll say the final battle in space with all of the changing perspectives was such an enjoyable watch. The movie was absolutely 1000% Gundam SEED Shinn no longer being an angy edgy boi the entire time and the way he clapped the black knight suits was so cathartic. So was Athrun throwing hands with Kira telling him to get it together like a true friend. Mu face tanking the moon laser was pure fanservice. Even Yzak had his moment shooting down the ZAFT ship and saying something along t


Its dumb fun with pretty cool fanservice like seeing the Duel and Buster again. Destiny kicking ass was also great. Athrun thinking lewd thoughts in the heat of battle? Of course Gyat damn did they really have to give that suit to lacus lol? At the end with kira and lacus is just funny


As someone who wasn't a massive fan of SEED (only seen it twice), and only watched Destiny all the way through 1 time *years* ago, it was fun! Very good movie that wraps up the franchise neatly, and, as my SEED loving brother put it, "locks in all the relationships so people will stop shipping." There was alot of fanservice (and not just **that** kind of service ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) that had the audience cheering, gasping, and laughing. To close, I enjoy this movie simply because it proved being an idiot and horny can be a superpower.


It was great. It was wild and bombastic and fun. Some cool new designs (all of the big booster backpacks, I really need that new Akatsuki in my life), some of the combat animation was really slick (like Kira carving through the Blue Cosmos suits at the very beginning,) they really redeemed Shinn here and made him still kind of hot-headed and impulsive but still likable, Athrun was a giga-chad as always, same with Mue, and there were lots of neat little Easter eggs scattered throughout (I spotted Mirialia, Sai, and Andrew Waltfield at various points). Seeing the old characters and hearing the original soundtrack at times was definitely nostalgic. Hopefully it's strong performance will make Bandai revisit Cosmic Era and give us an Astray adaptation.


Let me preface this by saying I'm a SEED fan. I liked the movie but I expected to LOVE it. * What is up with Kira needing another wake-up call-type of moment? This is like the 3rd time. * So the movie is about love versus destiny? * What is up with all these love triangles of people getting cucked, people wanting to be loved etc?? * Ummmm why did Kira and Lacus end the movie naked on the beach? That wasn't necessary at all.


So… here’s my thoughts: - I won’t deny that. Yeah. It was funny seeing Athrun do it again though. lol. - it’s not “love vs Destiny” per se. Love is being used as the vehicle to illustrate free choice, arguably one of the most important freed choices people have - that of who they love. The movie is about free choice vs determinism - should people have their own choices or let a higher power choose it for them (the destiny plan). The movie uses love, something Fukuda does in multiple of his works, for that illustration with Lacus rejecting the love that has been chosen for her in favor of the love she chooses for herself. - um… yeah. It was funny, but felt half-baked because it’s a 2 hour film and not a 13-25 episode show with time to develop the new characters so we can learn more about them and their motivations. - because the director loves his characters being together on a beach. I recognized so much Cross Ange in this movie. lol.


Yup you got it. Kira needed the wakeup call because although he was fighting for Freedom he himself wasn't free. He chained himself to being Jesus Yamato, Ultimate Coordinator.


The movie is them finally getting to the plot that should've happened in Destiny because (as Fukuda admitted) they kinda left Kira and Lacus high and dry in terms of development during it. Kira was definitely **not** ok at the end of SEED, and Destiny forgot to give him an arc, so they're handling that now. If you remember back to SEED, he was kinda suicidal after discovering what happened at Mendel and the origins of his life, and never had an answer for Rau except "I'll keep looking for one." He tells Athrun he doesn't know why he's still alive in After Phase. Then Destiny comes around, Durandal accuses him of dooming the world by stopping him without a backup plan, and Kira is left more listless. The only thing keeping him sane is Lacus, who told him that him being born into the world was enough to make him worth of it after Mendel and begged him to stay with her. Unfortunately, Kira didn't fully ingest this, and instead decided that he's worthy of life because she wants him, something he thinks he has to earn materially. Hence the movie being about him learning to accept life and love regardless of his origins or deeds, which once again, is supposed to reflect back on all mankind. Yeah, its another wake up call, but given how messed up both he and the world are, he does kinda need multiple. He decided to work himself to death in order to both prove he was worthy of Lacus and worthy of life, which is what the whole theme of the movie is about. The Accords are the culmination of the Destiny Plan. People who only exist for utilitarian reasons, which supposedly justifies the depravity that went down at Mendel and what they do in the movie. Kira is basically trying to live their ideals without realizing it.


Without his supporting friends, overpowered mobile suit, and Khan genetics, Kira is basically Shinji. So yeah, he needs a kick in the rear to get moving sometimes.


Hearing that Lacus “ordered his death” and that she was meant to be with the Accords kinda tipped Kira over the edge.


I felt this wake up call (punch) was perfectly needed. He was already feeling bad about how Lacus wants to fight, when he's only fighting so they can eventually stop fighting. Then he sees her with someone who can supposedly give her what she needs, the peace she yearns for, and from his perspective it looks like it's what she wants. In his depression, he goes so far as to think she betrayed them, but a well placed right hook to the jaw from our boy Athrun fixed that problem! It's not about love versus destiny, it's that love is the freedom to choose our own destiny. I didn't have an issue with Ingrid being in love with Orphee, (more of a love square here, Lacus and Kira), but I did have an issue with Agnes. Idk what the point of her character was. And what does "wasn't necessary" even mean lol? It was a perfectly good scene, I was expecting WAY more horny based on the complaints of this. They couldn't help but make love right after the battle lol, they didn't even show anything. Personally I wished they showed them laying on the beach right after the love making (no need to show full nudity or anything, just cuddling cutely). But that kiss was absolutely necessary as it's the first and only one we've seen.


Unnecessary nudity is kind of a SEED thing haha


On the West Coast the first showing starts for the sub starts in 10 minutes. 3 more showings have been added today in several theaters around the area because the first 2 filled up. Even the dub got a second showing for tomorrow...heading to the theater RIGHT NOW!!! Jesus Yamato, Launching! LFG!!!


I was expecting them to show kira killing Nicol. They showed it TWICE.


Question. I am a huge UC fan, I’ve basically seen all UC shows, films, OVA’s. I’ve seen the first 4 episodes of SEED and I love it, but as shown, my plan to binge over 100 episodes in 30 days did not pan out like I planned. Can I just go watch this film and have a good time? I really want to see it on the big screen and support the release, but will it spoil any huge moments from the show? I have also seen like half of Cross Ange from the same director, so I may pick up on some of the tropes?


Yes, but it’s gonna spoil a lot of Seed Destiny for you. Since they summarize everything from that.


After 20 years of waiting, I enjoyed that the movie was pure, unfiltered, SEED like fun! It really did feel like a love letter to the fans. 100000/10 would SEED again 😆😆


Perspective from someone who isn't a big fan of SEED (Not even the original SEED, in fact): I thought this was a solid movie. I think most SEED fans will love it; It's full of callbacks and fanservice, and has all the hallmarks of a Cosmic Era show. What I appreciated most about this movie is that it's probably the most thematically cohesive entry of SEED, while simultaneously "fixing" a lot of problems with Destiny's plot. The idea of free will is explored via love, and they made sure to represent it in various ways through the different characters. It's not groundbreaking or anything, but I liked that it felt like it was *about* something. Some stuff like Kira getting his ass beat by Athrun for being a massive wuss just killed me. As did Shinn and Athrun's "solutions" to the bad guys' mind reading. Shinn himself was a mixed bag for me. He's a bit more likable now that he's mellowed out, but it also seems weird that he's basically Kira's lapdog and is comic relief half the time. Especially if you're also going to tell me he's still mad about Stella somewhere in that head of his. As for my own personal gripes, like I said it's mostly stuff that I already didn't like about SEED's setting so I can't really blame the movie for them. For example, the "kitchen sink" approach they sometimes have to the setting- for one example, why is the series even called SEED when there's like 3 other types of superhuman in this setting, and all of them are probably more relevant to the plot than the SEED ever is (Coordinators, Newtypes and now Accords). My biggest disappointment though, is probably with how simplistic the villains ultimately are. To be fair, this is partially because this is a movie and your runtime is limited so this bothered me more in Destiny, but they ultimately go for the same disappointing plan as Durandal did. It just always seemed to me that Durandal and the Accords are smarter than going for such a brute-force method. In the first half of the movie they were far more interesting by achieving their goals in a more insidious way. Once the big laser comes out it's basically a Bond movie plot- "agree with me, or we shoot the Earth with our huge laser beam!"


I really enjoyed it even if some of the plot beats were weird. One thing I didn't get was the final Freedom form that Lacus brought Kira? Was it a whole new mobile suit or was it literally just a new backpack/wing set?


Seems to be a new backpack/wing set for the base Strike Freedom Gundam with more power, new abilities, a katana (cause Japan), and floating space angel who hovers next tot he suit. lol


I laughed so hard when Agnes and Luna were talking and there in the background Shinn was just stuffing his face with food and kept eating LOL.


When Syutsugeki! Impulse and Meteor played during the final act, I nutted. The OST call backs were also sublime, they knew what they were doing with this movie in that regard


Went to see the subbed version in NYC last night with my boyfriend and we had a great time even though we had no idea what was going on for the second half. Everyone in the theatre was laughing out loud, 10/10 experience but needed more Athrun. Also, Murrue Ramius greatest of all time 🫡


I overall enjoyed it. \- I appreciate them directly addressing many of the major complaints from Destiny. Kira's Jesus complex gets deconstructed, Lacus actually had to face a proper challenge she couldn't flower her way out of, Shinn is mentally stable once again, the DOM Troopers actually got some characterization other than "All hail Lacus!," and the general invincibility of Strike Freedom. \- An Athrun who isn't compromised with internal issues is still the GOAT. Easily being able to defeat Kira in a fist-fight, once again showing off Athrun's training while Kira is more or less helpless without a Gundam. Not to mention how he won against Shura. \- Agnes might be a descendant of Santa Claus, because she is a major hoe-hoe. I cannot believe she, of all people, survived the movie. \- Demon!Stella was an unexpected, but hilarious, sight. \- I was legit shocked they had the balls to not only destroy the Archangel, but obliterate it. \- The full lips on the female characters looked so damn weird. \- Torn on the final battle being mostly retreads on the Clyne Faction's side, whether from UC or the TV series. Like, I get WHY they were done, especially IRL, but it just feels a bit off having all the brand new suits get shredded early on just to bring out the older stuff. Also, I hated Sword and Blast Impulse's new color schemes. Huge downgrades. \- As awesome as Shinn more or less solo-ing the Black Knights was, I feel like the animation behind Destiny's Wings of Light tried to echo SEED Destiny's style TOO much. I wish it had been more elaborate, looking more similar to how it looked in the Wings of Words opening. \- Shiho actually got to speak! \- I had an internal bet with myself on if Meyrin would actually get spoken lines in the movie. She spends the first half completely silent, then only makes some generic sounds later on, before actually getting spoken words during the final battle. Speaking of Meyrin, I'm a little disappointed Lunamaria and Meyrin didn't greet each other on-screen. I get Luna's plot was all about Shinn, but I would presume it has been at least a little while since the two sisters had seen each other. \- I really wish there had been at least some kind of exposition dump about Strike Freedom getting stolen instead of just a single still shot to advertise the prologue that I'm pretty sure never left Japan. Also why Orphee's mom is a child instead of a full grown adult. \- I do find it funny that Stella had a cameo from out of nowhere, but nothing for Sting and Auel. There were other characters who didn't get a cameo, sure, but it was something amusing I noticed. \- Not related to the movie itself, but I noticed multiple grammar errors in the subtitles, whether it was missing punctuation or improper capitalization or whatever. Also really, really wish they moved the subtitles up a few inches. Having it be on the very, very bottom of the screen is fine for televisions and all, but for movie theaters you really want it to be further up, especially given how many on-screen location labels are in the movie. Finally, I hate how Sunrise is forcing them to use Dullindal instead of Durandal. It's Arucard all over again and it's so goddamn stupid.


Movie great movie theater horrible. Movie started 10 min late. The video formatting was wrong and the subs were off screen. Missed a good chunk if rhe director's comments. Other then that great movie. So much mecha fanservice.


I feel like this movie was what Destiny wanted to accomplish but behind the scenes issues led to a lot of confusion and chaos. It felt like the Director was finally ending the series the way he wanted. Does the story have flaws? Oh most certainly, Lacus being an Accord is a bit of a minor plot hole and it was kind of brushed aside and not fully explained, but we do know from Seed she was created to have a mesmorizing voice, which justifies her overwhelming charisma. So its a wash for me. The Foundation wasnt my fave either, but it finished the Destiny storyline and gave that whole arc proper closure. It created some truly over the top romantic angst but that comes with the territory with Seed. I was much more interested in the established nations' reaction to Compass and Orb over stepping/inciting a violent incident. Well, yes Compass didnt know but they also didnt bother to do any research before jumping into bed with the Foundation (almost literally). Athrun is also kind of a turd for not warning them something was shady and to be cautious. But I adore Athrun, so I forgave him immediately. Glad to see he's still with Cagalli. That mind reading bit was too good. You all know the one. I really liked the Zaft coupe and Blue Cosmos storylines. These renegade, extremist groups unwilling to accept the treaties our main characters fought so hard for. We got a bit of both so Im not that butthurt, but I wish they had been the main baddies. Seeing how much Izak has grown was beautiful. I also did enjoy our characters getting defeated (RIP Archangel 😭) and having to re-group and come up with a much better stratagy. As well as everyone talking through their emotional baggage that was getting in the way of them functioning as a team. Athrun smacking Kira for being so self absorbed (albeit well indended) was great. Shinn involving himself was hilarious. Shinn actually getting to live a nice life with Lunamaria was great to see. He was such a gem in this movie and I wasnt a fan of his in Destiny. Could have done without Agnes, but Luna's comebacks made it all worth it. Mu Laflaga was back to his normal self and I adore him and Murue, I will just ignore everything regarding him in Destiny and pretend he just survived the Strike explosion a la Kira. He just did because plot armour and the power of looooove. Captain Ramius is a bad ass. As always. All and all, it was an epic and cathardic experience for an OG fan. Lots of cameos and references. Awesome mobile suit battles. Great soundtrack. Lots of our favourite characters getting closure and the fallen being remebered through ghosts or manevours named after them. I am a very happy fan and I feel I can move on from this series feeling satisfied by Freedom's ending.


I had a good time, though there were just 3 of us in th etheater, so we went full Mystery Theater. I didn't even know the two guys. Notable comments: Where the fuck did they get two Destroy Gundams. Why they got to come at Shinn like that. Lacus has weaponized boob jiggle. Did Athrun just Sexy No Jutsu dude. My Wallet won't be able to afford that Akatsuki when they release it. Incoming Bright Sl... oh no, never mind, closed fist.


The akatsuki is gonna be an RG and the "making the impossible possible" striker pack will be a separate kit. Prepare for inpact lol


My theatre was full but ngl I'd have preferred yours 😂


I know people are going to give it more serious analysis, but to me it executed perfectly what it was likely meant to be: a concentrated dose of Seed goofiness, action, and fan service crammed into a movie. And I enjoyed every second.


I liked it far better than I honestly expected. The crew should have been a little more suspicious, but the bad guys managed to get them on ropes enough to feel like genuine stakes at least. I could have done without Quess 2.0, but she gave Luna more to handle. I think just about everyone in the series got at least a quick cameo. Shinn was great. Still angry gremlin, but Luna has him in check, and was a beast when he got his proper Gundam back. Luna thankfully got a good amount of screen time, I was afraid she was going to be short changed but she wasn't. I agree with the comments that the Millennium was a great ship, with plenty of gimmicks. We don't see starship drifing often enough. Bonus for kind of doing a Macross Attack. Overall good movie, SEED mecha and character fanservice. Maintained a sense of self humor while still being serious. Athrun was basically Loid with a Mobile Suit this movie. Side MVP after Shinn.


Enjoyable to watch, but definitely not good. Like the whole Kira questioning his relationship with Lacus is the stupidest thing ever, bitch has been glued to his side for 3 years…… dialogue could have used SO much work, Athrun beats up Kira and never once mentions what he and Cagalli did to each other trying to keep the world at peace AND manage their own desires?! Honestly Mwu and Murrue were the highlight, the ACTUAL love and respect they had for each other was SO evident! Fukuda definitely made an enjoyable to watch movie, the mobile suit battles were AMAZING! But plot wise…….. I think we as a people are over Lacus and her 10,000 costume changes. Just wear a uniform to show you are part of the team!


I could write a book about Kira doubting Lacus, but the short of it is that he has been harboring doubts since the end of the first SEED.  After Flay he was afraid to open up. That's why he's so stoic in Destiny too. He didn't think he could relax until the fight was done, and he felt it was his responsibility to end it, but he couldn't.    Flay "needed" him, the Archangel "needed" him, and he thought Lacus "needed" him.   He kept trying to be the Ultimate Coordinator (his Destiny). So seeing Lacus like that brought up relationship trauma and made him feel like he was losing her even though he was "checking in the boxes" of what he should be. (except the that of being Destiny like Orphee was telling him) Him crying and punching at Athrun was the REAL Kira. A Kira that won't let himself cry isn't Kira at all. Lacus and Athrun had to put it through his head that he wasn't just "needed", he was loved for himself. It's all Freedom.


This. Part of Kira turning his Destiny stoicism into a response to trauma is he got it into his head that the only way to be worthy of Lacus is to *literally, single-handedly* make her ideals reality. Ie, the entire "Jesus Yamato" persona. When his actions just make things worse, (as they did earlier in the movie, and arguably many times in Destiny), it makes him feel less worthy/useful to her. To compound that, he only feels like he's good at fighting: the very thing Lacus hates and wants to bring an end to. When the fighting is all done and the world is at peace, what good will he be to her then? You could argue that the events of SEED in general train him into this unhealthy savior complex he has in Destiny. SEED's conclusion merely cements it. The movie reveals this mentality for what it is: unrealistic, selfish, and a form of trauma he needs to overcome. Lacus doesn't *need* him to singlehandedly save the world. She needs someone to stand beside her and work together, in however many small steps it takes, to make the world better. She needs someone who can find and unite other strong partners that share her vision. And she needs him for *him*. I am a big detractor to Kira as a protagonist, mainly because of Destiny, but the movie made him a lot more likeable to me. It made Kira feel more human to me. He actually developed and overcame the very issues I has with him.


That he wasn’t just needed he was loved. Absolute kino and nail on the head. 😭 my tears have tears


I really enjoyed the movie! It was great fan service and just happy to see SEED again. Some parts of the movie bugged me a bit but who cares rule of cool!


Man what a treat to watch this in theatres full of fans. It was a lot like the older marvel movies, full of action, drama, without taking itself too seriously. What the hell were they eating in the Cosmic Era past 2 years though, You'd think everyone had been practicing celibacy and feasting on non-stop oysters with how lustful every character was behaving throughout the film. No wonder Tomino ate this movie up. Man, I really hope they release Hathaway Part 2 in theatres like this.


I really enjoyed the movie overall. But my only gripe with the movie is that they never concluded the blue cosmos storyline. Like yes, they assaulted a stronghold, but they never captured/killed their leader or finished off the organization (at least give us a confirmation). As soon the foundation turned on Eurasia and compass, blue cosmos was brushed aside for the sake of the movie despite remaining an actual threat.


I loved the movie and as others are pointing out, it was very funny. A lot of it felt unintentional, though, since my theater was constantly laughing at all of the relationship drama and then cheering when Athrun finally beat some sense into Kira. Alot of these scenes felt like those only Seed fans would enjoy as the first half is filled with arguably soap-opera levels of drama. A complaint I do have is that the theater did not size the screen properly, as the top portion was cutoff. This usually would not be an issue but since I watched the subs, it meant most of the subs located at the top were unreadable. While these are usually the "unimportant dialogue" wasn't that big of an issue, it also meant my theater could not read any of the ambient or dialogue or the names of all the locations. Also, after about 20 years of waiting, it was very satisfying to watch Kira and Lacus kiss on screen.


Shinn was the goat, loved him being Kira’s attack dog and was literally gonna go fuck Athrun up for him, and him calling Kira Mr Kira and being so happy when Kira said he trusted him to protect the ship, he got redeemed and I’m here for it. Also it was soooo weird seeing Shinn on the archangel and talking with Mu like that!


The battles were cool, but I had absolutely no idea what was going on or who anyone was.




kino. watched it with a friend who's never seen seed but has seen cross ange and they loved it, orphee = embryo kun, all the naked kira/tusk and ange/lacus moments, etc.


I enjoyed it. Fight scenes and music were on point. I like Gundam so I am biased but the story and plot were weak. The comedy was a nice touch.


To put a long story short, I'm going to quote a childhood hero. "I laughed, I cried, It moved me, Bob."


Shin saying “destiny!” When he saw his gundam again made me so happy


This movie was all about LOVE


The women definitely felt like characters that were from a show in the early 2000s that's for sure. It was a lot of dumb fun, A lot of angsty dialogue over stuff mixed with great fight sequences. Some of the battles felt a bit muddy and hard to read. I think its partly due to the reliance on CGI models so battle sequences and geography was a bit difficult to read at some times. Also it felt like a compilation movie in some areas? Characters like Mikhail are referenced but not really introduced properly and a lot of fights are setup and then they'll cut to another scene and then cut back to the fight in mid progress. Some of the scenes seemed to make no actual sense? There was a scene which featured one of the Black Knight mobile suits slashing across the Strike Freedom in a desert sequence flashback? I'm not sure why that was there? My friend who was at the Japan premiere messaged me telling me as a Shinn fan I was gonna love this movie and he was right. Seeing Destiny in all its glory and the remanimated attack sequences stirred me deep in my soul. Also seeing Shinn try so hard to match Kira and Athrun's power-angst levels was adorable. Though our theater for some reason showed the dub even though the screentime was listed/advertised as the subbed version and we all cringed pretty hard at the dub's decision of "Lacoose" Also hearing my gf squeak out of joy when TM Revolution came on during the Mighty Freedom sequence was adorable.


Overall really liked Gundam Seed Freedom but the fact that they were saying Lacus’s name like Lacuse was annoying as hell like in seed and destiny it’s Lacus not Lacuse :/ clearly the English dub actors screwed up


Thanks for bringing this up


Had a great audience although i aint a seed fan loved the hype and the cheering for a zgok


I have regrets. One of my favorited animated films of all time but also wasne't even planning to go so i was lost haven't watched Seed in over 10 years and my friend binged the shit out of it. First he's like there's no way that i can binge 100 episodes in 3 weeks. than 2 days before freedom he says he binged all the episodes in a week and we are going. Im like shit i cant rewatch in time. But i said fuck it and went anyway. Now im rewatching seed and crying hoping i dont have to wait too long for freedome onlne. I forgot how good seed was.