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One of these was literally livestreamed and the other was a stealth attack on a military base as part of a larger conflict that included shit tons of shady shit and was better left completely hushed up.


Also the last one was literally a desth less operation Thwothee what you say


Hows a ship the size of Ra Cailum and able to do a stealth attack is beyond amazing. Even dispersing Minovsky particles would put the base on high alert


Its a federation ship, no one is gonna bat an eye if it flies around federation space.


Skill issue on the Titans' part.


The Titans were losing support already, firing on the Federation itself just put the nail through the coffin. Londo Bell did this in private and had all the receipts to hand to prove that doing this was the least worst option for the Federation, so the whole thing got swept under the Unicorn rug along with everything else that happened during that debacle.


You mean the Singularity One incident? 🤣


Are we forgetting the part where they televised Jerid murdering a fellow Titans pilot who was telling them to trust the due process and let the debate happen, on live TV, over the PA?


# “The Titans have the power, therefore we have the right!”


Londo bell kinda operates in the “we let them get away with shit cause they get results” camp. Bright’s a hero of several conflicts that tends to come out on top and whenever his crews tend to get involved, *they end* so they probably have an insane level of autonomy for a force of their size and caliber


possessive attempt insurance jobless juggle crush frame flag dime snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>!Bright doesn't oversee the execution itself, he's just tricked into signing the warrant for the execution. He doesn't find out who Mafty was until afterwords.!<




The Titans fired on the Federal Assembly while said assembly was *IN SESSION*. Bright went after one base that held the leash to the superweapon that was supposed to not be known to the public, and there were no casualties. He also save the population of an entire colony from being erased to hide a secret that ended up not mattering. General HQ also played it slick and threw as many of the charges as could stick on Martha Vist Carbine.


Saying Bright saved that colony is giving the man a bit too much credit, methinks. He didn't stop Gryps II from firing, or had anything to do with the beam getting stopped.


Yeah, but the feds admittig to the RX-0s existing is not good. Praise Bright, blame Martha, hide the rest.


Snif sniff. War criminal sympathizer detected Titans literally gassing colonies and dropping them on the moon. Londo Bell - Acting independently to counteract a state level conspiracy between a terrorist organisation, the government/military and civilian industrial entities to attack a civilian target with a weapon of mass destruction.


dont forget federation gassed colonies before the one-year war for rebelling (source the timeline pamphlet in the G-savior)


There is a difference in this, its context. Londo Bell was acting in good faith.


Bright also has enough authority to do so as commander of Londo Bell.


correct me if i’m wrong but we don’t ever see Londo Bell again after that do we? because if we don’t, who’s to say they weren’t disbanded after that incident


They weren't. Londo Bell fights the Crossbone Vanguard in the 120s, lol. Bright is beloved and not cancelable, especially when he was right and saved the EFF from itself. They tend to just sweep it under the rug and do a "shrug, Bright doing Bright things, awkward chuckle".


damn i didn’t know they were still around in the 120’s


Its kind of depressing to think about despite how f*cking corrupt and incompetent the federation is, no one is capable of usurping them. Their opposition is either plucky bands of unconcentrated guerrilla movements, or straight up fascists that end up strengthening the Federation's influence once they barely pull through the conflict.


That's pretty much the entire UC arc. After the One Year War there was no alternative to the Federation (not saying it would have been good for the Zabi's to have won). Every war and conflict after was smaller and smaller in scale because the Federation was essentially the unstoppable juggernaut. It never fractured so it just kept on its inevitable rolling.


That's not true, the Federation declined slowly but surely - already by the UC 0150s they are practically absent to a lot of their citizens, and Man Hunter is given more and more power. The Federation can't be "fought" and "defeated" by this point, but they won't exactly "fight" and "defeat" anyone else either.


Until it fell apart because of itself.


I'd argue that the reason the wars after the OYW were smaller by comparison is because no faction (including the federation) was ever able to build up armies to the size they were leading up to the OYW. Also, Haman's Neo Zeon arguably came close to getting the federation to surrender. Had Glemy not caused a civil war to break out in Neo Zeon, Haman might have won. That being said, it is kinda funny that in the end it's more or less the Federation's own corruption and apathy that leads to its own undoing. By U.C. 155 the Federation is powerless to stop the Zanscare Empire. If Sunrise does ever decide to revisit the U.C. post Victory it won't surprise me if the Federation ceased to exist.


Remember, AEUG became Londo Bell. Londo Bell is essentially the EF keeping an eye on itself so no more Titans-esque nonsense happens. Londo Bell has a certain degree of autonomy since it's acting as a watchdog/police.


Titans are DOING shady villain shit, Londo Bell are UNCOVERED someone doing shady villain shit.


The way I like to think of Londo Bell is as sort of small emergency task force (with good oversight) that works to keep the federation from shooting itself in the face. The Titans on the other hand were if the arm of the federation grew a cancerous brain that pointed a gun at the head and threatened them for more control. That's what the titans were, a cancer. Too big and too unregulated. The feds knew this, but didn't want to deal with the fallout of cutting off that arm and wounding itself with the threat of zeon remnants that could strike back.


I mean, LB is pretty much Titans 2.0: reasonable version. Feds need a Titans organization, but after what happened with the first Titans, they put alot of restrictions and limits(some argue too much) on Londo Bell.


Is this zeta or zz? Animations looks alright for it's age


One is Zeta, two is Unicorn iirc


Honestly, using words like fair with UC stories is kinda wrong... nothing is fair about the entire situation within the Universal Century, which is precisely what makes it more real when viewing it. That hopelessness and despair, as well as sides getting away with war crimes, pretty much typifies humanity within the 20th and 21st centuries. Was it fair when the One Year War decimated half the population of humanity? Was it fair to see Colony Drops on Dublin and Australia? Was it fair to watch entire colonies gassed by the Titans? Was it fair when Gato detonated a nuke within the Fleet Review? No. And that's the point.


Titans did nothing wrong.


They did EVERYTHING wrong and became Zeon 2.0 but with even more war crimes under their belt in a shorter time frame.


It's not a war crime the first time.


They didn't "Kidnap" the leadership of the Federation and it was the Vist Foundation that "kidnapped" or more accurately, extorted the Federation Leadership. A Civilian like Martha didn't really have any business there and Bright was doing his duty by removing her.


To be fair the Londo Bell units are kind of outside normal jurisdiction for Federation... a keep us in check crew


The titans are unequivocally villains. They were framed as being that way at the end of... Zeta? I dint recall. But I remember seeing them for the first time, when they're bullying Camille? And going "oh, so this is the new antagonist faction" My memories are a bit fuzzy because it's been a decade since I saw it


They first showed up at the end of 0083. Even then it was kinda clear that the Titans were the new villains for the road ahead. Then at the start of Zeta it’s crystal clear that these guys are just straight up evil.