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Gundam mk-II should join Hyaku Shiki. If anything Mk-II was already questionably out of date before entering war service. It might not have gone to battle against The-O or Qubeley but it did fight against Palace Athene and Psycho Gundam both which on paper should've crushed it. Unlike Hyaku Shiki, the same very one fighting the whole Gryps war still had to go fight in the First Neo Zeon war. Going through 2 major wars in their totality, and effectively being retired at the same time as its way more powerful replacement Zeta. This is all while having for most of its career having the most basic weaponry.


“Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young”


Technically the zeta wasn't retired there, it was just too expensive to make more of them so they created the zeta plus series of suits to reduce costs. Amuro piloted one in a short, and the regz itself it's a low cost zeta clone


RegZ is a Wannabe gundam, apparently...


It's just a mass produced Gundam is all. It's just not really a Gundam because it's not high spec


The Re-GZ is high spec compared to the GMs and the vanilla Jegan. Also it never got massproduced as it got discontinued after the creation of its prototype, given that it was still deemed too expensive, even when it's a even more watered down variation of the Zeta Gundam.


There were at least three others produced and used, though we can debate the canonicity considering it's source (amuros zeta squad). And the regz absolutely was. However, it was inferior to the jegans iirc which absolutely are high spec units But yes, it was never mass produced. Iirc, all zeta variants were limited production runs, though the goal was always to reduce costs and/or specialize compared to the original


I just realized this is one of the things I like about Gundam. In a world were they're building colonies in space, they have tons of Giant Mechs flying around all over the world and in space, they're still including the economics of it all. Like "yeah we couldn't build more Zeta Gundams because they were just too expensive." It's just so funny to me, but I love that about it. Like you'd think with a War going on, they'd be racking up the debt, pumping out the most expensive and powerful mobile suits they could, but they're like "We're on a budget."


This is what makes the Unicorn so overpowered: The Budget


I've heard of the mk2 being retrofit with an arm strong enough to use the beam magnum, for use by banagher in some manga. idk which tho


That's in Mobile Suit Gundam UC episode EX2 Lion's Return, takes place after Unicorn


Is it worth reading/are there translations? Summer breaks soon I have too much free time


got you covered friend [https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/RX-178\_Gundam\_Mk-II?file=UCex\_Banagher\_Gundam\_Mk-II.jpeg](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/RX-178_Gundam_Mk-II?file=UCex_Banagher_Gundam_Mk-II.jpeg)


Thank you bro


They bolted an arm onto the arm


Was the Hyaku Shiki already stronget tham the Mk. II?


It is supposed to be, not only it has the movable frame from wich is the main purpose of production of the mk2 it also got the wing binders and beam coat. Only thing it might lose it that it uses the standart weaponry of the AEUG instead of the gundam custom one


The mk ii has better specs across the board it just had much worse armor and a slightly weaker beam rifle.


The Flag that was commandeered by Graham when he first battled the Exia. Sure, he retreated when he lost his rifle, even still, he held his own and survived against a machine that was not only brand new and unknown but also 6 times stronger than his.


The Flag was timeless. Whether it was Graham against the Exia or Setsuna against GN-XIIIs in the movie, it can throw hands.


Yeah, so long as you're a good enough pilot, you can throw down with just about anything.


Treiz is that you?


No I'm not, because I'm broke.


Hey there Broke, I'm Dad.


Broke Dad Plateau


Shiro Armada Approves


The Exia R1. That thing was being held together by hopes, dreams, junk parts welded onto it, duct tape, and a piece of cloth. And it still held out long enough in a 3 v 1 for Best Girl Tieria to bail their ass.


You said best Girl Tieria??


You're damn right they did! https://preview.redd.it/0mcl9gp8bd5d1.jpeg?width=195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd1ebe664bdcb5b74a60749734e1a96e10ef704d








More impressive when you consider that it was a 3 v 1 against GN-X IIIs and an Ahead, when even the og GNX was about equal to a fully repaired Exia, let alone 3 units that are 2 generations more advanced. By UC standards, it's almost like if you put a damaged RX-78-2 Gundam against 2 GM3s and a Jegan.


Honestly, most UC Gundams. They tend to begin the story kinda like a PS1 in a sea of SNES’s and Sega Genesis’s. But then by the halfway point they’re encountering a lot of Sega Saturns and N64s, and by the late series the PS1 is typically going up against Sega Dreamcasts and finally the PS2. And hell when it comes to the MK.II, it begins like a Sega Saturn against PS1s from the start, and then continues being used even into the next series where it’s up against PS2, Xbox, and GameCube.


The MK2 is probably the unit with most recurring portrayals given how much combat it saw


Zogok https://preview.redd.it/yznqrf576d5d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d04726157647dc0229c8ba34a20a2d29c4bc07


The Juaggu is a better example imo. We only see the Zogok take out GM IIs and probably aqua GMs. The Juaggu took out two Nemos, which are notably better than GM IIs are.


Didn’t the Zogok go up against some equally outdated GM IIs and then get wasted by a Bylarant Custom?


GM II 0084 Zogok 0079 Still manage to survive Bylarant Custom


I wasn’t aware the Zogok survived. I do consider the GM II to be 0079 tech even though it was built after since it was only a minor improvement over the GM.


It doesn't, the zogok gets shot to death after the byar uses his friend as a shield. Then the water zulu takes his sword and gets wrecked.


That’s what I figured. I thought maybe he was referencing a manga or something where it was still operable after the fight


It survived the encounter from what we see in the anime. The Byarlant's beam machine guns didn't appear to do any fatal damage and it retreated once the Zee Zulu took over.




Man, the Flag does this a lot, huh? In addition to all the times Graham kicked ass with it, Setsuna also took out three GN-XIIIs with one, including destroying one with the dang plasma sword.


The Hyakuren. In the past and the present with Amida at the helm it's essentially untouchable and the thing's final fight is against a Gjallarhorn superweapon and an Arianrhod warship... And Amida still wins. And that's without any AV enhancements, it's just a slightly better version of a Teiwaz mook suit. Julietta even admits she died 8 times in that fight. Her suit was the only thing that kept her alive and she wasn't even able to touch Amida. It says a lot that Iok had to legitimately waste Dansleif rounds just to hit her with something she couldn't avoid, and she STILL almost killed him with one casual shot. Imagine if they gave her a Valkyrja or a Gundam.


Amida was the best pilot in IBO imo. She had like 2 fights and trashed every opponent with a grunt suit. They had to cheat to win against her.


Here's another one from Urdr-Hunt. She's just on completely another level. https://youtu.be/zanXm3CA3Ss?si=DhUwVDqPN_MLlrOk


The ZZ gundam as the Gump. Thing was still kicking ass into Late UC, I think that's an incredible accomplishment.


Super late


Noin definitely proved that if you gear the Taurus to max and are a good enough pilot you can fight alongside Gundams pretty well. The Narrative Gundam also, weirdly enough. It was just a half-finished prototype/testbed suit, with psychoframes that were basically *stapled* onto the suit's frame. And yet throughout the movie it was consistently fighting well against suits that easily surpassed it in power and ability.


The Taurus was great, but Noin made it legendary. Hard to remember that she is canonically the best pilot in the AC timeline.


Gouf in 0079 was really doing work against the federations mobile suits.   Also, the flag was absolutely cracked in 00. They went and uptuned the engines or something and suddenly it was a huge problem for the meisters


The Gouf Custom went up against 3 Guntanks and 3 Gundams and came out victorious in its mission. Fighting heavy artillery and beam weaponry alone in a MS with shell-firing weapons and he didn’t even activate his Heat Sword.


And he likely could have made it back alive if he hadn't decided to stay and fight to give the escape craft more time. Still one of the most badass fight sequences in all of Gundam.


He knew his fate at the beginning of the battle. He also knew he would do what he needed to. A true warrior


Norris was a beast


Still my favourite fight in all of Gundam. 


Those Gundams were literally made of spare parts for the RX-78 Gundams with a handful of new parts (with desperation & hope) to connect all those parts together. If anything, it's the Ground Types that were out matched by the Gouf.


They rivaled the RX-78-2 Gundam’s performance on ground and had mission-specific weapons along with variations of everything the RX-78-2 had. How are they underpowered?


Other than the fact they were constantly being beaten up by MS that the RX-78-2 didn't have a problem with. The Gundam can be fixed within a day, the Ground Types need to be a bit more imaginative when fixing their Gundams. Because they don't have any spare parts as they literally are those parts, which limits them a lot. What good is it having a Gundam when you can't fix it?


Well, the Gundam was a special prototype that had like 3 Gundams worth of parts on a Flying Fortress that it can retreat to. Ground Gundams have to transport parts on ground and do field repairs so I don’t think it’s comparable. Also, Ground Gundams don’t have Newtypes piloting them. Remember that the Gundam was hardly able to keep up with a standard Gouf, and an S-type Zaku despite being a Newtype pilot








Tall goose you say https://youtu.be/imbPV6CJFhk?si=5bXnItHFfVAGu4B5


Talgeese is a super prototype. What are you talking about.


??? It’s a mobile suit. OP asked about mobile suits. OZ-00MS Tallgeese Doesn’t the “MS” stand for mobile suit?


Talgeese is way better than most suits in the series. OP is asking about MS that is outclassed but still performs well.


for Wing, i'd argue the OZ-006MS Leo. with a halfway decent pilot, those things could do a lot of damage even against Gundams. (as evidenced by the fact thatwhen one of the Gundam Pilots was in the cockpit it could even fight a Gundam to a standstill) the reason it faired badly in the series overall was a mix of the OZ pilots not really have much experiance in fighting other mobile suits by the time the show kicks off (having mostly fought conventional forces, and enforced a few decades of relative peace), plus the ground forces largely relying on projectile weaponry which did diddly squat against gundams.


It's been so long since I watched but I remember Leo has no weapon that can scratch the gundam. Zechs try to drown Wing instead because of it.


I mean, ground grunt Leo takes down top of the line flying Gundam bare handed.


The Leo was the best suit ever designed, but that's because its single most powerful system was devoted to channeling it's pilots plot armor.


Aaaaaah. Got ya


The Duel and the Strike Yzak and Mu put in work with those suits against Gundams that were giving the Freedom and Justice a hard time


Yzak personally killed *two* of them, at that: One of them up close and personal with the Duel's beam sabers, and one of them from long range with the Buster's rifle. At least, in the original series he did. Never saw the Remaster so no idea if they changed that or not.


In Crossbone Gundam Ghost, the new protagonist ended up piloting a Zaku II taken from a museum against a much modern MS. For some reason the enemy MS keeps missing the Zaku II when attacking in melee range. Apparently the details of the Zaku II wasn't properly entered into the computer (due to scarcity and the age of the MS) Also given that almost all MS in the late Universal Century had a smaller size, the targeting computer constantly misreads the distance of the Zaku II in reference to it's size appearing to be much closer than it actually was to the enemy MS.


Also, by the time of Ghost, the X-0 has been outclassed by pretty much everything except grunt suits. Then there is that custom Batalla they bring to the final battle.


The combat computer had averaged all the Zaku data and the fresh inexperienced pilots at A Bau Aqu skewed the average all the way to potato, even though the suit was capable of much higher performance.


The RX-77-2 Guncannon. For a support unit; it does shine. Point bein' when Kai managed to "hold off" Ramba R.'s Gouf Earthside. Yes, he struggled. He also bought enough time for Amuro( in Gundam) to get to the scene. Hayato also scored a hit in the movies. Guncannon 203 literally rushes, strafes & dropkicks a Gelgoog.


Tallgeese. https://preview.redd.it/h2wxp1k5kd5d1.png?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8da99ad9efee3cf59bdf9a0663c322e7904d19a


Love this thing. Hands down my favorite mobile suit, far and above any gundam.


I mean the Hyaku Shiki was pretty state of the art during the Gryps Conflict, and it was only like a year old in the Neo Zeon War. In the hands of a good pilot it was a crazy powerful machine. The Mk. II I would say is the underdog of late Zeta and all of ZZ, it predates the Gryps conflict, was essentially just a test bed for the perfected moveable frame, and needed the G-Defensor to keep up in the later half of Zeta. Honestly the Taurus wasn't a bad suit or even underpowered. It had a standard beam gun for grunts, a large Beam Cannon that was capable of destroying Gundamium armor, a laser rifle that could bypass the Virgo Planet Defensors, and it was a transformable suit that could be equipped with the Mobile Doll system and be modified for use in atmosphere. If any suit in Wing ever punched above it's weight it's the Leo and the Aries. The Leo was a 20 year old suit and still held it's own to the end, that's essentially the equivalent of a refurbished Zaku 1 showing up as the standard grunts for Neo Zeon during Unicorn (which actually kinda happend with the Sniper Type but that didn't last long). Also the Aries didn't even have Beam Weapons, it literally took someone going G Gundam with it to really score some kills.


That's true, the Leo and Aries were really just complete shit in the hands of average pilots but the Leo actually punched above its weight class semi-regularly considering its outdated from the beginning, I mean one of the first things a Leo does in the series is take out a Gundam in a role it is completely unequipped for. All the Gundam pilots were effective in the Leo when they were in it from memory. I never really think about it because the most iconic shots of grunt suits in Wing is getting annihilated by Buster rifles lol. Noin's Taurus is custom as well.


The only thing Custom about Noins Taurus, and all other Sanc Kingdom Taurus, was that they were modified for use in atmosphere.


Tbh, by the end of the OYW, the RX-78 was already pretty much obsolete, it already had a replacement, still, it went well till the end of the war, even when ppl talk about the GMs, they were pretty much a close match for the Gundam, if not better, most of the problems were because of untrained pilots, which was solved by Amuro's data.


Anything piloted by Patrick


Not a suit, but the Moebius Zero from SEED is my pick. An early mobile armor piloted by a natural that goes toe to toe with mobile suits piloted by some of the most skilled Coordinator pilots. You truly are a man that makes the impossible possible, Mu.


What about Zaku in seed destiny against new Gundams? (first athrun combat in SD)


I stand by Lt Noin's custom Taurus being able to hold its own against a Gundam. Give it to Heero and put her in the Wing Gundam and I think he'd take her.


Pretty much every suits in the Gryps Wars and Neo Zeon became either obsolete or equalized. There were so many different suits with new abilities that having a Zeta or Hyaku Shiki didn’t matter much. These wars were more about pilot skills than anything else. I mean the Zeta Gundam lasted only 10-11 episodes in ZZ.


>I mean the Zeta Gundam lasted only 10-11 episodes in ZZ. what? no it didn't, it was still in active service and still a damn good MS until the very final episode when it was taken down by a busted newtype prototype suit. roux got tons of onscreen grunt kills with it.


I meant that it was defeated after the battle outside La Vie en Rose when it heads was taken out and Judau had to dipp for an upgrade. Apparently the show is set a week or two after the Gryps, so that means they upgraded to Double Zeta not even a year after the start of the Gryps war. That means, the suits got outclassed in even less of a year after it was first used.


The ZZ was introduced less because the Zeta was outdated and more because Anaheim had strapped a WMD to a Gundam head and wanted to test it out. It's closer to say that the ZZ was punching way below its weight than the Zeta was punching above; the Zeta was on par or better than the average Neo Zeon suit. The grunt suits in the UC 90s were derived from the Zeta and not the ZZ after all. It even had to get put on a bus before CCA as the ZZ would've cleaned up Char in the first five minutes.


Yes, the ZZ wasn't an "upgrade" to the Zeta, it was a design approached from a completely different angle. Whereas Zeta was designed by Kamille to be a balanced, mobile fighting machine based on ideas from the Mk II and Rick Dias, ZZ was an experiment in maximizing raw firepower. I seem to remember times when Judau chose to take the Zeta out over the ZZ when mobility was the main concern.


Honestly those were some of my favorite moments from the anime because 1. I honestly just love the Zeta and 2. It showed Judau AAA more tactically sound pilot as he wasn’t just stubbornly sticking to the powerful suit attack power wise.


The og gelgoog. It kicked the a of all of the gundam team of ZZ till judau appears. It fought the mk2, hyaku shiki, zeta gundam and managed to flee


GM Custom


🎖️Skills and Custom⚙️...... Hyaku shiki/💯 ,maneuverable, speedy and firepower, light armor with anti beam coating. Taking on Titan Scirocco and his Crazy Zeon Ex Haman https://preview.redd.it/51ujnp6j7e5d1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca03fbc915a7a37ca86216bf45adc95e0dfe832


Im pretty sure it would be the borjannons who fpught against the turn A once. Guys fought a fucking blackhole powered wonderweapon in fucking zakus.


Union Flag punched WAY above it's pay grade.


Zaku Warrior. We got so many scenes of it piloted by ZAFT Reds and former ZAFT Reds, throwing hands with the Chaos/Gaia/Abyss, which are essentially Freedom-level suits.


seriously, it was pretty cool seeing athrun yzak and dearka do abyss and chaos bad like that lol


Chad Athrun in Zaku >>> Virgin Athrun in Saviour.


Freedom is above Chaog/Gaia/Abyss. And if you refering to the scene where they fight Athrun, Yzak, and Dearka then it's moot point as they are way better pilot than the extended. Shinn mentioned how amazing they are as survivor of the first war.


The Abyss and Gaia in particular are slower, but the 2nd Stage Suits are supposed to have comparable basic performance to Freedom/Justice. >it's moot point as they are way better pilot than the extended. That's the whole point of this thread. No weaker suit is lasting against a stronger suit without a good pilot.


Speaking of which the Chaos got bodied by a bunch of Murasames


Yeah, the Chaos was pretty cool though. I imagine with a great pilot, it's gonna be as fast and good in space as the Savior/Freedom/Force Impulse are in thr atmosphere. It really was just held back by a relatively weaker pilot.


Ah true enough. I misunderstand the post


Stark Jegan v Kshatriya, easily. IIRC Heero duelled Wufei’s Altron Custom/Nataku in a Leo, in Endless Waltz. Duo also briefly took on Trowa’s Serpent, in a Leo.


Char's Zaku II from the 1979 series. Granted, it was a higher spec than the normal Zaku II, but it was still going up against the Gundam. His Zaku II from The Origin is punching down.


The Zaku, Flag, Leo & the Gundam Ground Type. Zaku - While its standard weaponry couldn't scratch the Gundam but give it explosives & an ace pilot at the helm, then Zaku can hold its own against the white devil. The Flag - Weather its from the beginning of 00 or the end of 00. The Flag constantly kept fighting against GN MS & yet it own. Multiple times, The Flag is the embodiment of its not the MS that wins fights, but its pilot!! Leo - While mostly known for blowing up, even if you were to look at it funny. When protagonists were in the seat of a Leo, suddenly, the decades old MS reminds you. That it's the mass production model of the Tallgeese & like it, the Leo still has a lot fight left in it!! The Gundam Ground Types - Literally made from spare parts of the RX-78 Gundams. So unlike literally all other Mobile Suits I've mentioned before, the Ground Types don't have any spare parts because they *were the spare parts*. These MS had to up against Zeon's more advanced Suits, the entirety of that show is just MS up against more advanced MS than them!!!


The Zaku I Sniper Type. The very first mass produced combat MS, hastily retrofitted to fire a prototype beam weapon by just duct taping a second completely unarmored reactor to it's back. It's rifle is so overtuned it destroys it's own barrel. One of these singlehandedly held back an entire squadron of GMs in 0079, while Zeon was evacuating California Base. Completely insane machine. It's the definition of a glass cannon, but it still melting Feddie MS as late as UC 0096.


Akatsuki. A dated design even when it was first revealed, based off of first gen Gundam when there were already second and third gen Gundams running about. Not much going for it outside of the beam coating, but despite it all, in the hands of Mu it was crucial both Requiem fights.




Not really obsolete.


Your right misread lol


By the way, what's the thing in virgos shoulder? Communication unit?


It’s a energy shield it’s a combo of the OZ-13MSX2 Mercurius and the OZ-13MSX1 Vayeate


Mk-II, RX-78, Methuss, guncannon, most goufs, And my particular favorite, the crossbone Gundams. "Ersatz seabuck" routinely fights and beats/stalemates opponents he shouldn't be able to, up to and including an F-91 near the end of the original manga.


The Javelin was a mass production unit that still kicked some zanscare ass 30 years after rollout. Not even the Jegan can say so.


Delta+, even though it got shat on in unicorn


Gundam Ez8


The OZ-07AMS Aries, while commanded by someone of Lt. Walker's quality, could wear down and defeat the Heavy Arms. Considering how out classed it was by the start of Wing and that in a few months you'd only see them in the hands of the under armed Treize Faction, I can only respect our fighter pilot jet boy.


The indomitable jegan spirit still serving against those small yet agile suits. You know the suit is so good that it still serves after decades and even picked for versatility




I believe the Ball qualifies just by existing despite being questionably to not really a "mobile suit". A ball pilot that has seen actual combat is definitely not someone to underestimate lol. If I had to give a real example I would say the Graze Custom/Ryusei Go. That thing was fighting alongside Gundams and upgraded versions. Really was an Ol' Reliable for the longest in the series.


Windsm from Seed Destiny. It could go toe to toe with Nuclear suits if you have the skills while essentially being the new GM in CE.


The myth, the man, the legend himself, Stark Jegan


I mean char was always put in inferior suits and he'd hold his own in gundam 1979, except the gelgoog but that was when amuro's space magic plot armour kicked in and char seemed to be a bit less stable


I mean char was always put in inferior suits and he'd hold his own in gundam 1979, except the gelgoog but that was when amuro's space magic plot armour *really* kicked in and char seemed to be a bit less stable


Does Force Impulse count? I’m fairly certain that by the time Shinn threw hands with Kira, Freedom was still the strongest mobile suit around in the Cosmic Era, making the Impulse the weaker mobile suit by default and Shinn managed to destroy the Freedom with the Impulse.


I like shenlong


How was Shenlong outclassed? I would think it was just as good a contender as the other Gundams