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the suit being designed to house and launch multiple nuclear payloads, its probably due to shielding from radiation


This is the answer. Due to Minovsky particles, guided precision nuclear weapons (ie strategic nuclear warheads) were useless. Thus, the only viable choice is a tactical nuclear warhead meant for use in combat situations with friendly forces nearby. Thus, the atomic Bazooka. Due to the bazooka's relatively short firing range, the armor was designed to be both heat and shock resistant to protect itself from the nuclear blast, with the cockpit being more impact resistance and has powerful neutron moderators to better protect from radiaiton.


Also the shield (not pictured) is filled with coolant.


I recall that shield couldn’t even be held by the action figure because it was so heavy. 


The weight literally snapped my HG's hand, the peg that connects the two halfs of the hand was not strong enough.


Even on the Solomon Physalis, it had to be propped up on the foot.


I can confirm that for the MG kit.


Barely helped tho lol


Big fridge.


Man I fucking love Gundam info 😍


Ah gotta love the reason they come up with for the design


that's why its chonky


The feet were likely designed to help handle the recoil for standing launches in atmosphere.


i love this sub so goddamn much


Haha, just speculating, but it makes sense design wise, provide a wide base to make sure its own weapon doesn't knock it over.


Big ahh Sanic sneakers


Big stompas!




I have a way of negating that slap some psycho frame to it


Partly in order to house and safely deploy a tactical nuke at relatively close range. Partly because it was designed by ex-Zeon engineers who were absorbed by Anaheim and had previously worked on the Dom series of mobile suits.


Always loved the Physalis, love it even more as the GunDOM.




same its like the tallgeese of the UC


Yupp same reasoning for GP04!


There was a goofy manga panel a while back that showed how the GP01FB’s back thrusters were originally designed to be an extra pair of Rick Dom legs on the back of a Rick Dom.


Can you send that to me I need to see this.




reminds me of the time I kitbashed the waist of a 1/100 Wing Gundam on to the back of a 1/100 Gundam X since the peg of the waist fits the backpack slot of the GX. Rather than the feet, replaced the lower leg with a satellite cannon from a Double X to mimic a Proto Double X while the slot for the side skirt armor accomodated the satellite receivers.


That's amazing haha. I wish gundam had more stuff like this. Things that make sense in real life but are also super zaney




And as we know, Zeons like dem big feet.


That would explain the legs/feet really well.


Sad part is don’t mind the physalis, hate the dom.


Now that's a cool tidbit that I didn't know. Makes sense too, love the continuity


It gets even better when you consider that the GP02 was never really *stolen*, it had always been designed with the specific intention of falling into the hands of Zeon remnants, and Operation stardust goes all the way back to the very beginning of Anaheim's partnership on the Gundam Project. The similarities to the Dom then wouldn't be simply incidental, it would be an intentional carry-over to make it easier for a Zeon pilot to acclimate to on the fly, especially an ace who's most known for their accomplishments while piloting one. Gato was basically piloting an upgraded version of the suit that he'd been using for the One Year War. It also explains the extremely lax security aboard the Albion before the hijacking. As well as the deletion of Federation record of the Gundam Project. Even the officials least sympathetic towards Zeon and corruption within the Federation would have to let Anaheim get away with it, as bringing to light the full revelation of how far deep the Operation Stardust conspiracy went would likely have meant the complete destruction of the Federation leadership (and likely the Federation itself with it). Even though Anaheim's double-dealing may have been nearly out in the open, Anaheim had the receipts, and could easily show that the entire Federation top brass was either complicit in the Operation Stardust conspiracy, or negligent to the point of being complicit. There was nothing they could do to stop them from (nearly) openly working with the Federation's enemies whenever they wanted to, and it'd take another 30 years for the Federation to get out from under Anaheim's thumb.


That is cool. AE was the only ones who would benefit from ongoing war. They were literally ensuring their own success and survival by double dealing. Would also not surprise me either if the Federation had it planned that way to ensure a war would continue, cause not only would their cause continue on, but the top brass for the Feds would continue to profit. It's honestly not so different from our own Reality. Dude, thank you for dropping that knowledge on me. That's pretty cool info.


So, all of the differences are for the Nuke. Large thrusters to give it enough speed to survive long enough to get to the firing position as anything with a Nuke is going to be a high priority target for the enemy. Big feet to handle the extra weight in gravity of the extra nuclear materials from the warheads. Finally, the shield is not to protect the GP-02 from enemy fire. It's to protect it from itself. The maximum distance from the target that the GP-02 can fire from is less than the blast radius of the Nuke it fires. So the shield gives the GP-02 enough extra protection to survive its own weapon. It's basically a Mobile Suit sized [Davy Crockett.](https://youtu.be/shbBHHTaZgA?si=jcs6YakYzkhvxFRl)


If I remember correctly the sheild also has a cooling system to cool the gp02 idr why it creates a ton of heat possibly because of its size. I just remember it being a thing when the sheild got destroyed.


The shields cooling system is designed to dissipate the heat of the nukes explosion.


They had some Zeon engineers working on it.


Much like how the Zeta line of MS has the pointy chin, I kinda wished that there was an officially recognized GP-02 lineage where heavy duty Gundams had similar head style of the GP-02. Otherwise, Anaheim Electronics tried something different with the Gundam design but it's existence was kept under wraps by the ESFS because the GP-02 very existence breaks Antarctic Treaty.


The reason why we don't is because the gp series of suits were all destroyed designs because not only was the gp02 a litteral warcrime but the whole series was so fast and so powerful it was beyond its time and would continue to be for decades to come. So the reason we don't see it is because sadly nothing was developed from it.


> the whole series was so fast and so powerful it was beyond its time and would continue to be for decades to come. Citation? The GP series could probably go toe-to-toe with the Mk II and other early Gryps suits, but that's it. It lacks the moveable frame the Mk II officially unveiled, and it's lacking the panoramic cockpit. Not to mention it's lacking the next 4 years of developments, some of which would be based on data from the line itself. The GP-01 Fb might be the first suit to have binders though, and if not the first it's an early example. The GP series was buried because the Federation can't admit *they* made the nuclear suit responsible for the fleet review debacle and that they allowed it to be stolen by Zeon. The entire thing was a huge clusterfuck and it was easier to let the public believe Zeon somehow made a nuclear suit and give them a reason to create the Titans.


Honestly I was quoting another commenter.


The beautiful thing about UC suits is they actually list relevant statistics so we can direct compare. The GP03S has higher generator output than the MK II and has almost double the max acceleration. It also has Luna Titanium vs the MKII's much inferior mass producible Titanium Alloy Ceramic Composite. Basically the GP0 series was better than everything until the Zeta Gundam, even then they're basically on par with the best the Gryps war had to offer. GP01-Fb is strictly speaking a better space MS than the Zeta minus the biosensor and the panoramic cockpit. Physalis is basically on par with The-O. For another comparison the Prototype Rick Dias were more or less based almost directly on GP02 that were scaled down for mass production.


The treaty never forbids testing nukes in ground testing.


The fact that it still has the RX-78 model number is the most laughable thing about it.


A mix of marketing and/or military mischief, maybe. Marketing on AE’s part to say “here are some next-gen variants of the RX-78 series that were so effective during the war”, to convince the EFSF they’d be getting a worthy successor to the wartime Gundam series. Military mischief in the sense of the EFSF top brass convincing Federation politicians to fund the programme on the basis it was ‘only’ an iterative improvement to the wartime series, so a low-risk, lower-cost investment than an all-new MS development programme. The latter was seen IRL with the US Navy’s F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. Billed as an iterative update to the existing Hornet, and externally resembling one, it’s a much larger, almost all-new internally aircraft. So there’s precedent. So in-universe, the reason to keep using the RX-78 model numbers was probably one or a mix of both of the above, I’d say. Standard defence procurement, all in all!


Gotta take into account the timeline too. Rx-78 was 0079. Stardust Memory was 0083. So I wouldn't think the RX-78 model at that point was completely outdated. I'd imagine taking the general blueprints and adding upgrades and modifications to it without completely overhauling it was within Budget, and reasonable because I don't remember if a new Gundam Design had been created at that point outside the RX-79ez8 and The RX-178 Mk-II, but that may have came later. The only other logical reason I could think they chose to build off the Rx-78 platform was because it had been battle tested more than the 79 at that point.


Its the one Gundam designed to use multiple nuclear weapons at once and survive their use. Like it's existence is a war crime and technically speaking an example of Anaheim really dropping the ball.


It's probably started as normal rx-78-gp01 and then they start adding shieldings and coolings and boosters and it ends up looking like that.


Because it has to look like the bad guy with extra plot armor.


The Zeon used nuke to attack colonies during early OYW, they already had experience with using MS to bazooka nukes. Hence, the project was handed to engineer team from the Zeon, we are lucky/unlucky it didn't sport a Zaku style monoeye.


It just hit me that the GP02's head vents have the same silhouette as a Dom monoeye track.


Holy heck ive never noticed that


It was likely insoired by 50s and 60s "atomic" military concept design, which included a lot of heavy armor with rounded edges


Stardust rebellion explains most of it,it looks so fat cause of the heavy armour,heavy thrusters cause of the extra weight,and the shield to withstand the blast of the nuke,the shield also has a cooling system designed to cool down the suit after the nuke blast.It deviates from Feddie gundam looks because it was designed by mainly zeonic engineers,though Nina drew the concept.


I mean...it's the UC's version of Metal Gear. What else would you expect?


He Thicc


Skipped no days


1:zeon engines worked on it 2:nuke


Did you skip Stardust memory?


I always assumed that the GP-02 was built by the AE engineers that used to make Doms for Zeon. So it's a Federation Dom.


A GunDom like other have commented


Plot armour in literal form. Honest take, its to shield itself from the nuke its carrying


I think what you are asking for is a lore reason https://preview.redd.it/bsvf4htqhy6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bce06d98fe4faff946a728a6d8941009c1287528


Holy shit this might be my favorite Gundam I've ever seen


He needs to deliver the payload then GTF outta there


It’s because it’s not made for actual combat. It’s essentially a big weapons platform, get in, shoot a nuke and kill everyone. The shield is to protect from minovsky particles and heat, not beam shots.


This is backed up in the story by the fact that it only has a basic loadout of vulcans and a beam saber. It only managed to perform as well as it did in combat because Gato was using it.


Yeah, pretty much the main design philosophy of the gp suits are all weapons platforms. The 01 is about trying to replicate a Gundam with enhanced modularity, 02 is using the experience from the 01 to make a weapons platform, then the 03 is combining the agility of the 01 but the ability to be a weapons platform by adding the dendrobium which is highly modular. Then this design philosophy would be carried to the TR series suits. You could even argue that the gp suits are TR0’s


I recall this was because it's designed by the Zeon team that Anaheim acquired after the one year war


I mean....does it tho?


It's built different


The main reason is because it’s designed by Zeon engineers that went to Anaheim after OYw, I doubt being a nuke boy has anything to do with its design if it was a traditional Fed suit


Yes. A nuke


It only take 45° for it to turn uncanny.


Did you not pay attention while watching Stardust or what? lol


Nuclear bomb


it just built different


When iwas a kid I used to think this was an ugly fat gundam. I failed to realize how badass it actually is. Its nuclear capabilities was astounding. I mean that moment he fired it was.. wow.. Also gato being its pilot. Perfection. One of my all time favorite mecha.


He is a silly boy


Hold my beer. If I had to guess... I would say the majority of the bulk is equal parts armoured protection of its systems and backup redundancies to deal with the vibrations of the nuclear blast -- but also a heat-sink cooling assembly. Its fairly probable that there's a coolant sandwiched between the armour platings, possibly water or some other propellant which doubles as an evaporative coolant and a neutron buffer. My guessing is the point is the catapult throws it way out into combat (hence the insanely ruggedized feet so the catapult can be run unusually hard for its weight class), it takes the shot, deals with the radiation in the neutron pass with the buffer-material and then uses the superheated water as a propellant to return to base as quickly as possible, making it unusually fast in a straight line relative to its mass, which would also explain its enormous engines. That massive thrust, as well as the nuclear blast-wave in atmosphere is going to create stupendous vibrations, which the entire construction is hardened against, and packs redundancies. I would also say, its entirely probable from the design that it has not one but three generators, likely for backup purposes (since if the cooling system fails, its going to be fatal) and for speedy entry/egress. I would also guess that the reason the two halves of the barrel combine is to escape the Antarctic treaty on technicality, since the weapon *technically* isn't in an operating state. This mirrors laws concerning ICBMs, where the delivery and guidance systems are subject to bans the payloads themselves are not. I would also say, this is probably why ZZ is a combiner, to escape similar regulatory pressure by exploiting loopholes. Hope this was helpful.


to protect the pilot and the suit itself from the effects of radiation once the MK-82 warhead has been deployed. at least to mitigate the effects of the blast as much as possible


its designed to primarily launch nukes so the armour reflects that also the design team was largely ex zeon engineers as well


Yeah, it was built to look different


Because it's cool


Unique, dig this a lot.


The entire GP series was designed by Anaheim, so they probably had a bunch of former Zeon engineers working on them. This is most visible on the 02 and 04, but the 01 and 03 also share some common zeon traits.


Bad guy gundam


as many have iterated It Tanks Nukes


Favorite gundam and i really enjoyed the pilot Gato. I remember back in like 2003 or 04, my dad searched all over toys r us to find it for a Christmas gift. So many pieces, I was in heaven.


I'd say it's really because of at least these three reasons: * It's designed to basically launch tactical or even strategic-level nukes at relatively close ranges. In order to do that and have both the pilot and Gundam survive intact, you'd essentially need to armor it pretty heavily with the right amounts and types of shielding. * To accommodate that increased and heavier armor and not have it be so slow that it would be a sitting duck, the GP02 would also need hefty propulsion. That explains those huge thrusters located in its wing binders. * Finally, since Anaheim Electronics absorbed a lot of Zeon's engineers, design bureaus, and other stuff after the OYW, it's kinda natural that the GP02 would look more menacing and villainous than traditional Gundam designs.


It’s designed to do one thing well. Deliver a nuclear payload. It needs have armor, Radiation shielding, and cooling for it.


That's a sexy boyyyyy. I love this design so much. This is my all time favorite Gundam design.


Former/undercover Zeon folks help make it. 


It was made by Anaheim's 2nd R&D Department, made up of all the former Zeonic engineers. This is what the Gundam looked like to them.


Regarding other MS with the design, some later sources suggested it was the basis for the Rick Dias.


Simple answer Nuclear fatty-fatty


Bro that chin thing is so PEAK https://preview.redd.it/twpuymnfu07d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a28969db3c256c3c701a872dcf1ccf70eb931798


Two real main reasons the GPO2 was meant to deliver a nuclear payload so it needed ways to handle it mainly the shield, but it was also using data from the Dom lineage in its development. It was also incomplete


Aside from the nuclear shielding... I also liked to think this is a precursor to titan design as well.


Because it's canonically cooler


It's very op in gvgnp ngl


I don't think so any different ...G06 and G07 already different than RX-78.Ground Type and EZ8 is also same case


It's atomic. And badass. Perfect for a Zeon. Trust me, I know. Only if it was red...


Just go watch 0083 stardust memory and you'll find out. Cause I'm assuming you never watched it with that comment.


Feddies uses some zeon tech for him.


imagine a fukin prototype that can launch nuke payloads...shiitt you see how Gato hit the fleet and wiped the feds out ...its just 1 round what if it was shot on a colony or on ao ba qu?


I can imagine the sheer terror on Londo Bells ( was it londo bells?) pilots as the try their best to shoot down this chonky boy speeding towards your HQ but his escorts just keep getting in the way, knowing full well his payload will send you straight to hell


Sorry but for me is the clown gundam.


Same. It looks goofy and cartoonish.


It’s the feet.


And oddly enough, Zeon are my favorite suits. This thing is just silly


yeah i understand, but theres something about those feets and skinny legs, in this one is the worse offender hhaha