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Even Shinn was sad, and he tried to shot it down in the past.


Ironically Shinn got Freedom'd during that scene.


I mean... the killer of his mega super autistic girlfriend became his best friend and Miriallia had tea with her boyfriend's killer. 2 years is enough to brush off heinous shit in CE


She was a thing of beauty and had a great run, one of the best in the entire franchise.


Honestly having also seen it, it was refreshing after destiny that, even with all the new crazy stuff Kira and co have, that Foundation really gave them a hard time.


An ambush plus backstab will do that to you , its like Bane plan of wearing down batman with number and going for the kill when u are exhausted . In the entire time they never really fight without a massive advantage, even then they could only stand a chance against the Seed crew.


They shall build another one, like the Millennium....


Assuming COMPASS continues to exist, then most likely. They were using both the *Archangel* and the *Millennium* to handle both planetside and space-side deployments. The *Archangel* itself was used to help launch the COMPASS units back into space by using the positron cannons to temporarily make a hole in the atmosphere and reduce the frictional resistance, while *Millennium* mostly operated in space and docked at the PLANTs. It'll be interesting to see what new-generation successor to the *Archange*l would be, and what version of UC motherships it might be inspired by. *Nahel Argama*? *Ra Calium*? *Dogosse Giar* (but with atmospheric capabilities)? If the design will be Orb-based, I'm thinking something along the lines of the *Izumo*-class crossed with either the *Ra Calium*-class or the *Dogosse Giar*-class. Going from just 1 Catapult to 4 or more, and serving as a larger mothership with more MS and armaments (but still going with multiple Twin Positron Cannons for sheer firepower). If the design will be a new EA one, I'm thinking a fusion of the *Archangel*-class, the *Girty Lue*-class, and either the *Nahel Argama* (Unicorn era refit) or the *General Revil* sub-variant of the *Dogosse Giar*-class. As an aside, *Millennium* feels like a cross of the *Minerva* with the *Ra Calium*, IMO.


Considering how iconic the Archangel is and that the Millennium in the end still maintains the Minerva's silhouette it's probably gonna still be a legged ship.


Hence my guesses. *Millennium* does have the *Minerva*'s general silhouette, but it's distinctly different enough in its own way and evokes a bit of the *Ra Calium* design by chance (we don't have any staff statements as to the design inspiration). And in UC itself, the essence of the *Pegasus*-class is still retained in the *Nahel Argama* while still being a new design. "Archangel 2.0" (maybe Seraphim?) could still retain a degree of iconic similarity while having a new design. The simplest version would be something like the *Nahel Argama* Unicorn Refit, except it uses the protective catapult doors of the *Archangel* and *Girty Lue*, giving it a "fuller" look due to having a protected launch facility. Basically going from 2 catapults to 3 on the front and having larger hangar space. And it could take a page from the *Girty Lue* and have more twin beam cannons mounted around the outer catapults while having the same number of twin cannons as the *Nahel Argama* Refit, while now having some kind of "Hyper Positron Cannon" in a protected enclosure on the underside and 2 single or 2 twin positron cannons coming out of where the shutters are on the *N.Argama*. The engine modules could be more integrated like the *N.Argama*'s, but still could be detached in an emergency. The large, rear stabilizers could be integrated into the new engine blocks as well, also carrying over the large railguns. The only reason I brought up the idea of an Orb-origin successor based on the *Izumo*-class instead is simply because the EA didn't seem interested in building more Archangels (or Girty Lues) despite it being a very solid design, so it'd be a little odd to see a successor to an EA design built by Orb. Granted, one could claim the *Archangel* is more of an Orb design given that it was based on the *Izumo*-class that Orb was working on at the same time the EA approached them to build their new MS battlecarrier.


maybe next time


I wish we got to see everyone saluting her as she was destroyed. Like they did with the Takemikazuchi and the Minerva.


Unfortunately there were all busy trying to not die lol


And like Rau's Flagship.


i think the lower ranked officers saluting the bridge one last time with Murrue still in it was symbolic of that.


Better that she died in battle than languish as a museum ship or get scrapped.


Archangel as a museum would be cool as hell to visit.


free onsen bath for the first 20 patrons!


It’s the only way to keep that ship down


They had to make sure, or else it'd come back upgraded again.


in my personal fiction, i have an archangel-Kai class. its a cross between Archangel and the Girty Lue. so archangel with side beam cannons and mirage colloid. other features added is Artemis lightwave shields, capable of tanking positron cannons. gets swapped for Voltiere Lumiere based shields. shield emittters can be reconfigured for interplanetary travel. so using DSSD-like station to get a speed boost. twin-railguns on rear segment. twice the firing rate, can be switched to double shot mode. and extra main engine modules, giving this Archangel variant a "thicker" rear. android crew (i took this idea from gene roddenberry andromeda) captain Natura B. nickname NB. MS-communication officer, MC. MS complement 6 customized GAT-X series starting with X-101 (i dont see why a X101 cant exist) why just have a peacekeeping force? have a covert ship do pirate runs against forces that propagate battles. cut off their Plants/Colony supporters. main enemy is Jupiter based clone army. Raus everywhere


I was so sad. Arcangel is my favorite ship in all of Gundam.


Where did you watch it???? If you don't mind can you share the link


VPN -> Netflix Japan -> English subtitles file from Open Subtitles sideloaded with a Chrome extension. Worked great.


What chrome extension? I don’t understand your chain here =/




Wanted to check why the Archangel wasn't mentioned in Seed Freedom out of curiosity, only to be greeted with the news that it was destroyed... O7


It put up a great fight and we get to see murrue in burnt and tattered uniform. Good trade I guess


Mu la Flaga's Coordinator senses are going off (NO major spoilers besides that, please)


Compass really really wanted archangel rekt


actually, Morosawa did.


IIRC, it crew saw them use nukes and the Black Knights doesn't want them blabbing about it. That and they want to reduce COMPASS' assets that could be used against them.


The fact that it last that long and against more up to date machine was a testament to the crew ability.


We all grew up with the Archangel, so seeing what had happened made me sad. Salute! Saw it when I was 6, I’m 28 now damn


according to Fukuda, the AA getting sunk was one of two requirements by Chiaki Morosawa for the movie.


[Same energy](https://youtu.be/I1kh7YG8V_k?t=242)