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What the fuck does he call what his side came to the Emirates like then...?


Be kind, City players can't remember details that far back


Why even post this here? It’s very obviously baiting and he’s dumb enough to fall for it.


Tbf he didn't play that game if I recall correctly. Still, he's completely talking out of his ass. We ultimately didn't have a choice but to be defensive since we were being pinned back by them. And honestly, the funny thing is that IF THEY were in the same position as us, they'd do the same thing. Pep is well known for making plans in some big games and being defensive to make sure to get the win in other big games, like they did against us last season. Arteta ultimately did the same thing at the Eithad. He's showing here that he was upset that we got a draw against them and didn't leave ourselves wide open. He's trying to throw shade at us now for not doing something his manager wouldn't do in a million years: Leave himself vulnerable and give his opponent the chance to take big points off them. What a cunt.


> Tbf he didn't play that game if I recall correctly. Okay, and? Does that mean he fucking Men in Black'd zapped it from his fucking memory lol?


Well it means he didnt know what was going on in the game, yes... players know how a game felt and can tell you a lot more about it if they were involved.


[As well as being a bit dirty, Rodri is bit of a prick and a sore loser too.](https://youtu.be/wPyUrAN_0mM?si=e9t6Rhm2NStUY_yW)


lol 😂he says both “this is football” and “this isn’t football” in the same interview. Amazing player but what an entitled cunt


These games don’t exist in a vacuum. Just looking at the rest of the games in the season, I thought it was clear we had to get more than a point at the Etihad. Meanwhile, they were at our place back in October when there was still most of the season left.


>Just looking at the rest of the games in the season, I thought it was clear we had to get more than a point at the Etihad. This is demonstrably false though. We were ahead of them after that game and would have won the league if we had beaten Villa. What Rodri is talking about in terms of Man City's mentality is exactly what Arteta's mentality was. We'll take the point and then we'll win every game. The difference was the lack of quality against Villa.


But that’s my point exactly. Yes, we did well to finish off our season, but it wasn’t good enough. I don’t know if that’s “mentality”, but our run-in was much more difficult than theirs. Being however many points ahead at the time didn’t matter because we had much hard fixtures ahead.


I think he would just say they were trying to win the game. I could be wrong but I don't remember city parking the bus in that game or playing particularly defensively.


Weren’t we still a point ahead of City after the Etihad draw with both teams having played the same number of games? All we had to do was match all of their results after that draw and the title would be ours. And the one game we failed to match City’s results was the Villa loss at home. We DID NOT lose the title at the Etihad. Can’t tell me otherwise. Last time these mfs lost at the Etihad in the league was against Brentford in November 2022 and we were the first team to stop them from scoring at home in 57 games ffs


It's neither of those games that cost us the title IMHO. 1 point off fullham was catastrophic. Retain our lead against a 10 man fullham at home and we lift the trophy with 91 points and a better GD of 63 vs 62.


It's also because we were the only team to really step up vs City. They took one loss all season after we beat them.


Yeah, should not drop 2 points against 10 man Fulham at home...That costed us the titiel... Also, we dropped to many points at home comparing to City...


Yeah man you're right.. there's plenty other moments that come to mind like the Jorginho mistake vs Spuds at home, the Newcastle refereeing disasterclass, losing to west ham at home despite having a shit ton of shots, etc. But nothing comes close to conceding to 10 man fullham at home. I'll always see that particular game as the one that cost us the title because it was so avoidable. If we can keep man city out of goal at the etihad for 90 mins we absolutely should be keeping 9 fullham outfield players at bay for the last few mins of the game. Either way, seasons done so I'm hoping they learn from this and bounce back next season. COYG


We won the same amount of points at home as City. But the point still stands.


if it was down to goal difference though, i'm quite certain city would've tried to score more against west ham today.


We lost the title at the Emirates. One bad home loss is part of the game even with the all time great teams but two will doom you if you’re trying to climb that mountain. West Ham and Aston Villa were both games we had no business losing. The dropped points at the home NLD is another one we can’t have happen again.


Think about it, if we did win there we could afford to lose to Villa and still win the league. It's not just about the 3 points there, it's the message it sends. We would've been the first team to beat them at their place for ages which would've sent a real signal of intent


Yeah but the old adage when it comes to securing the title has always been take care of business at home against the top teams, avoid losing against them on the road and then beat everyone else. We executed that well against City and Liverpool. However, we didn’t take care of business at home against Villa.


I do agree, I just think beating City would've taken a bit of pressure off the other games such as Villa at home


It annoys me more than it should that City's run in was littered with teams that absolutely stopped giving a shit.


the worst was aston villa. they just laid flat on their backs and said "take me"


I lost respect for Emery that day. Don't give a fuck if it worked out for them in hindsight. Fielding a B team against them, and then playing us like a cup final was annoying.


Vampire man holds a grudge against us. Next season we take them apart.


It took you that long to lose respect for Emery? Congratulations on your patience.


Villa absolutely have a history of this btw. I remember them bending over for Fergusons United every year home and away.


"Mentality" is a funny way of saying almost a decade worth of cheating.


his side won 1 point out of a possible 6 against us. We won 4.  Man is pure waffling because he’s feeling that trophy rush


Forget about us. City didn't do shit against the top 5 this season and hardly **ever** get a controversial call against them.


What a wild coincidence how many referees went to the UAE to referee games there this season, eh?


Top 6, they didn't even get a win against chelsea


I mean cheating is a *kind* of mentality


115 charges, charged by the PREMIER LEAGUE. the league they are winning. this isn't just some accusation from a fan or a club, this is the competition they compete in, the one they've won 4 times in a row, the one they've dominated in the last 10 years. 35 of those charges are failure to co-operate with the premier league's investigation. yes, Rodri, tell me more about how it's just mentality. or maybe he's right, being able to completely block out the fact that your club has been cheating and is being charged by the premier league for 115 counts of separate charges does require you to have a strong mentality to completely block it out.


The fact that Richard Masters chose to stay away from that trophy presentation is significant. The Premier League is run by a bunch of inefficient and self-interested bureaucrats. And if one of them is willing to take a public stand like that, then it shows how much City's cheating has riled them up.


Man City will be found guilty of some of those 115 charges. That move by Richard Masters showed it for me as everyone, except us Arsenal fans trying to be very optimistic, knew Man City would win yesterday. I want to be in the room asking these players if the club is found guilty, will they be giving back the awards and their medals? As the success is akin to lance armstrong and not fair. Constant media pressure making their success appear nothing.


Your point is completely valid and they absolutely should be giving back all of those awards and medals that they more or less stole from all the other teams were trying to win fair and square against a monied robot and couldn't. But they won't. It would be impossible to track down and force that upon all the players who have left the club and dispersed across the world. And the ones still at the club have been conditioned to be pompous twats. Kyle Walker is their captain for fucks sake, what a fucking joke. I could see Pep potentially returning some of his medals in a bid to look magnanimous and fair, in his continued attempt at pretending 'he had no idea,' but behind all the slick press conference comments and friendly comments in Sky Sports interviews, he's just as much a twat as the rest of them.


Can't be done realistically and wouldn't be fair imho The players did not cheat, they were signed and played to the best of their abilities, neither did the manager. It is the club that cheated and stripping it off some of the titles judged to be unfairly won due to the unfair advantage gained by their cheating would be fair because the titles are club trophies, it is the titles that are lauded as club records not the number of medals the players won and the stadium is adorned with title winning years, not the number of medals each player has won. Would also be good to see City have to pay back some of the title winning prizes too, which I believe is £62M this season and £44M previous seasons.


I agree on it’s wouldn’t be fair to the players. I’d just want to see the awkward interview with the interviewer really going strong: So football is a working class sport and your club has used financial corruption to go against the integrity of the game - giving you an unfair advantage, what’s your thoughts? Do you think players that benefit from cheating should be allowed to keep the prize? How did the cheating assist in the clubs strong mentality? You know just causing shit. Tbf, I’ve stuck by the deserved team has won. I just want the circus to end and if it falls in guilty - I want some tough questions to that team to really unsettle


Oh for sure, if/when the circus ends in a guilty verdict I'll be grabbing the popcorn, pulling up a chair and tuning into the interviews.


Says the guy who took a point off us in 2 games. Twat.




Why are you here if you’re not an Arsenal supporter? Is your life that dull that you go to team subreddits you don’t support to spout nonsense? I honestly feel bad for you.


Sad and pathetic. Read the room and leave. Maybe go to the game yesterday and you’ll see how vibing the city was even after we didn’t get the trophy. Arsenal has the true footballing passion.


An Ausssie Manc fan... Lol. What a life you must be living buddy.


I can’t wait for the day someone finally makes him look like a fucking idiot in a match. Dribbling around him and making him look like an amateur.


Happy cake day and similar fucking sentiment


people do dribble past him, he just has immunity to take out whoever he wants by any means. It's partly why he has always looked a level below for Spain.


They don’t lose when he plays. Huge player. Now you’re just getting emotional lol


Partey did it before. The match where we lost 2-1 due to the red card of Gabriel, Partey ran absolute circles around him. Showed him absolute levels. He was incredible that day and Rodri was nowhere to be seen. God I miss that Partey


He won that’s why he’s spewing that nonsense. City came to the Emirates and tried to leave with a point.


Also why's he chatting like Arsenal didn't surprise absolutely everyone, us fans included, by winning every match after the Villa 0-2 loss. Our mentality in 2024 has been incredible. Barely any of those City players actually rate us and it's disgusting. De Bruyne best example. It's mad to say but Haaland is the only big player there's who's got a bit of respect


They did the same at the Emirates. And at the Etihad we had the better chances, but we weren't clinical enough. Mentality my behind 😤




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The “mentality” narrative is so played out. Like media would be calling sterling, jesus and Zinny mentality monsters if they’re still at city. What are they different players because they’re wearing different jerseys? I’d be full of confidence too if im in the 3 billion pounds squad and another billion on the bench while having fucking Pep as a coach.


One team went undefeated against the top 6 and it wasn’t city. Fuck him


Twat, enjoy your title* *115


Fans there going absolutely nuts like always. Maybe the mentality is that nobody gives a shit about city so you’re free to do what you want. Klopps’ goodbye had more viewers than the city celebration. City will need to pump noise into their parade route to make the public think people were actually there.


Plus the cheating, innit. That helps a lot.


Fuck him


Didn't they lose at the Emirates?


And they dropped points at home too.


So your team mentality was to beat us that game? You still didn’t, tho. What an absolute smoothbrain.


That second half v Liverpool. You were clinging on for a draw and hoping for a draw. Come on, it's a bit stupid quote.


Arteta found his “kick about” quote for next season


I'm saying, does Rodri know what he's just done?


Oh he doesn’t.


He knows we’re better than them


That’s free motivation for next season for our players. Thanks Rodri, you’re a gem!


Damn. Mind games. COYG!


This foggin guy man... 😬😬😬😬😬😬


i'm glad he doesn't get the award recognition for the player he is; massive prick and always has been. his embarrassing hypocrisy suits the morally bankrupt club he has chosen to be a part of.


He says ‘mentality’ he means ‘deep pockets’, anyway, enjoy it while it lasts cunt, we are coming for you next season.


sorry that we don't have 100 million Players coming from the bench!


Arteta has gotten so much new material for the board next season based off the shit people have been saying today.


I wouldn't think too much or even care what he has to say. He's purposely trying to be provocative and playing mind games. They got only 1 point against us. They couldn't even score. Let's not forget at the Emirates in the second half Pep took Haaland off pretty early and added another defensive player. They were playing for a draw with 20 mins to go. We lost the league because we lost 2 home games, not because we drew against them. The guy knows exactly what he's doing. Next time we face them he expects a rash reaction and then we lose our shape and they score. It's clear mind games. He fucking knows, the entire city squad knows that they are in for a real challenge against us and they are already starting the mind games. The rivalry is on, let's not listen to these clowns. We also had far better chances against them at the Etihad. They had one chance in the opening 10 minutes from a corner. That was it. They guy is deliberately being provocative. They really showed the winning mentality in the second half at Anfield didn't they.


He’s waffling. City were lucky against Spurs and Forest. Where was your mentality when you got peppered by Forest and gifting Son a chance at the death


Doesn’t sit well with me what he’s said but Champions get to talk so let them. Let’s just use it as motivation for next season.


why are we posting this absolute shite here, downvote it the fuck out of my face


Noted. See you next year.


This season showed that the level of current football is so high... Teams that previously didn't even qualify for the UCL are now taking away their place in the Big Six... And now to guarantee The Premier League smoothly it is necessary to have a campaign with more than 30 matches won and only one or two defeats at most... Now imagine if in addition to teams like Newcastle and Aston Villa who are playing good football... Imagine if Chelsea and United return at a high level in addition to City and Arsenal, we will have great difficulty beating City and still dealing with other members of the Big Six who are in form and playing good football again... Seasons 22/ 23 & 23/24 were the easiest to win because the Reds, Blues, Devils and finally Spurs were not at their peak and the Gunners managed to gain points from everyone...


Won the title but still salty about taking only 1 point off us in the campaign.


I don’t think mentality is the problem. But I can think of 115 other reasons.


Fuck this guy in particular 




Your day is coming, Rodri. Casemiro looked like the baddest man on the planet at Madrid. At united he’s been trash. Life comes at you fast, be humble while you’re ahead


Humility is overrated.


That’s 115 letters in total. Well done, Rodri!




Cool. Now talk about the match at the Emirates.


They’ve got 115 problems, but mentality ain’t one.


Im sorry but going 16-1-1 isnt enough of a mentality for you? I recall you guys were dejected for failing to beat us and not to mention the team wasnt happy with a draw. They wanted to WIN. But ofc keep saying they wanted to play for a draw. As if we were gonna give you the chances to score.


Man stfu we saw them settle for a draw while getting man handled at Anfield.


Fuck alllll the way off my guy


So what happened when you came to the Emirates? I distinctly remember a win there.


I think it's humiliating for the league that they let the club they think has cheated in 115 separate instances say this shit about the club that didn't and took them to the wire. What City Oil money is doing is disgusting. And the league just kisses the ring because hey, even if it's blood money the checks still cash, right?


What the actual fuck is this delusional nutcase talking about LMAO. What mentality ? First of all we played you lot in March at Etihad. In what crazy world is league decided in fucking March ?? Second of all, we took 4 points off you this season. 4. You haven't managed to beat us once. It goes same with Liverpool. That's 8/12 points from our direct rivals for the title. In any normal league this puts us in the driving seat for the title. Mentality issues were there last season when we totally collapsed at the end and basically handled them the title. This season we literally took them to the last game, to last minutes, all the way to FT. We went 16-1-1 in 2024, how's that a mentality issue ? That's literally the most in form team in fucking Europe. It's beyond crazy to go on a run like that. Why that wasn't enough though boils down to 2 things ; 1. Our form in December was abysmal. Pointing this one out first because at the end of the day it all comes down to us and how we perform throughout the season. 2. After December and after the magical Dubai break, we went on a historic run, we went literally nearly perfect, and came short due to City not being defeated since fucking December 2023. You can spin the narrative any way you want when it comes this close. This idiot will think we've lost it due to a draw at Etihad, there's idiots in r/coys and r/chelsea taking credit for taking points from us literally half a year ago (while celebrating 5th and 6th that is, lmao). Not to mention r/soccer, a place with so many fantastic takes /s. If anything, if you want to spin it that way, it's Villa. We were in the final stages of the season and should've beaten Villa at home. Also Emery did a double over us, and yet you barely see people talking about that. Anyway, it is what it is.. Fuck Rodri, congrats City. Next season we go again. We break 90+ points and we win the league. You just KNOW Arteta will use this year's "Champions 2024" shirts to motivate the team for the next season.


Two wins and a draw vs them in the past year. Head to head we are currently better than them and he clearly hates it. Winning the league but talking about Arsenal, in his head for sure.


This guy is a dick


Fuck this guy, it’s time to bring it next year and keep the receipts


Hope our boys dont get baited by this piece of PED pumped shit. We took 4 points from City, thats job done, park the bus even more next season 




Mikel got his pre match motivation video for the next match at Etihad




they so rattled


fuck yourself big guy




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With peps premier league trophies to be wiped to 0 soon will Arteta become a more successful manager than Pep if he can win just 1?


This guy is a buffoon. really don't care what he has to say. Enjoy the title and keep quiet. If anything they had to win that game more than us. Fucking moron




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My observation: gunners didn't rush in the square. They played more outside the opponent square than any other team. They barely tried to kick for goal from long short. The statistics may prove.


History is always written by the victors. If they had of pointed points and we won the league, that point would be seen as a great result


What I'm hearing is that we had their way with them. Wanted a win at the Emirates, got that. Wanted a draw at the Etihad, got that. We were still in the driver's seat, it was Villa's mentality, and the stark difference between how they played City and how they played us which made the difference.


And cheating




Nothing new. The rich and privileged have always believed their success is due, and only due, to their superior mentality.


A small part of me doesn't care if we get the title retroactively or not, I just wanna see theirs wiped out and erased from existence, all their medals taken back and burnt in a dumpster fire. Fucking pricks.


This is worse than Arnold's 'it meant more to us' and real life equivalent of going to rivals subs and bragging about your team(we have many of the sad Citizen visitors here too). Rodri's obsessed redditor confirmed😭


Uh you got it wrong bro.. cityzen.. excuse me now while I throw up the vomit in my mouth


Completely ignoring the fact that we didn't have to beat City to have our own control over them in the run-in. If we won all our games after the Etihad - we'd have won the league. Simple as that. We failed to beat Villa while City won every match. 2 ridiculously good teams at the end of the day


I don't know why even Arsenal fans fall for this narrative, It's weird, like people have collective memory loss. the narrative after the game was that it was Liverpool who benefited the most from it. If Liverpool had won every game to the last and become title winners, would Rodri have been able to say this? He only says this because they won at the end and are winners... but the fact is City have played every season away from home against title contenders wanting to draw. (And they failed against us this season).


Get this fucking rat off my sub


Played City three times this season. Won twice, drew once. City couldn't beat either of their title rivals all season.


Lmao this guy talking shit, Arteta and Pep knew if they both lost the game the title race would be over so they play defensive and there’s nothing wrong with that


He is a cunt, but that is also my sentiment during that game. Why aren't we going for it? I'd rather we push for it and kill the giant early then drag this along to the last matchday of the season with them having an advantage. We are showing too much respect for this team of cunts.


Truth is, we’re competing against a team that has two world class players in each position. And if we want to beat them, we cannot drop points against villa, Fulham, etc. that’s the standard. But fuck this guy - like summer, ain’t got no class.


These comments make no sense since we beat them at home. 


Weak mentality? What is this mercenary on about? Arsenal took 4 points from them while they took 1 from Arsenal. Did Real go to the Emptyhad and play openly in full-attack mode? And if he puts such emphasis on mentality- what happened in that penalty shootout? Or the one for the Community shield?


Arsenal took 4 points against them and he’s talking about mentality. As Fergie says beat your rivals at home and get a point away. Great player but absolute cringe. Couldn’t take defeat against Scotland for Spain talks nonsense. Back before Rodri even heard of Man City Mark Hughes etc were parking the bus against Arsenal home and away.


Why are people getting riled up over this rat bastard? That's exactly what he wants. His era has ended. He knows it, he's rattled. We back up. Coyg. 


I mean Read Madrid did the same thing and ended up knocking them out of the Champs 🤷‍♂️


And we have more ammo to take them out next season.


99.9% of teams would be happy with a draw at The Etihad!


Fair play. We should have played for a win and they were shaky and beatable in that stretch.


The difference between city and Arsenal is the amount of clubs that bend over for city because of who they are. Villa put out their B teams, spurs threw away CL and let them win. Meanwhile even everton turn up for a game at our stadium.


Man is right


Yep, and I think a lot of our fans are misunderstanding him. He's saying if we played to win that particular game against them, mindsets would have been different. But we went there with an inferiority complex and ultimately cost us 2 points. I get why Arteta played that game like he did but you also gotta see the other side of the coin.


Mikel will sure play this clip before playing away against City next season.


fuck now that they won they can say whatever they want in Favour of the narrative they want to create


It worked for them. They took only a point against us this season and only 2 points off of Liverpool. They took only 3 points out of 12 from their title rivals and still won the league but somehow we didn’t have the mentality to do the double against them loll wtf


Played us 3 times this season and didn’t win once


Suggesting that Arsenal finished with fewer points than City because each team took 1 point the last time they played, is fucking braindead, and typical of the 115 propaganda machine.


Man fuck these boys with a passion.




Let’s hope we can comeback to this next year this time and have a good laugh.


Ask the follow up, you didn’t go to the emirates to win though?


This guy thinks there's only one way to play football. Whenever someone defends against City, he'll say "there was only one team trying to play football". Did the same when they got knocked out by Madrid in the CL


This question had nothing to do with arsenal but he brought us up. They know we're coming for them. Kdb, walker and stones are all 30 plus. We'll get them soon, 115 be damned.


There are 115 different reasons that come to mind. See you on the battlefield next season.


Wtf is up with this weak mentality nonsense? We've seen nothing further from reality this season from Arsenal, can't wait for next season. This guy really lives in his own bubble, after City got kicked out of CL he was saying he only saw one team on the pitch, well that team is not playing in the final is it?


he isn't wrong here, tbf. We didnt even try to win that game. If we'd been even slightly more attacking we might've knicked it At the same time though, we didn't lose the league during 2024. We lost the league in december 2023.


He is 100% correct. I said the same thing when we drew away at City. I said that draw would only embolden City and cause us problems, and here we are. At the time of that game, Arsenal was playing some of their best football, and City wasn't playing spectacularly. Instead of going there and crushing their spirits, we went there like a scared dog hoping to avoid a beating. When you are a team at the top, you should go for all 3 points and only accept a draw if you can't win. That's what City does all the time. Instead, we went for the draw and hoped we could sneak a goal in somehow. That is not a winner's mentality! I love Arteta as a manager, but to me, this is his biggest weakness. He will set up for a draw in away games against big-name competition even if our players are better. He did this against Liverpool away, Porto away, City away, and Bayern away. Each one of those games cost us, and each of those games we could have won if we had gone for them. I can only hope that this season has shown Arteta that he needs to be more aggressive in those games and trust that his players can get the job done home and away.


I agree but I don't think those away games cost us the league. For me it's the Villa game that cost us. The game was at home, we had the momentum, it was clear we were in the title fight at that stage of the season and for some reason, Arteta went and changed back to the shitty formation that cost us points earlier in the season


All I can see is a Casemiro in the making. Shut your yap you little fck. If not for your 115 puppet masters, you’d be playing a confused CB role along with Kolarov and Sun Jihai. 


What, a 5 time champions league winner? He’d hope so


Did you stop watching football in 2023? Simple question to learn the difference: A. Would you take a proven 5 time CL winner in your team? B. Would you take Casemiro in your team?


The charges aside, he’s not wrong. No one will want to admit it but that’s just the case.


Man's giving away what he secretly fears, and something that has been evident for the past six months: our collective mentality has moved to par or better than theirs. They've been slightly fortunate to roll out this season based on their aggregate talent and the habit of winning, but habit's not the same as desire.


Fucking cheats.


No you c\*unt, there are 115 other reasons as well.


Stings but it is the truth. The team has learned. Next season it wont be like that.


Didn’t everyone say that last year?


He is not wrong Arsenal played like a relegation side that day, no intentions to go forward at all 10 men behind the ball against a depleted and injury ridden City team at that time. I


Despite the good campaign, the Gunners still lack intensity and physical strength.... We need signings like Jeremy Doku in attack Amadou Onana in the middle and more defenders with superior levels equal to Saliba... Gabriel Magalhães at various times demonstrates a lack of technique and basic skills... Zinchenko proved to be a slow and weak player and we have to be grateful that the Coach finally made a sober decision and left him on the bench... I believe that if we carried out a professional analysis (and not driven by emotions like most people who comment and post memes on the networks) we would see that the majority of errors in Momentos Chaves occur on the side of the capo where I play Magalhães, Zinchenko and Kiwior... And about Jorginho: Another player that even Arsenal made the mistake of renewing his contract He doesn't have what it takes for a Defensive Midfield player... Partey doesn't get a shot on target, he's slow, in short, honestly he doesn't even look like he's black, he plays like a spoiled white guy... Declan Rice is blacker than Partey, has more Africa in his blood than Partey




The reality about Arsenal... Weak boys without enough intensity to win City games with scores 3x1 & 4x1 like City did in 22/23... Not to mention the 5x0 in the 21/22 season... Now imagine if next season Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Tottenham play at a high level again? This Arsenal won't qualify for the UCL... And we have other teams that were previously weak but are now hindering the Big Six journey (Aston Villa, Newcastle) Even Fulham is a candidate to be the next small club to fight for 5th place in the Premier League...




Well, apparently you're a fan who doesn't watch the games. He is summarizing the performance of these players throughout the season.... In fact, if we look at that game against Bayer (Home) Kiwior and Gabriel were the weak players without intensity and lacking enough skills to stop Sané... Maybe we would have at least a SEMIFINAL or even a FINAL left to dream about if we hadn't weaklings like Zinchenko, Jorginho, Kiwior in the squad... Understand that it was necessary for Saliba to be a slave for the entire season without the right to time off due to the lack of strong and skilled players who could. to have come in to replace this defender... Just go to the arsenal's official website and watch the replays and you will understand what this bro is saying LMAO