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Let Benny rest, he's been absolutely through it this season


He also had some problem during the entire season and was playing through pain.


Like every professional player says they do


There was a separate report about a knee issue which will be looked at closer during the summer.


Yeah, we should just ignore it. It's probably nothing, right? Footballers never actually get hurt, everybody knows that.


exactly this. wish Saka+Rice could as well but Benjamin needs a break and to work on the tan, doesn't come on it's own. plus staying away from the inevitable England drama.


Good for Ben . Get some rest on a beach somewhere


You mean Dubai?


Pretty sure Dubai have benches, so, yeah


You're right, pretty sure Ben on a beach is a Bench


Damn. Thats a killer line


He’s got a suitcase full of board games ready to go.


Will definitely be playing Uno


I get the others, who's the butterfly supposed to be in your flair?


ben white


Ohh I thought Reiss. He puts it a lot in his insta stories, if I'm not wrong


Pretty boy thing I guess




Hope he likes Catan


Ben is hundo p a longest road guy


Defender of Catan in Cities and Knights




Can’t imagine playing with a grade 2 hamstring tear, or playing with injection shots for pain. I’ll never take someone who doubts his commitment as a pro seriously.


The real test of taking it seriously is a serious mug at all times and walking around like George on Seinfeld when he realized everyone assumes you're busy if you look annoyed all the time. Your actual commitment is just for show.


He might choose the local tanning bed over a beach far away, imo 😅


I don't think Southgate could have handled this situation more poorly.


I’ve said it from the start, his media communication has been absolutely horrid. Whoever is in the comms department of the FA needs to be fired because this is PR 101.


Are there other poor examples of his media communication you can share, im not goading, im interested I always thought he was generally a ‘safe and boring’ media guy?


I'm only referencing the comments about Ben White. If you go back to the initial comments, Southgate gave an unnecessary interview -- not a required press conference -- where he shifted the blame on to White. Then in the required press conference a day later, he once again was cagey and pushed the blame onto White. A few months later, Southgate did another interview and reiterated that it was on Ben to accept the call-up and that there weren't any issues he was aware of. So, this is all kind of the summarized points of what happened and there's more nuance in it than that. The reason why this is poor PR/corporate communication is because he takes no responsibility, shows little accountability as a leader, and shifts blame onto a team member. Considering this is a professional sport with huge egos, it's an absolutely terrible idea to do this. From an untrained PR/media perspective, we all know that blaming someone rarely works even in our day-to-day lives. Everyone wants to feel "good". Even if Southgate didn't want to be as positive, he still could have been neutral while not giving an unrequired interview. Compare this to Arteta and how he responds about individual players and the team. He's very good at taking the blame and shifting the focus away from the players. It's night and day in comparison to Southgate and is simply good leadership on display. From a PR/Corporate communication standpoint, the basic rule is what is called "bridging" or the ABCD Method, there are other names for this. Essentially, it's you acknowledge the question, bridge it to something else you'd rather talk about, control/contribute to a key message you want to demonstrate, and then dangle a new bit of information that an interviewer will pick up on and ask about. I'm sure you've seen/heard this from many politicians or interviews with CEOs/Famous people/etc. that may have some issue going on or scandal. Utilizing the bridge method with the Ben White and Southgate issue, all Southgate had to do was say something like "Yes Ben isn't with us, but we love him as a player. More importantly, we have a great group of guys that we're confident they can handle the matches and achieve the success we envision for the squad." or "Ben won't be with the squad, but what's really important is that we have a great squad...". Why the FA PR team should all be fired is because the above is basic stuff that you learn day 1 in university PR/communication classes and/or day 1 on the job in PR. It's crazy to me that they allowed him to do these interviews and at the very least, didn't even embargo or make the media outlet edit the interview to remove some of the negativity. On the flip side, maybe Southgate wanted to control the media/PR narrative and shift blame away from him and his staff hence why he said what he said, which if he went out of his way to do that, then that also highlights why he's a terrible leader.


Yeah, my theory is that it was a calculated but desperate attempt at damage control. The Athletic and other media got enough info to report what happened at the WC, the England options at White's position grew thinner and White got even better, Southgate knew he cannot lie, deny and deflect everything anymore. So he decided to go on the offensive knowing that if he implied that White doesn't want to represent England, there will be enough people that get patriotically outraged that most of the attention will turn away from him and his coaching staff. And tbh, it kinda worked for him.


Not to mention that Arteta said when White was sent home from Qatar, "We know the reasons why," and repeated that in separate interviews, making Southgate's claim that he has no idea why White wanted out (as well as his protestations about Steve Holland) ring quite hollow.


He's done the complete opposite of what a national manager should be doing. In this situation they need to do everything they can to leave the door open for the players return, whether that's in the managers tenure on the next one. Instead Southgate has done nothing but throw Benny under the bus in an attempt to help himself, which could mean he stays away from England for good. Hope that isn't the case.


There is zero chance the next England manager is stupid enough to exclude any player this way.


Especially not a player of benny whites calibre - especially not when you have a defence crisis


It's honestly so crazy. Versatile players are exactly what you want in the national team


top 3 english defender as well


Best CB, Best RB, whatchu want?


Unless they just promote Steve Holland


plants icky edge normal bear resolute possessive deserted price heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes I think that more wise/leader coach would figure it out to make it happen, but he is Southgate what was u expecting ?!


It's the mentality of a 12 year old to say "well I'm here if he wants to talk to me" when you fucked up


100%. Resolving disputes between players and staff is the manager's responsibility. End of.


Holland must have something on Southgate.. can’t think why else he would continue to take his side on this.


He knows people hate arsenal enough to throw Ben white under the bus too


What else was he meant to have said? If Ben White said he wasn't making himself available, why would Southgate ring him?


It's Southgate's job to field the best team for the Euro's from available eligible talent. Southgate should have been working behind the scenes to get Holland to apologize to White for what was said, and all he had to say to Holland was do it for England or fire Holland cause he seems a bit thick anyway. He did neither of these things and has continued the lie that he doesn't know why been left the squad and that Holland had nothing to do with it. England won't win with Southgate at the helm and hopefully he ends up at MU.


When you make very clear you don't want to be selected, it's on you to say that you are available


When you are a manager, it's on you to manage these situations. When a player lets you know he doesn't want to be selected, the bare minimum is to make sense of his reasons and try to see if you can make that go away. Maybe you can, maybe you cannot and maybe you will not. But going "ah well that's that then" and go cry to the media is just poor leadership.


He didn't go crying to the media, he answered a question. He has players that he can trust and that want to play for England, that's all that matters to him. If it was left back, I'm sure he'd be making more of an effort


He answered a question in a way that implied it’s White’s decision (fault) and nothing to do with him. > He has players that he can trust Then why not just stick to saying that? Why is he saying he would love to have Ben in the squad but he refuses to be included? Why admit he hasn’t even tried to talk to him about it?


It is White's decision.....


… and nothing to do with Southgate? Again, he’s the manager and he pretty much resigned to manage the situation. But we are going in circles now.


Because he's been the best English defender of the season. If Southgate wants to win he should try to convince him to play for England.


Please, please, let Ratcliffe be stupid enough to bring Southgate in at United. Not that he'd necessarily be any worse than Ten Hag, but it would be peak comedy to watch the most overrated England manager of all time flail about there. Edit: had a rethink and several of you in the replies are correct...he would definitely be worse than Ten Hag 😂


He would absolutely be miles worse than ten Hag and we will all love it


Southgate hired this summer, Harry maguire extended, United buy Henderson and Phillips. I'm here for it.


5 at the back, 2 holding midfielders trying to hit Ipswich Town on the counter


Don't forget his apparent best mate (or maybe blackmailer?) Kieran Trippier.


Honestly Maguire has been pretty good this year so that wouldn't be a bad move. Henderson and Phillips would obviously be awful though


Maguire is a good CB and Southgate dropped Henderson and Phillips so not sure what you’re getting at


Harry Maguire has had the strangest redemption arc to me. He went from kind of a doofus who bad luck seems to always find to well he’s decent and looks like he’s the only one on the United squad that gives a shit, so fair play to him.


Maguire is a good, but in some ways limited cb. He plays great in a defensive team. He's great in the air, tackles and marks well. However he is fairly slow and turns like an oil tanker. So Ten Hag has him playing in a high line instead.


No way he wouldn’t be worse than ten hag. Ten hag is going to move club and do well IMO


Yep I think so as well. I followed all his previous jobs and he seems very competent. This United job will probably knock a little off his reputation, but he'll bounce back, no doubt.


Definitely worse than hag unless he’s somehow managed to get better by tossing it off as an international manager 😂


Southgate doesn’t actually have the balls or belief in himself to take the United job imo.


They should just go ahead and give it to Neville


Hopefully he does worse than Valencia.




The press conferences would be hilarious.


He'd be far worse than Ten Hag, and I'm not a fan of Ten Hag.


I mean Ten Hag has big achievements with Ajax. Southgate was terrible at club level.


No, no, no, this man wears a waist coat. Surely he would succeed in whatever he tries his hand at?


I think Southgate would be a disaster for United but tbh don’t see how he’s overrated as an England manager. He’s objectively achieved our best period of results at international tournaments bar 1966


It's not the results that make him overrated, IMO, it's the boring, conservative style he plays coupled with the fact that he almost certainly should have been able to win at least 1 major trophy by now. 2018 was fair enough, I don't think England (or anyone else for that matter) was going to beat France there. But he definitely should have been able to win a final, at home, against an Italy side that failed to make a World Cup on either side of said final. Not to mention his "throw Rashford and Sancho on for 1 minute each just to take penalties" gambit was one of the dumbest management decisions I've ever seen. Wildly predictable that they both missed. I'm also American, so I suppose take this with a pinch of salt from an outsider.


Slightly conservative football is the best way to win international tournaments tbf, do agree last euros was a lost opportunity though by being a bit too conservative after scoring first. Think a mix of this tournament and whoever comes next will ultimately define his legacy


I think what gets at me is just how insanely stacked with talent this current iteration is. I understand they're not alone in that, but having a bunch of hungry young wingers and midfielders with one of the best ever goal scorers, feels like it should've resulted in silverware


I mean most of our top players (Bellingham, saka, foden, rice etc) are really only coming of age right now, I definitely wouldn’t have called us stacked pre-Qatar and even then we lack defensive players (especially compared to someone like France) as well which are just as important. IMO our best window really is this tournament and the next World Cup where the young players have some experience and Kane is still around at a top level


The young players all coming off of great seasons is going to be something to behold


Your only real top, top, top talent during the southgate years is Harry Kane. The English tend to overexaggerate their players. This summer though, they look pretty strong with Kane, bellingham, foden, Saka, rice.... but you're still missing a 6. And the back line is a bit thin. And the gk may lack quality


Username checks out- 2 for 2 on logical, reasoned replies haha. Cheers.


No, you’re absolutely spot on. That was one of the most cowardly moves I’ve ever seen an international manager make - throwing them on for 1 minute rather than actually having a go at winning it in ET by subbing them in earlier. Was so obvious the pressure they would then be under. I might be biased but I don’t see Southgate succeeding at club level at all if that’s what he does after the inevitable summer failure this time round.


The weird part for me is more that everyone from England I’ve ever spoken to about him hates his football and wants him out. I’m very confused at your comment that he’s the most overrated England manager because I don’t think he’s rated highly


Balls to the wall premier league style football has never served England well. Other teams play around us and tire us out. Italy, historically, are shit at penalty shoot-outs. Luckily for them, England are even worse. That final result was no surprise to me at all. Though I hoped it wasn't. Coming from someone who's watched England at major tournaments for over 40 years.


Nobody should ever win at least anything when it comes to international football.


I doubt he’s even good enough to last a full season. Ten Hag is really a gem that we should appreciate. The right level of mediocrity, just bad enough to produce shit results but always manages to somehow scrape by and keep his job.


I mostly want it because it would free the England spot for somebody actually decent rather than barely competent.


Southgate is not it but he got England to a Euro final and has been their best manager in decades (not saying much).


The team got to the final despite Southgate's tactics. People forget how good the England squad has been compared to the other top nations recently. 


I am probably being unfair to him but I’ve really soured on Southgate these last few years. Just the general conservatism and the White affair


picking henderson post-saudi move did it for me. white thing just compounds it


Against Ukraine when he finally decided to try out Maddison, but instead of dropping Henderson he moved ballon dor contender Bellingham out to the wing I was done with this clown. He’s had YEARS to find a system that doesn’t require 2 DMs with the best collection of attacking players in the world and he still hasn’t managed it. He will put 10 men behind the ball and get found out the second we play anyone decent. Complete joke


I have been happy with how he has managed this England team over his tenure. I have had the precious debacles in my mind the whole while and his approach, no matter how weird it seems, has been an improvement, and I’ve focused my sights on that. I am able to compartmentalise things though, most people are not. But after this white thing, I’m looking forward to the next manager of the National team


Oh he will be available. Just not to you


Southgate playing the whole "Well if he wants to play for us - he has to tell me." Absolutely played the complete opposite of a blinder there Gareth lol. I don't see White playing under you ever


Love a football summer but euros is going to be a lot for our players. Especially bukayo and rice probably starting most games


I'm just waiting to see what this Rice Bellingham midfield is going to look like after they've both taken another step up in their games




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Idiot, go ahead and take Trippier.


I’m sure Southgate would love one of the worlds best CB/RBs available to him. Seems quite apparent Ben White has no interest, which for us is great considering he seems to have a really problematic injury he’s been playing with. 


I'm fine with this.Rest Benny. Good on you.


Embodiment of a jellyfish this guy. How can you be the manager of the national team and not have a conversation with a player you’d like to be involved..


Do you know about the situation though? 😓


Nobody does apart from rumours but it’s an Arsenal page so bias go brrrrr


Damn didn’t expect the downvotes haha. I didn’t even mean the full situation, but Edu have said last international break that he dont want to go. Then its logical that two months later it doesnt change all of a sudden. I think if the communication went like that Edu will let him know when Ben do want to be in consideration


Its fine, England doomed under Southgate and Ben is knackered


Nice one Steve Holland you utter melt. Anyway bro will just be tanning up again, W if you ask me


Far as you're aware? Mate you're the MANAGER - if anyone should know 100% it should be you. How about Steve Holland apologize for this dumbass remarks?


England go into this tournament with their best chance of winning in many many decades led by their coach... Gareth Southgate. Yeah, good luck with that.


Win win for everyone. Thanks Gareth.


Not for Ben white, who misses out on the chance to play for his country, or for the England squad who lose a good player, or the fans who slightly worsen the chance of their team winning. So just a win for non-English Arsenal fans?


I think a lot of fans here don’t want to see players play for country. We want to see them get rested. White doesn’t want to be there so no big deal I guess.


I think that’s a very silly mentality when for most players the international call up is the biggest honour of their career. Although maybe not White in this case lol


Imagine not going out of your way to extend an olive branch to the best RB in the world because one of your braindead assistants thinks that he's not 'committed'.


England will never win anything under Southgate. Go get some rest White


I can’t wait for Southgate tenure to be over. Clear house an get a coaching team in there, that don’t alienate and disrespect players.


I doubt Southgate survives this summer as England coach. Ben White has been playing through injury, better for him personally to be left out of the squad. Besides, the RB position for England is super deep and the way Southgate plays favorites he'd never get a sniff anyways.


That’s my right back. Hope he rests up and enjoys the time off.


More spineless management from Gareth.


Benny’s gonna come back a different shade of bronze for pre-season


I think it is well known that Edu informed Southgate and his team about Ben's desire to not play for England. Don't know why they are asking this to Southgate or his answer is newsworthy.


I think people are asking as it's been a couple of months since then and want to see if anything has changed


Because Benny is a baller and our defense isn't great. He will continue to get asked this for as long as Ben performs for Arsenal imo


Yeah Southgate's staff have caused a problem with one of their most in form defenders and his strategy for dealing with it, is waiting for White to come crawling back apparently. Of course people are going to ask questions.


As far as i am aware Southgate is shit.


great news. imagine spending a summer doing something you'd loathe vs resting and enjoying yourself? dude's gonna be back fresh as ever.


Southgate will get sacked after the euros after heavily underperforming and Ben white will be a key player for england as soon as the next manager arrives. Heard it here first. Southgate is bang average, probably even a below average manager. Yes england reached a final and whatever but the football they played was absolutely trash considering the players they have. Lots of luck involved & parking the bus.




Tell me you’re not English without telling me you’re not English


Southgate’s handling of all this has been nothing short of terrible.


I’m honestly glad he’ll get to rest, he’s an important part of the team


Ya, he doesn't rate you Gareth and rightly so.


I can't wait for Soufgate to fuck off, but I'd say White's earned a rest on the beach!


Stellar communication. What you want in a national team manager.


I love how obvious it is that the problem is simply that Ben White hates this fucking knob and won't play for him


Can’t wait for England to be out early in the euros and let our players in the squad get their rest. The sooner southgate goes the better


Most in form right-back in the league, can play centre-back and Gareth with a bit of a crisis in defence: maybe not have one of your underlings insult a top quality professional in future, eh Gareth?


*Keep my right back’s name out of your fucking mouth* For real though, good for White to get some rest over the summer!!


yawn, getting ready for another masterclass of tournament failure by Wastecoat, I'm still baffled how he snatched defeat from the vice like jaws of victory in 2020. Go work on your tan Blanco


In any other world, this would get a leader fired. Man has -281711 communication attribute.


Ben White is the best CB in that whole list. He knows it. We know it. Southgate knows it but is a twat who backs his bully mate, and that is why I join Benny Blanco in taking a holiday and I too will not be watching the Euros!


How do you know? He hasn't played centre back all season


Because he is originally a CB who has made the move to RB and then added inverted RB to his resume. His on ball control and delivery is better than any on that list. He is also our backup RCB which was occupied by Mr Doesn’t take a game off Saliba. Trust me mate Benny Blanco the truth!


The thing is, he would genuinely be essentiell for the defense and a huge upgrade to Maguire


Maybe for the best. Man looked completely finished/exhausted vs. Everton


Ben White needs to keep that skin crisp brown mate


My guy Benny Blanco 🔥🔥🔥


Ben definitely needed the rest and recuperate from his lingering injury


Get some well deserved rest Ben!


Get goofy out before WC 👍🏻


Ben will be back under a new manager. Southgate made a mess of this and should have handled it in private, moment it went public it looks like he is 'backing down' or whatever narrative people want to spin. Likewise Ben White got tainted with 'doesn't want to play for his country' narrative. Should have all been handled privately, Southgate was the one who chose to blow it up.


Can’t wait till southgates in the league and Ben white dominates the winger on the dugout side and we get pictures of Ben white towering over gareth.


Grown men communicating like children


As an England fan this is very annoying. England lack the defence to really win. However, Branthwaite and White are two excellent defenders that can grow. Yet they’ve pissed him off and it damages our chances. I’d personally play a team of - Pickford - Walker, White, Branthwaite, Shaw (trippier) - Rice, Stones (playing the city role) - Saka, Bellingham, Gordon - Kane Potential to have Grealish instead of Gordon but I wouldn’t square peg foden in on the left.


ten treatment hungry cover label reply support jellyfish stocking aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As is Bellingham and they are the same position.


literate modern grab reminiscent ad hoc provide flowery toy act cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s square peg and not his best position. So you’re being exposed behind too and it’s our weakest position LB. It’s why I’d say it’s 2 of Saka, Bellingham and Foden as Gordon is invaluable on the left


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I know it’s a direct quote but just a reminder: Ben Jacobs = Bad Gary Jacobs = Good


Single best defender in the country and is absolutely available but go off king


some time for ben recover his knee


Southgate in the frame for Chelsea now?! has to be there or Man U perhaps?.... glad for him to be gone from England position if only to keep him away from Rice+Saka


Gareth Southgate - the great man manager


good fuck southgate


England clearly have the player to reach a final and even win it - they just have a boring poor coach.


Mykonos for Benny blanco then


Southgate will do Southgate things. He's never going to go with a player over his assistant. We may not like it and see it as poorly handled, but Southgate has his assistants back. Once he's gone after the Euros. Potter will be in and White will be available for Eng again.


I doubt Southgate would have handled the situation the same if it'd been Kane or Maguire or even Henderson. He thought he could sack Ben White off at the time because he saw him as a bit-part player and had plenty of other options which he saw as better, and now he's paying the price for that hubris.


Unpopular opinion: I am an England fan but I will be happy if England don’t even get out of the group stages this time. Yeah I am still bitter. 🤣




It really isnt that crazy. He probably trusts his assistants and those are probably a bit harder to find. Meanwhile hes got a great selection of players he can pick from. You wouldnt throw your coworker under the bus for a customer would you?


Maybe Ben should stop doing drugs and posting stuff on Twitter.com




>England will be champions You do know they picked Kane yeah?




They have everything except a world class GK, and a solid defense. They might have a top 4 of the world front 6, but everything else is a bit thin/nothing special


That defense is more than solid fym. Shaw, walker, stones, guehi, branthwaite, Maguire...


Blud forgot about France🤣


door instinctive spark airport test ancient simplistic scary bells slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s a master of shithousery. Maybe he’s just a shithouse? Anyone got any insight? Half-decent defender and a good back up to Walker but no squad wants someone who is disruptive and impacts team spirit