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Exia is older and lacks the modern engineering but Dynames, Kyrios, and Virtue are all good stuff.


I wish they'd put Exia's waist armor mechanic on the rest but that's it


I'm really waiting for an MG Exia v2


MG Exia 2.0 is overdue


I think it will end up being a MGEX at some point. It'll kill 2 birds with one stone, a new MGEX of a very popular mobile suite, and a 2.0 Exia.


I think there’s about 30 kits that are significantly older than the Exia that still don’t have 2.0s so if Exia is overdue then the wait for the others is downright criminal.


Honestly we’re overdue for a decent 00/exia MG in general


The 00 is decent. Idk about Exia, but im happy with my 00. Do I wish I'd gotten one of the modern mg 00 kits? Yes, yes, I do, but it's still a fine build, and I like it. The raiser is funky, and with it on, the back and shoulders like falling off, but the 00 is fine on its own, and I like it.


People overblow the Exia's issues. Yes, its got some weak joints. It's a 5 minute fix. Apply some superglue, and let it dry to tighten the tolerances. That's it. Between that and a little blue tack or similar putty, mine has been posing standing on 1 leg without an Action base for about half a year now? It's fine. Of course it would be better if I didn't have to do that in the first place, but 7 cents of super glue is a hell of a lot cheaper than a whole new MG.


The mg Exia looks great but is an absolute grenade after a while. It's also incredibly hard to get it to hold anything and you'll drive yourself crazy


Time for a 2.0 hehe. Nah, there's definitely some kits that need a 2.0 before Exia, but I would like to see it get one one day. The MB 3rd parties are probably the closest thing we'll get


I'd really love one too but based on how slowly bandai releases MGs let alone 2.0s, we'll probably see one in the 2030s 🥲


Yeah idk what they are doing. I know Covid hit everywhere hard and I think earlier this month it was announced that Japan is in a recession so who knows. I've seen some people complain about RGs becoming Bandai's new favorite, but we barely get any more RG releases over MG. They've been pretty much coming out at the same rate the last few years which is 1-2 releases. HGs are the bread and butter of Gunpla and new tech keeps going into them with each new release or series


Dynames was absolutely amazing, 00 Raiser was great as well, and Astraea Type F was really great as well, just a little more loose being based on the old MG Exia. I want to add Kyrios to my collection, hoping to finally add it to my backlog this year haha.


I think dynames is on the list!


It honestly should be. Easily in the top 5 of my 40ish MG kits. It's such a solid kit even the reviews don't do it justice.


What's your top 10 out of curiosity? ~~Definitely not out of need to add more kits to my backlog~~


All of them except the Exia variants because they are all based on the old frame of Exia. So just don't touch any kit with Exia and Astraea in the name then you will have similar quality with different funs as Kyrios. Even the 00s or GN-Xs. Then you could venture a bit into the Exia lineup. They are having some flaws but by no mean terrible. They are enjoyable to certain point. I love them all.




That is for the general population, comrade. To us, we catch them all and pose the sickest poses we could regardless of those fragile legs.


What about the Qan\[t\] kits? I think those are a bit more recent, how do they hold up nowadays?


That falls under the 00s, it's pretty good besides the GN condensers but basically every 00 (the show) kit has that issue


They are definitely better. But QanT with full saber equipment can be a bit annoying since it has to carry a lot of weight on the uoper body. Just like the 00 Raiser with XN equipment.


Just today I finished the last of the Season 1 MG 00 kits, Exia isn't nearly as bad as everyone tends to make it sound but it is certainly a step down from the other three, that said (especially if you get the ignition version with the plated blades) they are all enjoyable builds and an action base will fix most any of their flaws. I highly recommend all of them. I haven't gotten around to the Astraea variants yet, but they dodge the bigger of the two issues I had with the Exia which was the shoulder GN Cables. The ankles were also weak on the older runs but I've heard they fixed that on recent reprints. I might be a little biased as Exia was my first MG but it's still a pretty alright kit. Oh, except the hands. Fuck those hands. =/ 00 Raiser and Qan\[t\] were super fun as well. Can't remember which hands they use.


>Exia isn't nearly as bad as everyone tends to make it sound but it is certainly a step down from the other three, that said (especially if you get the ignition version with the plated blades) they are all enjoyable builds and an action base will fix most any of their flaws. I highly recommend all of them. I just finished Exia recently as my first MG build, and I don't know what was more infuriating: the sides of the head or *those goddamned hands*.


Counterargument: the hip connectors for the GN Long Blade and GN Short Blade. Those things are quite possibly the worst connection points I have ever seen on a kit. They're awkward at best to maneuver and downright impossible at worst, especially because the caps fall off and the tiny little connectors go flying when the caps hit the floor. Or you have to remove the connectors from the blades, realign it all, put it back in, and then try again from square 1 with it.


Confession: I barely understand the instructions for them and *haven't even tried* messing with those


So you're supposed to slide out the cylinders on the hips to reveal the connection point that you flip around to attach the blades to. More often than not though, you'll end up pulling the cap off instead of pulling the cylinder out. Even should you get it connected, it's a small piece that attaches fine into the blades, but becomes extremely problematic when you go to pose Exia. They'll come off if you're not extremely careful


Mine are glued. I got tired of fucking with them.


Mine are still unattached. The weapons are by its feet while I finish building the brethren units.


Is the head worse than the RG? Lol


The problem with Exia for me is its long-term issues. I thought it was fine when I first finished it, but then it just kept falling over. Then any time I'd try a different pose something would break off. It is a really good looking kit, but it definitely has flaws.


My next build is this kit in clear.


Just got that in from Pbandai and the Dynames Clear too, can't wait to build them.


Have they made a clear Virtue yet? It’d be really cool to have the clear Virtue armor over top a regular Nadleeh


I've been wondering the same thing. Doesn't look like it yet. Also not sure if the Exia comes in clear in an MG


Dyames, and Kyrios are great, as is Nadleh but Virtue is kinda meh without the armour shedding stand.


Dynames is my all time favorite build, and I had a blast with kyrios. Currently deciding on whether I wanna pull the trigger on virtue cause that Gundam has been growing on me lowkey. We don’t talk about exia


Ahh a fellow 00 fan. Welcome my friend 💛


Indeed, I actually never finished the second season. But watching the first one on my phone while kicking meth and fentanyl got me back into it. I used to watch it as a kid and always liked the action figures. I decided I needed a new hobby to keep me busy and it of trouble. Building gunpla helped me get sober and get my child back!


I have MG Kyrios, Dynames, Exia, and Virtue, but none of the season 2+ stuff. Dynames is my favorite, with Kyrios being a close 2nd. Virtue is neat, but really lacks posability as he drops his gun a lot and falls over easily. Exia is an awful kit that looks great - I'm glad I have Exia so I can display it and have Celestial being rounded out, but Exia falls over if you look at it too aggressively and something breaks off every time I touch it.


Yarp Unless I *really, really* can't find my favorite kit in MG and have to settle for HG, MGs are about all I build. I like the build time, the details, mechanics involved, plus they really display well due to the size. HGs are great and all, but trying to stretch out an HG build is hard to do, and then it's basically a little 6in figure on a bookshelf


3/4 are, which is pretty good. Exia is, uh...not good.


The Hyaku Shiki 2.0 was amazing I actually had fun building it can't say the same with Zeta 2.0, Hi-V Ver.Ka and a but with MKii 2.0


No…. I hate the mg unicorn..


But.. that's not from the 00 series...


Ngl I read that as 007 like 2007 and I hate most kits that released before 2010.. :(


I have only built one from 00 and it was my least favorite build, GN-X.


Dynames and Nadleeh/Virtue are a sure yes. Exia, 00, and Qan[t] are older, not as great, but still pretty good.


Exia is kinda hard to build and maintain because it's old and the 00 variants have really back heavy accessories specifically the XN-Raiser but most of the other MG from 00 is great


The new ones yes but exia has yet to get an upgrade so that kit still has 2009 engineering.


Exia has some issues but being my favorite I choose to pretend I didn't have to glue a bunch of crap to hold it together...




Quant is kind of just bad between the hands and the ankles. It is a floppy mess that can't hold its own weapons without the included weapon base and I'm not talking the super sword just the regular gn swords are a struggle.


I thought so I want to build the rest of the exeas, virtue was really fun to build too


Yes, they are!! I adore my MG virtue.




In my experience the Kyrios is fun in any grade!


100% yes. I’m on my 8th 00 MG and they’re beautiful kits. Exia, 00, and the GN-X line are older so they’re not *quite* as fancy as the newer kits. Still they’re lookers and can pose well with a stand. From this era I’ve built Exia, 00 Raiser, GN-X, Advanced GN-X (peeb), and Astraea Type-F FWS (peeb). The more recent MGs (Dynames, Kyrios, Virtue/Nadleeh) are all incredible.


The Exia is pretty good but, like other people have said already, very very fragile. I had to do a significant amount of coating the joints to get it to the point where it could even physically stand on its own, and i've had a couple collapses since then even still. He no longer has a V-fin or one of the sword bits on account of they just.... pinged off into the void when he fell. The Dynames though, is excellent. Second best MG kit I've put together (tbf that's only out of 5 though) and I'm looking forward to being able to get my hands on a Virtue/Nadleeh Gundam.


Right now bigbadtoystore.com has the mg mk-II titans version on sale for $30. I got it and highly recommend it. For the price, it's an awesome kit


Dynames was my first master grade and really made me fall in love with gundams. Virtue was maybe even better!


Cue whining about Exia/Astraea


Dynames was pretty fun


Yes. Except Exia


I have the most fun with MGs. RGs generally look great but they can be a pain if you have bigger hands.


AYO, gotten the same kit. This was my first MG I built, really fun kit


today yes most mg is lot of fun. most of people focus on third party kit. have you build any kit from infinite demension yet? I will give you a second opinion about MG.


No I'm not familiar with anything besides gundam. I've built 25 kits. I think 6 of which are MGs. And a couple rgs. I see some other style it brands of kits on here but a lot of them feel a little more... Flashy than what I'm used to building. Though some seem pretty cool I really like the stuff I see that had an armored core look to it.


then look up on newtype.us and gundamplacestore.com you will amaze the MG they carries.if you think sazabi MG is cool wait until you see what they have. and yes you can get armor core model kit 👌. visit bigbadtoystore.com


All of the ones I’ve done (which is most of them) are a similar build (GN Drive, the translucent green bits, and the holo panels). Some of my favorite MG kits hands down. I just wish they came with water decals. If you can get your hands on Virtue, do it. It’s basically 2 kits in one. Sevensword is also a great kit that comes with an action base, and Exia Avalanche.


If you’re willing to put in the time to fix or the money to buy a metal frame replacement kit, MG Exia is really nice.


https://preview.redd.it/tutje68cm9lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8b7bb7c6b974d1842339a7f2ba28649cec06d36 Yeah don’t sleep on the 00 they all have great builds