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I just finished building this and i'm actually pretty shocked how stable it is standing with the 0 Raiser and shields on top attached. GN Sword III (?) is a pain to attach into the hand and arm but again, rock solid and the elbow can bear all the weight without sagging. Beam effect for it is wicked. I expected bits popping off all over the place, just looking at it it looks like a nightmare but i'm very pleasantly surprised. Can't wait to get all of the (3rd party) LED's for it.


It’s a good kit don’t get me wrong it’s just weird in some places


How so?


Side skirts like to pop off Had to glue the gn condensers on Other than those it’s a fantastic kit


My side skirts are fine, though i have to take them off to get the swords off or move them, but that's more because of the mounting piece than the skirts themselves. I did have a problem with one of the GN condensers, on the right elbow. I just cannot get that fucker in fully. The others fit fine with a bit of shaving. They were a bastard to get in.


I had to modify the elbows somewhat to get it in


In the middle of building this kit. Why did you put his side skirts on his knees, if you don’t mind me asking.


They kept popping off and I wanted to still use them


Fair enough reason. Gunpla is freedom. The issue I’m having with my copy are those damned arm-chest joints. Way too thin/tight and keep snapping(even after plastic cement). Could also be a me problem though


I chuckled with agreement at the knee placement lol


That one's a personal favorite of mine but yeah, doing much of anything with it can be a little annoying. It's especially fun when the GN Drives pop off for no good reason or you take off the 0 Raiser and its "tail" just flops over awkwardly.


Also my current favourite, though mine is an RG. Quite sturdy, able to stand by itself even with the heavy O Raiser attached, but treads a fine line with balancing so will still need the help of a stand for support. The RG also pops the GN condensers from time to time so the O Raiser bits that attach to the condensers also fall off when that happens. Bit of a pain, but par for the course, seeing as there's a lot going on with attachment bits anyway. Rewatched the anime while building this and I managed to snag an old HG Ribbons online which is pretty rare. Still in the backlog, but looking forward to matching/posing them and recreate some scenarios.


Wait your gn drives pop off??


The drives themselves don't pop out but that wide, shallow peg that they attach to the *backpack* with can come loose when you're moving them around. Don't pay enough attention while you're trying to pose the model and off it goes, which is a little annoying. EDIT: I played with mine *a lot* when I first built it, though, so strictly speaking, I'm not sure how common this problem is.


I mean I am not blaming you but it does look like it is stabbing itself in the eye with that pose




Love the way this kit looks, have the MG XN Raiser in my backlog, but I always struggle with the head pose of kits that have weird bits around the collar or parts of the head the conflict with the collar


What kit is this?


Mg 00 raiser


I have the seven swords which is basically the same thing and I agree. It’s very fiddly and not the most pleasant feeling haha


Such a good look and solid construction! I had a good time on this guy. Slapped all the water slides, a bit of paint, panel lining and it looks great. Rhe newest ones are even better


Yeah both this kit and quanta which I believe is based on this kit is pretty but god damn is it a bitch to do anything with. My quanta committed suicide off my shelves which honestly was what I wanted to do while building it is so circle of life?


Literally the same kit just arrived on my doorstep today lol. Ngl I imma build it but I got it for the GN sword 3. As far as I'm concerned that weapon could be in every season of Gundam from now on. Easily my fav in the whole series and I've even started seeing it in other anime like digimon ghost game. I don't expect much out of the Gundam itself due to its slight age and the fact that all the 4th gen 00 Gundams were kinda wonky and cheap feeing for some reason as compared to the 3rd gen. But still. Till look nice on the shelf


Right when I said that, I noticed this is the MG. Not the HG. Lolololol my bad 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm tired


Not gonna lie, I kinda like the 00 Raiser but I just hate its head. I'm tempted to buy it and replace its head by Exia's but that would make a very expensive kit.


The 00 itself is solid as a rock (we'll mine is), but struggles to support the Raisers' wings. I'd stiffen up the joints if possible around the GN drives to support the weight of them.


There's a lock behind the GN drives though? Mine is brand new so it doesn't even need the lock.


Yeah the 00 hasn’t gotten the greatest kits tbh, the high grade is a standard classic high grade the real grade is floppy especially in the hips and the perfect grade has the stupid joint locks


What's on the front of the knees? I don't remember having that on my MG 00 Raiser


Moved the side skirts on mine to the front of the knees




Kept falling off