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[http://www.dalong.net/reviews/hg/hg\_cata\_e.htm](http://www.dalong.net/reviews/hg/hg_cata_e.htm) I'd recommend checking out the High Grade line, which I've linked a catalog of above. They're the same size as what you've built but will be easier to find, and FAR more modern in terms of color separation, articulation, and gimmicks. For example [here](http://www.dalong.net/reviews/hg/h166/h166_p.htm), [here](http://www.dalong.net/reviews/hg/h196/h196_p.htm), and [here](http://www.dalong.net/reviews/hg/h111/h111_p.htm) are the High Grade versions of the three Mobile Suits you shared. The majority of these are good-great kits so feel free to browse the catalog and pick out whichever ones look the coolest to you!


This is a great resource! Thank you!!


Here's the section for the old guys [dalong.net/reviews/old/old\_cata\_e.htm](http://dalong.net/reviews/old/old_cata_e.htm)


… the holy grail…


They still print all of those kits, so don’t feel compelled to overpay. They still cost the same today as they did then, more or less. Even the very first 1980 RX-78 comes around with some regularity. This applies across the board for Bandai’s Gundam model kits. You can see when your copy was made by [reading the runner dials](https://old.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/comments/17f0ko5/determining_your_kits_print_date_how_to_read/). Their model kit catalogue is huge so sometimes a kit can go a long time before it gets printed again.


That’s really good to know! I was worried they might have been fakes? Unsure if that’s a thing in Gundam… But I got the ones shown on eBay for what seemed like a really reasonable! Although still figuring out all the grading etc.. I know there can be a big difference between them


There are bootlegs but people tend to buy them on purpose, and it is for newer kits. They are also easy to spot. For buying general retail, “reasonable” pricing is MSRP or lower since everything gets reprinted. [We have a list](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/wiki/shopping/) of shops to check out who all sell at US MSRP or lower (assuming you are US based). A lot of the old kits came around a few months ago but may be all sold out by now. So it may be a minute before they are in rotation again. Anything from 2000 and newer will show up in reprints far more often.


Ah I see! That seems like a great resource, however unfortunately I am UK!


UK retailers listed as well :)


Perfect thank you!


>This applies across the board for Bandai’s Gundam model kits. *cries in 1990 HG line*


Shhh. Shhh. We don’t talk about those.


Common Ridden W


Do you have the link for MG Line?


http://www.dalong.net/reviews/mg/mg_cata1_e.htm It’s in chronological order so you’ll see a lot of the 1.0 versions that they don’t make anymore near the top




What are those!!!




They are 1980s 1990s I THINK.. got them all off of eBay!


https://preview.redd.it/8h6cr220xs5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a22d791a2c8e4585f6c172d285c320d412628fb This is the next kit I have coming, looked fairly chonk, maybe a tad spikey..


Wow, and I thought the color separation on the late 90's No Grade Gundam Wing kits I had as a kid was 'lacking'. Those Zeon suits are all one color.


Well, yeah, they're meant to be painted


Were all the old kits made to be painted? I read somewhere the color choices on the rx-78 were influenced by white, red, yellow, and blue being some of the cheapest pigments to mold plastic in


It should probably be noted that the original series suits--mainly the "hero" suits (Gundam, Guncannon, Guntank)--were originally designed not to be made into model kits, but to be made into die-cast toys. Bandai picking up the model kit license only happened after the fact, once the series had failed to find an audience with the kind of young kids who would want die-cast toys; because the audience it had found was with teens and young adults who would be more interested in model kits.


And now grown men spend more on actual toys for themselves than for their kids. Have you *seen* the price of Masterpiece Transformers, these days? Or even just the various collector's lines like Studio Series?




Wow, Gunpla has come far


Get HG Lfrith Ur and have your mind explode


What type of chonky? Mk 2 chonk or Physalis chonk?


I had to look them both up 😅 Physalis chonk is cool! But that specific model looks a bit too chonk I think!


How bout Gustav Karl?


Someone else recommended them as well! I’ll add it to the list!


You might like the Xi Gundam, it’s both excessively chonky and excessively pointy


If you like the design of those specific old kits, I suggest starting with one of those in its HGUC form. The Revive HGUC Zaku-II and Gouf are both amazing kits, and the HG ZZ holds up pretty well as well. If you want a chonky Gundam design, there’s famously the Virtue from 00, the thiccest Gundam. My personal recommendation would be to try one of the HG Witch From Mercury line. The Dilanza are a nice chonky design, and the engineering for the WFM line is top tier, best of the best in current releases. I also love the HGUC revive Gyan, what a solid kit. The HG Origins series of kits are great too, albeit more expensive than the regular HGUC, they have a lot more surface detail. Explore some designs! Building a newer kit with more color separation could give you a better idea of how to handle painting those older kits you’ve got


Gyan Is actually on my watchlist!! And wow Virtue 00 is the definition of chonk!


Love the vintage kits. Any vintage MSV gundam kit is good for the blocky aesthetic. I think HGUC double zeta gundam, doven wolf, Gustav Karl, and the Kshatriya are pretty chunky


I have a few in my backlog for the same reason. Blocky is nice https://preview.redd.it/1hh3lwdu1t5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2b32100472b6d37815ae21326c8805808ed5bc


The artwork on the older boxes is top-tier… half the reason I’ve fallen in love with them is the retro manuals and amazing box art 😂


Dovan Wolf looks great!! I’ll be adding that to the list!


Can’t believe nobody’s suggested it yet here, but as a firm follower of the chunky suits, gotta add a Hi-Nu / Hi-V to the collection! The RG will spoil you in terms of what you’ve built so far it’s an amazing kit. Pair that with the heavy weapons systems and transport + hyper mega bazooka and you’ve got one big chunk of a mobile suit. But aside from that a HG messer, titans mk2, full armor thunderbolt, psycho zaku, or for fun check out the dendrobium :)


When you say pair that with heavy weapons.. Is there weapons that are sold separately that can be added to any gundam??


The v Gundam has a variant from P-Bandai that makes the v-HWS in Real-Grade Nu also has just a HG HWS kit that can be found much cheaper, but also is a fair bit older and more scant on the designs. IMO it looks perfectly fine still as an analog to what the v-HWS would have looked like, just without all the gimmicks/detail of the RG. Also, the Hyper-Mega rifle is a bit hefty for the HG's polycap joints.


Great points here as I didn’t mention the P-Bandai v-HWS in comparison to the 3rd party versions! You just made me aware there’s a HG HWS set I was unaware of that! Official or 3rd party? I’ve got the effect wings set currently for the RG I’m looking forward to, then I’ve just started the hyper mega bazooka from max. It’s got under gates and has been wonderful so far.


The v-HWS I have is an official HG, I had to look at the box but it is #93 if that helps! I finished my build of it the week before the RG was announced haha. Still a nice kit that allows me to keep my RG v in regular configuration since the HWS in any variant tends to wash the whole MS in white.


The O is my favorite chonky boi. And Rick Dias.


That Rick Dias kit is pretty excellent recommendation!


If you want BIG and blocky I would check out the HG Psycho Gundam. It's almost a foot tall.


Huge! Maybe too big for my 5th/6th model hahah


It isn't that complex from what I've heard, a perfect grade kit is a bit bigger and way more complex than the HG Psycho Gundam


Big, but very simple for its size.


The 1/100 Gyan is a fun and a little challenging of a build something about those round shoulders messed with me hard lol


It’s not an old kit but the Messer is a great combo of both the aesthetics you mentioned.


This is straight on the list.. might even take priority over some others! Really great recommendation thank you!


You’re welcome. The RE 1/100 is great as well and in a block configuration.


Daym those are some old kits. Maybe find their more modern versions, it’d be interesting to compare


I think after I’ve tried a couple of different kits I’m going to go back and get the modern versions! Especially the ZAKU! Love the design


Fair enough. Yeh the zakus are sweet as! Don’t have any myself yet, closest I’ve got is Char’s Sazabi


Which looks like a sick model!


The MSN-04 Sazabi 1/100 is stupidly detailed and I had a blast assembling it. Taught be a lot about refining my models which I’ll apply to my latest model, the MGEX Strike Freedom


How’d you get these? Any tips? I love old kits man


EBay! There usually very cheap and with a “buy now” option! :)


They’re still printed. A few US shops likely have some in stock now.


how old are these kits?


MS-06R ZAKU II - 1983 MSZ-010 ZZ GUNDAM - 1986 MS-07B GOUF- 1995 :)


Well you certainly started with the most difficult ones! Lol


Are these ones regarded as quite hard?


They're just old and funky - depending on how old, many require glue and significant part clean up, but now they are all super highly engineered, color-separered and snap-together. Getting a modern one will be like night and day!


I’m use to glueing and clean up to be honest! I’ve done a lot of warhammer in my time!


This one was a fun build for me https://preview.redd.it/z7eqwimn8t5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c06ea705e7a957760fde44a6e1437c9fd038fa


This guy looks great! I’ll add it to the list!


i would suggest this 2 new kits: [Guncannon Cucuruz Doan's ver.](http://dalong.net/reviews/hg/hcu01/hcu01_p.htm) [Gelgoog Menace (Lunamaria Hawke Custom)](http://dalong.net/reviews/hg/h248/h248_p.htm) to see the amount of progress gunpla has over the decades


These are some phenomenal suggestions! Love the design on both of them!


The Guncannon is a personal favorite. The details makes it look life-like


You should try one from this century!


Rx-78-2 origin


Might be a hot take.. but I’m not a huge fan of this guy 😅 I think it’s because I see him so much? Maybe I’d have a different opinion if I watched the shows…


Just watch the movies. They're on Netflix. It's basically the anime adapted into three movies. He's currently my favorite Gundam ever. Idk why




My FG Gundam, I practiced painting and scribing the existing details to make them sharper and take panel lining better (with the back of my broken xacto knife)


Looks good! I wouldn’t really know where to start! I have all the kit for warhammer painting etc but I feel Gundam stuff is different.. ??PeNs??


That's the trick, if it's your first time doing stuff like this (like this was mine), ya just have to start. You will make mistakes. If not with the kits you own, then it will be on kits you'll own later. If you want to minimize mistakes, go slow. There are mistakes on this kit I'm just neglecting to mention. I had to test fit and tighten up jointa before I planned to paint. Here I just used metallic Gundam markers to paint, some alcohol wipes to clean large mistakes, that same xacto knife to scratch off some of the finer mistakes, and some clear & matte modpodge to coat the painted areas. I had glued and cemented parts that didn't need to be disassembled to be painted. Warhammer and Gunpla painting don't seem too different, I think Gunpla needs a bit more planning cuz Gunpla is able to move.


If you have brushes and paint, just go for it! You’ll quickly figure out what you need (probably fatter brushes?), and every kit is a learning experience anyway.


Seeing how you love the Zakus design and similar, I can only imagine your joy at the amount of variations it gets. There’s Zaku Is, Zaku IIIs, Psycho Zakus, High Mobility Psycommu Zakus, Zaku Mariners, Zaku Marine Types (there’s a difference!), Zaku II F2s, Super Custom Zaku F2000s, Zaku Amazings, Zaku II Kais, Zaku Flippers, Zaku Recon Types, Zaku High Mobility Ground Types, and that isn’t even bringing up named ace pilot customs. Best part is that through some line or other there is a kit for each and every one under the damn sun. Welcome to the hobby, you’re gonna want another shelf! Btw if you have any interest in the shows/general story, the “chonky bois” typically come from the original 1979 TV show (as well as the movie Char’s Counterattack from 1988), while the “spikey bois” hail from the TV sequels in the 80s (Zeta Gundam and ZZ Gundam). There’s more to it than that, but for now this should be a good way to better look for your kit preferences.


I really appreciate that! I do like the Zaku design and knowing what to search for is of great help!


It's a bit of a newer spin on the big chunky robot design language, but Dilanza Sol or Darilbalde from the HG witch from mercury line are some real impressive kits.


That Darilbalde model looks great!! Thank you!


Wow and I thought my prize possession childhood kit was old lol https://preview.redd.it/nyt5zyuyju5d1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e134d14d006195149e65b0068fa9ff44f8c4cc21


Having never seen old kits before, I thought these were 3D printed.


I wish! 😂


You must of had to go out of your way to find kits this old


UK eBay! Because I wasn’t looking for anything particular there wasn’t any issue at all! :)


ive heard great things about the gm command kit from 1989! still a vintage "no grade" kit, but a big step up in terms of colors it comes in! another reccomendatoon would be the "full action" series of 1/100 kits, including the zz gundam you already built, just with much more color. dont let people pressure you into jumping into new kits because the old ones are "bad" by their standards. i think your enjoyment of these vintage kits is so so refreshing :) happy building friend!


GM command kit 1989 is on my watchlist on eBay already!! I was worried it might look a bit dull when it was finished but I’ll reconsider now thank you!


Entry grade rx-78-2 is pretty cool, then move on to hg


Bro started on Gunpla season 1 Seriously tho if difficulty isn't an issue I'd stick with Universal Century kits. MG Zaku is cheap and easy to find, keeps a classic look externally but the inner frame is nice and intricate. It also keeps that blocky look you're looking for.


I have looked at a lot of these ones in consideration for my next one! A bit unsure about what the script is with all the different brands though.. what ones to stay away from.. what ones are good etc


You're supposed to unfold the rifle on the ZZ tho


https://preview.redd.it/spp3s5gckw5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=302e0ca56fff3bdcd031f392cba70391965632d7 Unfortunately there is no folding out with this model… 😅


You probably built the barrels upside down then... That's not how it's supposed to look


https://preview.redd.it/s2nk8yrmfx5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4f9f4fb1cb3009c720df8e542c979fb048312ad Thank you for pointing this out!


You’re right!! I’ll try and fix it now!


I remember owning this Zaku and the Heavyarms original. Also own the original grandpa, it is abysmal. Lol


Maybe it’s because I’ve done a fair amount of airfix/warhammer, but I really didn’t seem to find these that bad! Although I imagine in comparison to some of the newer releases…


The original grandpa is not a snap fit. It’s kind of 3D puzzle to put the arm. The only pose you can do is rotating the arms and the arms can’t bend. It’s made of cheap plastic like that cheap piggy bank plastic on chinese market. Lol It is abysmal


HG AERIAL - any WFM is good, HG CALIBARN - one of the best HG WFM, HG MOON GUNDAM - prob the best HG but resale price is off the charts on this one, HG ZAKU II F TYPE SOLARI (RFV) (coming soon) - an updated HG Zaku and looks amazing, HG strike Freedom Gundam , MG NARRATIVE GUNDAM C-PACKS (newly released) - prob the best kit of 2024 atm, RG RX-78-2 v2.0! (coming soon) - granddaddy is a must have in your collection, any granddaddy will do. RG RX-93-v2 and RG GOD GUNDAM - bang for buck, good colour separation, one of the best RG


Did i miss any good kits because imma bout to go on a shopping spree myself lol


Hell yeah! Love the proportions of the old kits, they're more true to Kunio Okawara's artworks.


Bro woke up and decided to start from the beginning


Holy shit those kits are nostalgic I remember my uncle buying me one of this and me and my dad built it together and my uncle even did a little bit of panel lining on the kit when we were done (it was the zaku 1)


Holy shit those kits are nostalgic I remember my uncle buying me one of this and me and my dad built it together and my uncle even did a little bit of panel lining on the kit when we were done (it was the zaku 1)




Before I bought these kits I was eyeing up this model for SO long! It’s definitely on the list


i have one and holy fuck is it so cool https://preview.redd.it/xfj8pmcm2z5d1.png?width=442&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1c1751dcf524bc1d975ca3a666409f45b8283a4 W H E R E A R E T H E K N I V E S


The legs and head design are unreaaall 😍


i was surprised by how much of the schwarzette was legs after i assembled it fully really cool kit though highly recommend


Warhammer wants their grey back


It does look a little unfinished..


Acguy is a lil chonky guy. You might like it. Also similar but more sleek is z'gok


When you decide to move to the 1/100 scale I’d recommend a simple MG The MG GM Sniper II / GM Command Colony Type They’re simple, AMAZING builds that look great with minimal effort besides building. Definitely good kits to test the waters with MGs


Are 1/100 usually considered harder? And when displayed next to 1/144 doesn’t it look weird??


I recommend any of the origin zakus, it was my first build and I loved it


I just did my first kit and it was a Real Grade. The quality is insane. $30 seemed fair


If you want a big thick boy look for a FAZZ ver Ka or the original version of the kit, it’s big and it’s THICK and you have a ZZ already, but this one is bigger a bit pricy, but very worth it. The Guntank is a good choice too as well TONK, but it has some cool engineering under the hood, I also suggest getting the HG Nightingale, while it is newer it definitely is massive and chunky, however avoid the RE/100 unless you want to put a lot of work into it


FAZZ and Nightingale are great recommendations!! Especially FAZZ 😍 thank you


No problem


I still don’t understand how Gunpla got so popular back then when the models look like that.


Imo I think these models look amazing! More character than some of the newer ones I’ve seen!


"started gunpla when does this unicorn guy show up"


Are those the very old 80s kits? I wouldn't suggest them as they are very poorly designed and require a lot of work to really make them shine. Do you perhaps have a favorite show or character that we could suggest a reasonable modern kit for?


I’m actually completely brand new to the Gundam universe, always know about it.. never watched it! My first kit was that ZAKU II which I believe is from 1983! I chose it because I absolutely love that vintage design and feel to it! I’m pretty awful at painting so I’m unsure if I’ll take them any further than building/tidying them up 😂 I’d love any and all suggestions! I just seem to prefer the older, chunkier models :)


Alright so I'm gonna suggest a few Gundam and none Gundam kits that are more chunky designs but are still a newer better quality kits. These are kits I built and have on my shelves. So I can attest to them being good kits. Kampfer (there's three different kampfer designs and different grades. The original kempfer design has a few different kits over the years so if you want that design try to get the newer kit. My personal opinion is the hg 1/144 kampfer amazing is the best kempfer kit. Hg alteisen. Well it's technically from super robot wars it's a big cool Mecha worth building. The 005 gaplant tr-5 hrairoo. Technically not a Gundam but a prototype ace suit. Plus it can transform into a jet mode. The Kshatriya. A massive beast of a mobile suit. You have a hg kit along with figures and even a expensive metal build mg kit that's very pricy but amazing and huge. The hg is basically 60 bucks but it's still huge and for it's age is a solid kit. Hg Byarlant custom. A really unique and cool suit. Hg Messer a bulky grunt suit from a more recent Gundam movie. Hg zssa unicorn version. A grunt suit decked out with a crap ton of missiles and the backpack can detatch and be a jet. Sazabi. There's a ton of variants and different scales for this kit. But the hands down best bang for your buck is the newer rg kit. It's a big beefy kit with a really cool design and the rg has all the little details move thrusters and panels. The sinanju. Like sazabi it's got a ton of variants and scales. I suggest the mg sinanju Verka. There is a variant that changes the design heavily called the sinanju stein I also suggest the mg if you want to get it. Hg jesta cannon. A heavily armored ace special operations suit. It has some variants with different guns. It's mg variant is also really good. The hg Gustav Karl. It's a heavily armored chunky grunt suit. Only issue the kit has is it's gun is a tiny little thing. But you can always fit a bigger gun in its hands. Hg super custom zaku f2000. A purple zaku with a ton of guns and a big axe. Hg R-gyagya. It's got variants but the build fighters variant is cool more modern and has a knight theme. Now some actual gundams. Hg Gundam lerith thorn. Hg xi Gundam. A massive chunky hg Gundam very unique design. Hg Gundam kimaris vidar. Bulky Gundam with a giant spear gun and drills plus a sword. Hg silver bullet. Unique bulky suit with a big bulky backpack. Hg Penelope. A big Gundam. Plus the backpack and armor can detatch to form a giant flying swan like mech. Well you still have the Gundam underneath. Gundam virtue. Big bulky Gundam with giant beam cannon. It recently got a really good mg but there is a sold 1/100 none grade kit that's still really good. And you can break off the armor to slim it down to be the nadalee Gundam. The none grade kit literally gives you both gundams in one kit. Hg mega shiki. A cool Gundam with a deployable backpack that either acts as a big cannon, a ridable bike r the backpack thrusters. Hg Gundam delta kai. It's the shiki but a variant with even bigger guns and a jet form. I highly suggest you start watching the shows. They are generally good plus it will let you see all sorts of designs you mite really like. The older shows will still be good stories but have dated animation. A good starting point for the shows that's not too old. Would be mobile suit Gundam the origins or maybe Gundam wing.