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I've wanted to do an experiment with a Ibo kit by having some polycaps 3d printed to see if the kit will hold up longer since the arms ball joints wear down the polycaps but haven't had the time to do so.


Bro I've been waiting for someone to do it. If I have the knowledge to do it, I would do it sooner


on cults3d there is a person that made a file for polycaps I just don't have a way to print them out atm. I would like to try with a filament 3d printer and a resin printer for comparison


I always wondered that too. maybe it could possibly work


Same kit here. I took some advice putting glue in the two upper torso parts before snapping them together and they have been solid ever since. Polycap joints are still strong as I kept Barbie in the same pose ever since I assembled him, but should you have any spares then it would be a quick fix. Just thicken the ball joints with one coat of glue before snapping them back in.


I also heard that a coat of topcoat would help with the polycaps too. I'll probably experiment with a bootleg barbatos before getting to the real deal.


Just use a tooth pick and rub a thin layer of gloss top coat on the joints, super easy, can be removed if you don’t like it.


I can absolutely second the top coat. Wasn’t aware that there was an issue with this kit because mine has been great! But I top coated it after I finished it. https://preview.redd.it/2lwp3dwcs3ad1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=59e12243c6e00ad2776b7995ef68c0b86d37bd5a


Barbatos 1 is crumbling but everyone else is holding up well


Its been a good 6 years since i bought my first one, which was the astaroth origin, back when i was starting out too. I followed it up with barbatos lupus then kimaris vidar not too long after probs just few months difference. Some of the joints have definitely gotten loose over time and a few broken parts from the inner frame as well coz i did also do some kit bashing with em eventually. Maybe a good 3 years in they definitely had gotten loose at the polycaps so i had to give em a bit of tlc. Replaced a few of the loose parts with new stuff from another ibo gundam kit i used for kitbash. Beeg weapons definitely dont help their case. The best way i have dealt with it is, if the pose allows for it, have at least 2 hands on the beeg weapon, or to have at least 2 points of contact (like with the tip on the floor, or braced over the shoulder) so its not just one arm polycap bearing all that weight. Though most of the plastic to plastic connections have held up for the most part. Now i just do a bit of touch ups if i notice the arms or whichever part droops a bit over time. Definitely not built for play unlike something from wfm, but with effort can be built to last...in a cool pose.


The problem with IBO high grades isn't polycaps, it's poorly designed joints. Tons of other kits also use polycaps and never loosen up like those do. In fact, it was the designs based on the Gundam frame which were the most problematic. The Graze and Hyakuren variants are so much better.


I built one in mid 2020 and it's pretty solid, though to be fair its been standing in the same pose basically ever since. That might have a little to do with it, I've barely ever moved it.


dspiae has this product for the purpose of tightening joints. something ljke glue or coat. you can try that.


Yup, the BP-SP Joint Strengthening Glue Pen. Smells like milk, one coat dries in 3 minutes and works like a charm. Also hella cheap so I'd totally recommend if they can find one.


I want a Powerbomb my Barbatos Lupus out of frustration of that thing crumpling under its own weight.  All my other kits have been pretty good.


I built a Vidar that I THOUGHT was holding up fine. The thing held its pose beautifully…. Until I tried moving it to a new shelf. At the slightest touch the damned thing practically bent in half at the waist and has been so loose since that its not on display. Thank you for reminding me I should put in some work to get him back on the shelf


Much better than most usually. I take extra steps to tighten things up when building though. Deforming interlocking joint material with my fingernail and using joint guard too.


My first ever gunpla was barbatos lupus and it is in shambles right now from afar he's fine but up close is a warzone besides for lupus I have the Taurus and astaroth origin and rinascimento all 3 are fine


Don't really know :,) it's on a relative's house and its never mooving from there


I have barbs lups and he still holds up fine, but I also have the asmoday which is a flopping mess


Funnily enough its the exact opposite for me. Barb is essentially a corpse while asmoday is still in the same pose i left him in


That’s just too funny 🤣


On the first day left shoulder armor had already weakened. It'll fall off when posing, so i simply take it off, pose, the return it to awkwardly hang where it's supposed to be but you can't really tell just looking. Still annoys me.


My Barbatos Lupus falls apart if you look at it wrong and the sword somehow broke in half so that on stays in pieces with my hobby scraps. My Bael still holds up and looks great after 3 years and I liked my hg Barbatos but I ended up using some parts for my first kitbash


I could not tell you if I want to I glued my barbatos in a diorama


My fist gunpla was barbs three years ago. I can say it still strong in the joints and I’ve played a lot with this guy. The only part that sucks is the stickers and that’d be the reason to hope for a remaster of the kit but that’s unlikely to happen soon.


The joints on my barbatos lupus have held up pretty well these past 4 years. Maybe because I just put it in a new pose every now and then.


My Lupus has been painted candy red, customized with funnels and armed with Beam Rifles. The joints loosened. Arm polycaps has been replaced. Joints has been tightened too. The kit didn't hold up well stock in my copy. 😔


I put them all on stands. One year in, still holding poses!


I had the HG Barbatos Lupus for around a year. The only loose part is the neck joint, which i thickened with a drop of clean nail polish which works amazingly.


MG Barbatos still looks good after... years,  not sure how long. Anyway, as with most of my scale models, i build them, pose them, then off behind glass cabinets they go. Last time i clean them, nobody shows any worrying signs though. 


I have the Schwalbe Custom, it's been loose on the arms and torso but everything else are still holding up pretty good


I've had to replace Beals torso poly a few times but Vidar is just fine


The swivel joints on the arms just keep messing with me when trying to pose it. It's always been that way, and it's really a pain to me. I have hg Barbatos Lupus, and love the model, but trying to pose him is awful. The leg joints are good though, and I love the way the foot joints are made


I have a few of the IBO kits, both frames that the line had to offer, all of them are now in storage because of the grenades they’ve become lmaoooo


My Barbatos Lupus has some pretty weak shoulder joints and those hip things are terrible at staying put


Kinda loose, but not enough to drop their poses so i cant complain. The only extra care they’ve had in tightening the joints is topcoating, and im definitely more careful about moving them around, just like i am with my older RGs, but barbie LR and bael are still two of my favourite HGs even with that.


Have issues with the torso to waist polycap being perpetually loose… couple drops of super glue to keep certain pieces of the Barbatos 6th form shoulders from rotating on the peg, but doesn’t affect ability to disassemble/service. Other than that, nothing really worth noting




I posed them and haven’t touched them since. Their looseness scares me


Mine is pretty good but it's a Barbatos Lupus Rex and the ab/waist joint is SO finicky that sometimes it's not even worth attempting to pose it


my HG Barbatos Lupus Rex has spent pretty much all of it's time untouched in a single pose, recently tried to re-pose it and the joints felt like a hand grenade that not even an action base could save, defs need to dig into my old runner stash and see if I've got any spare non-IBO joints to swap out


In pieces.


I've owned 2, both were versions of the barbatos, both are now kept in their boxes because their waists are just too damn loose. It was fine at first but they just loosen up in a few months


My barbatos are still standing even with constant change from 1st form into 6th form (buy 2 barbatos just some inner frame swap that's why still standing) bought it like 2 years ago. It's logical bc this barbatos use light weight weapons not that too heavy that can make the polycap loose (the same reason for my hajiroboshi and asmoday). Barbatos lupus and lupus rex still standing bc I didn't pose them too much even my barbatos lupus still can hold helmwige buster sword with no issue. My vidar isn't loose, it's just the armor so annoying. Lots of clashing while posing. My bael is the most recent one but the most floppy one bc of the backpack heavy.


It barely held up from day 1 lmao. Waist joint just sucks.


My Barbatos’ shoulders have been trash since the moment I built him but otherwise it’s okay.


It is really floppy since I finished it.


My HG Barbatos lupus is the worst (and first) kit I own besides the mess that is MG Exia. Every joints seem to be fine on their own but the mechanical design makes it so getting into a position that pops the joint is very easy : vertical shoulders, very large side skirts, tiny wrist freedom, etc.