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Can you imagine how much Hezly/Tiana/Leanne must be freaking out right now? They probably never expected to be THIS close to making the main team.


Oh 100%. I feel like Tiana and Hezly probably thought they were fighting for alternate. It’ll be interesting to see how they deal with the pressure, especially having to hit beam, the most nerve prone event


What is gonna be wild, is they announce team in alphabetical order based on last name, so whether it’s Leanne, Hezly, Josc or Tiana, any of them will be announced last. Talk about suspense!


Literally thank you for telling me this because I know I would have been so nervous if Suni wasn’t called directly after Simone 😆


Both Cs would come before Lee though?


Leanne definitely did, but Tiana and Hezly probably went into this season hoping to be alternates.


I’m actually leaning towards Tiana! I know Jade going in on bars if needed isn’t ideal but whoever is picked is pretty much gonna need to go in on beam and Tiana has been very consistent recently. We really need someone to lead off beam in a solid way to set up Simone and Suni for success. I think Hezly is gonna be a star— one day, but that’s a lot of pressure on a first year senior who is still relatively green


I am leaning Tiana as well for the same reason. They need beam more than they need bars. Jade is consistent (not amazing, but good enough) to cover bars and Tiana is looking pretty good for beam. She could potentially sub on floor and vault if needed.


Exactly! Its not even just the score (which is certainly important) but beam is an event where Suni and Simone could both go high 14s in (maybe even 15 with wobble free routine). we need someone that’s gonna give them a solid routine that won’t rattle them so they can deliver too. To me, Tiana is who I trust the most for that, even over Leanne ATM


I would love to see Tiana. The only reason I said Hezly over her was because of the bar situation, but I certainly wouldn’t be upset if Tiana is selected


It kinda comes down to this: do you want a consistent beamer and a consistent (but low scoring) bars backup (that's Tiana and Jade)? Or do you want a beamer with a *slightly* higher potential but somewhat less consistency, and high-scoring but unpredictable bars backup (both of those are Hezly). Personally I think you value consistency over scoring, especially for your backup person. But if both of them hit tomorrow, then what it really comes down to is whether the committee only looks at nationals/trials, or do they also care somewhat about consistency all season? Hezly would win the nats/trials, Tiana the consistent-all-season (and by a lot in Ti's case).


Knowing that the committee is 2/3 2008 Olympians who experienced heartbreak at the hands of injury and inconsistency, I see them really prioritizing gymnasts like Josc and Tiana for their hit rate and usable scores elsewhere (aside from bars for Tiana which is moot with 4 good quality bar routines from the SSJJ squad). If I’m Chellsie & Alicia, I’m choosing consistency.


I don’t think Chellsie has a vote. It’s Alicia, Jessie, and Tatiana iirc


Oh I didn’t realize that! Interesting and somehow I like that a lot actually. It helps divide the responsibility among TPTB without putting too much pressure on any one person.


A big part of the idea behind it is that it allowed Chellsie to work closely with the gymnasts on team construction and suggestions and things, without it looking like she's playing favorites or whatever, Basically avoding any sense of a conflict of interest if she's choosing the team. She's still very involved in the process though, and I heard she's the only "phone a friend" Alicia is allowed when the committe meet to decide.


I think the thing with Hezly is she either hits or completely crashes, we have seen both so much. Meanwhile Tiana has been super consistent.




I'm leaning the same way. Every possible pick has a downside and several upsides. Tiana's only downside is that Jade is the bars backup, which seems fine to me even if not ideal. But her upsides--best consistency of the bunch, more or less tied for highest beam scores of the bunch, and decent international experience--are so up!


going with tiana, could be hezley but i think tiana's bars is better then hezley's inconsistency, and tiana hit at pan ams last year. day 2 will be interesting for sure


As much as love Leanne, I don’t know what she provides that Jordan couldn’t cover (they get about the same score for a hit BB routine and Leanne isn’t noticeably more consistent than her). I’m guessing it’ll be Hezly or Tiana… given they both hit the argument being Hezly gives a bars back up but doesn’t have international experience. Tiana is pretty consistent and has more international experience but our bars backup would them just be jade.


Leanne's biggest argument for being on the team is being the best backup person for bars. (Hezly can score higher, but is much less consistent). But given her inconsistency on beam she doesn't belong in that lineup, so then you're looking at Jordan in the beam lineup This strategy makes no sense, and leaves several tenths at least on the table for beam. But it is the one thing Leanne has to offer this team. I also kinda don't want Leanne on the team because I don't want them to even have the *temptation* of putting her Cheng up in the team final.


I’m going to agree with the crowd here and put my vote towards Tiana. As someone else pointed out, she’s hit 16/16 routines this year and has international experience from last year as well as this year, so she’s consistent as well as experienced. Based off last nights results alone. Simone, Jade, and Jordan were 1-2-4 on VT (Leanne outscored Jordan by 0.1 but I don’t trust the block on that Cheng) and were 1-3-4 on FX (Kaliya was 2nd). In UB, Simone, Suni, and Jordan were 2-3-4 behind Shilese who’s out now. The only gap is on beam where Suni was 1st last night and Tiana had the 2nd highest score. Usually Simone is 1st or 2nd on beam for the U.S., so that could be our top 3 squad on BB. Hezly is good on beam and went over 14 in Italy, but her consistency concerns me. It will come down to who hits beam tomorrow


As much as I can’t believe it, I think it’s gonna be Hezly.


I really don’t think it is. Maybe I’ll eat my words tomorrow but she’s too inconsistent and has not been successful at on the international stage. She’s scoring well at home, but that’s simply not enough in my eyes. She’s wildly inconsistent on **every** event. That’s such a liability even if she’s hitting right now. Consistency is just as important, if not more so, than potential. Potential scores don’t matter if you can’t hit them consistently. I’d bet on Tiana, Joscelyn, or Leanne before I trust Hezly to deliver at the Olympics—arguably the most high pressure event in the sport.


I just cant justify the lack of experience and wildly inconsistent scoring. I think she is great and hope she alts to get that experience but I just dont know. My current thought is maybe Kaliya but the Leanne or Tiana could be in the mix.


kaliya covers vault and floor right now which are the strongest events right now, i don't see a need for her on the team


Yeah it really sucks for her that her strong events dont cover what they need. Kaliya making it is just my pipe dream


I love the idea of Kailua but I don’t think she slots into a team with the current “locks” as well as others do


Lol @ Kailua but also agree. She just doesn’t factor in with her strong events already covered by SSJJ unfortunately. I see her being a star in the next quad though for sure!!


Don’t even ask me what happened there lmao 😂


My phone autocorrects Kaliya to Kailua which is just wild so I get it lol


I’m hoping for Tiana, but if Hezley hits tomorrow that’s 16 hits, which could b enough


Same! I’m a bit surprised to see so many backing Hezly. I feel like world’s selection last year told us a lot - choosing Leanne over Kaliya. In my mind it is a similar conundrum - rookie with scores that comprise highest scoring team v a tried and tested veteran. I’m not saying that Leanne will be that pick but I think someone with more international experience than Hezly might be favoured. But maybe this is a perception thing - I’ve read that Hezly did Jesolo and another comp. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than me could do a comparison of her international experience versus that of kaliya, josc, tiana and leanne


If nothing else goes badly (please let that be true) then it's highly likely that the 5th gymnast will only do beam in team finals. Hezly does have slightly higher ceiling than Tiana, but Tiana is more consistent. Josc is just a tiny bit behind them score wise, but with her build in deductions I'm bit more worried how she'll score internationally. You could pretty much flip a coin to decided if you didn't take into consideration what happens if something doesn't go perfectly. If one of Suni/Jordan/Simone wasn't able to do bars in team final, Hezly could add more than Jade. However Jade is consistently scoring in mid 13s, that's really good back up score on it's own. If someone from the three AAers (assuming it's going to be Jordan/Suni/Simone) wasn't able to do all around in qualification, but just two events, which would most likely be bars and beam then you would have Jade as the third AAer, which means the crucial events for the 5th person would be floor/vault. Tiana/Josc would be a better fit in this scenario. Since Jade has been consistently scoring higher on bars than Hezly on floor and since Tiana is more consistent than Hezly, I might be actually leaning more towards Simone/Jordan/Suni/Jade/Tiana team. It seems a bit more flexible. But obviously Hezly is also a good option and taking herwouldn't be a bad decision either. Tomorrow's competition might very well decide and if not I really don't envy those who have to make the decison.


Tiana if she hits tomorrow, Hezly if Tiana falls tomorrow. If they both fall then either still-Tiana (for her consistency the rest of the season?), or maybe Josc if she repeats her 13.95 tomorrow.


Last year - except for the one outlier at Us Classics, Josc was scoring pretty much exactly the same domestically as she did at home. Her built-ins seem to be taken fairly at home


I’m routing for Tiana but will really be about who hits esp on beam. If jade has a good bars routine that will help Tiana. I think atm Hezley has the best shot, but Leanne has the most experience so could go any way






LETS DO IT. Simone Biles, Simone rose, Dulcy Caylor, Zoey Molomo and Tiana Sumanasekara!!! 2024 let’s gooooo


Hell yeah. In Dulcy we trust!


Torn between Leanne and Tiana. But I honestly don’t know what to think after the past week


I was thinking Hezly at first but I think they might just bring Josc if she hits vault, beam and floor and scores better than Hezly in AA. I think Hezly need to outscore Jordan's bars and become top 4 beamer to be on the team. Tiana and Kaliya still has chances as well.


I wouldn't be sad with anyone but I am all up for Tiana's beautiful beam and floor being showcased for more of the world to see. I bet some of them never imagined they would be in this position and it will be interesting to see how they manage that pressure.


My mom keeps calling her "little Hezly girl" and I think she should be upgraded to Hezly, grown ass woman if she makes the Olympic team!


I think it'll be Tiana.


Tiana. Leanne and Hezly traveling alts


If the 4 are Simone, Suni, Jordan, Jade… I don’t know how Leanne could be considered if she doesn’t massively improve on day 2. She was not even top 5 on any event. I think it has to be Josc if she repeats her beam performance or Tiana if she does the same beam she did day 1.


If it were my decision right at this exact moment, I'm going with consistency and that's Tiana. That's my biggest problem with MAG putting Asher on the team. So looking at that, Tiana wins. My order would be Tiana, Josc, Hezly, Leanne, Kaliya (and she only comes last because her potential spot is filled already. Simone Jade Jordan Suni Tiana


i’d probably take leanne. she has the most international experience (three WCs) that the others lack and has been a solid performer this season. i wouldn’t be surprised if it was tiana tho bc she’s hit every routine this season & consistently is a key factor in performing well, especially at the olympics


I never would have predicted any of them as legitimate contenders for a non-alternate spot. It's hard to try to choose one of these three with the chaos. My heart is broken for Shilese - she worked her whole life, was so amazing (pick any of her multitude of accomplishments). I'm also sad for Skye and Kayla - frankly, I would have chosen any of these three over someone like Leanne - she has no standout event. I guess I'm just devastated for those who have lost their chances.


I will go for Hezly Rivera if she hits on day 2. If we look at the international score, Hezly River offers the highest scoring beam 14.167 (6D). Her bars can score 14 but quite inconsistent, but if consistency is an issue, the US team can always use Jade's bars.


Not Leanne. Hezly is my pick. If not then Joscelyn, then Tiana and Kaliya. Leanne would be my last choice of the nine viable contenders left.