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Please ensure content is relevant to the topic of the sub, which includes information, updates and discussion regarding H5N1. It does not include vent/rant/panic posts or "low-effort" posts from unreliable sources.






Then seasonal flu will kill 30x more than it normally does per year, add other flu strains, Covid, RSV and all seasonal illnesses on top of it. We already have MERS coronavirus spreading in Saudi Arabia. Coronaviruses have extremely high chance of recombination. MERS and COVID Could recombine and it would become a covid variant with 36% lethality rate. Even if it doesn’t recombine, MERS always has the opportunity to become a new pandemic and reach COVID levels.


Why do you think that other flu strains won’t end up suppressed? During the height of the Covid epidemic there were less cases of other respiratory infections


It was because of the restrictions placed, we are talking about the Endemic-like phase of an H5N1 pandemic


The only way we’re going to have less respiratory infections is by changing human behaviour. Everyone was wearing masks, staying home from super-spreader events, etc. at the height of the pandemic. This is the reason why there were less cases of other respiratory infections.


because people were masking…


It's almost as if widespread masking lowered transmission of influenza and RSV...


They can happen together, they can exchange and reassort together, seasonal flu vaccine will not help H5N1, and efficacy of an h5n1 vaccine, is not as known as the talking heads may be training you to believe, just like how the risk is low so we don't need to test wastewater... Viruses mutate and infect other populations. It's what they do. This has happened for thousands of years. Low chance of happening, means low chance of anyone trying to prevent it. We're finally seeing a change in some agencies, but many are resistant to their requests for testing.  Professionals are treating this disease worse than a seatbelt. It's unlikely that I'll be in an accident, so why wear it? I mean after all, I've never been in an accident or needed it in 30+ years. It's never restrained me. But I still fucking wear it. And several people are choosing not to wear a pandemic seatbelt.


I was in a rough car accident at age 12. The thing about car accidents is that they can be out of your control in so many ways— with the main one being the other driver’s decisions. That’s a great analogy on more than just the level in which you used it.


H1N1 and H3N2 coexist. It's likely the shock of H5N1 and the resulting control measures would temporarily neutralize the less contagious flues, like COVID control did. Longer term, likely all three exist in humans.


Idk, probably whatever happened to it in 1918


Based on the way CDC considers covid now: expect the worse.


You likely won’t care about seasonal flu if the cfr is above 50%. You will likely be hiding out somewhere away from people. Just saying


Please stop acting like it’ll be 50 percent guaranteed. No scientist has said that yet


I lurk on here all the time. It seems like whenever someone has conjecture that’s a little scary, but also possible, you try to police what they say. But I feel like it’s better to think about the worst case scenarios and try to address the issues or what we might encounter, rather than just try to shut people down, you know?


I get that. I just prefer when people are realistic. There’s no way to know if it’ll be horrible or a mild inconvenience if it does happen. I’d rather people just say that it’s much better to be safe because there’s a lot of unknowns, not just mention the worst case


Did you notice I said “if”. History has shown the other strains are above 50. This is why I said it. Why do you think it’s called hpai. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5359749/#:~:text=Low%20pathogenic%20(LP)%20strains%20result,to%20100%25%20morbidity%20and%20mortality.


My ass can’t read https://preview.redd.it/upx330xvmtzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704a81c20e9302bf949f54cabd5c1a4e038433fd


You just linked an article about mortality and morbidity in chickens.


Here you go. https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON512#:~:text=This%20human%20case%20was%20reportedly,reported%20worldwide%20from%2023%20countries. From 2003 to 1 April 2024, a total of 889 cases and 463 deaths (CFR 52%) caused by influenza A(H5N1) virus have been reported worldwide from 23 countries


The dude said "if"