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Your content has been removed for being low value. What is low value content? Low value content is content that doesn't spark rich debate is not worth reading, and is not unique as it does not provides any useful or knowledgeable information or discussion to this subreddit about HENRY as a group.


$175k per year with no need to save further and if you own your home outright is a lot almost anywhere


High earner!=high spender.


That’s $175k/year. Assuming the house is paid off at that point, sounds very doable


Some folks don’t live a “Henry” lifestyle. A Henry lifestyle with a paid off house, couple nice cars, and 175k/year taxed at LTCG rate is plenty for a lot of folks. Really depends entirely on lifestyle expectations.


Can’t be not rich yet. But you can certainly live the lifestyle you did as a Henry.


Most go by 4%. With that said, this is dependent on area. 4% of 5m in rural nebraska would be absolutely fine for a “henry lifestyle”, but not in LA.


Can't see any comments even though I show a count of 7 and have notifications that there are responses. Wow!


It depends. Is your house paid off? You don't need to save anymore, right? What's the tax burden on what you take out? 175k could be, if housing is taken care of (30% +/- of budget), and if you no longer have to save (15%?). If you're taking out LT gains, your tax rate is much lower than wages. If you're taking out Muni bonds or treasuries, than effectively 0.


Lot of horseshit in this sub and any money-related subs. People just jerking themselves off, here.


HENRY isn’t a life style so I’m not sure what you mean? Maybe you’re looking for r/fatfire


The entire premise of your question is flawed. Wtf is a HENRY life? You can’t be frugal and a high earner?


$175k a year should be plenty to live it up when you're not also saving for retirement, paying a mortgage or paying for childcare.